The Fifth Lesson (The Bay Boys #2) (35 page)

BOOK: The Fifth Lesson (The Bay Boys #2)
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“Yeah, because we were both third wheels for your dates,” she teased.
Not that she was complaining.

“But you two are together now?” Kate asked, munching on her sandwich.

The only thing she hadn’t told her friends was Adam’s confession that he loved her.
She wanted to keep that all to herself since it was something just between the two of them.
Eventually, she would tell them, but for now, she wanted to hold the memory close.

Christie smiled and nodded.
“Yeah, we are.”

They both squealed with overt excitement and Christie couldn’t help but laugh.

Sitting in the warm sun with her best girlfriends, coming off a night full of orgasms and surprises, looking forward to a date night with Adam, Christie knew that even when she had to drag herself back to work, even Joseph’s bad mood couldn’t put a dampener on her


Christie wondered how thick the walls were in Adam’s townhouse.
If they were thin, then his neighbors were probably horrified by now, but she couldn’t stop screaming and shaking and moaning.
She’d lost count of her orgasms after five, but Adam was proving relentless.
He was obsessed with making her come.
He was crazy about sex.
And he was enamored with
Or so she assumed when he worshipped her body with his tongue, lips, fingers, and cock.

Apparently, being a virgin until thirty was underrated.
Because Adam acted as though he had a lot of time to make up for.
And Christie was an all-too-willing participant.

Date night had gone down without a hitch.
She’d actually been a little bit nervous before Adam came to pick her up, wondering if the easy going nature of their relationship would change now that sex had been added into the picture.
But it turned out there was nothing to worry about.
The natural chemistry between them was still present, just more intense.
That intensity smoldered slowly through dinner—Adam took her to her favorite restaurant in San Francisco, a quaint little Greek place—even as conversation flowed.
They talked about work, Christie’s lunch with Livy and Kate, how his mother wanted her to come over for another dinner.
They talked about Christie’s paintings, what ideas she had for her next one, the computer he was taking apart.

But, even talking about such innocent topics, they always found ways to touch each other.
A brush on the arm, a stolen kiss, a nudge under the table.
Like embers, they were burning, but slowly.

Eventually, after a two hour dinner, they figured they should probably head out.
And the moment they reached his townhouse, that ember was stoked into a fire that didn’t stop until the early hours of morning.

Once Adam had come inside her for the third time that night, they both were gasping, covered in sweat and sex.
Adam’s chestnut brown hair stuck to his forehead, but his golden eyes glowed as he gazed down at her.

She’d never felt this close to someone before in her entire life.
As she kissed him, drowning in taste and warmth, she felt on the verge of tears because she’d missed out on him for the past six months.
She could’ve had
for six months.

“Let’s go shower,” she whispered.
There was only a single light on in his bedroom, but it cast a seductive glow around the room.
It was well past midnight, but Christie wanted him for just a bit longer.
They would both be dead from lack of sleep soon, but Christie couldn’t bring herself to care.

They somehow made it to the bathroom, even though Christie was exhausted and her legs felt like jell-o.
An ache between her thighs told her she’d be a little sore tomorrow, but a hot shower would help relax her muscles.

And if Adam noticed her odd mood, he didn’t let on.
At least at first.

But once they both washed up and remained under the hot spray of the shower, Adam searched her eyes, which, for some embarrassing unknown reason, made her tear up all over again.
She wasn’t used to seeing him without his glasses on, but it made the force of his beautiful gaze that much more effective.

“What’s wrong?” he asked quietly, his arms tightening around her.
“Did I hurt you?”

No, you didn’t hurt me.
I…” she trailed off, not knowing what to say.
To her extreme embarrassment, she started crying.
There weren’t many tears, but enough to transform his solemn expression into one of dismay.

“Christie, tell me what’s wrong,” he urged.
“Was it…bad?”

Even through her tears, she could give off a laugh of disbelief.
“Are you kidding?
I don’t think I’ve orgasmed more times in one night.”

His expression eased, but only a little bit.
“Then tell me what’s wrong.
What can I do?”

“Oh, Adam,” she whispered, burying her head in his chest.
She didn’t care that water poured over her face.
It helped washed her tears away.
“I don’t even know why I’m crying.
I’m not even sad.
The opposite in fact.
You make me so happy.”

As she said the words, she felt her nose sting and her vision blur.
God, she was a mess.
Frustrated, she continued to cry.

Must almost be that time of the month
, she thought grumpily.
Was it possible that too much sex triggered a crying fest afterwards?
She didn’t know…it had never happened before.

She just let Adam continue to hold her because it helped calm her nerves.
Eventually she whispered, “I just think that I’ve wasted so much time, you know?”
Pulling back, she looked up at him and rested her chin on his chest.
“I’ve always been drawn to you.
I told you before that there was something about you that drove me crazy…the good kind of crazy.
You’d give me this mischievous look and I was a goner.
But I fought it.
Livy had been trying to set us up that entire time, ever since we met and probably even before.
At the barbecue, she was trying again and I just got so fed up that I said those lies to get her off my back, even though I didn’t believe a single one.
But then you kissed me and I’ve never been the same.
never been the same.
All the signs were there, from the very beginning.
I tried to ignore them for as long as I could and I don’t even know why.
But being here with you, knowing how strongly I feel about you…I’m just upset and frustrated that I didn’t realize it earlier.”

“Hey,” he said softly, his eyes warm.
It made her insides melt.
“It was a two-way street.
I didn’t pursue anything with you either.
So don’t take all the blame.”

“I know.
I just, I don’t know why this is all coming up now.
Maybe I’m officially at my orgasm threshold,” she tried to joke.

He gave her a small smile, but he wasn’t fooled.
“We’re here together now.
We can’t change the past six months.
In fact, I’m glad for that time.
I’m glad we were friends first.
We respect each other.
We know each other.
It gave us a foundation to build something great and I wouldn’t change that, Christie.

She was convinced she’d landed the best man in the entire world.
And the kiss she gave him communicated that.
Loud and clear.

“One more time,” she murmured against his lips.
“I wanna make love with you before we go to sleep.”

Adam nodded, his golden eyes burning into her.
Once they turned off the shower, toweled off, and climbed into bed, they were both ready, no foreplay needed.
When he surged into her, she sighed in contentment and wrapped her limbs around him.
It was soft and slow.
And beautiful.
And if Adam wanted interest on his birthday kisses, he received them during those few moments because Christie couldn’t seem to keep her lips away.

They came together in a mess of shuddering breaths and moans.
It was overwhelming.

Her last thought before she drifted off into a dreamless sleep was,
I’m never going to let him go


Adam let out a guttural groan.
Christie smiled when she realized he was keeping his hips steady as she licked him from root to tip.
He went crazy when she did that.

It was pitch black outside Christie’s window, which she’d opened to let in the cool summer night breeze.
The light wind played over her damp skin, making her shiver, even as Adam’s heat seared her.

Adam’s strong jaw was clenched as he endured her torture.
Christie liked bringing him to the edge of madness and then slowly easing him off.
Because then, he was all pent up frustration and lust, fighting to be inside her.
And some part of her liked that he was at her mercy.
She loved feeling that heady power.

She brought the head of his cock back to her lips and sucked him in deep, watching as his head fell back and his eyes slid shut.
He was getting close.
She’d been teasing him for close to twenty minutes now and if she tugged on the tiger’s tail much longer, she might discover his fire.

With a wet pop, she released him and crawled back onto the bed.
Her sex was aching, throbbing for release, even though she’d already come tonight.

Adam gave her a hot stare, promising that
as he followed her towards the headboard.
It was his turn.
And he would take full advantage of that.

He tugged her hips towards him, until his cock brushed her opening, and Christie let her legs fall open.
She bared everything to him.
She had no shame where he was involved.

Adam rewarded her with a swipe of his thumb to her clit.
These past two weeks, they had become well acquainted with each other’s bodies.
Adam knew all the right places to touch her, knew how to make her come in just under a few minutes with that talented tongue of his.

Christie had been right about him.
He was a quick learner.

She let out a pleasured gasp as Adam entered her with one swift thrust.
Her slick walls stretched around him, accommodating his delicious thickness and length.
He dropped his head to Christie’s shoulder, groaning at the feel of her.
And once Christie squeezed her inner muscles to tease him, Adam reared up and drove into her again and again, sweat beading down his chest.

” he growled, every word punctuated by a sharp thrust.
Christie moaned helplessly at the intense pleasure.
Adam hit all the right spots inside her.
Just a few more deep thrusts and she’d be there.

She came with a scream, blinded to sight and sound as pleasure tingled from every part of her body.

Adam groaned, “Yes, Christie!

He followed her shortly, his hips pounding into her, prolonging her orgasm, before finally hilting and releasing himself deep inside.

Once they caught their breath, Adam rolled off so he wouldn’t crush her but pulled her close.
He pressed a kissed to her damp forehead as aftershocks still racked her body.

Christie, although sated since Adam had just made her orgasm twice and was now lightly stroking her thigh, was surprisingly not all that tired, despite her recent lack of sleep and their exuberant activities.
She strongly suspected it was the quality of sleep that mattered, not the hours.
And after her nights with Adam, she received the best sleep of her life.

The past couple weeks had passed by in a dreamy, fuzzy, happy blur.

Honeymoon faze
came to mind whenever Christie thought about her and Adam’s budding relationship.
Every day her happiness seemed to grow, although the day before she’d sworn that she couldn’t possibly feel any happier than she already was.

In the mornings, she woke up to Adam, either at her place or his.
They’d shower leisurely until the steam was thick, they’d make love, they’d have breakfast, they’d part their separate ways for the day, although they snuck in texts at work.
In the evening, they’d cook dinner or go out, watch episodes of
Doctor Who
even though they usually got distracted about halfway through, and then they’d
Mornings were for slow, lazy, beautiful sex.
Evenings were for pent up sexual tension.
It was explosive.
And addicting.

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