The Eden Series: The Complete Collection (15 page)

BOOK: The Eden Series: The Complete Collection
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“Stupid beast,” Aiden muttered. Walking over to him, he grabbed his reins and told him he was bad. The horse just snorted, seemingly uninterested in what had just happened.

“You did all right today, newbie,” Wolf said conversationally as they walked back to the city gate. “I’d say in a couple more days you’ll be comfortable enough to ride around on your own, and not fall off.”

“Doubt it,” he replied sullenly. Wolf laughed at his attitude.

“Why must you always be so pessimistic? Don’t you believe in yourself?”

Shocked by the question, Aiden looked at him in surprise. He didn’t know how to answer that question. Did he believe in himself? Lately he had been flipping back and forth. Some days he felt like he could do this, and then others he felt completely useless, like today. There was just so much riding on his shoulders that he felt like even if he were to achieve some level of skill during his time in Eden, it still wouldn’t be enough. They were going to be facing a whole army, not just of men, but apparently also of huge magical beasts. How does one compete with that?

Wolf continued before Aiden could think of an answer. “If anyone is going to believe in you, it should be yourself. Look—” He stopped, turning to face Aiden. “I don’t know what is going on, or why you’re here, but I trust the King, and I trust the Captain. Most important, I trust myself, and I know whatever we come up against, I’m going to be there to stop them with whatever abilities I have. I can’t do it on my own, though, so I need to know the people who will be around me are also going to be ready.”

Aiden stood silently, as each word that came out of Wolf’s mouth caused goose bumps along his arms.

“So, are you going to be ready?” he asked Aiden, his face an image of sincerity.

Looking around at the high walls of the city, and thinking about the beauty inside them, and all the people, he knew that even though it wasn’t his home, he couldn’t let it be destroyed. The city, the forest, the land itself had a magical feel, a feeling of peace. There was no way he could stand by and let that be ruined. Turning back to Wolf, Aiden nodded his head.

“I might not be ready now, but I will be, I promise,” he replied. “I’ll do everything I can to get there. You have my word.” Smiling, Wolf reached out and grabbed his arm in a firm grasp.

“Then let’s get to work!”

Without speaking a word, both boys turned back to the field and started away from the walls. The horses, confused by the sudden change in direction, followed obediently as they headed back to the area where they had just been. The sun was lowering in the sky, and soon the city walls would be shut, but that didn’t seem to bother either of them. Jumping back onto their saddles, they started to go through the same exercises Wolf had made before. This time, Aiden wasn’t scared, his body filled with adrenaline and confidence. Ty could feel it too, and the two of them rode like Aiden had been riding for days instead of hours.

“Where have you been?” Logan asked, moving down the bench to make room for Wolf and Aiden. Both boys looked exhausted.

“Practising,” Wolf replied, pulling Logan’s plate of half-eaten food in front of him and eating what was left.

“Please, help yourself—” Wolf smiled at him, food sticking through his teeth. “You two have been out there all day? Do you realize you missed the Captain recently?”

“Crap, was he looking for us?” Wolf asked, swallowing the huge mouthful he’d been chewing.

“Not you, him.” He motioned toward Aiden. “Apparently, he was coming to check up on you. What happened?”

Aiden looked down, his face turning red like it always did when he was embarrassed. “I got thrown off my horse.”

Logan chuckled. “Well, that was bound to happen on your first day. At least you’re not injured,” he pointed out.

Elisa suddenly plopped down beside him, smiling at the three of them. “Hello,” she greeted them.

“What are you so happy about?” Wolf asked rudely. She looked taken aback, her smile fading immediately. Logan wanted to throw a curse his way.

“Nothing. I was just saying hello.” Both of their faces turned to stone as they looked away from each other. Elisa turned to Aiden. “How was your training today? I heard you were riding.”

“It was all right,” he lied. Logan snorted. “Well, I fell off the horse, or more like got thrown off like a rag doll, but besides that it was fine. We just came in now, so I’m pretty sore.”

“Wait until tomorrow,” Logan remarked, smirking.

“Well, I was speaking with my dad, and tomorrow you get to train with me.” She smiled. Wolf began coughing loudly over her, apparently on a piece of meat. Logan was suspicious, however. “We’re going to work on your archery,” she continued over him.

“Great,” said Aiden, smiling. Logan watched Wolf look between the two of them, and couldn’t help but laugh inwardly at his friend.

Tomorrow with Elisa—Aiden was rejoicing inside, when a voice interrupted him. “Hey, Aiden,” someone said. They all turned to see Felix standing there with his tray of food. He looked nervous now that they all were staring at him.

“Hey,” Aiden replied, smiling.

“Can I sit with you guys?” Aiden felt bad—the boy looked nervous as hell—so he instantly moved down to make room for him. The others didn’t seem to mind. He sat down, looking relieved that he hadn’t been turned away. “How was riding?”

“Not too bad,” he replied, trying to avoid telling his story again.

“Aiden, you haven’t eaten anything yet, have you?” Elisa asked, taking notice of the empty space before him. He shook his head as she began to get up. “Neither have I. I’ll go get us something.” She walked off toward Tiny, leaving the boys watching her from behind.

“Well, isn’t that sweet,” Wolf commented dryly. He had finished Logan’s food by that time, and started to get up himself. “I think I’ll go get washed up, and then maybe head out for an evening stroll.” He winked. Logan laughed, like he knew exactly where he would be heading.

“Yeah, say hi to the girl for me,” he joked. “Whoever she might be tonight.” Wolf smiled in response, turning to leave.

“Where do you think you’re going?” a big man asked, standing in his way. Aiden hadn’t noticed his approach. Elisa had come back just as they all turned to see him. “The Captain wants to see you all in his chambers.”

They looked nervously at one another. Felix’s face instantly drained of colour. “I’ll let you guys go then.” He started to get up to leave.

“You come too,” the man instructed. Aiden looked over at him and shrugged his shoulders. The five of them followed the man out, as all heads turned to watch them as they left. His stomach growled in protest, making him regret having not gotten something to eat sooner.

“Sit down,” the Captain barked as they all entered his private chambers. It was the room on the top floor, taking up the whole space. The furnishings were plain; his bed was the same as the small ones that they slept in. There was a large fireplace in the room, and chairs stationed around it, but besides that it was just the same as theirs. Nothing about it spoke of his rank in the King’s army. The only light in the place came from the large hearth in the fireplace, casting a low glow in the room, just around the seating area. The rest of it hid in darkness, making the mood in the room very eerie. All five of them squished onto a sofa , Aiden stuck between Felix and Elisa. “Where have you two been?” he asked first.

“We were just practising some more,” Wolf replied. Aiden felt nervous speaking around the Captain. He was a terrifying man.

“I told you to bring him back here.”

His words hung in the air. No one wanted to look at either of them. Aiden felt horrible. He hadn’t even thought about the chance Wolf would get in trouble for keeping him out there.

“I apologize, sir,” Wolf replied. “We wanted to get a little more work in before dark. It was irresponsible of me. It won’t happen again.”

The Captain just grunted, before sitting down across from them on a large cushioned chair.

“We just heard news from our men in the north. They are stationed at the base of the mountain in secrecy,” he began. “It looks like the army there is on the move.”

Silence filled the air, each person feeling a mixture of fear and anticipation. Aiden and Felix looked hesitantly at one another. Both faces reflected the same feeling—they weren’t ready. It was all becoming too real now, the immense danger for them all suddenly tangible.

“How long until they’re here?” asked Wolf, the only one brave enough to speak.

“We’re assuming they will be torching and raiding the smaller villages on the way, so that might take up more time. I’d say two weeks at the most.” Two weeks. Aiden felt the colour fade from his face, and his palms became clammy. “It is critical, now more than ever, that you all be ready to fight.” He looked straight at Aiden. “Can you be ready?”

“We’re ready,” replied Logan enthusiastically. He looked down the line at Aiden and smiled encouragingly. “Don’t worry, Aiden. With the three of us helping you, you’ll be just as ready as the rest of us.” Wolf looked hesitantly at Aiden, mirroring the same scepticism Aiden felt. It wasn’t much time, and he had a lot to learn.

“I want you all to be training as many hours in the day as you can,” the Captain said, interrupting their private silent exchange. Aiden knew Wolf was just as doubtful about him being ready in two weeks, although Logan seemed to think it was a piece of cake. “I will let the others know tomorrow, so keep this quiet. For now, go get some rest and be prepared to work harder than you’ve ever worked before. I’m only telling you all before the others, because I have the most faith in you. Each one of you is the best at what they do,” he said, hesitating when his glance reached Felix. They both looked at each other before the Captain continued. “I’m looking to you to encourage the others, and lead them. You are young, but you’re the future of this army, and you need to establish your role now when it is the most important.” The feeling in the room was tense. “Are we clear?”

“Yes, sir,” they responded together. He dismissed them after this, sending them to their rooms to have what would surely be a horrible sleep.

Lying in his bed, Aiden stared up at the ceiling contemplating the idea of running away. Perhaps Diana would send him back if he asked. Surely, she wouldn’t force him to stay there if he didn’t want to. Then he thought about the friends he had made, and pictured them failing against this northern army. He knew he couldn’t just let that happen, but he didn’t really know what
could do.

“You asleep?” someone whispered from the door.

“No,” he replied, thankful for the distraction. Elisa walked silently over to his bed, sitting cross-legged at the foot. He sat up against the headboard, looking at her in the moonlight. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever known. He wondered what she thought of him.

“How are you feeling?” she asked, keeping her voice low.

“Scared,” he replied honestly. “I’m not sure I can do this, Elisa. I don’t really understand the magnitude of this yet, but I have some idea of what is to come, and if it is anywhere near that, I know I can’t do it. Being faced with one opponent is one thing, but hundreds, maybe thousands? Is it even possible that we will win?” He felt hopeless, pouring his private thoughts out to her. She listened silently, waiting a few seconds before responding.

Clearing her throat, she moved up the bed a bit, reaching her hand out to cover his, which lay on the blankets. “I understand exactly how you feel. Even though I’m from here, I’ve never actually taken part in a war. There hasn’t been a war like this in Eden in centuries. Don’t you see? We’re all just as scared as you, but this is our destiny,” she spoke urgently. “Everyone has a purpose in life, and this is ours. You were picked by our God and Goddess to come here and fight. Doesn’t that mean anything to you? That must give you some confidence that you will succeed. Put your faith in them; they would not have brought you here if they couldn’t protect you.”

“I’m not as skilled as you …”

“Not yet, but we will work on it. Aiden, you’re not horrible; you’re actually very quick at picking things up. Your axe is average—there are many people who couldn’t handle it as efficiently as you do. Your riding is getting better, and you’ve only done it once. That is amazing, Aiden,” she cried, squeezing his hand gently. “There are many people who wouldn’t be able to pick up these things as quickly as you are. If we just really focus and work extra hard, you can be just as good as Wolf.” He snorted in disbelief. “I mean it. You can do this, and we will help.”

Looking out the window, he saw the two large moons hanging in the sky. Elisa had told him once that they were like the eyes of their God and Goddess, looking down at the people of Eden. Gazing at them, he wondered if maybe she was right. Would they have bothered to bring him over if he couldn’t perform as well as the rest?
Unless it was a mistake,
he thought. What if Alistair was just some crazy old man who thought up this wild idea about a boy from the other world? There were just too many doubts for him. Sighing, he tried to smile at Elisa, faking some confidence for her sake.

“You know what is worrying me the most?” she said quietly. He shook his head in response. “The villages between there and here. All those people are in danger, and they won’t be able to defend themselves. The King won’t let that happen, which means the war will have to take place somewhere between us and them.”

“Well, isn’t that better?” he asked, confused by her fear. “That way, the Capital City won’t be in immediate danger.”

“I’ve never been away from the city,” she confessed. He slowly nodded his head, understanding what was really bothering her.

“Well, I’m a long way from my home, and I’m doing just fine. You’re quite possibly the most skilled, talented, and bravest girl I’ve ever met, Elisa. I think you’ll be just fine, regardless of where we’re stationed.”

She smiled thankfully back at him. “You really think I’m the most skilled girl you’ve ever met?” she asked, laughing.

He laughed back. “Most definitely. I’ve never met a girl like you. You’re absolutely fearless to me, and you handle situations like they’re nothing. You have no reservations when approaching difficult scenarios. It’s amazing. Not to mention you’re stunning on top of it all.” The last sentence slipped out, and his face instantly heated. Thankfully, the room was dark enough to hide it. She also sat silent, probably surprised by his compliment. Leaning over, she kissed him softly on the cheek. He froze as her face was close to his.

BOOK: The Eden Series: The Complete Collection
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