The End of Men and the Rise of Women (43 page)

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Authors: Hanna Rosin

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magazine, 12, 30

“People People” study, 135, 137

People skills, 64, 117, 120, 135

PepsiCo, 214

Perhaps Women
(Anderson), 128

Pharmaceutical Era
, 128

Pharmaceutical industry, 155, 172, 249

Pharmacists, 114–23, 125–41, 157, 284
, 287

Philadelphia, 92–93, 96

Philippines, 256

Piaget, Jean, 63

Pink, 180–81

Pink Brain, Blue Brain
(Eliot), 174

Pinker, Steven, 174–75

Plasticity, 263

sexual, 41, 42

Plastic surgery, 239

Plath, Sylvia, 49–50

Playboy Club, 29

magazine, 60, 65

Play Like a Man, Win Like a Woman
(Evans), 209

Poisoning, 128, 170–73

Polanski, Roman, 189

Polizzi, Nicole “Snooki,” 178–80

Pornography, 19, 26, 28, 29, 40, 42, 43, 56

Portland (Oregon), 263–64, 268

(television show), 264

Portnoy’s Complaint
(Roth), 44

Portugal, 237

Practical Academic Cultural Education (PACE), 180–81, 185

Premarital Sex in America
(Regnerus), 39

Prentice, Deborah, 186

Pridgen, Abby, 106

Pridgen, Connie, 84–85, 98–102, 106

Pridgen, Rob, 84–85, 98, 110

Princeton University, 86, 185

PricewaterhouseCoopers, 226

Prinz, Jesse, 175

Professions, 22, 57, 149, 225, 239–40, 247

elite, 203, 216

female-dominated, 4–5, 8

male versus female status in, 60, 152, 229

marriage and, 71, 96, 254

See also specific professions

Property crimes, 176

Pseudohomosexuality, 63

Psychology Today
, 175

Publix grocery chain, 108

Push Comes to Shove
(Lavin), 189

PyeongChang 2018 Winter Games Bid Committee, 250–51

Qatar, 151

Quarterly Journal of Economics
, 201

Quenching the Father Thirst
(Williams), 90

Rah, Theresa, 250–51

Raiders of the Lost Ark
(movie), 166

Rape, 182–83, 256

acquaintance, 20

Re-Making Love
(Ehrenreich), 41

Real Housewives
(television series), 48

Red Families v. Blue Families
(Carbone), 88

Redhill, David, 136

Regnerus, Mark, 39

Remington typewriters, 127

Republican Party, 91–92, 149

Results-Only Work Environment, 226

Revolutionary Road
(Yates), 64–66

Rice, Condoleezza, 175

Richmond, University of, 145, 146, 158

Riesman, David, 64

Robyn (pop star), 44

Rogge, Jacques, 251

Roiphe, Katie, 67

Role reversals, gender, 137

Ronan, Saoirse, 190

Roosevelt, Franklin, 119

Roth, Philip, 63–64

Routly, Chris, 266

Royal, Ségolène, 30

Russell Afternoon Center for Creative Learning, 111

Russell Corporation, 79–81, 88, 101, 102, 105, 106, 111

Russell Medical Center, 80, 81, 83

Russia, 184

Rust Belt, 87

Rwanda, 259

Safety 2000, 268–70

Saint Agnes Medical Center, 171

Saletan, William, 42

Samsung Electronics, 234

Sandberg, Sheryl, 197, 215, 219, 224–25, 230

San Diego State University, 187

Saudi Arabia, 151

Scarborough, Joe, 214

Scarpace, Katie, 138

Schalet, Amy, 267–68

Schmidt, Eric, 226

Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), 147

School, gender differences in success in, 160–67.
See under
Higher education

Schuster, Larissa, 169–72, 178

Schuster, Timothy, 169–72

Second Sex, The
(Beauvoir), 1, 11

Seoul (South Korea), 231–32, 248, 252, 253

Service sector, 5, 87, 88, 108, 282

in Korea, 249

Sex and the City
(television show), 31, 43, 252, 256

Sex at Dawn
(Ryan and Jethá), 38

Sexism, 197, 247

Sexual abuse, 21

Sexual assault

decline of, 19

See also

Shockley, Mary, 81

Shows, Carla, 264

Sickmund, Melissa, 178, 179, 183

Siegel, Jordan, 247–48

Sigurdardottir, Johanna, 5

Silicon Valley, 194–97, 204, 221, 226

Silver Spring (Maryland), 122

Single mothers, 2, 49, 67, 82, 87, 93.
See also
Out-of-wedlock births

Sirleaf, Ellen Johnson, 259

16 and Pregnant
(TV reality show), 19

magazine, 42, 51–52, 56, 208, 263, 265, 267

Smith College, 152

(television show), 184

Soft skills, 135

Solis, Bob, 169, 171

Sommers, Christina Hoff, 160

South Korea, 13, 55, 231–36, 238–59

Family Laws, 234

Foreign Ministry, 235

Most Admired Companies, 249

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 97

Southern California, University of, 13

Spain, 55, 117, 237

Sperm selection, 12

Spike TV, 40, 87

Sri Lanka, 184

Stanford University, 40, 196, 268

Prison Experiment, 187

Stanton, Katie, 194–95

Stay-at-home husbands, 51, 54

Steenbarger, Brett, 173

Steinbacher, Roberta, 12

Steinem, Gloria, 215

Stevenson, Adlai, 152

Stop Sabotaging Your Career
(Frankel), 209

Story of Edgar Sawtelle, The
(Wroblewski), 114

Suicide bombers, female, 184

Summers, Larry, 86–87

Sumners, Joe, 86

Super Bowl, 57

Swank, Hilary, 189

Sweden, 19, 267

Swinger culture, 42

Switzerland, 55, 251

Taiwan, 238

magazine, 228

Tallapoosa County (Alabama), 85–86

Tanenhaus, Sam, 178

Tanzania, 188

Target stores, 136

magazine, 228

Teachers, 9, 51, 71, 84–85, 100, 231, 265

and gender differences in students’ behavior, 164–66, 259

men as, 71, 84, 89, 119, 263

Sunday school, 80, 83

training of, 152, 155

TED, 224

Teen Mom
(TV reality show), 19, 179

Teen pregnancy, 19

“Telephone” (song), 190

Thailand, 36

Thatcher, Margaret, 175

Thelma & Louise
(movie), 190

Things of a Man
(Korean best seller), 259

30 Rock
(television show), 58

“Throwing Like a Girl” (Young), 189

magazine, 107

Title IX, 17, 18, 26, 147, 189

TMZ, 179

Toledo (Ohio), 179

Tomasdottir, Halla, 202

Too Many Women?
(Guttentag and Secord), 39–40

(television show), 126–27, 143

Town Bloody Hall
(documentary), 65–66

Twenge, Jean, 187–88, 191

(book and movie series), 267

Twitter, 195

Tyre, Peg, 161

U.S. News & World Report
, 107–8, 145

Unemployed Man and His Family, The
(Komarovsky), 62

Unemployment, 56, 62, 86, 89, 106, 110, 116

benefits, 84, 123–24, 261


United Kingdom, 4, 48, 117, 166, 183, 185, 249

United Nations, 236

Up All Night
(television show), 265

VandenHeuvel, Sarah, 138–39

Vassar College, 145, 158

Victimization, 20, 179–80, 182, 183

Victorianism, 134, 249

Video games, 40, 110, 157, 163, 186, 217, 265

Vietnam, 256

Vietnam War, 152

View, The
(television show), 242

Virginia, University of, 49

Wagoner, Lou Ann, 101–2

Walgreens pharmacies, 121, 133

Wallace, Emma Gary, 129

Wallace, George, 92

Wall Street Journal, The
, 206

Walmart, 87, 88, 103, 104, 111

Walters, Barbara, 225

Washington, DC, 179

Washington Post, The
, 207, 212

Wayne County (Indiana), 92

Weel, Bas ter, 135

We Have Always Lived in the Castle
(Jackson), 170

Weinberg, Bruce, 135, 137

Wertheimer, Albert, 134–35

What to Expect When You’re Expecting
(movie), 265

When Work Disappears
(Wilson), 88

“Where I’m From” (song), 95

White, Emily, 195, 197, 215, 220–21

White-collar jobs, 129–30.
See also

White House Council on Boys and Men, 69

White House Council of Economic Advisers, 86

Whitmire, Richard, 162, 167

Whole Foods, 108, 196

Why Boys Fail
(Whitmire), 162

Why Girls Fight
(Ness), 180

Whyte, William, 64

Wilcox, Brad, 49, 93–95

Wilson, William Julius, 88

Winter Olympics (PyeongChang, 2018), 250–51

Wisconsin, 113–17, 137

Wisconsin, University of, 114, 116, 120

Wonder of Boys, The
(Gurian), 160

Working class, 1, 6, 24, 60, 71, 82, 87, 124.
See also

Working mothers, 9, 76, 141, 241, 243, 254

Working Mother’s Guide to Life, The
(Mason), 76

Work It
(television show), 55

World Bank, 235

World Health Organization, 238

Wright, Joe, 190

Yale University, 17–19, 26, 45

Yamaguchi, Tsutomu, 175

Yates, Richard, 64–66

Yevlapova, Natalya V., 184

Young, Iris Marion, 189

YouTube, 179

Yuhan-Kimberly, 249

Zimbardo, Philip, 40

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