The End of Dieting: How to Live for Life (47 page)

BOOK: The End of Dieting: How to Live for Life
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Cinnamon Currant Muffins, 213
Cobbler, Blueberry Banana, 277
cocaine, 20
Cocoa Ice Bean, 279
Coconut Nice Cream, Vanilla, 284
collards, 50, 87, 105, 127, 168
Black-Eyed Collards, 246
commitment, 93, 96
Cookies Filled with Blueberry Jam, Oatmeal Raisin, 281
copper, 102
Cordain, Loren, 46
corn, 133
Warm Corn and Zucchini Salad with Mint, 233
cost of food, 163–65
Crackers, Flax and Sesame, 261
cravings, 32, 104, 109, 125, 129, 135
Creamy Almond Vinaigrette Dressing, 217
Creamy Butternut Ginger Soup, 237
Creamy Cabbage Soup, 236
Crispy Mushroom Fries, 259
cruciferous vegetables, 105–8
Currant Muffins, Cinnamon, 213
Curry, Chickpea and Tofu, 245
cyclical dieting, 71–79, 83
Davis, William,
Wheat Belly
, 57–59
death, 4, 5, 65, 157
cardiac, 75–77
high-protein diets and, 75–76
SAD diet and, 40–43
dementia, 7, 9, 64–65, 100, 117, 138, 157
depression, 41, 62, 65, 112
desserts, 169, 207, 274–85
Apple Surprise, 274
Banana Mango Sorbet, 275
Black Cherry Sorbet, 276
Blueberry Banana Cobbler, 277
Chunky Blueberry Walnut Sorbet, 278
Cocoa Ice Bean, 279
fruit sorbets and bean treats, 177
Fudgy Black Bean Brownies, 280
Oatmeal Raisin Cookies Filled with Blueberry Jam, 281
Strawberry Panna Cotta, 282
Summer Fruit Pie, 283
Vanilla Coconut Nice Cream, 284
Vanilla Cream Topping for Fruit, 285
detoxification, 23–24, 32, 94, 104.
See also
toxic hunger
DHA, 51, 62, 64–67, 148
diabetes, 3, 4, 9, 19, 21, 39, 42, 43, 47, 53, 57, 58, 71, 74, 83, 86, 100, 101, 108, 109–10, 114, 129–35, 139, 146, 147
digestion, 20, 23–24
anabolic, 23–24
catabolic, 23–24
problems, 41
dinner, 159
menu costs, 163–64
sample menus for two weeks, 178–93
dioxin, 149
salad dressings, dips, and spreads
DNA, 42, 115
Dr. Fuhrman Foods, 200–201
doctors, 21, 35
dopamine, 20–21
drugs, 20, 28, 95
companies, 288
prescription, 3, 4, 6, 9, 100, 113, 121
Dukan, Pierre,
The Dukan Diet
, 74–75
Dukan diet, 44, 74–79
Easy Avocado Dressing, 218
Easy Vegetable Pizza, 260
Eat to Live
(Fuhrman), 1–4, 11, 45, 80, 84, 92
Eat Your Greens Fruit Smoothie, 209
economy, 90–91, 163–65
eggplant, 87
Balsamic Portobello and Eggplant Stacks, 242
Roasted Eggplant Hummus, 224
Stuffed Eggplant Tofenade, 247
as weight-loss food, 165–66
eggs, 50, 59, 146–47
safe amounts of, 146–47
eicosanoids, 64
ellagic acid, 115
emotional eating, 27–30, 95
end of dieting, 70–96
enhancing flavors, 170–74
enzymes, 20, 71, 74, 83
EPA, 51, 64–67, 148
EPIC-PANACEA study, 47–48
episodic ketosis, 75–78
Esselstyn, Caldwell B., 61
estrogen, 116, 137
exercise, 3, 30–31, 32, 71, 72
eyes, 108
diseases, 104
fad diets.
See specific diets
fast food, 19, 52, 81–83, 90
“slow food” vs., 81–83
terminology, 81
fasting, 37
Fasting and Eating for Health
(Fuhrman), 140
fat, 2, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 36, 38, 39, 51, 54, 68, 71, 101–2
foods that fight, 87
low-fat veganism, 37, 60–68
Mediterranean diet, 51–56
monounsaturated, 54
saturated, 44, 52, 56, 59, 73, 144
trans, 54, 56
fatigue, 9, 22, 62
fatty acids, 51, 52, 56, 62, 64–67, 73, 118–19, 149
fatty acid synthase, 74
fiber, 2, 39, 53, 55, 102–3, 110, 125, 134, 146
figs, 51
Russian Fig Dressing/Dip, 221
trees, 177
fish and seafood, 44, 48, 50, 51, 56, 59, 64, 65, 138
salmon, 149–50
wild, 145, 149–50
fish oil, 63–67
flavonoids, 86, 111, 112, 115–17, 122
flavors, enhancing, 170–74
Flax and Sesame Crackers, 261
flaxseeds, 66, 118, 119
flexitarians, 48
flour, 57, 81
wheat, 57–59
white, 52, 53, 57, 58, 69, 81, 103, 110, 130, 131
food pyramid, 19, 39
Framingham Heart Study, 65
free radicals, 22, 39, 42, 104, 107, 144
Fresh Tomato Salsa, 225
fried foods, 19, 20
friends, 28
Fries, Crispy Mushroom, 259
fruits, 26, 36, 39, 44, 59, 68, 90, 128, 130
ANDI scoring system, 126–29
daily serving of, 156
Eat Your Greens Fruit Smoothie, 209
G-BOMBS, 115–17
gelatin desserts, 169
Mediterranean diet, 51–52
sample menus for two weeks, 178–93
in season, 175
soaking dried fruit, 171
sorbets, 177
Summer Fruit Pie, 283
Vanilla Cream Topping for Fruit, 285
See also
specific fruits
Fudgy Black Bean Brownies, 280
garden, 175–77
garlic, 52, 87, 111–12, 263
Bean Pasta with Cauliflower in a Garlicky Walnut Sauce, 243
Garlic Nutter Spread, 228
roasted, 167, 170
Garlic Nutter Spread, 228
G-BOMBS, 108–20
beans, 109–10
berries, 115–17
greens, 108–9
mushrooms, 112–15
onions, 111–12
seeds, 117–19
genetics, 38, 60, 203
Ginger Soup, Creamy Butternut, 237
glucose, 53, 55, 63, 75, 82–83, 114, 129–35, 146
glucosinolates, 105,
gluten sensitivity, 59
glycemic index (GI), 57, 58, 83, 110, 129–35, 139
glycemic load (GL), 130–35, 139
Goji Bars, Orange, 214
grains, 44, 133, 160, 263
intact, 160
whole, 57–59, 110, 128, 130, 148
See also specific grains
grapes, 51
Greek food, 174
Green Pea Soup, Boston, 235
greens, 49, 50, 83, 85, 87, 88–89, 105, 108–9, 126, 127, 153, 155, 178
Black-Eyed Collards, 246
Eat Your Greens Fruit Smoothie, 209
Greens, Beans, and Mushroom Stew, 238
importance of, 108–9
In-a-Hurry Anticancer Soup, 239
Mixed Berries and Greens Smoothie, 210
Roasted Beets with Leafy Greens, Red Onions, and Walnuts, 232
Greens, Beans, and Mushroom Stew, 238
green tea, 87, 120
Gumbo, Vegetable, 255
gut bacteria, 85, 86, 87, 110, 114, 116, 142–45, 150
red meat, and heart disease, 142–45
habits, good, 27–28
Harvard Nurses’ Health Study, 63
headaches, 3, 4, 9, 22, 25, 113
healing power, 99–101
health, three habits of, 30–32
healthcare, 90
costs, 90, 157
health equation, 1–2, 30, 126
Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, 47, 142, 146, 147
heart, 62
heart disease, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 19, 37, 39, 42, 43, 52, 53, 55–59, 71, 73, 74–79, 90, 100, 101, 109, 110, 117, 119, 131, 146, 147, 157
high-protein diets and, 47, 49, 75–79
low-fat veganism and, 60–68
lycopene and, 120–23
red meat, gut bacteria, and, 142–45
Hemp Almond Milk, 208
hemp seeds, 66, 118, 119, 149
hepatitis C, 3
herbs, 172
high blood pressure, 3, 6, 9, 42, 43, 73, 74, 101, 110, 116, 144
hormones, 20, 44, 62, 81–87, 129–35, 136, 142, 194

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