Read The Ellington Century Online
Authors: David Schiff
Ornette Coleman Quartet
Orwell, George
Ory, Kid
Ottley, Roi
Our American Composers
Papp, Joseph
Parish, Mitchell
Parker, Charlie, and melody, and rhythm
âmusic: “Anthropology,” “Blues for Alice,” “Embraceable You,” “Koko,”, “Moose the Mooche,”
Parmenter, Ross
Paul Sacher Stiftung (Basel, Switz.)
Peabody Award
“Perennial FashionâJazz” (Adorno)
Peress, Maurice
Pergolesi, Giovanni
Perle, George
Person to Person
(television program)
Philadelphia Orchestra
piano, and archives, and
Black, Brown and Beige
, boogiewoogie, “cocktail piano,” and harmony, and melody; piano concertos, piano rolls, player piano, and religious music, and rhythm, stride piano, and
Such Sweet Thunder
, and tone colors
Picasso, Pablo
Picture of Dorian Gray
“The Picture That's Turned to the Wall,”
“Pied Beauty” (Hopkins)
Pins and Needles
Piron, A. J., “I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate,”
Place Congo (New Orleans)
Pleasants, Henry
The Plow That Broke the Plain
Poetics of Music
Pollack, Howard
Pollock, Jackson
Popular Front
popular music/musicians, and
Appalachian Spring
, and
Black, Brown and Beige
, and harmony, and history, and melody, and religious music, and rhythm; and sex/race, and
Such Sweet Thunder
Porgy and Bess
Porter, Cole, “All of You,”
Kiss Me, Kate
Silk Stockings
, “What Is This Thing Called Love?”
Portrait of Claude Debussy
Poulenc, Francis, “C,”
Pound, Ezra
Poussin, Nicolas
Powell, Bud
Prévert, Jacques, “Autumn Leaves,”
primitive/primitivism, and harmony, and history
Prince, Harold
Procope, Russell
program music
Prokofiev, Sergei,
Visions fugitives
Proses lyriques
Puccini, Giacomo,
La Bohème
Madama Butterfly
, “Nessun dorma,”,
Pulitzer Prize
race relations, and
Birth of a Nation
(film), and blackface, and black identity, “black is beautiful,” and black power,
Brown v. Board of Education
, and civil rights movement, “coonsongs,” cross-race relationships, “freedom ride,” and Harlem Renaissance, and history, and Jim Crow, and love/sexuality, and March on Washington, and melody, and minstrel style, and miscegenation, and New Negro, and “race” market, and racism, and segregation, and stereotypes, and
Such Sweet Thunder
, and tone colors, and Uncle Tom,
See also
African American culture/music; slavery/slave trade
Rachmaninoff, Second Piano Concerto, “Vocalise,”
Rackham, Arthur
radio, Armed Forces Radio Service, and Berg, and Ellington, and Schoenberg
ragtime, and
Black, Brown and Beige
, and history, and rhythm; and
Such Sweet Thunder
, “Tiger Rag,”; and tone colors
Rainer, Maria Rilke
Rainey, Ma
Ramin, Sid
Randolph, A. Philip
Ravel, Maurice: and harmony, and
, and melody, and rhythm, and tone colors
Alborada del gracioso
Daphnis et Chloé
L'Heure espagnole
Mother Goose Suite
, “Pavane pour une infante défunte,” “Sainte,”
La Valse
Valses nobles et sentimentales
Ravinia Festival (Chicago)
recordings, Atlantic, and
Black, Brown and Beige
; Columbia Records, and Concerts of Sacred Music; and harmony, and history; in Fargo (N.D.); in Jennings (La.), and melody, and religious music, and rhythm, and
Such Sweet Thunder
, and tone colors; Velvetone, Verve records, Victor
Redman, Don
Reed, Barbara
Reich, Steve;
Clapping Music
Music for 18 Musicians
Reich, Willi
Reiner, Fritz
“The Relationship to the Text” (Schoenberg)
religious music, and
Black, Brown and Beige
; and Concerts of Sacred Music, gospel music, and
My People
, sacred and profane styles, and shout chorus,
See also
Republican Party
Reveille with Beverly
Revolutionary War
rhythm, African
rhythms, Afro-Cuban rhythms; in Bartók's String Quartet no. 5, Bulgarian rhythms; Caribbean rhythms, in “Carolina Shout,”, and classical composers, and clave, and continuo, in “Cotton Tail,”; cubist rhythms; habanera rhythm, harmonic rhythm, in “Hat and Beard,”; hemiola rhythm, in “I Got Rhythm,”, in Stravinsky's Concerto in E
(“Dumbarton Oaks”), “killer dillers,”, Latin rhythms, melodic rhythm, and notation, pulse rhythm, and ragtime; rhythm and blues, rhythm changes, rhythmic research, riff/shout rhythm; ring shout; in “Run Old Jeremiah,”; Russian rhythms, and serialism, soloistic (supermelodic) rhythm, Spanish rhythm, and swing, in “Tiger Rag,”
Riddle, Nelson,
In the Wee Small Hours
Only the Lonely
Riley, Terry,
Keyboard Studies
Rimbaud, Arthur
ring shout, and “Knee Bone,” and “Run Old Jeremiah,”
Roach, Max
Robbins, Jerome
Roberts, Luckey
Roberts, Paul
Robertson, Marta
Robeson, Paul
Robettin, Dorothea
Robinson, Bill “Bojangles,”
Robinson, Earl,
Ballad for Americans
Roché, Betty
rock/rock bands,
See also titles of rock music and names of rock bands
Rodgers, Richard, and harmony, and melody
âmusic: “Do-re-mi,” “The Girl Friend,”; “Have You Met Miss Jones?” “I Didn't Know What Time It Was,”
The King and I
, “My Funny Valentine,” “My Heart Stood Still,” “My Romance,”
, “The Sound of Music,” “Spring Is Here,” “There's a Small Hotel,” “This Can't Be Love,”
Concierto de Aranjuez
Rodzinski, Arthur
Rogers, Ginger
Rogers, Shorty
Rollins, Sonny, “Oleo,”
Romeo and Juliet
Roosevelt, Eleanor
(television series)
Roppolo, Leon
Rosenfield, Monroe
Rudhyar, Dane
Runnin' Wild
“Run Old Jeremiah,”
Rushing, Jimmy
Russian War Relief
“The Saddest Tale,”
Saint John the Divine, Cathedral of (New York City)
Danse macabre
, “
Mon Coeur s'ouvre à ta voix
Samson et Dalila
Salute to Labor
(television program)
Sanders, John
Sargent, Winthrop
Satie, Erik,
“Satin Doll,”
scat singing
Schenker, Heinrich
Scheuchl, Marie
Schloezer, Boris de
Schoenberg, Arnold, and Berg; “developing variation,”, “emancipation of the dissonance,” and Gerstl,
, and harmony, and history, and instinctual basis of life, and Kandinsky, and
, and melody, as painter, and rhythm, and spiritualism, and
performance style, and tone colors, and twelve-tone method
The Book of the Hanging Gardens
, op. 15, Chamber Symphony, “Colors,” “Enhauptung,”
, op. 17,
, op. 2, no.1, “Farben” (Colors), First String Quartet, Five Pieces for Orchestra, op. 16, Five Pieces for Piano, op. 23, Five Pieces for Piano, op. 23 no. 2, Four Orchestral Songs, op. 22,
Genesis Prelude
Die glückliche Hand
Jacob's Ladder
, op. 9,
Moses und Aron
Ode to Napoleon
Pelleas und Melisande
, Piano Concerto, Piano Suite op. 25,
Pierrot Lunaire
; “Premonitions,” Second String Quartet, “Seraphita,” op. 22, Serenade op. 24, “Summer Morning by a Lake,”
Survivor from Warsaw
, Theme and Variations for band, Third String Quartet, Three Pieces for Piano, op. 11, Variations for Orchestra, op. 30, Waltz, op. 23, no. 5
Schoenberg, Mathilde
Schopenhauer, Artur
Schorske, Carl
Schuller, Gunther, ix
Schuman, William
Schumann, Robert, “Die beiden Grenadiere,”
Scott, George C.
Scriabin, Alexander,
Seattle Repertory Jazz Orchestra
Second World War, and
Appalachian Spring
, and
Black, Brown and Beige
, Hitler-Stalin pact, Pearl Harbor, and
, Stockholm Peace Petition
Seeger, Ruth Crawford,
See also
Crawford, Ruth
Seldes, Gilbert
Sesame Street
(television program)
Seurat, Georges
The Seven Lively Arts
Sex and Character
sexuality, and antimiscegenation laws, black, homosexuality, and jazz, and race relations, “sexual anarchy,” sexual climax, sexual liberation, sexual repression, in
Such Sweet Thunder
See also
gender; love
Shakespeare, William
Shakespearean Festival (Stratford, Ontario)
Shakespeare in the Park (New York)
Shakespeare Our Contemporary
sheet music, and melody
Sherrill, Joya
Shirley, Wayne
Shostakovich, Dmitri,
Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk
, Preludes and Fugues, op. 87, Symphony no. 7 (“Leningrad”),
shouts, and
Black, Brown and Beige
, and rhythm,
ring shout,
Showalter, Elaine
Sibelius, Jean, Fifth Symphony, “Swan Theme,”
“The Sidewalks of New York,”
Silver, Horace, “Sister Sadie,”
Sinatra, Frank,
In the Wee Small Hours
Singher, Martial
Sissle, Noble, “I'm Just Wild about Harry,”;
Shuffle Along
Sketches of Spain
“Skunk Hour” (Lowell)
slavery/slave trade, and history, and rhythm
Slonimsky, Nicolas
Smalley, Roger
Smith, Bessie
Smith, Chris, “Ballin' the Jack,”
Smith, Mamie
Smith, Willie “The Lion,”
Smithsonian Museum of American History;
Collection of Classic Jazz
, Ellington Collection;
Jazz Singers
“Snow at Louveciennes” (Sisley painting)
“Snow Man” (Stevens)
“Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child,”
Sondheim, Stephen,
Into the Woods
Sontag, Susan, “erotics of listening,”
“Sophisticated Lady,”
sound technologies, and acoustic environments, and tone colors,.
See also
Sousa, John Philip, “Liberty Bell,” Monty Python theme, “Stars and Stripes Forever,”
Souster, Tim
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Southern Syncopated Orchestra
Spanish American War
Spector, Phil
spirituals, and
Black, Brown and Beige
square dances
Stahl, Irwin
The Star of Ethiopia
“The Star-Spangled Banner,”
Steed, Janna Tull
Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle)
Stevens, Wallace
Stewart, Rex
Still, William Grant, Symphony no. 1
“St. Louis Blues,”
St Louis Woman
Stockhausen, Karlheinz,
Stokowski, Leopold
“Stompin' at the Savoy,”
Stomping the Blues
“Stormy Weather,”
Stormy Weather
St. Peter's Lutheran Church (New York City)