The Fancy (31 page)

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Authors: Mercedes Keyes,Lawrence James

BOOK: The Fancy
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Heathcote, “You have much to do, join the others in

that carriage - you’ve heard Milady. If I am to have a

return to peace, a fix must begin at once.”

Grinning, Heathcote nodded, “Yes, Milord,” he

couldn’t help himself; he looked at Sarah, “Welcome

to WhistHirst Lady Caine, welcome indeed!”

Al those behind that heard, cheered in

agreement, cal ing out a welcome to her.

Quinton turned his horse to ride off with a cheer

of the crowd behind them; riding by the carriages,

giving the nod to proceed onward to the mansion.

El en sat with a smile on her face and looked to

Sarah’s mother, and for the first time, there too, was

a different kind of smile, much brighter, fil ed with


Fal ing behind, Quinton could not believe his

wife, yet felt he should not be surprised, “You are

obviously looking to catch your death – stripping the

clothing from you, now you sit, shivering.” He scolded

softly, trying to hold her close to share his body heat.

“I do not care about those things; I never

imagined you being so heartless.”

Quinton sighed, “Sarah, I did not know – I never

imagined that leaving things to my mother and

brother to see to would end in such a way.”

“I wil not have it! I wil not!” She stressed.

“Do you not wish to hear my side?”

“Do I dare? I cannot bear it, to see people as I

did this day – it broke my heart, because they belong

to you, I was frightened that perhaps I truly do not

know you.”

“Sarah – Suga, surely, you have more faith in

me than this?”

“Al that I am certain of is that I never want to

see that look upon their faces again.”

He pul ed on the reigns to halt their progress,

turning her to face him. “And I – never want to see

the way you looked at me today – again. You are my

soul mate Sarah – you have become the very air that

I breathe – know that – what we saw today reaffirms

that my return home was right and even more so, the

choice I made for WhistHirst’s Lady. I give you my

word; I wil make this right – with you by my side, as

has been since our first days together. It is already

plain to see, they wil come to love you, as I do.”

Palming her face gently, he gazed into her

eyes, “Am I forgiven? Trust me?”

Sarah sighed, nodded and leaned against him.

Quinton kissed her brow, and tilted her head back by

the chin, kissing her lips as wel ; a moment went by

that he broke the kiss to say with al the passion he

felt, “My God, you make me proud Sarah, my love –

my wife, my life – my heart, my soul swel s with pride.

Whatever you say, it shal be – I leave al in your

hands now. WhistHirst, wil be – what you make it,


Sarah wrapped her arms around him, holding

him, squeezing him as he snapped the reigns to get

moving again. What was paramount on her mind

was his mother? What kind of woman would al ow

the things Sarah had witnessed that day? If that were

not bad enough, she – Lady Lilith had once been

one of them – and instead of her sharing her good

fortune, improving the quality of life for everyone – it

seemed as if al said were to be true, she chose to

hold al to herself.

“What of your mother, Quinton?” She final y


“You and I are so close, we think of the same

things as one, she is on my mind. I wil speak with

her and let her know, now that we are here, al to do

with our estate wil be left to you and I. No decisions

wil be made without your or my approval.”

Once more Sarah sighed; something told her it

would not be as easy as that.

Standing upon the long stairs of the immense

stately home, arms crossed before her, Lady Lilith

caught sight of a tri-colored barking dog, running

down the drive; a massive head, powerful body,

large thick fluffy tail and a bark that could easily wake

the dead. Behind it, two carriages, the first she

assumed carried her new daughter in law, Lady

Sarah. Her mind was racing and wishing to get the

meeting over with, she would let her know from the

very start that WhistHirst was her place to run, given

to her by her son, Quinton. Al would be fine, as long

as she stayed out of affairs concerning WhistHirst –

Quinton was her husband – he should be her first

priority to see to, but the estate, the running of it,

would remain under her direction.

She glanced at the servants standing at

attention; al lined up as she’d directed them. She

slowly began making her way down the stairs,

deciding if she should smile or not for their first

meeting. The carriages rounded the circular drive to

stop on the stone portico. The horsemen went

forward immediately to assist the lady from the

carriage as Lady Lilith stood back watching. First to

exit was a woman she assumed was Lady Sarah’s

servant, an Indian of some sort by the looks of her,

dressed a bit better than a servant should be – she

would have to speak to her about that; the servants

had their place, just as they had theirs – and most

certainly their clothing should not come close to

matching what they wore. The dark servant looked

directly at her, into her eyes; the dislike was

immediate and mutual.

Lady Lilith’s lips grew tight, that too would be

discussed, she didn’t know how a servant was

treated in the Americas – but such insolence would

not be tolerated there by any servant. She cut the

dark woman by turning a cold shoulder to her, giving

her attention to the carriage door and to a young

woman, pretty with dark hair, standing and holding a

baby while the horsemen assisted her down.

Another man from up top jumped down and came to

stand by her side.

“Greetings to you, I am Lady Lilith – are you

not, Lady Sarah, my son’s bride?” She asked,

confused by the young man taking up one side of

her, placing his arms around her shoulders.

El en smiled, “It is certainly a pleasure to meet

you madam, no, I assure you – I am not. I am Mrs.

Murray, El en Murray-…”

“And I, her husband, Erwin Murray.” He

introduced himself.

Immediately Lilith stood back, “What then, are

you to my son?” She asked them, and then saw

Evan walk from the other side of the carriage.

“Evan? What is going on here? Where is

Quinton? Lady Sarah?”

Evan stood grinning, patiently waiting for the

surprise of his mother’s life, “They b’here any

moment, they were right behind us, riding.” He


The second carriage was unloading; the

servants who had gone to Quinton were now working

quickly to un-pack the many trunks and especial y the

one belonging to Sarah. Lilith’s eyes were on them

about to say something when she saw Heathcote

standing with them, directing them, tel ing them what

to do.

“Quickly now, these things must be taken to

Milord and Lady’s room, she wil be needing a

change, perhaps a bath as wel , quick about it!” He

ordered, clapping his hands. They were only too

wil ing to rush ahead, their minds on Sarah and

getting her clean and warm.

“What in…? Heathcote? Everyone stop right

where you are! Do you hear me? I said stop at

once!” She railed at them. However, because they

knew what she did not, they carried on as if she were

a ghost, a mist in the wind, and they rushed to get

fresh clothing out of the trunks for Sarah.

Furious, she turned to Heathcote, “What is the

meaning of this?! How dare you come back here

when you have been dismissed?”

Heathcote turned his eyes from her to Evan,

“Please explain to Lady Lilith while I see to matters

inside.” He turned from her and stopped where the

servants were lined up, “Please head back inside

and resume your duties until Lady Sarah has been

seen to, this lineup can resume then and I wil cal

upon you at that time.” He instructed.

Realizing something was happening; al those

lined up did as the others did and headed quickly

inside a head of him.

Seeing this set Lady Lilith to fire, “NOT ONE

MOVE, DO YOU HEAR?!” She raged, burning hot –

she turned back to her youngest son, Evan.

“What is going on here?” She demanded,

breathing hard.

“Al t’be explained shortly mother, as for

Heathcote, Quinton restored him to his original

position here.”

“Quinton? How? When?”

Before Evan could say anymore, the dog –

Moose, who had run up the drive and then turned

back to find his masters, was now returning, barking

up a joyful storm as the horse came riding into the


Lilith stood breathing and blowing hotly,

watching her son’s arrival with a young woman sitting

side saddle before him – not just any woman, but a

Moor – her mouth slowly fel open. Smiling, Evan

leaned to her ear, “Mother, behold – Lady Sarah

Abigail Caine, the new Countess of WhistHirst.”

She could not believe her eyes.

Vonn had been waiting for the horse, grabbing

its reigns, he held it stil as Quinton dismounted and

then reached up taking Sarah into his arms, holding

her high he turned, and having seen his mother

standing at the side, turned to her with his bride in

his arms.

“Greetings mother, we-…”

Nothing more could be said, because his

mother fel immediately into a dead faint.

“Evan, see to mother please, I must see first, to

my wife.”

The house of WhistHirst was in an uproar.

Lady Lilith had locked herself away in her NEW

room, as she’d been removed from the room she’d

claimed back when she thought her role secure as

mistress of WhistHirst – that room was now Lady

Sarah’s – as wel sharing the rooms of her husband.

The servants were al a twitter, gossip spread

like wildfire to those who had not seen the new lady,

a Moor. The servants who had gone to the Americas

and were the first to have seen her, who had gotten

to know her first, were now celebrities – everyone

sought them out to hear whatever tidbit might be


Each spoke of her grace - of her beauty – of

her kindness – of her eloquence and intel igence.

They told of how she could read and write, that she

was humble – and had served to sweep Lord Caine

so off of his feet, he had no choice but to marry the

lass and bring her back to WhistHirst. They

whispered of what had taken place when they

entered the vil age, how she stripped herself almost

naked to clothe the poor souls cal ing out her name.

So much talk was going on that Heathcote twice had

to break it up and get the servants back on track of

their duties; stepping from one room to another.

He even caught one of the older men servants

cackling out a laugh and leaping into the air clicking

his heels to hear of Lady Lilith’s forced removal as

head mistress and her unceremonious humbling.

Many of the girl servants pleaded with Aislin to

help her with anything, anything at al so that they

might get just a peek at her, so eager were they to

see her with their own eyes. Because she’d

heralded and sang of her stunning looks and mass

of mountainous hair, bragging that only

tame and fix her hair the way that Lady Sarah liked it;

so much so, that she always tipped her with many

coins and to prove it she showed them her currency

earned since being her Lady’s special attendant.

Many sighed and envied her, wishing they had

been chosen for such a role.

Aatu also bragged that his special duty was to

see to Lady Sarah’s great beast. For it was the

Lady’s greatest treasure and she had wanted

someone special who could handle the chore of

seeing to one as mighty as her animal, special as he

was – rare, no other like it in al the world, he claimed

with rapt attention from al the young men who

listened. Yes, the servants were excited, giddy, joyful

and entranced by the new Lady – even though few

had the honor of meeting her.

Erwin and El en Murray were seen to

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