The Fifth Heart (55 page)

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Authors: Dan Simmons

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“I’m sure you locked the door behind you when you left to work off your anger in your walk,” said Holmes. “How did Rebecca Lorne gain entry to your home?”

“Oh, Clover had had an extra key made up for Rebecca a month or two earlier,” Adams answered almost distractedly. “We’d hoped to go to New York for some shopping—a vain hope, as it turned out—and Clover had given Miss Lorne the key so that she could drop in to check on the servants and see that the plants were properly watered.”

“Rebecca Lorne discovered Mrs. Adams’s body in the wreckage that had been the parlor, not you,” said Holmes. He did not phrase it as a question and Adams did not answer other than to nod ever so slightly.

Eventually Adams spoke in hollowed-out tones, the voice of a man who has passed through Hell and who knows he must go there again. “In those last months, it was only Rebecca Lorne who seemed to give Clover any surcease of her sorrow over her father’s death. Clover had stopped seeing most of her usual friends. It’s not quite fair to say that she and Miss Lorne were inseparable during those last late-summer and autumn months, but there’s no one whom Clover looked forward to seeing more than Miss Lorne.”

“Hadn’t the two of them paid a call on Mrs. Cameron—Lizzie Cameron—the previous evening?” asked Holmes.

Adams blinked rapidly once again. “Yes, they had. Lizzie had been very ill with . . . the influenza, I believe. Clover visited her and Miss Lorne accompanied her. They brought flowers and a book.”

Holmes removed the untitled publicity photograph of Irene Adler from his upper jacket pocket and handed it across to Henry Adams. “Is this a picture of Rebecca Lorne?”

Adams moved the photograph back and forth to bring it into proper focus. “Well . . . yes, it appears to be Miss Lorne. Her dress here is more . . . ‘showy’ is perhaps the right word . . . and she looks a little younger than when I last saw her, but this appears to be Rebecca.”

Holmes took the photo back. “This is a program advertisement for a certain Irene Adler—American born but European trained.”

“Trained in what?” said Adams.

“Opera, acting on the stage, and blackmail,” said Holmes. “Most specially that last skill.”

“I don’t believe it.”

“You remember her cousin, a certain Clifton Richards?”

“Of course,” said Adams. “He worked in the photographic section of the State Department.” Adams paused and the haze came over his eyes again. “He’s the one who brought Clover the new developing solution that contained the potassium cyanide.”

“His real name is Lucan,” said Holmes. “Possibly Lucan Adler. Probably Irene Adler’s son.”

Adams shook his head again.

“You didn’t see or talk to Lucan—this Cousin Clifton—on the day you met Rebecca Lorne coming out of your house . . . the day Clover died?”


“So he might have been in the house and exited via the back stairs when you ran up the front stairs, and he may have slipped out the back way into the alley,” said Holmes.

“An extraordinary and outrageous supposition,” said Henry Adams. “We have no evidence that her cousin Clifton was with her in my home on that terrible day.”

“No,” said Holmes, “but we know beyond a doubt that ‘Clifton Richards’ was Adler the assassin. And without questioning Irene Adler—your so-called Rebecca Lorne—we simply cannot know the truth of that day. And there was an obituary for Irene Adler in the March eighteen eighty-six London

Adams shook his head again, but with a negative hand gesture this time, a physical pushing away of Holmes’s words or their import. “No, no . . . this Irene Adler cannot have been the same woman that I knew so well in the year before Clover’s death. I’ve written letters to Miss Lorne, it’s been
. Braxton, of Boston, over the years. And she has always responded.”

“Recently?” said Holmes, his ears metaphorically perking up like a hunting hound’s.

“Her last letter to me was last autumn, I believe,” said Adams. “So you see that your late actress person cannot be Mrs. Rebecca Lorne Braxton of Boston.”

“And her handwriting has stayed the same?” said Holmes.

“Yes, of course,” said Adams. “But I shall show you the letters. You may make your own judgment. Mrs. Braxton has never sent me a typewritten missive such as those accursed annual cards you are so clumsily and invasively investigating.”

“When was Miss Lorne married?”

“About two years after my wife’s death,” said Adams. “Miss Lorne had moved to Boston in January of eighteen eighty-six, only a month after . . . after. She sent me a note of her marriage in August of eighteen eighty-eight. I know only that her husband is somewhat older than she and that he makes a living in the sea trade with India.”

“May I see these letters? Hers to you, I mean. Not yours to her.”

Holmes expected an argument, possibly harsh words, but Adams must have been expecting the request; he pulled a small bundle of envelopes, tied in a pink bow, from the main drawer of his desk.

“Read them, Mr. Holmes. Take them with you as long as you promise to return them. You shall find nothing in Rebecca Lorne Braxton’s letters to me—or in my short notes to her, for that matter, should the lady allow you to read them someday—but normal conversation between an aging widower and his wife’s friend, a friend, like the husband, still deep in mourning after seven years.” Adams’s tone was flat, almost businesslike.

Holmes accepted the bundle of letters in silence.

“Another thing . . . another
, if you will, Mr. Holmes,” said Adams.

Holmes held the letters in his lap and waited.

“Every year on December six,” said Adams. “The anniversary of Clover’s death. I have found, or Hay and my other friends have found when I was traveling in the South Seas, a small bouquet of white violets, Clover’s favorite flower, set on my wife’s grave in Rock Creek Cemetery. I am certain that they have been set there every December six by Rebecca Lorne.”

“How can you know this?” asked Holmes. “Did she admit to this?”

“No, I have never mentioned it to her in our occasional correspondence,” said Adams. “I simply know. I have not written to thank her yet, but someday I shall.”

“But you said that Miss Lorne . . . Mrs. Braxton now . . . has lived in Boston these seven years.”


“Mr. Adams . . . you really believe that Rebecca Lorne Braxton makes the long trip to Washington every December six, never to contact you, but only to leave this bouquet of white violets on your wife’s grave?”

“I do, Mr. Holmes. She has never spoken of it in her letters, but I am certain that particular act of kindness is hers. It matches the personality of the woman I knew in eighteen eighty-five. Rebecca Lorne was and is a kind person, Mr. Holmes. She was my wife’s
. To even think that she was in any way involved with or, God forbid, responsible for my wife’s death—Clover’s death by melancholy, as I often think of it—is more than a grave error in judgment, Mr. Holmes. It is investigative malpractice. And it is also a callous act of slander.”

“Thank you for your time, Mr. Adams,” said Holmes, standing and retrieving his hat, gloves, and stick. Adams remained seated.

“Are you leaving Washington soon?” asked the scholar.

“I will be doing some traveling in relation to this investigation and . . . another . . . but I can be reached through that cigar store address at any time,” said Holmes.

“I will have no more to say on this matter,” said Adams. “I would appreciate you returning the letters before you begin your travels. You may give them to Hobson when the time comes. There is no further reason for us to meet or speak.”

Holmes nodded. “I’ll find my own way out, Mr. Adams. I thank you for your time and cooperation.” He patted the small bundle of letters in his chest pocket.

But Henry Adams had returned his gaze to the papers on his desk and did not look up.

Holmes paused in the open doorway, sensing but not seeing Hobson hovering somewhere out of sight down the hallway. “One last question, Mr. Adams.”

Adams raised his head. There was no sigh, frown, or rolling of the eyes and, once again, Holmes admired the historian’s self-discipline.

“Your windows there, the clear ones,” said Holmes, “offer an astonishingly good view of the president’s house, especially of that one set of windows.”

Adams said nothing. He did not turn his head to look at the windows Holmes was pointing toward, nor did he have to. Adams had worked in this study and had that view since 1886.

“Do you happen to know, Mr. Adams, which room in the White House those windows serve and—as odd as my query sounds—whether President Cleveland often frequents that room?”

“I can only tell you that when Mrs. Adams and I visited the president’s house during his first term that room was the office and receiving room for the president’s sister, Miss Rose Elizabeth Cleveland, who served as the de facto First Lady of the land until eighteen eighty-six when Mr. Cleveland entered into marriage. I believe that ceremony was the only marriage service ever held on the grounds for a chief executive in the history of the White House. When Mr. Cleveland returned to office and resumed his occupancy there only last month, it is my understanding that his sister did not return to Washington with him. I believe she has become the administrator of some little collegiate institution in Indiana . . . Lafayette, Indiana, to be precise. She has published often on what they now call
issues—that is, women’s rights. I’ve read that she took part in the First International Women’s Conference in Paris last year. So, no, I have no idea what the room behind those windows is used for at the present time. Only that the president’s sister will not be there.”

Holmes smiled at the historian’s completeness—if not civil tone—in answering such a silly question, nodded his thanks, and closed the door behind him.

As he hurried to the waiting hansom before Henry James—visiting next door—might glimpse him, Holmes knew that the interview had given up at least one possibly relevant fact: Henry Adams’s study was the perfect location for a Lucan-Adler-type assassin with a rifle.

The Wheel of Time

or the first day or two after Henry James returned to the Hays’ home as an artist whose privacy had to be respected at all times, the writer was relieved and as happy as he’d been since before the turn of the year. His guest suite at the far end of what Americans called the second story was large, comfortable, and private. If James chose to join John and Clara Hay for a meal, his hosts were delighted to have him. If he preferred absolute privacy—which he did for those first days—the servant assigned to him, Gregory, would bring up a menu before each meal and James would choose his own breakfast, lunch, or dinner, with no reference to what his hosts were having.

In those first few days, James celebrated Holmes’s complete absence much in the way he’d quietly celebrated the disappearance of the worst pains of gout that had so hobbled him around Christmas and the New Year in London. There were no more cigarettes stubbed into egg yolks; no more inane conversations about conspiracies and assassinations; no more late-night outings to cemeteries or creeping into memorial sculptures with secret passages. James felt liberated. He was free now, with Holmes gone, free to rest or write or just walk and think. Or to book passage on the next steamship to England if he so wished. Things could not have turned out better.

Then why, he wondered on April 7, the Friday of that first week at the Hays’, did he feel as deeply listless and actively melancholy as he had in March when he’d decided to go to Paris to drown himself in the Seine?

Lying in bed that night, the literary contents of his portmanteau poured out onto the blanket beside him, James looked through his notebooks. His markets for short stories seemed to have dried up and publishers in both England and America had mostly moved away from the long, serialized tale that had—in the spirit of Dickens—kept James busy writing for so many years. His last two novels,
The Reverberator
The Tragic Muse
, the latter released three years ago in 1890, had sold poorly. As did his story collection published in that same year,
The Aspern Papers

He had three books scheduled to be published later this year:
Picture and Text
in June, his essays on art;
Essays in London
to appear later in the summer, essentially a compilation of his tributes to his many friends who had died recently; finally his collection of stories
The Private Life and Other Tales

But none of these were major novels. And his essays and short-story collections had never brought in much money or notice.

It was clear that the literary world had passed Henry James by. Or perhaps, he mused, he had somehow wandered away from
. Thus his resolution last year, the resolution that had come before his resolution to kill himself, to begin a new and far more financially (and, in its way, socially) rewarding career of writing for the theater.

His first play,
The American
, adapted rather loosely from his novel by the same name (so loosely that he’d first titled the play
The Californian
), had a run of seventy nights in London and more weeks before and after in the provinces. James had enjoyed the process—reading the four-act play to the actors as a French author-director would, watching them rehearsing it, bringing them chicken and soups and other nourishing lunches during their long rehearsal days. Encouraging them. Bantering with them.
. Being accepted. Laughing with others and making them laugh with his droll wit—some of it in new lines written for the play as it evolved and changed.

How different all that had been from his decades of disciplined isolation while writing his scores of stories and overflowing shelf of novels. But all that labor to what purpose? He made enough money to rent the lovely, light-filled apartments at 364 De Vere Gardens—his home since 1886. But even there he was restless. He’d deliberately given up most of the evening and weekend London social life he’d enjoyed so much in past years in order to spend more time writing. Dedicate oneself to one’s work was his new mantra, and to do that one had to stop accepting dinner invitations five nights of the week, endless invitations to join the rich bourgeoisie whom he was invited to amuse at their country houses and Irish estates with his ample supply of small talk, wit, and gossip.

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