The Epherium Chronicles: Embrace (16 page)

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After he exited, he could have sworn he felt something move past him in the hallway. He scanned the length of the corridor but it was empty. Still unsure, he looked back again from the elevator lift, but there was nothing.

He shook his head and frowned as the lift door opened. He was certain he felt something, but it could have been just an air burst from the hallway vents. He keyed the Recreation Deck on the lift button pad, and the door hissed closed.

As the elevator lift sped away, the shadows at the end of the hallway shifted and a nearly invisible figure silently walked toward Hood’s door.

Chapter Twelve

EDF Armstrong
Proxima System Exterior Zone
January 20
Earth Year 2155
Six Hours to Next Jump

Raf Sanchez wiped the sweat from his face and arms with a towel as he sat down on one of the benches that lined the outer edge of the Recreation Deck. The deck itself was one level above and forward of Engineering, but was uniquely positioned to provide an open layout, spanning nearly one hundred square meters.

Scientists back on Earth had constantly studied the effects of bone loss on humans during long space flight and even exercise itself did not seem to reduce its effects. Those early space travelers who returned never regained the lost bone mass, despite many trials and treatments.

Once graviton drives were invented and instituted on former EEF vessels, there was a dramatic shift. Fewer and fewer cases were reported. Coupled with proper diets and strong cardio and weight training exercises, humans not only prevented the effect, but were able to prosper for long intervals. In some reported cases, bone densities would increase in those who exceeded the minimum required exercise regimen. Before the Cilik’ti encounter, the EEF instituted new rules for all spacecraft and orbital or low gravity planet side station construction, which included recreational areas for all crew members. The
was built according to those rules.

Divided into four areas, the Rec Deck, as it was referred to by much of the crew, offered a variety of different recreation mediums. The area nearest Sanchez contained a multi-purposed floor for smaller floor sports such as basketball or volleyball. The equipment for the various sports or activities was stored in lockers next to one of the few pillars that were visible on the deck.

Just to the left of the multi-purpose area was an open exercise floor. One large mat covered the majority of the floor and the rest of the space was consumed by stationary exercise equipment and free weights.

The remaining half of the Rec Deck contained tables and even a dropdown movie screen to provide entertainment at designated hours. At this time, however, this entire section of the Rec Deck was consumed by Marines, and Major McGregor already had his troops hard at work.

McGregor had split the remaining open section into two halves and stacked the tables along the wall to maximize the space. In one half, two squads worked through weapons drills. Individual Marines and some in teams of two or three competed for the best time in disassembling and reassembling their slung weapons and some of the larger mortars and field cannons.

Major McGregor didn’t like the cushiness of the mats and personally led another set of squads in physical training exercises. As each group finished their exercises, they would move on to hand-to-hand combat training. McGregor stayed with the groups rotating into PT, as they called it, and pushed each group to best him. The training was hard and fast-paced, but McGregor wanted to make sure his troops were in peak condition. Combat offered no second chances and little mercy for the ill prepared.

As each group rotated, onlookers could see the sweat on McGregor’s face, but he never stopped or even slowed for that matter, until the final groups finished. Many of the Marines stopped to watch their CO finish and marveled at his stamina. Each day he had a new training motto for them. Today’s was simple, and he recited it with them before they began each rotation. McGregor would thump his chest hard. “Heroes are born in an instant, but Marines are born right here.”

When Sanchez arrived on the Rec Deck, he joined Captain Hood for a run on some of the treadmills, but after Hood left, he decided to stretch his muscles with the Marines. He participated in some of the physical training, but after completing two full sets with his group, he asked one of the brigade’s lieutenants to let him try his own with one of McGregor’s troops in hand to hand.

The younger Lance Corporal he was matched up with was strong and quick, but Sanchez was able to use his longer reach to land some good kicks and one nifty throw which proved to be decisive in the match. Had the Marine gotten in close, Sanchez was certain that the young mountain of muscle would have done some serious damage.

As he wiped down his arms with the towel, Sanchez could already see welts where he was forced to block many of the Marine’s attacks. He was sore alright, but he liked it. He always enjoyed being in the middle of a fight, not standing on the sideline. Even if that fight was commanding a warship into battle.

Sanchez threw his towel over his shoulder and started to leave when he noticed a lone figure on the exercise mat and he instantly recognized her. It was Maya Greywalker. Dressed in shorts, a slim fitting T-shirt, and her red hair tied back in a ponytail, Maya had just completed a set of stretches and was about to begin her own workout.

Sanchez left the benches and slowly walked toward the mat as Maya moved to a corner of the mat and quickly burst into a run. Once she reached the midpoint of the mat, Maya started a cartwheel that transitioned into a set of very high arching back flips. At the end of the last flip, she landed silently on her fingertips and toes in a near cat-like stance, but with one leg out to the side and her arms just underneath her shoulders.

Maya quickly forced herself into a roll, which she then exited into a display of martial arts combat sequences with unseen opponents. Maya moved through each series with strength and surprising fluidic grace, but Sanchez noticed something odd during each transition of opponents. Maya’s combat style changed. She moved through several different styles. There was no hesitation as she adjusted to each new imaginary opponent. No moment of indecision; she simply flowed from one to the next.

Maya’s final sequence ended on the far end of the mat from Sanchez. As her blue eyes scanned the side of mat closest to Sanchez, Maya took off in a sprint. Once she reached the middle of the mat, Maya sprang into the air with the power of a panther toward the mat’s edge. Sanchez watched in pure amazement as Maya’s spring lifted her well over two meters from the floor. The fantastic feat ended when she landed on one knee and drove her fist to the floor with such force that Sanchez thought the mat might split.

The impact of Maya’s attack could be heard throughout most of the deck. Sanchez swore he felt a vibration on the deck, even from where he was standing. Unsure how to describe what he had just seen, he slowly shook his head in quiet disbelief. He had to get closer and walked toward the mat in nothing short of pure awe. That was until he inadvertently ran into a rack of free weights. His right hand reached out and caught the edge of the rack just as it started to tip over, but he was forced to grab hold with both to get it upright again, narrowly preventing the weights from crashing to the floor. Averting disaster, Sanchez quickly dropped to the floor and pretended to tie his shoe. “Idiot,” he muttered to himself. He felt stupid, but from what he could tell, no one around him had noticed.

He stayed in his “crouch” and began to untie and tie his other shoe. As he kept up his charade, Sanchez looked back to the mat for any sign of Maya. He had to lean around the weight rack in front of him to catch sight of her, but she had moved back to her original position near the end of the mat and was now sitting cross-legged, with her hands resting on her thighs, eyes closed.

Sanchez slowly rose to his feet, slung his towel over his shoulders, and began to weave through the exercise equipment toward the mat and Maya. He was just about to step onto the mat, when Maya’s voice stopped him.

“Please, Commander, remove your shoes before you step on the mat,” Maya said without opening her eyes.

“How did you...” Sanchez started, but Maya only smiled. He sat down and removed his shoes, then walked onto the mat toward where Maya was sitting.

“How were the tacos at lunch today, Commander?” Maya asked calmly.

Sanchez looked slightly perplexed. He had eaten in his quarters this afternoon, and Maya was not in the mess when he passed through. He sat down on the mat across from Maya. “I’m sorry, but how in the world did you know that?”

Maya tapped her nose. “Much of who we are is represented in our external expressions. Our voices, how we touch, our walk and even our temperament each tell a story. One of the most powerful is our scent. How we feel, what we eat, where we have been and what we are doing or plan to do are often manifested in our own scent. Physical exertion enhances and promotes it like a beacon in the wilderness,” Maya explained calmly, still with her eyes shut and face serene. “Animals back on Earth use their sense of smell for a variety of their day to day activities, including identifying their own, their enemies and their prey.” Maya raised her hand and slightly tapped the side of her forehead. “It’s all a matter of recognizing subtle differences and storing them in here.”

“That’s incredible,” Sanchez said shaking his head in disbelief. “So, what else does my scent tell about me?” he asked with a slight grin.

Maya opened her eyes and leveled them at Sanchez. “It’s a long list, you sure you wish to know?”

Sanchez stared at her eyes. Their bright blue luminance felt almost heavy, but captivating at the same time. He felt warm, secure, as if they held a completed bond of trust. “Please, I want to know,” he said.

Maya took a very slow and deep breath. “The basis of a human’s scent is centered in their character. For instance, your strength of character is powerful, as is your desire to win. You are courageous in times of danger, yet fear the unknown. Your courage leads you to face danger, but you often feel unprepared to meet the coming storm,” Maya stated, never taking her eyes off of his. She leaned forward and inspected his face. “You suffered great loss of family in your youth and thus developed a deep desire to prove yourself whenever possible.” Maya moved away from Sanchez and relaxed. “Am I close, Commander?”

Almost lost in Maya’s explanation, Sanchez blurted out, “Sure.” Maya raised an eyebrow and Sanchez quickly collected himself. “I mean that’s a pretty good assessment.” Sanchez smiled broadly and Maya’s face took on a slightly puzzled look.

Sanchez slapped his hands on his knees then sprang to his feet. “Speaking of assessments, Lieutenant, I’d like your opinion on my combat technique?”

“Commander?” Maya asked calmly as she tilted her head slightly to the left.

“I just went a few rounds with the Marines over there and barely started up a good sweat. I hear you’re pretty good, so I was hoping to gain a few pointers.” He extended her his hand. “That is if you have the time?”

Maya stared at Sanchez’s hand then hopped to her feet from her cross legged sitting position. “Very well, Commander.” Maya said and assumed a very non aggressive stance. “I will do my best to critique your technique. I will take care not to injure you.” With a curt wave of her left hand, she beckoned him to start. “You may begin when ready.”

Sanchez backed up a few steps and started to bounce back and forth on the balls of his feet. “Maya, I’m a big guy, no need to hold back, I can take it.” He bounced twice more and ran toward Maya. He thought he would try the same opening move he had used on the Marine nearly ten minutes earlier. He closed on Maya, flared his initial jab then righted himself for a devastating reverse punch at her chest.

Sanchez extended his right fist toward Maya and waited for the impact. Except Maya wasn’t there. As his arm moved forward, he felt a grip of pure steel on his elbow that jerked him forward. He turned his head to the right to find Maya and felt the contact of her foot with his right heel. The force of the blow forced his leg forward and upward. His left leg followed the right into the air, dropping Sanchez flat on his back, and his breath exploded from his lungs.

Maya leaned over the
now prone XO from behind his head. “You telegraphed your punch as you cocked your shoulder.” She extended her hand down to him. “Shall we continue?” she asked.

Sanchez sucked in some air and groaned, “Suuurre.” He took a few more controlled breaths, rolled onto his knees and used her hand to gain his feet. “Telegraphed, huh,” he said and Maya nodded in agreement. “Got it. How about this time you attack me first? Different perspective, perhaps a different result.”

“Alright, Commander, I—”

Sanchez interrupted her. “Maya, first of all. When we’re off duty, just drop the formality. Just call me Raf.”

“Very well, Com...I mean, Raf,” Maya said with an almost evil looking grin. “If you are ready, I will begin.”

Sanchez backed up a few steps and jostled his shoulders to keep loose. After a quick neck roll, he pointed to Maya to begin.

Maya wasted no time, and in two quick strides closed the distance and delivered a quick punch toward his face. Sanchez blocked the punch to the side and sensing the opening executed a snap kick toward her exposed ribcage.

Maya moved with his block in an almost predesigned counter, spun to her right and caught Sanchez’s ankle in her left hand in mid-strike. Sanchez realized his vulnerability and tried to free himself with a tumble kick over his right leg. In a smooth transition, Maya allowed Sanchez to start his roll, but as he committed himself, she delivered an open hand strike to his calf muscle with her free hand before she let go of her grip. The strike sent an explosive sensation of pure fire up Sanchez’s lower leg. He completed the roll and landed in a very off-balance stance with a grimace on his face from the pain, but his back was now toward Maya.

Sanchez turned around with a quick hop and landed gingerly on his right leg, just in time to catch Maya’s snap kick to his sternum that sent his one hundred and five kilogram frame backward. He landed hard in the center of the mat with a resounding thud.

Sanchez lay on the mat for a few moments and watched the stars dance across his vision. “I’m going to feel that one tomorrow morning,” he groaned and struggled to sit up. Standing to his right with a look of concern was Maya.

“Raf. Are you alright?” she asked.

Sanchez held up his index finger and slowly made it to his feet. He tried to hide the expression of pain on his face, but he knew he couldn’t. “Okay,” he said as the throbbing in his chest subsided. “Let’s try a different way. Something a little less painful.”

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