The Fat Burn Revolution (27 page)

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Authors: Julia Buckley

BOOK: The Fat Burn Revolution
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forward lunge

Think about the fat melting away

target area
thighs, bum, calves, belly & lower back               

Perform lunges regularly with good form and you’ll be rewarded with shapely thighs and a sexy firm bum. This move activates some very large muscles,
which means your body burns a lot of fuel while doing them, so it’s certainly a winner for fat loss. Plus lunges strengthen muscles that help protect the knees from injury, promote good
movement patterns, and improve balance.

This could be one of the best moves you can do to ensure you stay mobile into later life. It won’t be an easy exercise if it’s a new one for you, but with all those benefits
on offer, lunges are well worth mastering.

Stand tall with feet shoulder-width apart and take a long step directly out in front of you with the right leg, planting your heel down and then
your toes as you move onto the ball of your left foot behind you. Allow your bodyweight to be supported equally by both feet. Take a few seconds to regain your balance if you need to.

Lower your body towards the floor, keeping your back straight, looking forward. Lower until your front thigh is parallel to the floor or to the
point of discomfort (not pain). Don’t worry if you find yourself leaning forward slightly (so long as you’re not bending the back) but do try to keep the upper body as upright as you
can. Ensure that your right knee does not flare out to either side, the shin should track forward over the foot.

Keep the front foot planted firmly on the floor as you use the front leg to push yourself back to the starting position and repeat.



Breathe out as you lower into the lunge and exhale as you return to the start position

Keep your back upright and straight throughout the movement. If you wobble that’s fine, just keep working towards maintaining your balance

If you experience pain doing this exercise, then stop immediately and consult a medical professional

Beginners have the option of placing a hand on a wall or sturdy object to keep steady as they learn the movement

hip extension

You are reshaping your body, your lifestyle and yourself.

target area
buttocks, core, lower back & thighs               


Hip extensions are a great exercise to lift and firm up the bum. They also offer the added benefit of working your core muscles, thighs and lower back. So
these should help improve your posture as well as your posterior!

Lie face up on your mat with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Keep your arms down by your sides – you can push down on the mat with
your palms to help keep you stable as you lift if you need to.

Keeping your feet flat and your shoulders resting on the mat, gently lift your hips as high you can, squeezing your buttocks and keeping your core

Hold the position for a second and then slowly lower the hips back down onto the mat. This is one repetition.



Exhale as you lift the hips, inhale as you lower

Lift straight up, do not sway or tilt the hips and keep the knees and feet fixed in place

Lift high enough so that you feel tension in the muscles, but stay lower if it’s painful to lift high

If you find this exercise easy, try doing it on one leg. Lift one foot off the floor and, keeping the knees together, extend the lifted leg straight as you raise the
hips. Repeat on the opposite side

backward lunge

target area
legs, bum, core & back               

Here’s another brilliant booty shaper! The backward lunge is a highly effective, easy-to-master exercise for firming and strengthening the front
of the thighs and tightening up the bum. It also hits the core and lower back. Because it activates some large muscles, this exercise is a superb fat burner.

Stand up, straight and tall, with your feet under your hips, hands on your hips. Hold that upright posture in the back as you take a big step
directly behind you with your right leg. You should now be balancing on the forefoot on the right side while your left foot remains flat on the floor.

Lower your hips towards the floor by bending the left knee, keeping your back straight, head facing forwards. Aim to get the left thigh parallel
to the floor, but if you can’t get down that low, just get as low as you can.

Press your front foot into the floor as you raise your hips back up. That is one repetition. Complete your reps on that side, step your right
leg back so your feet are together again, then take a step back with the left leg and repeat on that side.



Keep your back upright and straight throughout the movement. Do not sway to the side or tilt forwards

Both feet and knees should be pointing forwards, as should your hips

Short lunges target your thigh muscles a little more, while long lunges work your bum harder

Beginners may need to hold onto a wall or other sturdy object to keep steady during this exercise

leg lift back extension

Dig in and feel it!

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