The Fight of the Demon Lord (Demon Lord's Life) (2 page)

BOOK: The Fight of the Demon Lord (Demon Lord's Life)
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I left that class for my nex
t class which was history.  Most people believed that I was smart due to the fact that I have ADHD, but there is more to it than that. If I told people what I really thought they might lock me up, but I knew I could trust my shrink he knew I am not crazy in the least just creative but I am not so sure myself. I walked down the hall as Rick Stone, the school bully and local jock and star of the football team, pushed passed me and walked towards Azure, the new girl. Azure’s eyes still looked orange to me but I asked Sandy and she said that they were brown. I had blue eyes and short spiked blond hair I worked out a bit so I am in good shape but I do not get carried away with that shit. I went to history and the day went on very much the same.

o my surprise Azure was in all of my classes even EBD so she was unique as well that made sense, but I had to wonder what was wrong with her, it was almost as if she was following me.  But to think that she was following me was crazy, not at fifteen years old, no way. As I sat in EBD during my study hall I worked on one of my many projects on my computer. I liked to make things. I built this laptop myself from old parts, but don’t let that fool you it is top of the line better even than those ones you pay ten grand for.

I had hacked the school’s mainframe to check out more about this Azure
and my spy detection software told me someone was watching me. It is not the school but someone outside of the building. When I tried to track it I found nothing, but I managed to download all of the info I needed on Azure Star. She was a transfer from Mankato MN. It was surprising that she would come all the way across the country, but it listed her as emancipated by the courts so she was an adult that is quite interesting to say the least. I would have to share this with Guy when I meet him for my counseling session later after this class. He is a cool older man in his middle fifty’s I liked him quite a bit. After I logged off of my laptop I placed it inside of my school bag and went over to where Azure was sitting. I pulled out a chair next to her and sat down.

o my name is Drake Sarges and who are you might I ask? I have seen you in all of my classes today.”

              “Quiet!” the teacher said, and went back to work.

raised her head and looked at me with those fierce orange eyes. I could not read her and I was good at doing that. She smiled. This made me worry a bit people never reacted to me with a smile on their faces.

Hi Drake my name is Azure Star.  It is nice to finally meet you. I noticed you in my classes as well. I did not expect you to share all of my class load even this one. I do not like this class they try to teach you what you already know, but that think you a dumb, well not dumb, but they teach way to slow.”

I hear what you are saying but I have to be here the school ordered it that way even though I do not have half bad grades.”

I see but you lack social skill am I right Drake?”

Yea that is about right I guess Azure but what about you?”

I have no problem I want to talk about you have you ever thought that maybe it is not you but the people around you that are the problem Drake.”

I do not understand what you mean by other people what are you saying Azure?”

That is my point, I have no problem with you but you think I do and that is the problem right there. Is it not the idea that we think there is a problem when there actually is none and the fact is that the people here in this school simply do not understand you on a level that you want them to. I feel like that quite a bit but when you start to accept that the problem is not you, but rather the idea, then you will make friends with even the strangest people to be honest.”

Man you are quite forward for someone I just met for the first time, but I do see your point. And I have much thought the same thing, it is not me but them who choose not to be my friend. To be honest that does not bother me either. I would rather have one or two good friends than fifty people that I could never trust but say they are my friend.”

I am quite glad that you said that. I am hoping to be one of your friends. I like you Drake. You seem nice not like that jock earlier today.

Yea I know who you are referring to. I hope this is not to forward, but do you want to catch a movie with me after school after my meeting with my shrink.”

hat would be nice Drake I would like to see the movies playing here they are all very good I’m told. I wonder how they make those films.

I can show you one of my pieces filming is a hobby of mine I use my own software since I can’t afford to buy the expensive crap,” I giggled.

“So you make films and write
computer programs? My you are full of surprises.”

ot really, things come easily to me is all. I have a lot of free time anyway. I have to get back to my table now I will meet you outside the local theater at six tonight then.” I pushed in the chair as I rose I felt her eyes on me as I turned my back to her.  This girl is unique possibly even one of a kind, that I knew in my bones I pondered all of this the rest of the study session. Finally the bell rang and I went to my locker and went to the exit to catch my ride to she shrink and by that I mean Guy Dex he is a local shrink but I noticed he did not ever seem to see anyone but me. For some reason I had never seen anyone but him at his office my mom said that the school had mentioned him and he sees me for free. I checked on him he is wealthy and just does this as a hobby it seemed. But there is more to everyone than meets the eye. I have learned that from just sitting and watching people in life they often think one thing then do the opposite.

I went into the building and down the
hall to the office that he rents here in town. I knocked and felt my mind tell me that he was inside waiting for me. It seemed I have some unusual hearing today I smiled hoping it was nothing more than that. Opening the door I saw him sitting at his desk I went inside and laid my bag next to the couch that I loved to sit on. I smiled.

Drake so tell me how have things been going? Have you done anything new lately Drake I am all ears?

laid down smiling, “well I have had the strange, weird dreams I always have but they have been seeming more and more real as of late. I think I just might be stressed due to the folks but that is not my biggest news. I have a date tonight with a new transfer student I met at school today she does not seem scared by me.”

“Now D
rake no one is scared of you and you know that they are just cautious around you due to the fact that you are strange, but hells bells son we all are. It would be a dull world if we were all the same Drake, and that is something I never have to worry about in this job.

I bet you do,” I pulled out a pop from my bag and began to drink it as we talked more.

So what is this girl’s name Drake and is she cute?”

Her name is Azure. What a name! It matches her red hair and eyes. She is quite lovely, I like her quite a bit she has a unique view on people if you ask me.

That is high praise coming from you Drake. You are quite bright yourself. I know that from the tests you let me have you take, but you never want me to tell anyone why is that?”

Because I do not want to be any more of a social outcast than I already am. That is why. People do not like smart people, not that I have many friends to begin with. Besides, I like my privacy no one needs to know anything I do not want to tell them.”

That is interesting that you think that way Drake I have never met someone who gives so much credit to the validation others would give you.”

At this point Guy I really could care less I just do not want people to think they can be a fake friend.  You know those people who say hi and chat with you, but will never hang out with you outside of school. These same people who laugh about you behind your back because knowing you to them is a joke.  These people are the most common bullies I do not need that, they all leave me alone now.”

Tell me Drake have you ever got into a fight with anyone, and let me clarify I mean a fist fight?”

No but if it came to one I would not be the one hurt I am positive of that Guy.”

Why are you so sure that you would win?”

I have a feeling I can handle myself that is all, I have never fought but something tells me I would be quite good at it.”

He took a few notes about that statement he never asked me this question before and most doctors ask if you are or have ever been violent.
“Why have you never asked me about fighting before Guy I want to know?”

It is quite simple, you are getting older and I advise you learn how to handle yourself. A loner like you might get into trouble at some point that they would need to be able to defend themselves so they can get out of it. A felling is one thing but action is another Drake.”

In my case I’m not so sure there is a difference to be honest Guy but I will find that out on my own don’t worry about it.

That is it for today’s session Drake so I will see you next week at the same time it was good to chat with you.”

I gathered my pack and went out the door and exiting the building as f
ast as I could I caught the bus to the theater. I saw Azure outside waiting for me and got to her side in record time.

So how are you Azure? How are you doing tonight?” I touched her hand and she wrapped her fingers in mine. I liked her she was not afraid of me that made me curious.

How are you Drake? It is good to see you as well I brought my own snack I hope you don’t mind I will share it with you there is more than enough for two people.”

Then I will pay for admission to the movie.” 

e went inside and picked an action movie. While we watched I noticed that her eyes had a slight glow to them which I did not find weird but probably should have.

I have never seen this kind of entertainment Drake, it is quite good, I can’t believe that they let us into an R rated movie though.”

Not a problem I whipped up those fake ID’s before I came here I used your school picture they are perfect and undetectable. I like to have a little harmless fun I do not use them to drive or anything, although I do have my permit.” I wrapped my arm around her and she leaned her head on my shoulder. I smelled her wonderful hair it smelled like something spicy. I had never smelled anything like it before. So it seemed that we are the only ones who are watching this movie. “Azure I love that it is rare to be alone here.”

The movie started and I watched it when it was over around eight I took Azure out of the
theater. She caught her ride home and I waited for my mom and dad. When they arrived I opened the door and the smell of alcohol was overwhelming. I got in. This was not the first time they have driven around drunk on the way home. They argued as usual and that is when I heard the horn of another car I looked as something hit the car and I blacked out.

                                                                      Chapter 2

I awoke to the sounds of me being rushed into the hospital
, then I heard the lift off of a helicopter, then I fell unconscious again. Awakening in the hospital I was covered in bandages and my whole body hurt. I looked to my side and I saw the man from my dream, but this was most certainly not a dream from all the pain I felt. He came inside the room asking everyone to leave us alone.

I know you from my dreams you are Samual I think that is your name,” I said.

So you remember your dreams then Drake? That is a good start you have an idea of who you are then you were injured by those stupid humans that I placed you with, making them think you were their child. I am glad you told me to come and raise you Drake you are as sharp as ever somehow you knew about this event such power is only usable by you.”

“Wait! H
ow are you even real Samual? Am I dead or something?” I looked at the man in front of me with long white hair held back in a ponytail and a long brown beard neatly trimmed he stood about six one. I am only six feet even he must be at least two hundred forty pounds. Wearing a thick Black sweat shirt and blue jeans black wing tipped shoes. “So you are real,” I whispered to myself he seemed to hear me though.

Yes Drake I am real and I am here to help raise you and guide you for your future.”

What are you talking about Samual what future are you speaking of I am just human.”

Please don’t fool yourself Drake you are far from human and you know it. You may call me grandfather from now on I will be taking over as your legal guardian.”

What do you mean? What about mom and dad they are my parents I’m going home with them.”

BOOK: The Fight of the Demon Lord (Demon Lord's Life)
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