The Essential Edgar Cayce (28 page)

Read The Essential Edgar Cayce Online

Authors: Mark Thurston

Tags: #Body, #Occultism, #Precognition, #General, #Mind & Spirit, #Literary Criticism, #Mysticism, #Biography & Autobiography, #Telepathy), #Prophecy, #Parapsychology, #Religious, #ESP (Clairvoyance

BOOK: The Essential Edgar Cayce
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Wherever He is, how may I contact Him so that I may see Him and hear Him speak?

The making of the will of self one with His will makes a whole attunement with Him. He
with the making of self in accord and desiring same, speak with thee. “Be not afraid, it is I.”

[585]: Was the vision I saw early one morning several months ago a vision of the Master?

A passing shadow, yes. Pray rather to the Son, the Father through the Son, that He walks with thee—and He
walk and talk with thee. Be
satisfied with
other. He may oft give His angels charge concerning thee, yet know the Master’s touch, the Master’s voice; for He may walk and talk with thee.
is the Way; there is no other. He in body suffered; for himself, yea—for thee also. Wilt thou turn, then, to any other?

When Jesus the Christ comes the second time, will He set up His kingdom on earth and will it be an everlasting kingdom?

Read His promises in that ye have written of His words, even as “I gave.” He shall rule for a thousand years. Then shall Satan be loosed again for a season.

[379]: How may I raise my vibrations so as to contact the Christ?

Making the will, the desire of the heart, one with His, believing in faith, in patience, all becomes possible in Him, through Him to the Father; for He gave it as it is. Believest thou?

Then, “according to thy faith be it done in thee.”

We are through.


Among the various readings about the life of Jesus, Edgar Cayce sometimes tried to paint a graphic picture of certain biblical events. It was almost as if he were trying to do what modern parapsychologists call
remote viewing
. He acted as a clairvoyant reporter, offering details about a given story in the Bible, and in such a way that it becomes more alive to us.

Of course, none of Cayce’s clairvoyant experiences can be proved. But it’s interesting to note that he sometimes did something similar when reading for someone several hundred miles away. Before giving an answer about a specific health concern or interpreting a dream or doing what that particular reading called for, he might speak in detail about what was happening right at that moment in that person’s life. For example, “not bad-looking pajamas,” or “Yes, she is now waiting on a lady in front of a glass [window] with a knot on the post . . . and [now] the two are sitting together.” In most instances, the person later confirmed that the details were very accurate.

And so we have evidence of Edgar Cayce’s skills as a remote viewer. Whether he could also travel back in time clairvoyantly is an open question, but readings like 5749-1 below certainly present a provocative and, for some people, inspirational picture.


The conductor was Gertrude Cayce.

The Lord’s Supper—here with the Master—see what they had for supper—boiled fish, rice, with leeks, wine, and loaf. One of the pitchers in which it was served was broken—the handle was broken, as was the lip to same.

The whole robe of the Master was not white, but pearl gray—all combined into one—the gift of Nicodemus to the Lord.

The better looking of the twelve, of course, was Judas, while the younger was John—oval face, dark hair, smooth face—only one with the short hair. Peter, the rough and ready—always that of very short beard, rough, and not altogether clean; while An-drew’s is just the opposite—very sparse, but inclined to be long more on the side and under the chin—long on the upper lip—his robe was always near gray or black, while his clouts or breeches were striped; while those of Philip and Bartholomew were red and brown.

The Master’s hair is ’most red, inclined to be curly in portions, yet not feminine or weak—STRONG, with heavy piercing eyes that are blue or steel-gray.

His weight would be at least a hundred and seventy pounds. Long tapering fingers, nails well kept. Long nail, though, on the left little finger.

Merry—even in the hour of trial. Joke—even in the moment of betrayal.

The sack is empty. Judas departs.

The last is given of the wine and loaf, with which He gives the emblems that should be so dear to every follower of Him. Lays aside His robe, which is all of one piece—girds the towel about His waist, which is dressed with linen that is blue and white. Rolls back the folds, kneels first before John, James, then to Peter—who refuses.

Then the dissertation as to “He that would be the greatest would be servant of all.”

The basin is taken as without handle, and is made of wood. The water is from the gherkins [gourds], that are in the wide-mouth Shibboleths [streams? Judges 12:6], that stand in the house of John’s father, Zebedee.

And now comes “It is finished.”

They sing the ninety-first Psalm—“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust.”

He is the musician as well, for He uses the harp.

They leave for the garden.


The second coming of Christ is perhaps the most significant of all the prophecies made in the Cayce readings. It was a topic of deep personal interest to Edgar Cayce the man, too. The following reading, 5749-5, was given to help him prepare for a scheduled lecture on the subject.

The Cayce readings, of course, are hardly alone in looking for such a great event. “Many . . . have preached concerning this Second Coming,” as he puts it. What is special about this reading are some of its themes about the
of Christ’s return.

Note the unusual way this reading begins. The opening paragraphs serve to introduce Cayce himself, as if he were some master of ceremonies introducing a speaker. It’s not clear who, or even what, this introducer is—another aspect of Cayce’s soul, a spirit speaking through an entranced Cayce, or something else. In this introduction is a remarkable label for Cayce and his work: “forerunner of . . . Christ Consciousness.” We might presume that this phase refers both to the teachings found in the readings and to the clairvoyant sensitivity Cayce demonstrated.

Also mentioned is Cayce’s visionary dream, which came during another reading that very morning. (This phenomenon happened many times, that one aspect of his mind could give a reading while another aspect dreamed.) In the dream, he was traveling on a luxurious train with a white and gold interior with several famous evangelists, each deceased, heading for a place where John, the Beloved Disciple, would be teaching. The dreaming Cayce asked one of the evangelists if he remembered him. To which the evangelist replied, apparently referencing in a symbolic way that he, Cayce, was still alive in the physical world: “Oh yes, but you are not just like we are. . . . You are on this same train with us right now, but don’t forget you have to go back and don’t you get too far away.” This dream was directly related to Edgar Cayce’s concerns about the meaning of the Second Coming.

The heart of reading 5749-5 begins on page 228 with the paragraph that opens, “Ye, my brethren.” It includes many elements central to Cayce’s theological position on Christ. For example, Christ is the first to conquer death (that is, to “put on immortality”). And he came not to judge and condemn us, since we condemn ourselves already by our willfulness and our separation from God.

As if to answer definitively the question about Christ’s possible return, Edgar Cayce presents a theme that is echoed later in the reading: Christ has come once before, and he will come again in any age when there is need. In the history of humankind, there have been windows of opportunity, periods of possible breakthrough. He intervenes directly in our affairs whenever we are ready to attain a new level of understanding and application of the one basic principle, that our creator is spirit, and any worshipful approach of that creator must be based on right understanding and truth.

In reading 5749-5, Cayce also presents the broad view of Christ as being intimately involved in human evolution for many millennia. Instead of a single remarkable visit to earth through the body and personality of the man we know as Jesus, Cayce’s Christology describes him as a guide and sustainer of long standing. In this light, we might be more accurate in wondering about
another coming
instead of only a second one. With each coming, humanity is nudged back toward the divine plan for spiritual evolution—what Cayce refers to here as “continued activity toward the proper understanding and proper relationships . . . [to] Him.”

Christ and his influence have been experienced in different ways in different eras. Not always has it been a direct incarnation, although in 5749-5 there are clear references to the possibility of his coming again “in body,” “in the flesh.” But it has sometimes been his spirit inspiring and directing men and women who have served as leaders of their people. The work of such individuals is bound to upset those whose values and ideals are rooted in materialism (“contention in the minds and hearts of those that dwell in the flesh”). The Christ impulse counteracts the forces of selfishness, prejudice, hate, and the other shortcomings listed by Cayce near the end of the reading.

We might well ask ourselves two questions about the possibility of another coming of Christ . First, are we at a time in human history that is ripe for Christ’s influence to engage us directly once again? That is, are we ready for a breakthrough, a quantum leap to some new application of the divine plan to evolve toward oneness? Many would argue yes and point to certain promising signs—for example, the evident potential for science and spirituality to come together, which surely would be a breakthrough for humanity. Another hopeful sign is the ecumenical outlook of many religious leaders, a deep appreciation of and respect for the value of
traditions, again another breakthrough.

Second, what can each of us do as individuals to make a return of Christ possible? This is not the only reading in which Edgar Cayce claims that preparations were made in advance of Christ’s coming two thousand years ago, and such preparation would be needed just as much today. Christ’s return becomes reality only “as there is prepared the way by those that have made and do make the channels for the entering in.” Our little acts of tolerance and kindness play a big role in paving the way for such a coming.


The conductor was Gertrude Cayce.

You will have before you Edgar Cayce, present in this room, and his inquiring mind in relation to the talk which he expects to give next Monday evening on the “Second Coming.” You will give what he should present at this open meeting on this subject.

That which crowds in at the present may be well for those present, but would it be well for those in open meeting? From this experience, though, there may be gathered that which has been given and that which may be helpful to many in the comprehension of that which is the experience of those that seek through such channels to have for themselves the experience that may be had by those here in this room in the present.

Be mindful then, each of you, of that ye may inwardly experience in that which may be given you.

For, those experiences that have been told you of the vision [E.C’s dream of that a.m.] of the gathering of those that were known to many in this present land and in the lands abroad were in reference to just those things that may be said respecting the Coming.

Many of these have ministered, have preached concerning this Second Coming. Not a one but what has at some time left the record of his contemplations and experiences in those environs, whether made in the heart and mind of his hearers or in the written word; yet here today, in what ye call time, ye find them gathering in a body to
to that as may be given them by [Edgar Cayce?] one who is to be a forerunner of that influence in the earth known as the Christ Consciousness, the coming of that force or power into the earth that has been spoken of through the ages.

Listen, while he speaks! [Edgar Cayce?]

Ye, my brethren, in your ignorance and in your zeal have often spoken of that influence in the earth known among men as the record made by those that would influence the activities in the religious or spiritual life of individuals through the ages, as a record of the Son of man as He walked in the earth. Rather would ye listen and harken to those things as He spoke when He made those inferences and illustrations as to how those had closed and did close their ears to what was actually going on about them; yet they knew Him not! He, our Lord and our Master, was the first among those that put on immortality that there might be the opportunity for those forces that had erred in spiritual things; and only through experiencing in a manner whereunto all might be visioned from their greater abilities of manifesting in the various phases, forms and manners as they developed through that ye know as matter, could they come to know how or why or when there was made manifest in any realm spirit that was good and spirit that was in error. For, He gave thee, had ye not
the Son ye would
be condemned in thine own self. For, condemnation was not in Him, but “ye are condemned already.” And in the coming into the influence of those that would open themselves for an understanding might there be the approach to Him. He has come in all ages through those that were the spokesmen to a people in this age, that age, called unto a purpose for the manifestation of that first idea.

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