The Erotic Expeditions - Complete Collection (4 page)

Read The Erotic Expeditions - Complete Collection Online

Authors: Hazel Hunter

Tags: #Erotic Romance

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As her hips finally slowed, she opened her eyes and looked down at him.

His hands were on his upraised head as though it had exploded. Though he was looking at her, his eyes were completely unfocused. The muscles of his neck were taut and his chest was heaving. His abdomen was rippling, as if he were doing a sit-up and she realized he was still jerking his hips but spasmodically now. His entire midriff gleamed with the wetness that had shot from him.

As she unmounted him, his head fell back with a grunt and his arms sank into the fur.

Although what she really wanted to do was nuzzle into him, she slowly got to her feet. Unsteady at first, she went to her backpack and fetched the bandana that she kept there. When she came back to Austin, his eyes were closed but his diaphragm was still working hard. As she wiped him off, he seemed completely oblivious except for the small jerks that his pelvis made in response to her touch.

Carefully, she folded the handkerchief and tossed it back to her backpack. As she drew the bearskin around them, she tucked herself in at his side. He only jerked a little and, by the time she laid her head on his shoulder, she was asleep.

• • • • •

Austin woke with a start. The wind outside was howling.

“What is it?” Emily asked.

She raised her head from his shoulder.

Shocked, Austin looked down at her. She’d been sleeping next to him–

“It wasn’t a dream,” he whispered, still not quite believing it.

She smiled, still a bit sleepy.

“No,” she said. “It just seems like it.”

Again, the wind made a high-pitched whistling sound. Then, a small chunk of ice landed on the bearskin, making her jump.

“What was
?” she exclaimed.

Austin threw off his half of the bearskin and leapt to his feet.

“That’s a heat leak,” he said. “We don’t need another air hole.”

Emily started to get up too.

“No,” he said. “You wait here.” He quickly pulled on his pants, socks and boots. “I’ve got to seal those leaks.” He threw on his shirt and then his parka. “Sounds like a storm. Even at the best of times, a heat leak can mean death.” He saw her eyes grow wide. “It’ll be fine when I seal it.”

He pulled on his gloves and ducked toward the entrance but paused and looked back at her. The white bearskin was pulled up to her chest and her hair was swept to the side. She’d just woken up and still she looked beautiful.

“Be right back,” he said.

• • • • •

Emily watched his boots as they retreated into the low passageway. The whistling that came from the hole in the dome was constant. She looked up at it.

That could mean death?

She wrapped the white fur blanket all around her. She watched the dome for signs of Austin’s shadow but it didn’t appear. Maybe the light wasn’t right for it. As she gazed around her, she realized she’d never really studied the interior of the igloo.

A second oil lamp was burning now. It was true that it was enough heat to keep them from freezing but it wasn’t exactly warm. She drew the bearskin a little closer.

Next to one of the lamps, she suddenly recognized what remained of her clothes. From here, it looked like they had all been cut up. She frowned at the soggy pile trying to make sense of it.

Then, her eyebrows went up as she pieced it together. Austin had cut them off her to prevent her from freezing to death. Her hand flew to her mouth as she remembered falling through the ice–the sudden sinking feeling, the shock of the cold, the water in her mouth. Her lungs began to burn and she realized she was holding her breath.

She dropped her hand, inhaled deeply and let the breath slowly go.

As she stared at the clothes, the reality of what had happened finally hit her–she had drowned.

“Oh my god,” she muttered.

She pointedly looked away and her gaze fell on the other

Austin must have pulled her out. He’d brought her here. She looked down at the white bearskins spread around her. He’d used his body heat to keep her from dying. She clutched the bearskin to her chest. He’d saved her life.

She couldn’t help but look at the clothes again and a shiver ran down her spine.

She had drown.

Chapter 3

It was a big storm and still growing.

Although it was impossible to tell where the sun was, Austin’s internal clock said it was probably late evening. At this time of year, the sun would only be up for a couple more hours. They’d never make it back to Point Hope before sundown–not that traveling in this weather would even be possible. They would definitely be spending the night.

He gripped the shovel hard as it tried to weather-vane in the gale. Moving as quickly as possible, he began packing the exterior of the igloo. The blocks had not been perfect since he’d only been making them for the photos. With each shovel of snow and ice, he quickly flipped the blade over and tamped. He worked methodically and steadily, then went over the location of the leak a second time.

Storms like this weren’t uncommon but each year they seemed to grow worse. They came later in the year and had started to carry ridiculously high winds. It even seemed like there were more of them.

Austin circled the igloo, scraping the shovel along the ground to build up a small berm next to its perimeter. Normally, he’d have been satisfied with about a foot in height. But, just to be sure, he added another foot.

Then, he turned to the snowmobile but was barely able to see it. The storm was rapidly turning into a whiteout. He dashed over to it, fumbled with the seat compartment and finally got it open. Inside were the rope and metal spike. He snatched them up and let the seat slam closed. Using the shovel, he pounded the spike into the ground, driving it in as deeply as he could. Then, he tied the snowmobile to it. If their transportation drifted toward the river, surviving the storm would only be the first of their worries.

they survived the storm.

He ran back to the entrance and crawled in with the shovel, tossing it in ahead of him before he stood

,” Emily exhaled. “Thank god.”

She was exactly where he had left her, clutching the bearskin to her chest, and the real reason he’d worked so fast.
she had been worried about him. He realized he was grinning at her and then he remembered the storm. Although he could have looked at her all day, the work wasn’t yet done.

“It’s a storm all right,” he said briskly. “It’s going to be a whiteout.”

He turned and picked up their backpacks and set them in the entrance, blocking most of it. Then, he added her camera bag.

“Any heat escape that we can prevent is heat that we’ll have later,” he said.

He heard rustling behind him and turned. She’d stood with the bearskin wrapped around her.

“What can I do to help?” she said.

He was about to say that the work was done, since there was nothing else to pile in the entrance, when he saw her shiver.

“You’re shivering,” he said, frowning. “When did that start?”

She drew the bearskin tighter.

“Just a few minutes ago,” she shrugged. “It’s nothing.”

“It’s not nothing,” he said, concerned. “But luckily, I’ve got just the thing for it.”

He unzipped the parka and steam rose.

She stared at him, wide-eyed.

“There was quite a bit of snow shoveling,” he said.

He quickly took off the parka and shirt and he saw her staring at his groin.

Suddenly, the igloo felt too hot.

• • • • •

So soon? Emily thought.

Even through the leggings, she could see he was already aroused. Then again, she thought, he’s a teenager. Despite the man’s body, he was still young–and he had the energy to match. Emily watched as he bent over to remove the boots. He was limber and the muscles outside his ribs flexed with the movement of his arms, almost like wings. He stood up, untied the drawstring at his waist, and pushed the leggings down to his hips and stopped.

Emily tensed in anticipation.

Though he hadn’t meant to tease her, that was exactly the end effect. He was having difficulty getting past his own enlargement and, she realized, he was nervous. Finally, he pulled the waistline away from himself and pushed the leggings all the way down.

As he stepped out of them, another shiver shook her. In moments, he was next to her and lowering her to the floor. As he lay down, she snuggled against him and he covered them both with the bearskin. He was like a radiator.

“You’re so warm,” she said.

They were turned toward each other and he rubbed her back while she put her cold hands in between their bodies. He seemed not to notice so she laid them flat on his chest. As he rubbed her back, she watched his chest muscles flexing. Then, he put his other arm under her and hugged her close.

“How did you get so cold?” he said.

Though he probably hadn’t expected an answer, she gave him one.

“I realized how you saved my life,” she said lowly.

He stopped moving and looked down at her.

“I remembered that I drown,” she said into his chest. “And I know you must have pulled me out…that you saved me.”

She looked up into his face, so serious now.


He cut her off with a kiss–not hard but also not soft and definitely not tentative. His mouth covered hers and his tongue worked against her lips, which instantly parted. He kissed her deeply then, and long, and when his lips finally let her go, she gasped for air.

“Don’t ever thank me for that,” he said in a hoarse whisper. “Not ever.”

Then he kissed her again, as though she might try to reply.

The raw emotion in his voice surprised her. His hands moved with a new urgency, pulling her against him. Although his arousal pushed into her, he didn’t stop kissing her. His hands were all over her–the back of her neck, her lower back, her buttocks, and her thighs. And then his hips moved.

As she struggled for a breath, she realized her hips were meeting his and she needed more. She pushed his chest with both hands and, as they separated, his mouth was still reaching for her.

“Let me get on top,” she quickly whispered.

They rolled together and she sat up on his midsection. His hands immediately found her breasts as she maneuvered backward.

Slowly, carefully, she slid down to his arousal. As she touched him, he suddenly looked down as if he could see what was happening. Then she leaned forward, pressed into his hands, and slid down over him.

The muscles in his neck went taut and his eyes opened wide. His mouth formed a perfect “O” but he didn’t make a sound. He seemed frozen, his entire body gone rigid.

She continued her downward slide and closed her eyes, feeling only the fullness inside her–the stiffness of it, the pressure of it, and how her own body completely engulfed it. She slid back up again and she felt his hands around her waist, helping her. She was nearly to the very top when she started back down. His hands moved to her hips, pushing her down.

She opened her eyes and found him still staring at the place where they were joined. She rose up again and his eyebrows worked furiously as several emotions flashed across his face–surprise, pleasure, and even pain. As she rose again and reached the top, she nearly went too far and there was a moment of panic as he nearly slipped out. But she was already moving back down when his hands firmly pushed.

She sank all the way to his groin and her back immediately arched. She sat up straight and pressed into him with her full weight.

He groaned and suddenly thrust, lifting her with his pelvis as his abs quickly contracted.

Unable to slide up and down his length, her hips began to gyrate. He lowered her and then thrust again, quicker this time. She groaned as his hands went back to her breasts, squeezing. She leaned into him, pumping her hips now, feeling a familiar tightening.

Suddenly, he tilted his head back, closed his eyes, and arched his back incredibly high. She felt him thicken and knew that his climax was close. The sudden movement rocked her forward and she lay on top of his chest. As she slid back down the incline of his abdomen, her sweet spot ground against him and she gasped.

She clenched and he cried out.

He jackknifed, as his shoulders and hips rose together. But he was only there a moment before he suddenly lay back again and thrust. His arousal thudded into her and her hips began to move at a frenetic pace. Her abdomen clenched against her will and the heat spread outward like an explosion. His hips continued to thrust and she felt his rhythmic throbs deep inside her. He grunted with the effort as his hands gripped her hips.

She was riding him now and opened her eyes and looked down. His chest was heaving and his head was thrown back, pressed into the white fur. He was gorgeous, glistening, and, as she raked her fingers over his chest, she felt herself clench down hard.

“Oh,” he moaned and then bucked.

She was ready for him this time. As his back arched, she wrapped her arms around his ribs. She pressed her whole upper body against him as he lay back with a thud. She held on for dear life as he thrashed. He thickened to the point that she had to gasp and suddenly he released.

His giant hands pinned her hips to his. He kept thrusting, propelling her prone body along his. His hips jerked, and thrust, and gyrated as his breath came in ragged gasps. Still she hung on as her own climax unwound and then he started to relax. Though he kept his hands on her hips, he didn’t push down. Breathing hard, she dragged her arms from underneath him and pushed up.

She wanted to see him again, look down his length, but she found she couldn’t hold herself up. Slowly, she collapsed onto his chest and his hips jerked beneath her.

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