The Far Pavilions (159 page)

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Authors: M M Kaye

Tags: #Fiction, #General

BOOK: The Far Pavilions
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baby; child
the Mohammedan Sabbath

Indian infantrymen
great man
Sleep baby sleep, Butter, bread, sugar, The bread and butter are finished, My baby is asleep.
light two-wheeled trap
sowars = cavalry soldiers; sepoys = infantry
big dinner-parties

bad characters; riff-raff
uproar, tumult
The battle that gained India for Clive and the East India Company in 1757. (There was a legend that the rule of the Company would only last a hundred years from that date.)
Hindu holy man
tight-fitting three-quarter-length coat
pronounced Ma-darn
Be silent!
a Hindu form of blessing, literally ‘Live long’
cart or carriage
village headman
= 2 miles
drivers of horse-drawn vehicles
mail carriage (
literally post, mail, posting-house)
sun-blind made of split cane
for me too
thanks be to God
nonsense (literally, stupidity)
kaka = paternal uncle
nymphs of the Mohammedan paradise
part of the Vedic literature
Your honour
You have permission to go
Literally young men: but also used colloquially to mean soldiers.
my son
Before India was taken over from the East India Company by the Crown, the title was Governor-General. The last of these was Sir John Lawrence.
Fear not. Be strong. Bravo!
Thank you
Now it is finished
Here lies Barbur the great Emperor. May his fame live for ever.
Go back and get your muskets. On! On!
Forward, brothers. On – Victory to the Guides.
strike; kill.
Please. Enough. Stop!

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