The Family (63 page)

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Authors: Jeff Sharlet

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exurban movement and, 311

labor-management, 103, 108–13, 142

postwar Nazi, 164–65, 168–77

poverty and, 382

suffering and, 371 (
see also

Reed, Ralph, 310, 347, 431n

Regier, Jerry, 276

Rehnquist, William, 19

Reifel, Ben, 247

religion, 2–3, 15, 29–30, 61–62, 368–69.
See also
American fundamentalism; Catholicism; Christianity; Islam; Protestantism

See also

Christian Right, 44, 132, 222–23, 383

Dwight Eisenhower vs. Robert Taft, 192–94

faith-based initiatives and, 379–86

Family/Fellowship and, 190

revirgining, 334


Rhodes, John, 246, 396n

Robertson, Absalom Willis, 19, 154, 190

Robertson, Pat, 8, 19, 154, 186, 240, 259

Robinson, Clifton J., 205–8, 246, 248–49

Rohrbach, Paul, 166, 175

Roosevelt, Franklin, 96, 98, 136, 154, 157, 406n, 409n.
See also
New Deal

Royal Rangers, 315–19

Rushdoony, Rousas John, 191, 341, 346–51, 429n

Rwanda, 28





labor union, 101–2

Nazi, 147–48

Sadat, Anwar, 24

St. Clair, William, 110–11


deliverance vs., 386–87

Jonathan Edwards on, 71

elite fundamentalism and, 220, 379–86

Savimbi, Jonas, 222

Scalia, Antonin, 258

scandals, sex, 293–94, 322–23

Schaeffer, Francis, 273, 342–43, 429n

Schenck, Rob, 257–60, 274, 276, 343, 357

Schmelz, Gustav, 166

school prayer, 225, 361

school segregation, 361


American fundamentalism and, 135

Jonathan Edwards and, 61, 68–69

homeschooling curricula and, 342, 346

Truth and, 376

Scopes trial, 277, 337

Scott, Winfield, 352

secrecy, Family/Fellowship, 19–21, 46, 223–24, 239, 243–45

secularism, 133, 155, 219, 265, 287–90, 349

Sekulow, Jay, 258

Selassie, Haile, 215, 248, 280

selflessness, 50–51, 58–59, 70–71, 127, 207.
See also
Jesus plus nothing theology; key man theory sexual purity movement, 322–35

author’s meetings with New York City men and, 324–27

Frank Buchman and confessions of sexual sins, 126, 128

foreign policy, abstinence-only sex education programs, and

Abstinence Clearinghouse books on, 327–34

Ivanwald brothers and, 40–41

sex scandals and, 293–94, 322–24

sexual payoff for, 334–35, 337

Sezibera, Richard, 28–29

Sheldon, Louis P., 259

Silk Road Strategy Act, 266–67

Silva, Costa e, 24, 222

Simon Wiesenthal Center, 167–68

Sims, Gannon, 5–6, 17, 31–32, 52


Frank Buchman and sexual, 126, 128

Jonathan Edwards and, 70

elite fundamentalism and, 220

forgetting of, 278–79

Abram Vereide and, 107, 110

Smith, H. Alexander, 139

Smith-Connally Act, 142

Social Gospel

Catholic, and faith-based initiatives, 381

Hillary Clinton and, 274

Charles Colson’s Prison Fellowship and, 236–40

Jesus plus nothing theology vs., 370–79 (
see also
Jesus plus nothing theology)

Abraham Kuyper and, 350

Abram Vereide’s rejection of, 110, 153

social order, 255, 371, 378, 385

socialism, 155, 215, 280, 409n, 429n

Somalia, 25, 222, 279–84

Soulforce pro-gay ministry, 323

soul surgery, 124–26, 128, 130–31, 156

South Korea, 24, 215, 250

South Vietnam, 199, 205–8, 248

Soviet Union, 150–51, 162, 171–72, 280.
See also
Cold War anticommunism; communism

Spain, 227, 396n, 407n

Sparkman, John, 140

Speidel, Hans, 166, 175

spiritual war

Harry Emerson Fosdick on, 135–36

Ted Haggard, New Life Church, and, 297, 301, 304

international, 155, 217, 281 (
see also
foreign politics; Worldwide Spiritual Offensive)

Ivanwald brothers and, 1, 29, 39, 42

Stonewall Jackson as model for, 355–56

sports, 15, 30, 41

Staggers, John, 238–39

Stalin, Joseph, 252, 255, 380, 400n

Stark, Rodney, 312–13, 427n

stealthiness, 19–20, 91–92, 190.
See also
secrecy, Family/Fellowship

Stennis, John, 25, 140

Stockstill, Larry and Melanie, 301

Stoddard, Solomon, 65

Stoeker, Fred, 330–31

Stone, Clement, 26, 199

Stone, Donald C., 151–52, 154

Stone, I. F., 201

strikes, labor union, 104–8, 122.
See also
labor unions

Stoll, David, 413n

submersion strategy, 223–24.
See also
secrecy, Family/Fellowship

submission, 70–71, 262–63, 344.
See also

subversion strategy, 208, 218–24

Sudan, 267–68


Bruce Barton on, 136–37

deliverance and, 386–87

labor unions and, 102

Social Gospel vs. Jesus plus nothing theology on, 370–79

theodicy and, 93, 160–62, 311

Truth and, 377–79

Suharto, 24, 221, 245–52, 423n

Sullivan, William H., 206, 417–18n

Summit Ministries, 322

Sunday, Billy, 87, 113

Sundberg, Bruce, 249–50, 424n

Swaggart, Jimmy, 322




Taft, Robert, 187–89, 192–94, 199

Taft-Hartley Act, 142, 193

Talmadge, Herman, 19

Tanzania, 384

Tarrant, Tommy, 240

Teamsters Union, 99–100, 104, 231

televangelists, 43, 293–94, 322–23

Temple, Paul, 227, 398n

Tempting Faith: The Inside Story of a Political Seduction
(book), 379, 383, 431n

Terry, Randall, 343


American fascism and, 121–24 (
see also
American fascism)

American history of, 8, 336–39

Frank Buchman on, 130

Doug Coe on, 223

democracy vs., 6–7, 277–78, 366–69

Jonathan Edwards and, 59–60

faith-based initiatives as, 379–86

of Family/Fellowship, 56–58

Arthur Langlie and, 121

Rousas Rushdoony on, 347–48

theocentric worldview vs., 342–43

as totalitarianism of God, 151–52, 155

Abram Vereide’s Idea about (
Vereide, Abraham [Abram])

theodicy, 93, 160–62, 311.
See also

American fundamentalism; Jesus plus nothing theology; religion

theonomy, 191.
See also
biblical capitalism

Thieu, Nguyen Van, 248

Thomas, Clarence, 26

Thomas, Rusty, 357–60, 364–66

Thune, John, 18

Thurmond, Strom, 19, 140, 225, 265, 395–96n

Tiahrt, Todd, 29–30

Tice, Jayson, 303–4

American fascism; European fascism; fascism; German fascism; theocracy

Traditional Values Coalition, 259

Trask, Thomas E., 298

Travis, William Barret, 345

Trotman, Dawson, 210–11

Trueblood, Elton, 186

True Love Waits, 327

Truman, Harry, 150, 154–55

Truth, 374–79

Turner, Carl, 219–20




Uganda, 23, 46, 52–54, 223, 328–29

Ukraine, 304

“under God,” U. S. Pledge of Allegiance and, 26, 198–99

labor unions

United Nations, 157, 224–25

United States.
See also
American fascism; American fundamentalism; Congress, U. S.; domestic politics; foreign politics; politics

as Promised Land, 221–22

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