The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality (25 page)

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Authors: Brian Greene

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An observation today can therefore help complete the story we tell of a process that began yesterday, or the day before, or perhaps a billion years earlier. An observation today can delineate the kinds of details we can and must include in today's recounting of the past.

Erasing the Past

It is essential to note that in these experiments the past is not in any way altered by today's actions, and that no clever modification of the experiments will accomplish that slippery goal. This raises the question: If you can't change something that has already happened, can you do the next best thing and erase its
on the present? To one degree or another, sometimes this fantasy can be realized. A baseball player who, with two outs in the bottom of the ninth inning, drops a routine fly ball, allowing the opposing team to close within one run, can undo the impact of his error by a spectacular diving catch on the ball hit by the next batter. And, of course, such an example is not the slightest bit mysterious. Only when an event in the past seems definitively to preclude another event's happening in the future (as the dropped fly ball definitively precluded a perfect game) would we think there was something awry if we were subsequently told that the precluded event had actually happened. The
quantum eraser,
first suggested in 1982 by Marlan Scully and Kai Drühl, hints at this kind of strangeness in quantum mechanics.

A simple version of the quantum eraser experiment makes use of the double-slit setup, modified in the following way. A tagging device is placed in front of each slit; it marks any passing photon so that when the photon is examined later, you can tell through which slit it passed. The question of how you can place a mark on a photon—how you can do the equivalent of placing an "L" on a photon that passes through the left slit and an "R" on a photon that passes through the right slit—is a good one, but the details are not particularly important. Roughly, the process relies on using a device that allows a photon to pass freely through a slit but forces its spin axis to point in a particular direction. If the devices in front of the left and right slits manipulate the photon spins in specific but distinct ways, then a more refined detector screen that not only registers a dot at the photon's impact location, but also keeps a record of the photon's spin orientation, will reveal through which slit a given photon passed on its way to the detector.

When this double-slit-with-tagging experiment is run, the photons do not build up an interference pattern, as in Figure 7.4a. By now the explanation should be familiar: the new tagging devices allow which-path information to be gleaned, and which-path information singles out one history or another; the data show that any given photon passed through either the left slit or the right slit. And without the combination of left-slit and right-slit trajectories, there are no overlapping probability waves, so no interference pattern is generated.

Now, here is Scully and Drühl's idea. What if, just before the photon hits the detection screen, you eliminate the possibility of determining through which slit it passed by erasing the mark imprinted by the tagging device? Without the means, even in principle, to extract the which-path information from the detected photon, will both classes of histories come back into play, causing the interference pattern to reemerge? Notice that this kind of "undoing" the past would fall much further into the shocking category than the ballplayer's diving catch in the ninth inning. When the tagging devices are turned on, we imagine that the photon obediently acts as a particle, passing through the left slit
the right slit. If somehow, just before it hits the screen, we erase the which-slit mark it is carrying, it seems too late to allow an interference pattern to form. For interference, we need the photon to act like a wave. It must pass through both slits so that it can cross-mingle with itself on the way to the detector screen. But our initial tagging of the photon seems to ensure that it acts like a particle and travels either through the left or through the right slit, preventing interference from happening.

Figure 7.4 In the quantum eraser experiment, equipment placed in front of the two slits marks the photons so that subsequent examination can reveal through which slit each photon passed. In (a) we see that this which-path information spoils the interference pattern. In (b) a device that erases the mark on the photons is inserted just in front of the detector screen. Because the which-path information is eliminated, the interference pattern reappears.

In an experiment carried out by Raymond Chiao, Paul Kwiat, and Aephraim Steinberg, the setup was, schematically, as in Figure 7.4, with a new erasure device inserted just in front of the detection screen. Again, the details are not of the essence, but briefly put, the eraser works by ensuring that regardless of whether a photon from the left slit or the right slit enters, its spin is manipulated to point in one and the same fixed direction. Subsequent examination of its spin therefore yields no information about which slit it passed through, and so the which-path mark has been erased. Remarkably, the photons detected by the screen after this erasure
produce an interference pattern. When the eraser is inserted just in front of the detector screen, it undoes—it erases—the effect of tagging the photons way back when they approached the slits. As in the delayed-choice experiment, in principle this kind of erasure could occur billions of years after the influence it is thwarting, in effect undoing the past, even undoing the ancient past.

How are we to make sense of this? Well, keep in mind that the data conform perfectly to the theoretical prediction of quantum mechanics. Scully and Drühl proposed this experiment because their quantum mechanical calculations convinced them it would work. And it does. So, as is usual with quantum mechanics, the puzzle doesn't pit theory against experiment. It pits theory, confirmed by experiment, against our intuitive sense of time and reality. To ease the tension, notice that were you to place a photon
in front of each slit, the detector's readout would establish with certainty whether the photon went through the left slit or through the right slit, and there'd be no way to erase such definitive information—there'd be no way to recover an interference pattern. But the tagging devices are different because they provide only the potential for which-path information to be determined—and potentialities are just the kinds of things that can be erased. A tagging device modifies a passing photon in such a way, roughly speaking, that it still travels both paths, but the left part of its probability wave is blurred out relative to the right, or the right part of its probability wave is blurred out relative to the left. In turn, the orderly sequence of peaks and troughs that would normally emerge from each slit—as in Figure 4.2b—is also blurred out, so no interference pattern forms on the detector screen. The crucial realization, though, is that both the left and the right waves are still present. The eraser works because it refocuses the waves. Like a pair of glasses, it compensates for the blurring, brings both waves back into sharp focus, and allows them once again to combine into an interference pattern. It's as if after the tagging devices accomplish their task, the interference pattern disappears from view but patiently lies in wait for someone or something to resuscitate it.

That explanation may make the quantum eraser a little less mysterious, but here is the finale—a stunning variation on the quantum-eraser experiment that challenges conventional notions of space and time even further.

Shaping the Past17

This experiment, the
delayed-choice quantum eraser,
was also proposed by Scully and Drühl. It begins with the beam-splitter experiment of Figure 7.1, modified by inserting two so-called down-converters, one on each pathway. Down-converters are devices that take one photon as input and produce two photons as output, each with half the energy ("downconverted") of the original. One of the two photons (called the
photon) is directed along the path that the original would have followed toward the detector screen. The other photon produced by the down-converter (called the
photon) is sent in a different direction altogether, as in Figure 7.5a. On each run of the experiment, we can determine which path a signal photon takes to the screen by observing which down-converter spits out the idler-photon partner. And once again, the ability to glean which-path information about the signal photons—even though it is totally indirect, since we are not interacting with any signal photons at all—has the effect of preventing an interference pattern from forming.

Now for the weirder part. What if we manipulate the experiment so as to make it impossible to determine from which down-converter a given idler photon emerged? What if, that is, we erase the which-path information embodied by the idler photons? Well, something amazing happens: even though we've done nothing directly to the signal photons, by erasing the which-path information carried by their idler partners we can recover an interference pattern from the signal photons. Let me show you how this goes because it is truly remarkable.

Take a look at Figure 7.5b, which embodies all the essential ideas. But don't be intimidated. It's simpler than it appears, and we'll now go through it in manageable steps. The setup in Figure 7.5b differs from that of Figure 7.5a with regard to how we detect the idler photons after they've been emitted. In Figure 7.5a, we detected them straight out, and so we could immediately determine from which down-converter each was produced—that is, which path a given signal photon took. In the new experiment, each idler photon is sent through a maze, which compromises our ability to make such a determination. For example, imagine that an idler photon is emitted from the down-converter labeled "L." Rather than immediately entering a detector (as in Figure 7.5a), this photon is sent to a beam splitter (labeled "a"), and so has a 50 percent chance of heading onward along the path labeled "A," and a 50 percent chance of heading onward along the path labeled "B." Should it head along path A, it will enter a photon detector (labeled "1"), and its arrival will be duly recorded. But should the idler photon head along path B, it will be subject to yet further shenanigans. It will be directed to another beam splitter (labeled "c") and so will have a 50 percent chance of heading onward along path E to the detector labeled "2," and a 50 percent chance of heading onward along path F to the detector labeled "3." Now—stay with me, as there is a point to all this—the exact same reasoning, when applied to an idler photon emitted from the other down-converter, labeled "R," tells us that if the idler heads along path D it will be recorded by detector 4, but if it heads along path C it will be detected by either detector 3 or detector 2, depending on the path it follows after passing through beam splitter c.

Figure 7.5 (a) A beam-splitter experiment, augmented by down-converters, does not yield an interference pattern, since the idler photons yield which-path information. (b) If the idler photons are not detected directly, but instead are sent through the maze depicted, then an interference pattern can be extracted from the data. Idler photons that are detected by detectors 2 or 3 do not yield which-path information and hence their signal photons fill out an interference pattern.

Now for why we've added all this complication. Notice that if an idler photon is detected by detector 1, we learn that the corresponding signal photon took the left path, since there is no way for an idler that was emitted from down-converter R to find its way to this detector. Similarly, if an idler photon is detected by detector 4, we learn that its signal photon partner took the right path. But if an idler photon winds up in detector 2, we have no idea which path its signal photon partner took, since there is an equal chance that it was emitted by down-converter L and followed path B-E, or that it was emitted by down-converter R and followed path C-E. Similarly, if an idler is detected by detector 3, it could have been emitted by down-converter L and have traveled path B-F, or by down-converter R and traveled path C-F. Thus, for signal photons whose idlers are detected
by detector 1 or 4, we have which-path information, but for those whose
idlers are detected by detector 2 or 3, the which-path information is erased.

Does this erasure of some of the which-path information—even though we've done
nothing directly
to the signal photons—mean interference effects are recovered? Indeed it does—but only for those signal photons whose idlers wind up in either detector 2 or detector 3. Namely, the totality of impact positions of the signal photons on the screen will look like the data in Figure 7.5a,
showing not the slightest hint of an interference pattern,
as is characteristic of photons that have traveled one path
the other. But if we focus on a
of the data points—for example, those signal photons whose idlers entered detector 2—then that subset of points
fill out an interference pattern! These signal photons—whose idlers happened, by chance, not to provide any which-path information— act as though they've traveled both paths! If we were to hook up the equipment so that the screen displays a red dot for the position of each signal photon whose idler was detected by detector 2, and a green dot for all others, someone who is color-blind would see no interference pattern, but everyone else would see that the red dots were arranged with bright and dark bands—an interference pattern. The same holds true with detector 3 in place of detector 2. But there would be no such interference pattern if we single out signal photons whose idlers wind up in detector 1 or detector 4, since these are the idlers that yield which-path information about their partners.

These results—which have been confirmed by experiment
—are dazzling: by including down-converters that have the potential to provide which-path information, we lose the interference pattern, as in Figure 7.5a. And without interference, we would naturally conclude that each photon went along either the left path or the right path. But we now learn that this would be a hasty conclusion. By carefully eliminating the potential which-path information carried by some of the idlers, we can coax the data to yield up an interference pattern, indicating that some of the photons actually took both paths.

Notice, too, perhaps the most dazzling result of all: the three additional beam splitters and the four idler-photon detectors can be on the other side of the laboratory or even on the other side of the universe, since nothing in our discussion depended at all on whether they receive a given idler photon before or after its signal photon partner has hit the screen. Imagine, then, that these devices are all far away, say ten light-years away, to be definite, and think about what this entails. You perform the experiment in Figure 7.5b today, recording—one after another—the impact locations of a huge number of signal photons, and you observe that they show no sign of interference. If someone asks you to explain the data, you might be tempted to say that because of the idler photons, which-path information is available and hence each signal photon definitely went along either the left or the right path, eliminating any possibility of interference. But, as above, this would be a hasty conclusion about what happened; it would be a thoroughly premature description of the past.

You see, ten years later, the four photon detectors will receive—one after another—the idler photons. If you are subsequently informed about which idlers wound up, say, in detector 2 (e.g., the first, seventh, eighth, twelfth ... idlers to arrive), and if you then go back to data you collected years earlier and highlight the corresponding signal photon locations on the screen (e.g., the first, seventh, eighth, twelfth ... signal photons that arrived), you will find that the highlighted data points fill out an interference pattern, thus revealing that those signal photons should be described as having traveled both paths. Alternatively, if 9 years, 364 days after you collected the signal photon data, a practical joker should sabotage the experiment by removing beam splitters a and b—ensuring that when the idler photons arrive the next day, they all go to either detector 1 or detector 4, thus preserving
which-path information—then, when you receive this information, you will conclude that
signal photon went along either the left path or the right path, and there will be no interference pattern to extract from the signal photon data. Thus, as this discussion forcefully highlights, the story you'd tell to explain the signal photon data depends significantly on measurements conducted ten years after those data were collected.

Again, let me emphasize that the future measurements do not change anything at all about things that took place in your experiment today; the future measurements do not in any way change the data you collected today. But the future measurements
influence the kinds of details you can invoke when you subsequently describe what happened today. Before you have the results of the idler photon measurements, you really can't say anything at all about the which-path history of any given signal photon. However, once you have the results, you conclude that signal photons whose idler partners were successfully used to ascertain which-path information
be described as having—years earlier—traveled either left or right. You also conclude that signal photons whose idler partners had their which-path information erased
be described as having— years earlier—definitely gone one way or the other (a conclusion you can convincingly confirm by using the newly acquired idler photon data to expose the previously hidden interference pattern among this latter class of signal photons). We thus see that the future helps shape the story you tell of the past.

These experiments are a magnificent affront to our conventional notions of space and time. Something that takes place long after and far away from something else nevertheless is vital to our description of that something else. By any classical—commonsense—reckoning, that's, well, crazy. Of course, that's the point: classical reckoning is the wrong kind of reckoning to use in a quantum universe. We have learned from the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen discussion that quantum physics is not local in space. If you have fully absorbed that lesson—a tough one to accept in its own right—these experiments, which involve a kind of entanglement across space and through time, may not seem thoroughly outlandish. But by the standards of daily experience, they certainly are.

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