The Falls of Erith (31 page)

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Authors: Kathryn le Veque

BOOK: The Falls of Erith
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he eyed her as she went straight for the pile of clothes on the ground that she
had created when she had to dig through her satchel for something on the
bottom.   She began to wad up her meager possessions and shove them back
inside. He moved up behind her.

shall make a shopping trip into town in the next few days to acquire more
material for you,” he said quietly.

looked up at him. “What for?”

clothing. I would like my wife to be well dressed.”

looked down at what she was wearing; it was a surcoat made from a wool tartan
fabric that Braxton had brought them.  She had three new surcoats; she’d never
had three new of anything in her entire life.

I already have this,” she told Dallas. “Do I need more clothing?”

corners of his mouth twitched with a smile as he crouched beside her. “Wouldn’t
you like some?”

was gazing at him quite openly, her innocence obvious. “I do not know. I
already have some new dresses that my mother made me. I am not sure I need
more. She told me I was being selfish and petty, after all. If I have more new
clothing, she will think I badgered you into it.”

did laugh, then. “She will know the truth when I tell her I insisted. “ His
smile faded as he gazed into her big blue eyes. “As I said, I should like my
lovely wife to be well dressed. It is a direct reflection on my ability to
provide for you as a husband.”

flushed around the ears at his compliment. Then she shrugged weakly. “If you
think it is the right thing to do.”


didn’t have anything more to say to that. Cheeks still warm, she returned to
her packing as Dallas stood up and began removing pieces of armor.  She could
hear him setting the pieces down carefully.  But she was focused on shoving the
last of her possessions into her satchel and he startled her when he suddenly
sat heavily on the bedroll next to her.


looked at him, her fingers pausing as she tied up her bag. “Aye?”

the first time since she had known him, Dallas looked uncomfortable.  He sighed
heavily, reaching out to take one of the hands that were lingering on the bag. 
He stared at her hand a moment and Brooke’s heart thumped loudly against her
ribs at the warmth of his touch.  Since last night, the sight or sound of him
made her heart do strange things.  His touch only increased the effect.

have debated how to deal with this situation and I have considered keeping it
from you and simply doing as I see best,” he began. “But I feel strongly that
if this marriage is to have any chance of surviving, we must be honest with one
another. Do you agree?”

gazed at him. “I… I suppose so.”

he said, wondering if he should, indeed, be open with her.  She was so very
young. “You are aware that you and I were married for a reason, correct?”

nodded slowly. “Aye.”

that reason was to not only provide you with a suitable husband, but to prevent
your grandmother from awarding you to the highest bidder.  Are you with me so

nodded again, curiously, and he continued. “Even though we are married, this
union will not be truly binding until we consummate it.   I should have done it
last night but I felt strongly that it was not the right time.  However, with
our party returning to Castle Erith, I cannot delay. We already know that de
Clare is at Erith at your grandmother’s invitation. We must make sure that our
marriage is secure.”

this time, she was looking at him fearfully. “Then we… we must.…”

nodded faintly, looking into her wide blue eyes. “Aye, we must. And I swear to
you that I will be as gentle as possible. But it must be done.”

blinked, averting her gaze as she thought about what was to come.  She was
naturally frightened, but she was also naturally curious. Last night, she had
slept next to Dallas and had felt such comfort and security as she had never
known.  She was coming to feel comfortable with him as much as their short
marriage would allow, but he was still a stranger.  Hesitantly, she met his
gaze again.

mother has explained to me the way of men and women,” she said quietly. “And I
have seen animals couple.  We had a dog once that had a litter of puppies twice
a year. Every time I saw her, she was being mounted by another dog.  But as for
people coupling….”

smiled at her innocence; he couldn’t help it. “It is different than dogs.”

saw his grin and thought he was laughing at her. “I know that,” she snapped
softly, immediately cooling when she realized that he was not mocking her.
Dallas didn’t seem the type. “But… but I have never even had a suitor and the
first time a man kissed me was last night when you did.  I do not know what to
do. What if I do the wrong thing? You will be sorry that you married me.”

smile grew; fortunately, he had not taken offense to her snappish reply. “I
would never be sorry, Brooke. And you cannot possibly do the wrong thing. Just
listen to what I tell you and I promise you will gain some enjoyment from it.”

regarded him carefully. “You have done this before.”

cleared his throat and averted his gaze a moment, shifting his seat. “I have.”


lifted an eyebrow at her. “It does not matter. Suffice it to say that I believe
I can navigate my way through this.”

cocked her head. “But why is it expected that I am a virgin and acceptable that
you are not?”

gaze was steady on her. “Because one of us must know something or both of us
will be making fools of ourselves.  Therefore, in preparation of this moment, I
have had to learn so that I can teach you.”

cast him a long glance, suggesting that she thought his answer was ridiculous. 
Then she actually laughed. “You are good at thinking of answers that make
sense. But I know it is a preposterous answer you give me.”

“Because it is,” she insisted. “I want to know why I must remain pure, yet you
did not have the courtesy to remain pure for me.  Well?”

was a spitfire, spoiled and selfish, but she was also intelligent and quite
pretty.  He reached out and grasped her face gently with one hand.

it is any consolation to you, no one has marked my heart,” he said quietly,
watching her fire cool. “That, my lady, I have indeed saved for my wife. For

fire banked completely and she took on the wide-eyed innocent look again. “How
do you know?”

do I know what?”

you will give me your heart?”

wriggled his eyebrows and dropped his hand.  But he was smiling.  “I do not,
for certain. But I can hope.”

simply nodded. There wasn’t much more to say on the subject. Now the reality of
what they must do began to weigh heavily on her and her cheeks began to grow
warm again.   She kept her head down, looking at her bag.   Without another
word, Dallas reached over and put a hand on her neck, pulling her to him.  He
very gently kissed her cheek.

me, Brooke,” he murmured against her flesh. “I promise I will be gentle.”

had no choice but to comply, her eyes closing as he kissed her cheek again. 
His mouth moved across her face, to her chin, before finally claiming her lips.

was as he had remembered it the night before; she was sweet and warm and soft. 
Although he was performing a duty, it quickly became a genuine want.  He knew
he must go slowly with her, but he found that the feel and smell of her ignited
a flame deep within him.   Before he realized it, both arms were around her
slender body and he was pulling her onto the pallet beside him.

heart was thumping so loudly that she was positive he could hear it.  His mouth
was warm and gentle, his touch strong and tender.  Having never experienced an
embrace of any kind, the newness was disorienting.  But the disorientation
quickly evaporated in favor of giddy warmth that bloomed deep in her belly. 
When his mouth clamped down over hers, the warmth grew in size and breadth and
spread through her torso.  Hesitantly, her arms went around his neck.  It was
all the encouragement Dallas needed to pull her fiercely against him.

was lost in a haze of passion and curiosity.  She was aware when he laid her
back on the pallet, aware when his tongue licked at her lips. Not knowing how
to respond, she opened her mouth to ask him for instructions and his tongue
snaked inside her pink orafice.  Momentarily shocked, she very quickly realized
she liked it. His kiss was bold, intimate, heated.  Aye, she liked it very

unwound one of his arms.  His hand drifted over her belly, touching her arm,
shoulder, her hair.  Then it moved down her chest, finally coming to rest on a
pert breast.  He gently squeezed and she yelped.

are you doing?” she demanded breathlessly.

was fairly breathless himself. “Touching you.”

eyes were wide on him. “But… you are putting your hand on my.…”

squeezed her gently again, watching her mouth pop open in outrage and,
possibly, some semblance of pleasure.  He laughed softly and caressed her
breast again.

am your husband,” he whispered. “I may touch you anywhere I please.  Does this
disturb you?”

wasn’t sure.  “But… but what if I don’t want you to?”

I will stop. Do you want me to stop?”

cheeks flushed and she tried to avert her gaze, but he was so close that she could
not reasonably look away from him. “I… I suppose not.”

squeezed her again, feeling a hard nipple against his palm.  His mouth
descended on her once again as he spoke. “Good.”

lay there with her eyes open, responding to his bold kiss and evaluating the
feel of his hand against her breast.  It was shocking and new, but the more he
caressed and teased, the more she liked it.  Her young body began to twitch
with pleasure and she was not even aware. But Dallas was acutely aware; he’d
never been more aware of anything in his life.

abruptly sat up, pulling her with him. His arms were around her, untying the
stays on her back.   Brooke didn’t protest but she didn’t help either; she
wasn’t entirely sure what to do.  When he pulled the surcoat over her head, she
sat dumbly as he had her lift her arms and yanked the shift off as well.  Clad
only in her pantalets, she crossed her arms over her bare chest as Dallas
quickly removed his tunic.

turned back around to see her trying to cover herself with great
embarrassment.  In fact, she was trying not to cry.  He put his arms around her
and lay back down on the pallet, covering up her nakedness with his big body.

are so beautiful,” he murmured, his lips against her temple. “You do not need
to be embarrassed.”

sniffled, trying hard to stifle the tears. “I am not,” she lied.

smiled, kissing her again.  Very gently, he unwound her arms from her breasts. 
She was small-breasted, but they were pert and perfect.  His big hand covered
one completely and then some, but it did not take away from his pleasure. In
fact, he was wildly aroused by them.

felt his hot hand close over her breast and she shuddered, her embarrassment
quickly fading as he gently touched her.  He was very careful with her and his
patience helped immensely.  He continued to knead and caress, his lips against
her forehead, allowing her to become accustomed to his touch.  Brooke
concentrated on the encounter, gradually relaxing enough so that he was able to
shift his body.  When he put his heated mouth on her hard nipple, she gasped

are you doing?”

reply was to suck harder and she gasped and groaned, twitching beneath him. 
His mouth on her body was causing lightning to course through her limbs, heat
that she could not control.  Though she was young and innocent, her body was
all woman.  Hormones and desires raged. As Brooke lay panting beneath Dallas,
he deftly removed her pantalets and settled himself between her legs.

lifted her head to watch him as he lay between her legs.  His mouth was still
on her breast, his hands around her waist.  Brooke’s heart was pumping so hard
that she felt faint.  She lay her head back down, staring at the tent ceiling
and experiencing every new sensation that Dallas brought upon her. She liked
his mouth on her and she liked his big hands on her slender body.   She liked
everything about this so far.  But when he lowered his breeches and put his
manhood against her virginal lips, she grew worried all over again.

was back in her face, his big body lying on top of her. He wasn’t heavy, but
the intimacy was overwhelming. She began to tear up again and he kissed her
eyes tenderly.

tears, sweetheart,” he said softly. “Relax and accept me. It will make things

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