The Fated Swords (Mystics of V'nairia #1)

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“Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.” –Edgar Allen Poe

The Fated Swords







J.C. Ritchie










About The Author


Jonathan Casey Ritchie is Twenty-two years old and was born in the small city of Norton, VA. He spends most of his days living in the fantasy world in his head; playing video games and writing fantasy novels for all the fantasy lovers of the world. He is the author of the Mystics of V’nairia series.



The Fated Swords
© 2014 by J.C. Ritchie  

Excerpt from
The Crusader King
© 2014 by J.C. Ritchie  

All rights reserved. T
his book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


First Edition printing, 2014

ISBN 1-50105937-8

Edited by: Ashley Moore

Cover design: Copyright © 2014 by Joseph Lee

Texts and illustrations: Copyright © 2014 by J.C. Ritchie

To my parents, thank you so much for always being there for me and supporting me. I love you guys so much.

To my brother and sister, never stop dreaming you never know where those dreams
might take you.


To my friend Ashley Moore, Thank you for helping me with the novel and pushing me to completion. It means so much to me to have you as a friend.


And lastly to my love, you are my heart and soul and everything that I need to be whole. I love you to the moon and back, thank you for always being there to pick me up when I fall.












The Fated Swords







V’nairia, a peaceful kingdom filled with magick and wonder. It was a place where humans and mystics lived together in harmony.

The mystic race was made up of people who possessed extraordinary abilities and could call upon the elements to do their bidding. The human race did not hate the mystics because of their abilities, if anything they had been jealous of their race
for having the powers that they did. The kingdom was united under one government, which had been ruled by the High Court. The government and its laws made it perfectly clear that there wasn’t to be any fighting among the two races and they were to coexist peacefully.

The High Court consisted of five judges, clad in armor; one of which was the Supreme Judge. Each of whom was a mystic who controlled a specific element of magick. There was no such thing as religion or gods
for the people of the kingdom to worship, the humans followed the leadership of the judges and the mystics followed their beliefs in the mystical arts. For two centuries the High Court had ruled over V’nairia, keeping the peace between the human and mystic races, destroying all forms of evils that dared to enter V’nairia. Anyone that came from the foreign lands to live within V’nairia’s borders had to take on a new name and a new way of life. They had to leave behind their families and their false gods, until one fateful day a man would step forward to change all of this, one man who would soon rule over the kingdom and its people.

His name was Alvelo Vallerus; most of those who had known him only used his last name when speaking or about him. Vallerus was the lieutenant of the militia, which was the military force that V’nairia’s High Court had created. The militia was made up of both mystic and human men and woman that wanted to serve their kingdom and protect their people from any foreign evils. Vallerus hated the mystics even though he was born one himself. He was the product of a mystic and human and was often ridiculed for being a “half-breed” as they called them. Vallerus trained day and night for years to grow strong enough so that one day he could become the supreme judge and enslave all mystics. He hated the mystic people and wanted them all eliminated. It disgusted him to no end, seeing humans speaking to them or courting them.

One day Vallerus challenged not one but all five judges to combat. He swiftly defeated each of them with ease; he erased them from the world to make sure none of them could ever challenge his reign. He chose four of the strongest mystics he could find and bestowed upon them the title of judge, and he became the Supreme Judge. The kingdom was finally his to command, he exiled all mystics to a foreign land and made them swear to never come back to the kingdom again or they would pay with their lives.

          One mystic sought a resolution to the races problem, he believed in going to war with the humans and taking back their home. They called him Hylkroft the Godsage and he was the most powerful of the race. He was the only mystic that ever lived who possessed all elements of magick. He had gathered up his army and marched into V’nairia from the foreign lands. Vallerus led his army to the battlefield to meet the Godsage’s army. The war raged on for an entire decade, years of death and destruction. Many men, woman, and even children had died from the chaotic battle.  Both sides were getting nowhere, until finally Vallerus and the Godsage had proposed a contest; whichever could defeat the other in combat their side would be the victor of the war. The two warriors were powerful, the fight went on for days; neither man tired. Finally one fateful day Vallerus had finally defeated the Godsage in battle. He decapitated the Godsage in front of a thousand of his own men. He raised the head high as the militia’s soldiers cheered him on. Then with one powerful technique he wiped out the entire mystic army. That one technique struck fear into the hearts of man and mystic alike, after that no one ever dared to oppose him, or they would face a gruesome death.

         He had killed many mystics and vowed to find the rest. After the war was over he had returned to the capital and created a new law; that if any mystic was found they were to be executed and anyone helping them executed as well. All remaining mystics scattered to different parts of the kingdom, living in secret until the day when the judge would be defeated and the peace would be restored.






Chapter I

New Recruit


Zander sat under his favorite tree in the city’s garden, he could smell the many types of flowers around him. The garden was a very calming place and he had come there at least once a day to take in its incredible beauty. He often wondered what his parents were like, or about being a war hero like his father. He had reoccurring dreams of receiving medals for winning fierce battles, or saving beautiful girls. He was a normal teenage boy born from a military family, without the family of course. Zander’s parents had been a part of the kingdom’s militia and had died in battle while he was still very young, so it was unclear to him what his mother and his father were actually like. He had never even found out what their names were.

Zander was sixteen years old and of average build, he
never participated in many things outdoors besides sitting in the garden. He often kept to himself; he liked it better that way. He was a very avid reader, he loved to feed his vast wealth of knowledge of the world and how it worked. History had also fascinated him; he loved to learn about the various wars that V’nairia had fought ages ago. He always was picked on in school for how smart he was, but he didn’t care he had always seen the world in a different light than most.

His brown spiked hair stood firmly on his head, and through his eyes you could clearly see his hopes and dreams as well as the overwhelming pain he kept inside. Today was a special day for Zander, because today he was going to graduate from the militia’s academy. He had always said it was his calling; to protect all of V’nairia just like his parents had done before him.

“Sitting there daydreaming again are we?” Vallus said calling him. “You think you would at least want to be on time for this event.”              

Zander looked over and saw his best friend walking towards him. Vallus was more than a friend to Zander, they were like broth
ers. Vallus’s father had taken Zander in after his parents were killed, and he had stayed with their family ever since then. Vallus was a tall and strong eighteen year old who had already graduated the academy two years earlier, he was now a commander. He had long black hair that he kept in a neat pony tail at all times; the only time you ever seen his hair down is when he was angry.               

“That’s why I have you as my own personal clock Vallus.” Zander said smiling.

Vallus gave him a disappointed look, “Are you ever going to address me as your commanding officer?” Vallus asked.

“I don’t believe its official just yet.” Zander said knowing he would get “the look” from his friend.

They both stared at each other for a moment and then let out a hearty laugh. Vallus took Zander’s hand and pulled him up off the ground, “Are you ready soldier?” He asked the already nervous Zander. “Yeah let’s go commander!” Zander shouted happily as they walked out of the garden and onwards to the militia’s academy.

 The academy was a very large building, pyramid like in shape.  Not very many of its students even pass the entry exam, but Zander was determined to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a war hero. In just two short years he had finally been able to graduate. He had advanced faster than the other students; he pushed himself every day to be the best. Zander and Vallus walked down the darkened corridors of the academy, it was late in the afternoon so all of the classes had dismissed for the day. They rode the elevator to the tenth floor where the headmaster’s office was.

There was a knock on the headmaster’s door, “Come in.” Headmaster Jerriston said eagerly.

Vallus and Zander walked inside the office and glanced around the room looking at the various medals and achievement awards that the headmaster had received in his days of service; but as with all good things once they’re old they are retired.  

“Ah there you are Zander I’ve been waiting for you.” The old man said standing to greet Zander with a firm hand shake. Firm wasn’t the word for it, more like ironclad, it was quite impressive for an eighty-five year old.

Zander gave a salute to the headmaster and grinned. “Sorry if I was late sir, nerves got to me I guess.” He said.

The headmaster laughed, “Not at all my boy, not at all.”  

Another knock came to the door, another man walked inside the office. He was much taller than Zander,
had a muscular build and had long black hair with a goatee and mustache. The man was Vallus’ father, the Supreme Judge that ruled over all of V’nairia. In the kingdom there was no godly worship or religion, but if someone was to be worshipped it would have been him.              

“There you boys are.” Judge Vallerus said.

They both gave a salute to the Supreme Judge. “Yes father, I had to go find him, his mind seems to wander quite a bit lately.” Vallus said.               

Zander lowered his head, “My apologies your honor.” He said cowardly.

Vallerus began to laugh, “Nonsense my boy, it’s just your nerves. Today is a very important day for you, it is normal to feel nervous.” Vallerus said. He looked up to Vallus and his father they were the perfect role-models in his eyes.

Vallus turned to Zander, “Being as I see you as my own blood, it is only right to give you this as a graduation gift.” He said handing Zander his very own sword.              

The Scabbard was the color of snow and the blade seemed to sing as it was released from its white prison. Zander felt a chill run up his arm upon releasing it but he
had ignored it.               

“But isn’t this-?” Zander asked as he gazed down at his gift.

Vallerus cleared his throat, “Yes that weapon is Ivory the twin blade to Vallus’ Ebony.”             

Vallus pulled out his sword, the only difference being the scabbard was black. “I know you will use it well. The cursed blades also work well together that is why I had Lieutenant Omak put you on my squad.” Vallus said.

“Thank you so much Vallus, I will do my very best.” Zander stated.

“But be warned for there is a curse on these blades, the wielders are said to be eternal rivals.” Vallerus said.

Vallus and Zander stared at each other like they could communicate with thought, vowing to be stronger than the other. They stared at each other to see who would break first, this was their usual game. Neither one could keep a straight face, they both started to chuckle.

Vallerus placed his hand on the boy’s shoulders, “Your both men now do all of V’nairia proud. I must be off but I will see you both later.” He said walking out the door.

Vallus and Zander began to walk out the door when the headmaster stopped them, “Excuse me Zander but your forg
etting these.” He said handing Zander his new uniform and badge.

“Thank you headmaster.”
Zander said as they saluted him and were on their way out of the office door.

utside Zander and Vallus had seen their friend Kerra waiting for them by the side of the building. She ran up to Zander and embraced him.

“Congratulations Zander, you did it! Your father would be so proud.” Kerra said praising him.

Kerra was also sixteen and the third in their group. When it came to Zander and Vallus nothing else in the world mattered. She loved them both equally and that often brought her much pain, she knew that she couldn’t have them both but it was hard to choose between them. She was just a tad shorter than Zander and had short, brown wavy hair that came to her shoulders. Kerra was quite mature for her age and often got the boys out of many a sticky situation. This was the doing of her mother who was also a judge of the High Court, who had taught her very well. Her family possessed lightning magick and the trait has passed down from generation to generation.

“Have you been waiting long Kerra?” Vallus asked.

Kerra shook her head and smiled, “No not that long but you could have been quicker about it.” She said. Zander
pulled out his sword and showed it to her, “Is that Ivory?” she asked.

“Yes I had given it to Zander as a graduation gift.” Vallus said.

The blade glistened in the sunlight and Zander could feel a calming warmth when he touched the blade. “Well then here is my gift to you.” Kerra said kissing him on the forehead.

“What was that for?” He asked blushing. “It is for good luck.” She said smiling.

“Well we best get home before dark.” Zander stated looking at the time. “Yes you need your rest for tomorrow; we have the debriefing for our first mission.” Vallus said.

That had made Zander extremely excited and extremely nervous at the same time. “Well im gonna head home, Vallus will you walk me?” Kerra asked.

Vallus took her hand and nodded. Zander hated how she favored him, but this really wasn’t so. Vallus was just more skilled in combat and could protect her better. Kerra hugged Zander once more and said their goodbyes.  Zander started in the opposite direction to head home and to get some sleep.

         That night Zander laid in bed gazing at his sword. He loved to listen to the blade sing as he pulled it from the scabbard. It was like wind blowing in the dead of night, so peaceful and yet so powerful. It had quickly become his most prized possession. Vallus had still not gotten home, which was very unlike him to be late doing anything. Out of the corner of his eye Zander had seen a note folded perfectly lying on the nightstand beside him. How could he have not noticed that before? He thought to himself It was from Vallus he could tell, the signature was worse than that of a doctors. He opened the note it read...

Meet me in the gardens at midnight,

And don’t tell anyone – Vallus

Zander knew something was up; this wasn’t like Vallus at all. Zander got up and threw on some clothes. He quickly fastened Ivory to his side and went out the front door. The night had been so quiet; you could hear a pin drop. He walked on towards the gardens trying to think of why Vallus would ask him to meet him in the middle of night like this.

 He made it to the gardens but there was no one there. Zander stood next to his favorite tree and waited. Maybe he had gotten there before Vallus had? Suddenly he had heard some footsteps through the grass coming from across the garden. Zander looked off into the distance and saw Vallus walking towards him; he had ebony fastened to his side.

“Vallus, why are we here so late?” Zander asked.

Vallus stopped about ten feet from Zander’s position. “You aren’t quite ready for tomorrow’s mission Zander.” Vallus said. Zander was confused, he didn’t even know what tomorrow’s mission was yet so how is he supposed to know whether he was prepared or not?

“What will you do if you have to take a life? You know we hunt mystics and kill them. What if you have to kill one?” Vallus asked.

His friend was right in asking this question, Zander had joined the militia and after all this time he had never thought about the fact that he may have to kill someone.

“Why must we kill the mystics?
They don’t mean us any harm?” Zander asked.

Vallus shook his head disappointed. “Do you know nothing brother? The mystics have the means to overtake the government and enslave us all.” Vallus explained.

Zander was one of the few people in the city that did not believe this, for Zander knew that the judges themselves could use magicks but are not themselves persecuted for being different. The government was already quite corrupt the way it was. He had already known Vallus’ opinion on the matter as well; he hadn’t hated the mystics either. He was just following the Lieutenant and his father’s orders.

“Im here to see how you will fare on the battlefield, fight me brother!” Vallus shouted as he released his sword. Zander noticed something in vallus’ eyes, they were dark and cold.

“No! I won’t fight you!” Zander shouted back.

The wind began to pick up in the garden; Zander could hear the leaves rustling in the trees. Quickly Vallus appeared behind Zander.

“He’s so fast.” Zander thought to himself as Vallus delivered a kick to his side. Zander fell to his knees,

“If you don’t fight, you will end up dead and your dreams will mean nothing.” Vallus stated as he lunged at Zander with his sword,

Zander had quickly blocked it with his own. “You’re crazy, what is wrong with you?” Zander asked him but there was no reply. Vallus knocked Zander off his balance, and grabbed him by his shirt lifting him up above him.

“You have to realize pain in all its forms, not just emotional but physical too.” Vallus said as he launched his fist into Zander’s gut so hard he couldn’t even let out a
whimper. He threw Zander to the ground on his back, Zander tried to get up but it was useless, he couldn’t move a muscle.

Vallus hovered over him blade in hand, “The strong survive, whilst the weak die!” Vallus shouted as his sword came down towards Zander’s face.

Zander closed his eyes because at that moment he realized he was going to die, and he couldn’t do anything to stop it. He was weak, he never realized just how weak until that moment in time. The blade made a sudden stop on the top of his nose. Blood made a narrow stream down the side of his face which mixed with the salty stream of tears coming from his right eye. Before Zander fainted he looked at Vallus and thought to himself, he wasn’t dead he was very much alive. Vallus wasn’t trying to kill him; he was trying to show him the intensity of a real battle. Suddenly everything went black.

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