The Enforcer (Untamed Hearts Book 3) (58 page)

Read The Enforcer (Untamed Hearts Book 3) Online

Authors: Kele Moon

Tags: #Contemporary, #Multicultural, #Suspense

BOOK: The Enforcer (Untamed Hearts Book 3)
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“Don’t you dare! I’m serious!” she shouted, except he slid his hand down and found her clit, teasing it lightly, and it made her want to spread her legs because he was really good at that part. “You’re not doing this. Don’t you fucking do it,” she chanted, but even to her it sounded a little too breathy, a little too close to…
Fine, just this once.

What the hell?

Tino wanted to eat her ass.

So she let him.

But it wasn’t because she liked it and ended up with her face in his pillow, gripping the headboard to keep from pushing back against him while he did those little teasing circles around her clit until she was wet, desperate even though she was sore as hell.

There was no way she’d admit how sore she was.

He wasn’t fingering her, instead he kept teasing her clit until she stopped caring about how sore she was and started begging, for what she wasn’t sure. She only knew she was aching and burning up and sweaty again despite the shower.

Finally, she gave in and said, “Please fuck me. Make me come. Oh my God, baby.” She spread her legs wide and bit the pillow, because this was making every muscle in her body tight for release. Then it all sprang free, forcing her to jerk in shock as she buried her face in the pillow and choked out, “Oh fuck,” because she did not just come from that.

She did not give him that.

Sicilian men were extremely predictable, and something like that…

“You dirty girl.” Tino bit the glutes he liked so much, hard, almost enough to mark. “I’m gonna do that all the time.”

“Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God,” she mumbled into the pillow. “No.”

“Oh yeah.” Tino kissed his way up her body and then had the gall to lick her armpit. “Tastes good.”

She reached behind and hit his head.

He laughed at her.

“I’m never, ever doing that again. Never, Tino.” She hit his head again when he tried to lick her other armpit. “Stop being gross! Stop it!”

He pinned her down rather than listen, all hard, cut muscle and strength draped over her as he licked the back of her neck and whispered against her flushed skin that had to be bright red with embarrassment, “I fucking worship you, Bri.” He fisted her hair and jerked her head back as he breathed against her ear. “
I worship you.
” He leaned down and kissed her shoulder. “I wanna put my tongue everywhere. I wanna taste all of you.” When he tried to lick her armpit again, she let him, because how could she not, and he sounded so grateful, like she was giving him the world. “I need it. I feel like I need it. This is the only thing in the whole world that’s just mine. I wanna be able to love all of you. I don’t want you to hide from me.”

“It’s yours,” she agreed with him and, not for the first time that day, said, “So take it.”

She gave up the fight and surrendered all of herself to him. Even if it left her hot and bothered all over again, and he point-blank told her he wasn’t going to fuck her again today.

She would have to be frustrated instead.

Brianna could deal with a little frustration, so she let him kiss and lick her all over, admiring her muscle groups, though he claimed to hate that meathead stuff. She let him kiss her dancer feet, even if they weren’t pretty, and she let him lick her pussy again. Softly, in a slow, sweet way that took a really long time to make her come.

But the payoff was worth it.

The buildup was so long. The release took everything from her, and when it was over, she wound up curled into Tino’s arms, sleeping under his thousand-dollar sheets while he stroked her hair.

Brianna slept hard, dreamlessly, when usually she was restless. She was a naturally light sleeper, maybe from too many nights at the don’s mansion or at Carina’s house, but right then she felt very safe.

Very stable.

As if nothing in the world could hurt her.

Like bullets would just bounce off her because Tino was there. Enforcers could do that. Everyone at the don’s mansion relaxed when Carlo was there. Parties felt a little more festive. The don always laughed more, like bullets would just bounce off him if Carlo was protecting him.

If the grim reaper was on their side, then for the moment, they were invincible. It was a dumb idea, but they all sort of needed it.

* * * *

It was dark by the time she woke up.

She could hear the partiers outside the walk-up, heading off to whatever club was happening that week. They were loud. Laughing. Making it obvious they probably did shots before they left, in the name of thriftiness.

Brianna’s eyes were heavy, and she had to blink several times before she realized Tino wasn’t against her, but she still sensed him somehow. Guarding her. Creating that safe feeling that was so addictive in their world. She rolled over to find him wearing only jeans, sitting in the middle of an impressive spread of Chinese food.

He ate noodles with chopsticks out of the container but stopped when he saw her. “I didn’t know what you’d like. You’re so weird about food.”

“None of it.” She winced as she watched him eat. “Chinese is the worst. I don’t know how you and Carina eat as much of it as you do and stay so perfect. It should be physically impossible. Do you know how much MSG is in this?”

“I made sure none of it has MSG.”

“That has MSG,” she said as she pointed to his container. “I know it does.”

“This is mine,” he reminded her with a look. “’Cause I like it. MSG rocks my world.”

Brianna sat up and then started opening folded white boxes and plastic containers. She found steamed vegetables and pulled the lid off a container of brown rice while Tino unwrapped her chopsticks. He even got the splinters off for her, breaking them apart and rubbing them together several times before he handed them to her.

She took a bite of the broccoli and nodded.

“Good?” Tino asked hopefully.

“Yeah,” she decided as she looked in the rest of the boxes. “There’s not any good protein, though.”

“I bought at least five things with protein.”

“It’s all got sugar in it. Look at this.” She held up a box of sweet-and-sour chicken. “There’s like five thousand calories in that. I’ll feel that for a week.”

“Oh, that one’s mine too.” He took it back and put it in a white container pile of food sins next to him.

“You should not be able to eat like this,” she mumbled, because he was about as physically perfect as a man could be, sitting there in only jeans, with those rock-hard abs on display and the edges of his Omertà tattoo showing. “This is totally unfair.”

“I’m sorry, baby.” Tino leaned over and kissed her. “I’ll enjoy it for both of us.” He dug into the sweet-and-sour chicken and dipped it into a container of red sauce that was basically a pool of artificially colored sugar, because like Carina, Tino seemed to gravitate toward anything sweet. He looked up when she just sat there watching him. “Am I not supposed to eat this? Am I supposed to only eat broccoli and brown rice and unseasoned chicken now?”

“I season it,” she said defensively.

“Okay.” Tino soaked another sweet-and-sour chicken in the red sauce but then glanced back at her before he put it in his mouth. “I’ll stop eating it. I’d eat brown rice for you. Even though I fucking hate brown rice. I’ll eat it every day.”

“No, it’s okay.” She shrugged. “I live with Carina. I’m used to it. It just defies the laws of physics. You don’t feel it when you’re at the dojo the next day? Even when you’re training really hard?”

“Nope.” He shook his head. “I feel great at the dojo. I’m a god of the dojo.”

“You don’t feel it at work?”

“Nope.” Tino shook his head again. “I’m a god there too. Carlo just sits in the car now and uses my cell phone to talk to Lola. That’s all he cares about. Protein shakes and Lola and triceps. That’s it. And cars.”

“With spinning rims,” Brianna added.

“Motherfucker loves those three-thousand-dollar spinning rims.” Tino sighed. “I cannot be related to these guidos.”

“Do the rims cost that much?” Brianna asked in horror.

“Yeah. They cost
much. Easy. Sometimes a lot more.”

“So, he should spend it on sheets.” She picked up a green bean with her chopsticks, smiling as she took a bite. “How much did these sheets cost, Tino?”

He winced.

“Okay,” she said slowly. “You probably shouldn’t be throwing stones.”

“I can argue the benefits of designer sheets over spinning rims.” Tino didn’t even sound apologetic about it. “I kept a beautiful woman here all day happily ’cause of these sheets. What the fuck are rims ever gonna do for me?”

“It wasn’t for the sheets,” she said as she let her gaze run over him.

Tino lowered his chopsticks and leaned into her. “You wanna taste some of my MSG?”

“Yeah.” She nodded and bent forward to steal a kiss.

He tasted sugary sweet, like an indulgence, and she forgot about the food. It was easy for her—she didn’t live for it like he did—but Tino forgot about his too, which said a lot. Instead he let her push him down against his designer sheets and taste more of him.

Taste him like he tasted her earlier.

Until she was pulling at the button to his jeans and then licking at the dark lines of his tattoo with the same worship he’d shown her.

“Cazzo.” He groaned and arched into her hand when she pulled his cock free from his jeans, but still he said, “You don’t have to,” as he held her face with both hands, watching her with hooded dark eyes.

She licked him rather than argue.

Keeping her gaze locked with his, she dragged her tongue up the length of his cock, and then she sucked on the head, making Tino moan and toss his head back against the bed like it was the greatest thing in the world.

It was the first time she’d ever done it, but it was okay, because Tino seemed to enjoy just being with her. Letting her touch him. Taste him. Until he was tugging on her hair, writhing under her, panting and warning her, “Madonn’, I’m gonna come. Stop, baby.”

Except she didn’t stop, and he didn’t fight her after that.

She wanted to taste him.

She was curious.

She wanted to suck him until his hold on her hair got tighter, and his body tensed. He let out a low curse in Italian when he came. She could tell how much it affected him, how deeply he was feeling the pleasure as his cock jerked in her hand over and over, and she licked up the taste of pleasure like he licked up hers.

Then he grabbed her arms and dragged her over him.

He kissed her hard, leaving the tangy taste of sweet-and-sour sauce in her mouth. He broke the kiss to fist her hair once more and whispered in her ear, “I love you.”

“I love you too,” she said with a smile.

“I’ll eat brown rice for you.” He was obviously smiling with her. “I’ll eat it every day.”

“So do it,” she dared him. “Throw away that horrible red stuff and eat brown rice and vegetables with me.”

The crazy thing was…he did.

Chapter Forty-One

Brianna was on such a high over Tino, she totally forgot about the incident at school the day before. That was until she was called into the administrator’s office and made to sit down for a disciplinary meeting.

“I don’t understand,” Brianna said as she looked at the three men glaring at her from the other side of the table. “It was just a slap.” She held up her hand. “That happens all the time.”

“It’s more than a slap, Miss Darcy,” the dean said, his voice stern. “It’s come to our attention that you’re tangled up with a certain element we don’t want to be associated with at this school.”

Brianna narrowed her eyes. “What element is that?”

“We weren’t aware you were sharing an apartment with Carina Moretti.”

She laughed in disbelief. “Is that applicable? It’s a free country. I can be friends with and share an apartment with anyone I want.”

“It is a free country, and we can also give scholarships to whom we deem fit,” the dean countered. “We’re a private school, and it’s
choice whom we sponsor. There are plenty of students who would love to have the same opportunities you’ve been given.”

“I don’t understand what you’re telling me.” Brianna looked from the dean to the two other administrators. “Are you going to pull my scholarship funds because of my association with Carina?”

“We’ve heard that you’ve had other visitors from the Moretti family here at the school.”

“I have.” Brianna nodded. “Tino Moretti is my boyfriend. Carina Moretti is my friend, and the Morettis in general are my family more so than my own is. I will probably have more visits from all of them. If that’s an issue, then we
have a problem. They’ll be at my performances. They’ll stop by to take me to lunch. They’re a part of my life. That’s how a family works.”

“We’ve had students complain about your dangerous associations,” one of the other administrators said, “and we can’t tolerate it. I’m sorry, Miss Darcy. You’re an extremely talented dancer, but if you’re saying that you refuse to reevaluate your associations, then we’re going to have to discuss what actions need to be taken for your assault on Miss Hover. You’re free to go to classes until Wednesday. Then we’ll meet after the holiday to discuss our decision. I suggest you do some very deep thinking until then about your future and what matters to you.”

Brianna opened her mouth in stunned horror, because it all seemed so unfair. Her hands were shaking from her fury, but she took a deep breath and put her bag on her shoulder as she stood.

She didn’t say anything until she got to the door. Then she turned around and said, “I’m not turning my back on the Morettis. They’re my Borgata. My family. So you make sure you know my stance while you make your decision, ’cause I don’t like being blackmailed. Where I come from, it doesn’t go over too well.”

“This isn’t blackmail,” the dean said in a hard tone. “These are cold, hard facts. It’s your reality. Either you get new friends. Or you find a new career path.”

Brianna stared at these men who held her destiny in their hands. She didn’t even consider lying. “I’m not getting new friends,” she promised them as she stormed out.

She started crying when she got into the hallway.

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