The Executive’s Affair Trilogy Bundle (Trinity, Desire, Unconditional) (18 page)

BOOK: The Executive’s Affair Trilogy Bundle (Trinity, Desire, Unconditional)
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Laszlo laughed.
“As soon as the doctor says you’re okay, we’ll go away for a while, just you and me. We’ll have a proper honeymoon and we’ll forget about everything, okay?”

Trinity nodded.

He caressed her cheek with his hand, and then leaned over and kissed her. She closed her eyes and savored the taste and feel of him. Trinity ran her hands over his arms and down his chest. His muscular body felt like heaven beneath her fingers, which began to work the buttons on his shirt until she was able to feel his bare skin. She moaned into the kiss and deepened it. This man was her husband and she wanted him more now than she ever had in the past. Pulling his shirt open wider, she left his mouth and planted kisses on his chest.

“Baby,” he groaned and gently pushed her away. “Trin, love, we can’t.”

She wanted to scream and cry and throw a fit. It was her wedding night, damn it, and she wanted to consummate her marriage.
“Laszlo, please, I need you.”

You’re killing me,” he said as he pulled her back to his lips. “I want nothing more than to make love to you right now, to bury my hard cock deep inside of you, but the doctor said—”

I don’t care what the doctor said. I feel fine.” She once again lowered her head to his bare chest. This time she swirled her tongue around his nipple until it was hard. Then she ran her hand lower, gripping his erection through his pants, massaging him.

Fuck.” He spread his fingers in her hair and dragged her back up to his mouth. Despite what he said, she knew he wanted this as much as she did. And based on the way he continuously lifted his hips, grinding against her hand, she had a feeling it wouldn’t take long to convince him to make love to her right here in the hospital bed. It was far from ideal or romantic, but it was better than nothing. Laszlo slid off the bed and out of her reach.

“Trinity. . .”
He dragged a hand through his hair and blew out a breath. “Please.” He stepped forward, took her hands, and placed them on his chest, covering them with his own. “I’m begging you, love, please don’t make me say no to you. I can’t. You know I can’t.”

Trinity rested her forehead on his chest and sighed. He was right. No matter how much she wanted to make love to her husband, she couldn
’t be that selfish. The health of their baby was at stake. “I’m sorry,” she whispered looking up at him. “I’ll behave. I promise.”

He smiled.
“You know I want you, right?”

Yes.” She laughed. “I have no doubts about that.”

Good.” Laszlo brushed his lips back and forth over hers, kissing her softly, deeply. “I love you so much, Mrs. Cstary.” He winked.

Her heart fluttered. Hearing him say he loved her would never get old. And she really liked the sounds of Mrs. Cstary, too. She rose up on her knees and bounced up and down like an excited kid. Then she giggled.
“I’m your wife.”

Laszlo laughed
, then turned serious. “Forever, my love.”




“Mr. Cstary.” Sarah’s voice came through his intercom, distracting him from his thoughts. “Congressman Ross is here to see you.”

Send him in,” Laszlo said. He stood and straightened his tie.

When he
’d told Jason to call the office and schedule an appointment, Laszlo didn’t think he would take him seriously. When the door opened and Jason walked in, Laszlo said, “Congressman Ross, what a pleasure.” His voice was dry, emotionless.

Mr. Cstary.” Jason nodded, walked across the room, and extended his hand.

Laszlo turned away and sat behind his desk.
“Cut the shit, Jason. Why are you here?” He opened his top drawer and pulled out his checkbook. “How much of a donation is it going to take to get rid of you this time?”

Jason sat in the chair opposite Laszlo, crossed his legs, and smiled.
“I don’t want your money.”

Of course not. That would be too easy. Laszlo tossed his checkbook back into the drawer and slammed it closed.
“Then what do you want?” The bastard better not speak Trinity’s name or he’d be leaving this office in an ambulance.

I understand you’re in negotiations with Davis Development.” Jason paused as if waiting for Laszlo to confirm or deny. Laszlo remained silent. The only people who knew about those negotiations were the people involved and. . .Son of a bitch! It was Natasha.

Jason cleared his throat and continued.
“It’s come to my attention that Davis is having some financial trouble, which is why they’re considering allowing you and Cstary Holdings to take over the controlling stock of their company in exchange for the financial security you can offer them.”

Laszlo leaned back in his chair and folded his hands on his stomach. He tried to act bored with the conversation, but the truth was, he was furious. It was obvious Natasha had given Jason all this information, but even she didn
’t know some of the stuff that Jason did. It begged the question: how the hell did Jason learn all of this?

It’s also been brought to my attention that Davis was in violation with the EPA over the cleanup of their last job. They were heavily fined and required to do a massive re-cleaning of the site.”

Laszlo knew all of that. It was the reason Davis was now in financial trouble. Still, he kept his mouth shut. In all his years of business he
’d perfected the art of knowing when to speak and when to keep quiet. He was content to let Jason put of all his cards on the table first.

As I’m sure you know, Davis has completed the cleanup and have filed the necessary paperwork for the EPA to re-inspect and clear their record.” Jason leaned forward and put his arms on the edge of the desk. “But, what I’m sure you don’t know is that I have a very close, very personal friend in the EPA who just happened to misplace the paperwork.”

Laszlo subtly clenched his hands into fists and took a deep breath. Davis had to get clean with the EPA before they
’d be issued any further building permits, which meant the project that they’d pitched to Cstary Holdings wouldn’t go forward as planned. And that was a problem for Laszlo and all the extra staff he’d hired specifically for this project.

Satisfied that he
’d shocked Laszlo, Jason sat back in his chair and smiled. “Of course, the  paperwork can be found and all these problems can go away.”

Considering his words carefully, Laszlo
asked, “What’s it going to take to make that happen?”

A seat on your board.”

Holy fuck, was he serious? Laszlo tried to keep the shock from his face. Instead, he narrowed his eyes at Jason and asked,
“Why would you want a seat on my board when you hold a seat in Congress?”

Jason shrugged.
“I won’t be in Congress forever.”

Slowly, Laszlo stood and walked to the large window that overlooked the city and parking lot below. He knew Jason was lying. There were other reasons Jason wanted to be on the board of Cstary Holdings. Laszlo had to figure out why
, and fast, so he could make sure it didn’t become a reality. “You’re not even a shareholder,” he said, turning to face Jason once again.

Not yet. I’ve got my accountant rectifying that right now.”

Fuck! That was the biggest drawback to b
eing a publicly traded company—anyone could buy stock. It rattled him that he couldn’t figure out what the hell Jason was up to. The board, which was comprised of the largest stockholders, made quite a bit of money. Is that what this was about? “If this is about money, Jason, I’ll be happy to personally fund your political campaigns until you decide to get out of politics.”

I told you, Laszlo, I don’t want your money this time.”

There were usually only two things people like Jason wanted: money and power. If he didn
’t want money, then he wanted power—power over Laszlo and his company. Laszlo was quickly losing his cool. “We had a deal, Congressman. I’ve kept up my end of it, so tell me, why are you really here?”

Jason stood, smiled, and buttoned his jacket.
“You’re nothing, if not an honest businessman, Mr. Cstary, but it’s your wife I don’t trust.”

The urge to punch Jason repeatedly in the face was overwhelming, but that wouldn
’t solve anything—other than make Laszlo feel better. “I gave you my word that Trinity would abide by our deal. Trust me, Congressman, she wants nothing to do with you.”

You’ve heard that old saying ‘Keep your friends close and your enemies closer,’ haven’t you? Consider me doing that.”

I’m not your enemy,” Laszlo lied.

Maybe not, but your beautiful, new wife is.” Jason walked to the door and stopped. “I assume you’ll inform your board that there will be a new member joining them.” Then, without another word, Jason left the office.

Laszlo turned back to look out the window and watched until he saw Jason exit the building and get into his car. Then Laszlo grabbed the closest thing to him and threw it across the office.
“Fuck!” There was absolutely no fucking way in hell he was going to give Jason a seat on the board, nor was he going to let Jason anywhere near Trinity. Laszlo would sign over his entire company to that slimy bastard before he let him get close to Trinity.

Okay, calm down,” he muttered to himself. He had to think, make a plan, handle this like the smart businessman that he was. Sitting back at his desk, he activated the intercom. “Sarah, I need you to make sure the big conference room is clear. Then I need you to get the following people here for an emergency meeting: the entire board, my attorney, and my business manager. Also, get the people from Davis Development over here. We’re going to be here most of the day so make sure they all know that. Plan to order lunch. Thanks. Oh, and get me Brandon Morrone from Positive PR Management.” He disconnected and blew out a breath. Resting his elbows on his desk, he dropped his head into his hands.

He was supposed to be on his honeymoon. He
’d made all the arrangements to be away from the office for a few weeks, but once Trinity ended up in the hospital, he’d cancelled his plans and only came in today because Sarah had called and said that Congressman Ross was adamant about meeting. He lifted his head and picked up the phone.


Laszlo smiled at the sound of her voice. She sounded sleepy.
“Hey, baby, how’re you feeling?”

Mmm, better now that you’ve called,” Trinity said.

God, he wanted nothing more than to go home, climb into bed with her, and forget about the world.
“You’re still going to the doctor today, right?” She’d been home for four days now, and today was the first day they’d spent apart. It was killing him. Thankfully she had a check-up with her doctor today. With any luck, she’d be given a clean bill of health and he’d finally be able to make love to his wife.

Yeah. Will you be home in time to go? You wanted to, right?”

He closed his eyes and shook his head.
“I want to go, but I’m going to be stuck here for most of the day.” Trinity was silent. “I’m so sorry, love, you know I’d much rather be there with you.”

I know,” she whispered. “It’s okay.”

Trinity, listen to me, baby. I’m going to send a car to the house to take you to the doctor. Why don’t you call Becky or Frankie to go with you? And please, whatever you do, go straight home after.” Laszlo’s stomach was in knots. He didn’t trust Jason not to try and do something to Trinity. “And call me as soon as you’re done.”

You’re kind of scaring me, Laszlo. What’s going on?”

Shit. He didn
’t want to worry her about all this stuff with Jason. It wasn’t her problem and he refused to make her deal with it. “Nothing, everything’s fine, love, I promise.” He forced a laugh. “You should know by now that I worry about you. Knowing I can’t be there with you, I just want to be sure you’re okay.”

You really don’t have to worry so much. I’m fine,” she said.

You’re my life, Trinity. I will never stop worrying about you.” Laszlo looked up at the sound of a soft knock on his door. He put his hand over the receiver and said, “Yeah?” Sarah walked in. He held up his finger to indicate he’d be with her in a moment. “I have to go, baby. Call me when you get home. I love you.”

I love you, too.”

Reluctantly, he hung up, hating that he couldn
’t be with his wife today, a day when he should be with her, a day she needed him to be there for her. He would be sure to make all of this up to her.


Laszlo dragged his ass home a little after midnight. He hadn’t worked a day like that in longer than he could remember. He was mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted. Tossing his jacket and briefcase on the foyer table, he made his way upstairs. When Trinity had called at nine o’clock, he’d told her not to wait up, but he secretly hoped she had. He needed her right now more than ever. He needed to hold her, hear her voice, kiss her, tell her how much he loved her.

When he made it to the bedroom, he quietly pushed open the door and stopped. Trinity was in bed sound asleep. S
he was wearing a silk nightie—one he’d never seen before. Must be new. There were dozens of lit candles set around the room. A bucket with a bottle of sparkling white grape juice and two glasses were on the nightstand next to her side of the bed. He smiled sadly. God, he’d been her husband less than a week and already he was screwing up.

She looked so peaceful; he didn
’t have the heart to wake her. Instead, he went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, washing away some of the stress of the day. Then he climbed into bed and pulled Trinity to him, snuggling his front to her back. He buried his face in her hair and inhaled deeply, luxuriating in the unique scent of her. Her hand covered his and she wiggled into his embrace. He sighed with contentment.

How was your day?” she mumbled half asleep.

Laszlo smiled and gently turned her face toward him so he could kiss her. And he did. Long, languid, deep and soft.
“Much better now.” He caressed her cheek. “I love you, baby. Go back to sleep.”

Love you, too,” she said around a yawn.

For the first time all day, Laszlo felt at peace. It still amazed him how much Trinity affected him. Before her, his life was lonely and shallow. With her, his life was complete and happy. And he absolutely could not imagine what his life would be like without her. It would be devastating and bleak. Closing his eyes, he nuzzled her neck and thanked God that he
’d been blessed with a woman as amazing as Trinity.

Will you stay home with me tomorrow?” she whispered.

Yes,” he responded quickly. Then immediately regretted it. He had several meetings tomorrow afternoon that he couldn’t put off. Oh well, he’d deal with all of that later. Right now he wanted to just hold Trinity and sleep.


Trinity rolled over expecting to feel Laszlo’s warm body beside her. She’d planned a romantic evening for him last night, but he’d gotten stuck at work and no matter how hard she’d tried, she just couldn’t keep her eyes open long enough to wait up for him. She vaguely remembered him getting into bed, kissing her, and telling her that he’d stay home with her today. So, then, where was he? “Laszlo?” She sat up and looked around. “Lasz, honey?” That’s when she heard the shower.

Flinging the covers off of her, she jumped out of bed and snuck into the bathroom. Laszlo was standing in the shower, one arm extended in front of him, hand on the shower wall; his head was down
, and through the glass doors she could see him masturbating. Smiling, she quietly removed her nightie and slipped into the shower behind him. He was breathing heaving and moaning softly so he didn’t hear her. She reached around and put her hand over his. “Want some help?”

Laszlo released his cock and allowed Trinity to take over. She wrapped her hand around his length and slowly stroked down, and then up.
“Fuck,” he groaned, drawing out the word. “That feels so good.”

BOOK: The Executive’s Affair Trilogy Bundle (Trinity, Desire, Unconditional)
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