The Fight Within (22 page)

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Authors: Tiana Laveen

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: The Fight Within
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“Are you plastered?” she asked behind a smirk as she took another sip from her glass, needing a bit of courage. After it came out of her mouth, she thought better of it, but it was far too late.

“I haven’t been drinking tonight, Treasure.” He made a sound as if he were sucking his teeth. “I
been eating these leftover chicken wings though.”

“Mmmm, that sounds good. Where are the leftovers from?’

“Bar Matchless.”

“Oh my God, their wings are so good!” She could hear him smacking on the other end now, and what sounded much like him licking his fingertips. “Just rub it in! Could you eat any louder?! Goodness! I’m starving over here.”

“I can feed you…”

All she could do was swallow, catch his drift and hold it close to her clit.

“You want me to bring some over?” he clarified, making her blush with shame at how her thoughts had gone to the damn gutter and got comfy and cozy there. Then it hit her as to what the fucker was truly saying…

She paused, startled by his proposal.

“Well, no, it’s late and—”

“I can come over. I wouldn’t want you to travel here at this late of hour, but I have no problem coming over there.” He paused; seriousness seeped into his tone, turned on fast like a teenage boy watching porn for the first time. His urgency dripped all over the conversation…making her misty between the thighs…

Oh yes, the kitty cat cried…

She crossed and uncrossed her thighs, but it was no use.


“I’ll even pick up a bottle of wine or a case of beer if you want. I’ll bring the rest of the wings, there’s plenty, but you have to tuck me in your bed and read me a naked time story.” She burst out laughing at the silly man.

“I shouldn’t laugh at you…I shouldn’t encourage this.” She drew her legs up to her chest as her body warmed with a new wave of freshly launched desire.

I would love to take you up on your offer…

“Don’t you want me to come over?” His voice dropped like a booming base.

“It’s late, Sean.” She grinned a bit wider, a tight expression no doubt as she fought her internal whore to leave her be. “And besides, I haven’t introduced you to my children yet. I need to do this the right way.” Sitting straight against the headboard, she struggled to get a hold of herself, regardless of the way her pussy continued to purr for the bastard.

“Mmmm, okay.” He sounded duly disappointed. “This chicken bone should be you… I’m sucking the shit out of it.”

“Oh God!” She threw her head back, looking up toward the trey ceiling, as a thunderous roll of laughter tumbled out from between her lips.

“I’ll have you screaming that if you let me stop by…”

“Yeah, yeah, all the guys say stuff like that,” she teased.

“Nah, nah, I’m serious,” he said coolly. “Hold up, let me get this sauce off my hands real quick.” She waited a second or two and then he continued. “You’re in your sexual peak and I’ve been known to climb mountains, stick my flag in the top of the apex, and make a woman yodel like she’s from Switzerland.”

“Just…stop it!” She laughed so hard, she was certain she was turning red. She put her hand up in the air, as if he were sitting there and she needed to put him on pause. “You’re out of order!” she yelled out with mirth.

“I’m in
working condition…you wanna find out?”

“Sean, I’ve got no patience for you tonight.”

“You don’t need any patience, just a relaxed body.”

“I have to get off the phone.” She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, hoping he’d keep going, keep talking, saying flirtatious, salacious words.

“So you’ll get
the phone, but won’t let
get you
? Ain’t that ’boutta bitch!”

Now she was cracking up extra hard as she slumped over to the side, her head lying in the puddle of sheets.

“You’re an absolute mess…a
mess…” Her smile slowly dissipated as she realized what was happening—she was enjoying this man, really,
enjoying him, crushing on his ass hard…liking him, loving him. He had wormed his sneaky self into her heart on the coattail of a well-placed guffaw. Though his words were so damn funny, he was so damn sexy about it, too. Everything he uttered sounded intimate, whether it was meant to be or not.

beautiful mess if you want me to be. I like you, Treasure. I really like you more than I think you understand…so glad to be your man.”

“…I like you too, Sean, a whole lot, actually…and I’m glad I’m your lady.”

“Glad you realize who you belong to. I’m selfish when it comes to this sort of thing. You know what? I think about you all the time.”

Her cheeks warmed at his admission.

“…I think about you a lot, too.”

“I want to spend more time with you. I understand you are extra careful because of your children, you know, not wanting them to meet me just yet, and I know your time is sparse, but…I think I should. We’re together and well, we have something special. It’s time to take this to the next level.”

She hesitated for a quick moment, then came from the heart, pushing her fears temporarily aside. “We do…and, perhaps you’re right.”

“We have a nice connection, a nice vibe. I feel like I can be myself with you now. The start was kinda rough, but I like this, ya know? It feels good.”

“It does.”

“I want to make your body feel good too, baby… I want to make love to you
bad, Treasure, shit! It’s driving me crazy… I gotta get close to you.” He sounded almost as if he were about to fall the hell apart, and it was all her fault for keeping her sweetness put away under double bolted lock, rigid chastity belt and hidden key.

“What do I have to do to slide inside of you, huh? I’m not just trying to have sex with you, honey. I’m trying to be yours, completely. I’m not yet until you’ve had me in

Her pussy lips immediately warmed and kissed one another, delivering a wet smooch between her clenched thighs. The man had caught her completely off guard, blasting her away with that candid truth, and her body embraced the words, took them down whole.

“Sean, you are making this so hard.”

“Serves you right. I’ve been hard for the past twenty minutes and you’ve done nothing to take me out of my misery. Don’t you want me to make love to you, Treasure? Right here, right now, don’t you want me inside of you?” he asked, his breathing a bit heavier on the other end.

“Yeah, I do, Sean. And do you know why?”


“Because I care about you so damn much, and my mind and heart are in agreement that you’re better than good. You’re great.”

“I’m your next great thing…just where I wanted to be. But I still can’t come over, right?”

“Just a little more time…the kids, baby…my children. I want to introduce them to you first before they discover Mom has a man in her bed. You understand?”

“I understand.” Once again, she could hear the disappointment in his tone.

“But believe me, I want you so badly, Sean.” She needed to make him understand that she respected his vibe, and wanted in on the shit, but there were other factors to consider. “I am attracted to you, not just physically, but the way you carry yourself and just your general personality. I’ve had so much fun with you tonight.” She stifled another yawn as the night drew on, but like a child, she had an internal tantrum, refused to end the phone call. “You are always a riot.”

“Making you laugh makes me feel good.”

“Speaking of which, Sean, no one could just be this way on a whim. It’s a gift. What you have is a blessing to others. I’ve seen you in action in public, too. You make strangers around you laugh on a daily basis. Do you know how great that feels when someone has a shitty day? You really do have something. It’s…it’s wonderful.”

“Thanks. That’s nice of you to say. You’re funny, too.”

“Thank you.”

An awkward silence soon followed, and then she heard music playing quietly in the background. After a short while, she recognized the song: Lloyd’s, ‘Feel So Right.’

“…You are not playing that song, Sean…” She rolled her eyes in disbelief. This sort of saucy R&B was her guilty pleasure, and she was all too familiar with the lyrics of the tune. How befitting. How very manipulative of the bastard…

All I want to do is touch you…

“Look, Treasure, I’ll wait for you, baby, but I’m not known for my patience. I know that you want to do this a certain way, and I get it. But you need to make that happen sooner rather than later. I’ve waited a long time, that should tell you something, and I’ll wait a bit longer, too, but eventually, I’m going to need you to
me something. You showed me your mind, you showed me your heart. I got them now, they’re
. Now, I need you to show me
…I need to taste your fuckin’ pussy.”

Then, in an instant, her phone buzzed and she looked down and saw his Facetime request…

“Oh shit…” She hesitated for just a second or two, knowing what the bastard wanted. He gave no warning, didn’t ask permission; he simply went on, in his typical Sean way, and did what the hell he wanted to do.

My hair is messed up. I don’t have on any make-up, either…

She took a deep breath and answered, and his sexy face appeared on the screen—a slight delay, then he steadied. There he was, his arm lazily behind his head as he lay against his headboard, real easy and breezy, one leg up and the other leisurely down under thick sheets. A self-satisfied smirk graced his damn face, his hair a bit disheveled and no damn shirt on.

Hard ass abs for motherfucking days… That’s a damn eight pack, fuck a six pack!

His white sheets were pulled up to his waist, ushering her curiosity forward.

Oh Jesus…is he naked?

She bit into her lower lip and sighed.

The music grew louder, the lyrics sending her somewhere forbidden.

“How are you doing tonight, baby?” His deep voice vibrated within her.

She gripped the phone tighter.

“I’m good,” she replied, putting on a brave face, for she refused to let the man see that he was breaking her down.

“That’s not good enough. I need you to be in the best motherfucking mood ever.” The man’s eyes hooded as he held his phone with his left hand and his other drifted under the sheets, disappearing completely from view. His phone suddenly shuffled back and forth, causing her confusion.

“What are you doing?”

“Setting my phone on this tripod, hold on,” he explained.

She nodded in understanding and waited. After a few seconds, he was in clear view again, relaxed against his headboard.

“So, here’s what we’re going to do.” He looked serious as hell. His dark brows furrowed ever so slightly while he scratched the side of his mouth with his knuckle, curing an itch. “You’re going to sit there, relax, and let me do all the work, all the talking, but you have to do what I say, do you understand?”

“Sean, I was thinking that—”

“No.” He put his hand up. “Just say yes, Treasure. Stop all of this. I’m taking control. I need something to help me wait for what belongs to me… Give it to me, give this to

She swallowed, mulled it over for a fraction of a second, then nodded in agreement.

The man placed both of his hands on his upper thighs, the sheet still covering whatever was going on below his waist. Pressing the sheets firmly down, he allowed her to see the imprint of his cock.

“Oh my God!” she exclaimed and turned away, certain she was turning a million shades of red. Tentatively, she let her gaze drift to the screen again.

He offered a tilted grin, but remained fairly still and quiet for a spell.

“Now, I want you to imagine that I’ve come over to your house tonight. You let me inside, and I tell you to take me to your bedroom so I can fuck you …”

Her pussy clamped over and over. The wet heffa was not resisting in the least, despite what her brain screamed into her conscious.

“So then you take me by the hand and lead me there, nice bedroom from what I can tell by the way.” He chuckled lightly. “But uh anyway, as soon as we get in the room, I tell you to take your damn clothes off. I just stand there, watching you as I rub my hands together in anticipation. Treasure?”

“Uh, yes?”

“…Take your damn clothes off.”

In that instance, she grew woozy. Was it the wine? Perhaps she’d drunk too much.

“Um, what?”

“Take. Your damn. Clothes Off.” He ran his hand over his linen-covered cock, causing her to stare extra hard at her phone, trying to make out once and for all what the bastard was working with.

Look how big the fucking head is… That’s not the sheet, that’s his damn dick! Okay, okay…this is fine. I can do this.

She placed the phone down and began to tug at her oversized light gray nightshirt that read, ‘Spellman’.

“That’s no good. I can’t see you. Put the phone up on something so I can see you,” he instructed.

She looked around and saw she could place it on her nightstand, so she swiftly set it down on the surface.

“Is that better?”


She grabbed for her shirt once more and pulled it over her head, exposing her breasts. A sudden chill filled the room, forcing her nipples to harden. She swallowed harshly as the man’s eyes burrowed into her. He leaned slightly forward, staring at her, his head cocked to the side. He made not one excuse or apology for his gawking.

“You’ve got really nice tits, you know that?”


“You’re welcome. Now, take off the panties, too.”

She reached for the side of the things, looping her thumbs in along the lacy trim. “I can’t believe I’m doing this…” She grinned.

“Move a bit closer to the phone. I want to see it, you’re out of view.”

She scooted on her knees closer to the phone, giving him full access, then pulled them the rest of the way down, exposing her pussy for the man’s viewing pleasure.

“That’s nice…real nice,” he slurred as he stared at her with even more intensity.

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