The Everything Writing Poetry Book

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Authors: Tina D. Eliopulos

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A practical guide to style, structure, form, and expression

Tina D. Eliopulos and Todd Scott Moffett

Adams Media
Avon, Massachusetts

We dedicate this book to our own perfect poem, Madelynne Crisi Moffett

Copyright ©2005, F+W Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.

This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher; exceptions are made for brief excerpts used in published reviews.

An Everything
Series Book.

are registered trademarks of F+W Publications, Inc.

Published by Adams Media, an F+W Publications Company

57 Littlefield Street, Avon, MA 02322 U.S.A.

ISBN: 1-59337-322-8

Printed in the United States of America.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Eliopulos, Tina D.

The everything writing poetry book / Tina D. Eliopulos and Todd Scott Moffett.

p.    .   cm.

(An everything series book)

ISBN 1-59337-322-8

1. Poetry—Authorship. I. Moffett, Todd Scott II. Title. III. Series: Everything series

PN1059A9E44 2005



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Top Ten Poetic Inspirations


1 Why Write Poetry?


Using Feelings

Drawing from Memory

A Fly on the Wall

The Writer's Ego

2 Beginning the Journey

Read, Read, Read!

Writing Tools

Finding Your Place

Your Muse

How to Beat Writer's Block

Knowing When to Quit

3 Important Details

The Five Senses

Abstract Versus Concrete

Using Concrete Nouns and Verbs

Active and Passive Voice Verbs

Avoiding Modifiers

Grammar Tricks

4 The Sound of Poetry



Rhyme: Part I

Rhyme: Part II


Oral Poetry

5 Poetic Language


Word Choice

Word Order

When to Use Repetition

Figures of Speech

Using Contrasts

6 All about Meter

Dealing with Stress

Rules of Stress

Solid Footing

Measuring Meter


7 Poetic Forms

Narrative Poetry I: Epic and Ballad

Narrative Poetry II: Drama and Monologue

Lyric Poetry

Open Form

Closed Form

Songs and Other Melodies

8 Sonnets, Odes, and Ghazals

Little Songs

Build a Sonnet

About Odes

Build an Ode

The Ghazal

Build a Ghazal

9 The Sestina, Pantoum, and Villanelle

Poem of the Troubadours

The Pantoum

Vive la Villanelle

Build a Sestina

Build a Pantoum

Build a Villanelle

Other Exercises

10 Writing about Love

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

Singing Praises



Carpe Diem

A Tempting Offer


11 Writing about Family and Friends

Word Portraits

Here Comes the Bride

And Baby Makes Three

Dealing with Divorce


Enduring Loss

Treasured Relationships

12 Writing about Home

Starting Outdoors

Stepping Inside

Public and Private Places

Public and Private Space Within Your Home

You Are Where You Live

Remembering Your Birthplace

13 Writing about Environment

Nature as a Subject

Writing about Weather

Travel Poetry

Bright City Lights

The Downside of Cities

Imagining the Ideal

14 Writing about Work and Play

What You Do

Textures of the Workplace

Textures of Relationships


Tinkering with Tools

Pleasures and Pastimes

15 Writing about Culture

Popular Culture



War and Warriors

The Subject of Faith

Visions and Spirits

16 Writing Humorously

Satire and Parody


Hyperbole and Understatement

Hot Cross Puns

Limerick and Clerihew


17 Writing for Children

Stories in Verse

Characters for Kids

Poems for the Little Ones

Learning Poems



18 Vision and Revision

Clause Patterns I: Nontransitive

Clause Patterns II: Transitive

Clause Patterns III: Independent and Dependent


Line by Line

What's Your Style?

A Revision Example

19 Poetry Groups

The Perfect Mix of Members

Group Stability

Group Unity

One Poet's Progress

Another Poet's Progress

Keep It Interesting

20 Getting Published

Literary Magazines

Query and Cover Letters

Formatting Your Manuscript

Don't Pay to Publish!


Rejection: Accept It and Move On

Acceptance: Enjoy It and Move On

Appendix A
• Additional Resources for Poets

Appendix B
• Glossary of Terms

Appendix C
• Acknowledgments and Bibliography


We owe a debt of gratitude to the following individuals: for their expertise, professionalism, and collegiality, Barb Doyen of Doyen Literary Services, Gina Chaimanis, Lynn Best, Mary Dalton-Hoffman, and Jeredith Merrin; for their wisdom, humor, and friendship, Robert Sherfield and Richard Logsdon; and for their presence in our lives, the divine Yiayia of Las Vegas and the Moffetts of Laguna Beach.

Top Ten
Poetic Inspirations

1. Falling in love: Expressing the feelings of first love, fleeting romance, or a lasting relationship.

2. Falling out of love: Treasuring love, even when it leaves.

3. Becoming a parent: The softness of baby skin and the sound of first words.

4. Observing nature: From towering trees to trickling streams.

5. Traveling to faraway places: Foreign languages, exotic foods, and enchanting people.

6. Discovering something new about yourself or someone else: Something as small as a smile or as big as a career change.

7. Moving: To the next town or to a new nation.

8. Facing mortality: Coping with loss and confronting your own fate.

9. Finding humor: From laughing through troubling times to laughing with friends.

10. Uncovering your spirituality: Discovering your place in the world.


The ancient Greeks used the term
furor poeticus
to describe poetry as a frenzy sent by the gods. Through the centuries poetry has continued to amaze humankind. Ideas come to the poet unbidden, and then she must work them into polished pieces of art.

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