The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality (59 page)

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Authors: Brian Greene

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Blueprint for a Wormhole Time Machine

I'll first lay out the basic strategy for constructing Thorne's wormhole time machine, and in the next section I'll discuss the challenges faced by any contractor Thorne might hire to execute the plans.

is a hypothetical tunnel through space. A more familiar kind of tunnel, such as one that's been bored through the side of a mountain, provides a shortcut from one location to another. Wormholes serve a similar function, but they differ from conventional tunnels in one important respect. Whereas conventional tunnels provide a new route through existing space—the mountain and the space it occupies exist before a tunnel is constructed—a wormhole provides a tunnel from one point in space to another along a new, previously nonexistent tube of space. Were you to remove the tunnel through the mountain, the space it occupied would still exist. Were you to remove a wormhole, the space it occupied would vanish.

Figure 15.2a illustrates a wormhole connecting the Kwik-E-Mart and the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, but the drawing is misleading because the wormhole appears to stretch across Springfield airspace. More accurately, the wormhole should be thought of as a new region of space that interfaces with ordinary, familiar space only at its ends—its mouths. If while walking along the streets of Springfield, you scoured the skyline in search of the wormhole, you'd see nothing. The only way to see it would be to hop on over to the Kwik-E-Mart, where you would find an opening in ordinary space—one wormhole mouth. Looking through the opening, you'd see the inside of the power plant, the location of the second mouth, as in Figure 15.2b. Another misleading feature of Figure 15.2a is that the wormhole doesn't appear to be a shortcut. We can fix this by modifying the illustration as in Figure 15.3. As you can see, the usual route from the power plant to the Kwik-E-Mart is indeed longer than the wormhole's new spatial passage. The contortions in Figure 15.3 reflect the difficulties in drawing general relativistic geometry on a page, but the figure does give an intuitive sense of the new connection a wormhole would provide.

Figure 15.2 (a) A wormhole extending from the Kwik-E-Mart to the nuclear power plant. (b) The view through the wormhole, looking from the mouth at the Kwik-E-Mart and into the mouth in the power plant.

Figure 15.3 Geometry which more clearly shows that the wormhole is a shortcut. (Wormhole mouths are really inside Kwik-E-Mart and the nuclear power plant, although that is difficult to show in this representation.)

No one knows whether wormholes exist, but many decades ago physicists established that they are allowed by the mathematics of general relativity and so are fair game for theoretical study. In the 1950s, John Wheeler and his coworkers were among the earliest researchers to investigate wormholes, and they discovered many of their fundamental mathematical properties. More recently, though, Thorne and his collaborators revealed the full richness of wormholes by realizing that not only can they provide shortcuts through space, they can also provide shortcuts through time.

Here's the idea. Imagine that Bart and Lisa are standing at opposite ends of Springfield's wormhole—Bart at the power plant, Lisa at the Kwik-E-Mart—idly chatting with each other about what to get Homer for his birthday, when Bart decides to take a short transgalactic jaunt (to get Homer some of his favorite Andromedean fish fingers). Lisa doesn't feel up for the ride but, as she's always wanted to see Andromeda, she persuades Bart to load his wormhole mouth on his ship and take it along, so she can have a look. You might expect this to mean that Bart will have to keep stretching the wormhole longer as his journey progresses, but that assumes the wormhole connects the Kwik-E-Mart and Bart's ship through ordinary space. It doesn't. And, as illustrated in Figure 15.4, through the wonders of general relativistic geometry, the wormhole's length can remain fixed throughout the entire voyage. This is a key point. Even though Bart rockets off to Andromeda, his distance to Lisa through the wormhole does not change. This makes manifest the wormhole's role as a shortcut through space.

For definiteness, let's say that Bart heads off at 99.999999999999999999 percent of light speed and travels four hours outbound to Andromeda, all the while continuing to chat with Lisa through the wormhole, just as they'd been doing before the flight. When

Figure 15.4 (a) A wormhole connecting the Kwik-E-Mart and the nuclear power plant. (b) The lower wormhole opening transported (from the nuclear power plant) to outer space (on spaceship, not shown). The wormhole length remains fixed. (c) The wormhole opening arrives at the Andromeda galaxy; the other opening is still at the Kwik-E-Mart. The length of the wormhole is unchanged throughout the entire voyage. the ship reaches Andromeda, Lisa tells Bart to pipe down so she can take in the view without disturbance. She's exasperated by his insistence on quickly grabbing the takeout at the Fish Finger Flythrough and heading back to Springfield, but agrees to keep on chatting until he returns. Four hours and a few dozen rounds of tic-tac-toe later, Bart safely sets his ship down on the lawn of Springfield High.

When he looks out the ship window, though, Bart gets a bit of a shock. The buildings look completely different, and the scoreboard floating high above the rollerball stadium gives a date some 6 million years after his departure. "Dude!?!" he says to himself, but a moment later it all becomes clear. Special relativity, he remembers from a heart-to-heart he'd recently had with Sideshow Bob, ensures that the faster you travel the slower your clock ticks. If you travel out into space at high speed and then return, only a few hours might have elapsed aboard your ship while thousands or millions of years, if not more, will have elapsed according to someone stationary. With a quick calculation, Bart confirms that at the speed he was traveling, eight hours elapsed on the ship would mean 6 million years elapsed on earth. The date on the scoreboard is right; Bart realizes he has traveled far into earth's future.

". . . Bart! Hello, Bart!" Lisa yells through the wormhole. "Have you been listening to me? Step on it. I want to get home in time for dinner." Bart looks into his wormhole mouth and tells Lisa he's already landed on the lawn of Springfield High. Looking more closely through the wormhole, Lisa sees that Bart is telling the truth, but looking out of the Kwik-E-MART toward Springfield High, she doesn't see his ship on the lawn. "I don't get it," she says.

"Actually, it makes perfect sense," Bart proudly answers. "I've landed at Springfield High, but 6 million years into the future. You can't see me by looking out the Kwik-E-Mart window, because you're looking at the right place, but you're not looking at the right time. You're looking 6 million years too early."

"Oh, right, that time-dilation thing of special relativity," Lisa agrees. "Cool. Anyway, I want to get home in time for dinner, so climb through the wormhole, because we've got to hurry." "Okay," Bart says, crawling through the wormhole. He buys a Butterfinger from Apu, and he and Lisa head home.

Notice that although Bart's passage through the wormhole took him but a moment,
it transported him 6 million years back in time.
He and his ship and the wormhole mouth had landed far into earth's future. Had he gotten out, spoken with people, and checked the newspaper, everything would have confirmed this. Yet, when he passed through the wormhole and rejoined Lisa, he found himself back in the present. The same holds true for anyone else who might follow Bart through the wormhole mouth: he would also travel 6 million years back in time. Similarly, anyone who climbs into the wormhole mouth at the Kwik-E-Mart, and out of the mouth Bart left in his ship, would travel 6 million years into the future. The important point is that Bart did not just take one of the wormhole mouths on a journey through space. His journey also transported the wormhole mouth through time.
Bart's voyage took him and the wormhole'smouth into earth's future. In short, Bart transformed a tunnel
through space into a tunnel through time; he turned a wormhole into a time

A rough way to visualize what's going on is depicted in Figure 15.5. In Figure 15.5a we see a wormhole connecting one spatial location with another, with the wormhole configuration drawn so as to emphasize that it lies outside of ordinary space. In Figure 15.5b, we show the time evolution of this wormhole, assuming both its mouths are kept stationary. (The time slices are those of a stationary observer.) In Figure 15.5c, we show what happens when one wormhole mouth is loaded onto a spaceship and taken on a round-trip journey. Time for the moving mouth, just like time on a moving clock, slows down, so that the moving mouth is transported to the future. (If an hour elapses on a moving clock but a thousand years elapse on stationary clocks, the moving clock will have jumped into the stationary clocks' future.) Thus, instead of the stationary wormhole mouth's connecting, via the wormhole tunnel, to a mouth on the same time slice, it connects to a mouth on a
time slice, as in Figure 15.5c. Unless the wormhole mouths are moved further, the time difference between them will remain locked in. At any moment, should you enter one mouth and exit the other, you will have become a time traveler.

Building a Wormhole Time Machine

One blueprint for building a time machine is now clear. Step 1: find or create a wormhole wide enough for you, or anything you want to send through time, to pass. Step 2: establish a time difference between the wormhole mouths—say, by moving one relative to the other. That's it. In principle.

Figure 15.5 (a) A wormhole, created at some moment in time, connects one location in space with another. (b) If the wormhole mouths do not move relative to one another, they "pass" through time at the same rate, so the tunnel connects the two regions at the same time. (c) If one wormhole mouth is taken on a round-trip journey (not shown), less time will elapse for that mouth, and hence the tunnel will connect the two regions of space at different moments of time. The wormhole has become a time machine.

How about in practice? Well, as I mentioned at the outset, no one knows whether wormholes even exist. Some physicists have suggested that tiny wormholes might be plentiful in the microscopic makeup of the spatial fabric, being continually produced by quantum fluctuations of the gravitational field. If so, the challenge would be to enlarge one to macroscopic size. Proposals have been made for how this might be done, but they're barely beyond theoretical flights of fancy. Other physicists have envisioned the creation of large wormholes as an engineering project in applied general relativity. We know that space responds to the distribution of matter and energy, so with sufficient control over matter and energy, we might cause a region of space to spawn a wormhole. This approach presents an additional complication, because just as we must tear open the side of a mountain to attach the mouth of a tunnel, we must tear open the fabric of space to attach the mouth of a wormhole.
No one knows whether such tears in space are allowed by the laws of physics. Work with which I've been involved in string theory (see page 386) has shown that certain kinds of spatial tears are possible, but so far we have no idea whether these rips might be relevant to the creation of wormholes. The bottom line is that intentional acquisition of a macroscopic wormhole is a fantasy that, at best, is a
long way from being realized.

Morever, even if we somehow managed to get our hands on a macroscopic wormhole, we wouldn't be done; we'd still face a couple of significant obstacles. First, in the 1960s, Wheeler and Robert Fuller showed, using the equations of general relativity, that wormholes are unstable. Their walls tend to collapse inward in a fraction of a second, which eliminates their utility for any kind of travel. More recently, though, physicists (including Thorne and Morris, and also Matt Visser) have found a potential way around the collapse problem. If the wormhole is not empty, but instead contains material—so-called
exotic matter—
that can exert an outward push on its walls, then it might be possible to keep the wormhole open and stable. Although similar in its effect to a cosmological constant, exotic matter would generate outward-pushing repulsive gravity by virtue of having negative energy (not just the negative pressure characteristic of a cosmological constant
). Under highly specialized conditions, quantum mechanics allows for negative energy,
but it would be a monumental challenge to generate enough exotic matter to hold a macroscopic wormhole open. (For example, Visser has calculated that the amount of negative energy needed to keep open a one-meter-wide wormhole is roughly equal in magnitude to the total energy produced by the sun over about 10 billion years.

Second, even if we somehow found or created a macroscopic wormhole, and even if we somehow were able to buttress its walls against immediate collapse, and even if we were able to induce a time difference between the wormhole mouths (say, by flying one mouth around at high speed), there would remain another hurdle to acquiring a time machine. A number of physicists, including Stephen Hawking, have raised the possibility that vacuum fluctuations—the jitters arising from the quantum uncertainty experienced by all fields, even in empty space, discussed in Chapter 12—might destroy a wormhole just as it was getting into position to be a time machine. The reason is that, just at the moment when time travel through the wormhole becomes possible, a devastating feedback mechanism, somewhat like the screeching noise generated when microphone and speaker levels in a sound system are not adjusted appropriately, may come into play. Vacuum fluctuations from the future can travel through the wormhole to the past, where they can then travel through ordinary space and time to the future, enter the wormhole, and travel back to the past again, creating an endless cycle through the wormhole and filling it with ever-increasing energy. Presumably, such an intense energy buildup would destroy the wormhole. Theoretical research suggests this as a real possibility, but the necessary calculations strain our current understanding of general relativity and quantum mechanics in curved spacetime, so there is no conclusive proof.

The challenges to building a wormhole time machine are clearly immense. But the final word won't be given until our facility with quantum mechanics and gravity is refined further, perhaps through advances in superstring theory. Although at an intuitive level physicists generally agree that time travel to the past is impossible, as of today the question has yet to be fully closed.

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