Read The Fighter's Secret Child (The Burton Brothers Series Book 3) Online
Authors: Leslie North
She thought it would be difficult to sleep. Her arm ached, worries about Chaz kept haunting her, but two minutes after her head hit the pillow, she was already drifting into slumber. Memories mixed in her dreams, and she was back in Fiji with Beck.
Rachel moaned in her sleep. Beck held her close, kissed her, and then trailed kisses down her neck. He rolled them, putting her on top. He brushed his hands down her back and she shivered.
He always knows just what I need.
She straddled him and took him inside her. He slipped in as if he was made for her. She gave a moan.
Just what I need. When I need it
. Leaning down, she kissed him. He brushed her hair from her face and suddenly it wasn’t Fiji but they were standing in the parking lot, with her back against Beck’s truck. He thrust into her and she wrapped one leg around him, pulling him close.
Yeah. More of that
, she thought.
The scene shifted again and now she was in her ring girl gear—short shorts that barely covered her ass and a bikini top held by strings. Beck came over to her in his fighting shorts. He stepped behind her and kissed her shoulder—and then undid her top with his teeth. The crowd roared and Rachel turned to grab the cage mesh.
Beck pulled off her top and yanked down her shorts. She wiggled her ass at him. He kicked her legs wide and slipped into her from behind. She gave a low growl and arched her back for him. It was just them in the cage arena—the crowd seemed a blank voice, just noise—hoots and hollers as Beck plunged into her. He gripped her hips tighter and leaned close to mutter, “Mine.”
She woke with a shout and sat up. The dark room seemed strange—disorienting for a moment. Sweat dampened her breasts and more dampness slicked her thighs. She wiggled her hips. A light flicked on and the door to her bedroom pushed open. Rachel pulled the sheets up to her chin as Beck padded in.
He looked great—rumpled and sexy. He had on sweats that clung low to his hips and a tight black T-shirt that outlined his muscles. He ran a hand over his face and asked, “You okay? I heard you shouting? Bad dreams?”
Rachel hummed a non-committal answer. She also pushed the hair from her eyes. “I’m fine.”
Beck gave her a sideways glance. “Right.” He sat down on the edge of her bed. “That’s why you’re sweating.” He brushed his fingertips over her forehead.
She pulled back. “Beck—!”
“You said no kissing. You didn’t say anything about touching.” Reaching up, he rubbed her shoulders. “You’re tied up in knots, Rach.”
She gave a small groan and tried not to melt under his touch. “Beck, this isn’t a good idea.”
“Rachel, this is a neck rub. Relax. You’ve had a long day—hell, probably a lot of long days. I get it.”
“It’s just…just my arm is aching.” She closed her eyes—better not to keep looking at Beck’s sexy eyes and that lean face of his. His hands left her shoulders and she popped her eyes open.
Standing, he held out a hand. “Come on. I know what you need.”
She stared at his hand. “What?”
“Will you stop acting like I’m going to put you in front of a firing squad?”
Dropping the covers, Rachel grabbed for her robe. She didn’t take Beck’s hand, but she slipped out of bed. When he turned and padded from the room, she followed. He led her onto the deck. A full moon spilled silver light over the deck and glinted from the steaming water of an elevated hot tub. Beck stripped his sweats and T-shirt off. Rachel had to swallow a gasp.
She also couldn’t help sneaking a look at that fine ass of his—round and firm and bare now. He slipped into the water and pushed a button to turn on the jets. “Climb in. You’ll sleep better for it.”
Rachel glanced at the brace on her arm. “I…I don’t think I can.”
Standing, bubbles barely covering him, Beck closed his eyes and held out his hands. “It’ll help. And I swear I won’t even peak.”
She bit her lower lip. The water looked more than tempting. How long had it been since she’d had time to soak. She shivered in a cool breeze and that did it. Either she bailed and went back to bed or she got in the hot water.
Throwing off her robe, she slipped from her nightgown, shivered again and put her good hand in Beck’s. She climbed up on the steps, threw a leg over and slid into the water. Letting go of Beck, she retreated to the far corner of the tub. Water surged around her and steam warmed her face. Even the soft hum of the hot tub seemed soothing.
With her bad arm held out of the water, she told him, “You can look now.”
He smiled and sank down into the water. “Told you it’d feel good. Now what are we going to do about Chaz?”
“Well, there are tests—”
“No, not now. Once he’s well.”
She shook her head. “Beck, you know you’re going to be too busy with your…your schedule to raise a kid. You said it yourself—it’s not on your list.”
“Yeah, well, looks like it’s been put there. And a kid needs a dad.”
“I might get married yet.”
Even in the dim light, she saw the color surge to Beck’s face. “What? To someone like Sangeli?”
Rachel pushed out a breath. “I can’t believe you’d drag that up.”
“I saw the damn photos—”
“I don’t care if what you saw came autographed! You had no right to just start yelling and throwing things…and acting like…like a dumbass! You knew I had publicity shoots in my contract, so I was just doing my job. As far as Sangeli goes, the jerk showed up drunk and the photographer finally sent him home because he couldn’t keep his mouth closed or his hands to himself!” Rachel splashed him with her good hand. “You’d know all of that if you hadn’t gone off like a bomb!”
Beck wiped the water off his face. “You want an apology, is that it?”
She shook her head. “I want help with Chaz. And then we’ll both get out of your life, and you can go back to…back to your other ring girls.”
Beck moved closer. “What if I don’t want to go back to them? What if I tell you I screwed up? What if I tell you no one’s meant anything to me other than you?”
Rachel shifted away. The water lapped at her, warm and soothing, but Beck’s heat left her wary. “You can’t fix this, Beck. We’re two very different people who want different things. I need to make a good home for my son and you…Beck, I saw that girl who was going to meet you. I’m not going to put up with a guy who can’t control his temper—or who can’t keep his hands off other women. You didn’t like the idea of me being with any other guy. Well, I’m not putting up with a guy like you. I know your reputation, Beck. And that’s not the kind of father Chaz needs.”
Beck smiled. “Trouble is, I’m the father Chaz has. You’re stuck with me, Rachel. And I’m going to make you see that.”
She started to get up and realized she was naked. She sat down again and waved her bandaged hand at him. “Close your eyes.”
Beck’s smile widened. He leaned back and spread his arms out on the edge of the hot tub. “Sorry, honey. But I didn’t say anything about not peaking on your way out.”
Beck watched Rachel’s mouth open. She snapped it closed, opened it again. He waited, amused now, his temper cool again. Dammit, but somehow he needed to put a rein on that anger inside of him. He’d always been able to use it before in the ring, but now it kept tripping him up with Rachel. Anytime she saw a hint of it, she pulled away. She glared at him now.
And then she stood up.
Water dripped from her skin. Hell, he’d almost forgotten how beautiful she was. High, firm breasts, wide hips. She hadn’t lost any of her beauty. She looked like she had in Fiji when she’d come out of the surf, wet and luscious.
His pulse picked up and he wanted to grab her and pull her down and kiss her. Instead, he held still as she waded over to the steps and climbed out. She looked just as good from the back side—ass still firm and tempting. That ass had drawn every eye when she’d been a ring girl.
She pulled on her robe and headed back into the house. He waited a minute and then shut down the hot tub and climbed out. He didn’t bother toweling off, just dragged on his sweats and T-shirt and followed her inside. He found her standing over Chaz in the other guest bedroom, staring down at the boy.
All he could see was a thatch of dark hair sticking out from under a fleece blanket. Rachel glanced at him. She tucked the blanket around Chaz and straightened. “He looks a lot like you.”
“Yeah.” Beck reached out a finger and touched the small hands curled around a small stuffed dog. “He seems a good kid.” He didn’t even know where to begin with Rachel. He glanced at her. “Good thing he’s a boy. I don’t think I could deal with a ring-girl daughter.”
She shook her head. “You didn’t have a problem with millions of men looking at me.”
“Oh, I did. I punched out a couple of guys, in fact.”
“You hated my strutting around the ring? Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
Beck shrugged. “I…we were just dating. Right? I didn’t…Rachel, I didn’t plan any of it.” Clearing his throat, he looked back down at his son. “Do kids normally sleep a lot? Everything I’ve heard is that you have a kid and you give up sleeping through the night.”
Arms tightening around herself, she shook her head. “The flight here took a lot out of him. And his condition—he wears out fast and easily.”
“And that’ll change if he gets treatment?”
She let out a breath and seemed to deflate. “I hope so.”
She sounded so lost, her voice shaking and small, that Beck put an arm around her. She stiffened, but he pulled her close. “Afraid you won’t be able to withstand my considerable charm?”
“In your dreams,” she muttered, but she leaned into him.
Sweeping her up, he carried her to her room and tucked her into her bed. He started to lean in to kiss her forehead, but he saw her eyes widen and checked himself. He touched a finger to her lips. “I’m not kissing you again until you’re begging me.”
“That’s the day I’m getting my head examined, Beck.” She rolled over, facing away from him. And it took every ounce of will power not to climb into bed with her.
Beck woke to find a pair of dark eyes staring at him. He blinked twice. Chaz stood beside Beck’s bed, stuff dog clutched in his arms. Yawning, Beck sat up. Chaz took a step back. Beck frowned. “Hey ya, scout.”
Chaz took another step back. Shaking his head, Beck threw off the covers and leaned over so his elbows rested on his thighs. “Okay, we’ve got to set some ground rules here. First off, you hungry? Looking for breakfast?” Slowly, Chaz nodded. “Good, ‘cause I’m starved. Don’t suppose you care to go for a run this morning?”
Chaz kept staring and Beck let out a breath. “Yeah, my training schedule’s gone to hel—gone to hello and back. Rule two is no one’ll ever hurt you. Sometimes we yell a lot, but any punch that’s thrown is thrown for a reason. Hey, your mom teach you any moves yet?” He held up his hands and made punching moves, including one that landed soft in Chaz’s belly.
Chaz giggled. Beck nodded, got up and stretched. “We’ve got to work on your guard, but let’s get some food first.” Dragging on his sweats and T-shirt, Beck stood. He gave a nod to Chaz and headed into the kitchen.
He found a note from Avery. He read it out loud. “Out with Mason to get diapers…diapers?” He glanced at Chaz. “Aren’t you a little big for that? Hmmm, maybe not. Okay, groceries—yeah, that’s good.” Looking up from the note, he asked, “Hey Chaz, what do you want to drink?” He waved at the fridge.
Chaz hugged his stuff dog and pointed at the fridge. “Milk.” The word came out with a little lisp and not much hard edge on the ‘K’ sound.
Milk? Do we even have milk?
Beck tried to remember what they did have. The housekeeper usually did the shopping, and when he was training, Beck tended to stay on a high protein diet—semi paelo, and if Rachel ever heard about that she’d know he was more caveman than civilized. He gave a shrug and looked into the fridge.
“What have we got? Beer—no, you’re not old enough for that and I’m old enough to know better. Looks like half a jar of pickles, mayonnaise, steak sauce, two boxes of Chinese takeout. No wonder Avery headed out to the store. We’re seriously short of food, scout. There’s some soda and steak, but that’s not exactly the breakfast of champions. Oh, hey, cold pizza. That’s a balanced meal. Carbs and protein.” Pulling out the pizza box, Beck glanced at Chaz. “You ever play any video games?” Chaz just stared at him. “Okay, gonna take that for a no. Come on, sport.”
On the way to the den, he heard a muttered word. He glanced back and saw Chaz standing in the hall. Coming back he leaned down. “What’s that?”
Chaz rubbed a knuckled fist into his eye. “Momma?” The word came out soft with a hint of a sigh and a lot of need.
Beck squatted down to eye level. “Let’s let your mom get some extra sleep, okay? She looked tired yesterday. How about we eat some pizza and then you and I can play?”
Chaz bit his lower lip. But he gave a nod.
Leading the way, Beck padded into the back den. He, Mason and Bryant had converted it into the best man-cave ever. Big screen TV, huge recliners, and every game system on the market. Beck put on his favorite fighting game and plopped the cold pizza onto the coffee table. “Pull up a chair.”
Chaz came over and crawled up into a chair. Digging out a slice of pizza, Beck handed it over and then started to explain the game system and the controller. He put the game controller into Chaz’s pudgy fingers, and then realized it was time to switch game systems. No way could Chaz’s short fingers reach all those buttons.
Straightening, Beck said, “New idea. We’re going to put on a wrestling game.” He got the Wii system set up and put Chaz on his feet in front of it. He also stuffed another slice of pizza into Chaz’s hand. “Now, here’s how it works.” Getting on his knees next to Chaz, he threw a punch. One of the wrestlers on the screen punched. But Chaz was watching Beck, eyes wide, not the screen. Beck turned him and tried again. This time he moved Chaz’s arm. “See—that’s you making that move.” He had Chaz wave and the wrestler on the screen waved. “Say, hi ya, buddy.”
Chaz glanced over at Beck. He had tomato sauce on his chin now—and some on his jammies. He stared at Beck.
“Not much of a talker are you? Yeah, I never was either. Your uncle, Bryant, now from what your gammy says, he came into this world talking and punching. Mason and I just came in punching. We’ve got to work on a few moves for you.” He took the half-eaten pizza out of Chaz’s hands and faced Chaz to the screen. “Now, let’s try a couple of moves so you can impress your mom.”
Rachel woke with a start, her brain fuzzy and a strange tightness around her arm. She squinted her eyes open, and then snapped them wide open
She sat up and blinked at the strange room around her, disoriented for a moment. And then it sank in that she was staying with the Burtons.
She relaxed slightly and then tensed again, pushing herself up to a better sitting position. She let out a whimper. She’d forgotten about the sprain. Pain flared up—not as sharp as yesterday, more of a dull thudding. How was she going to shower? Or wash her hair? Or fix breakfast for Chaz.
She listened for a moment, but didn’t hear anything.
Throwing off the covers, she dragged out her suitcase, which had been left sitting by the door. The bedroom had a bathroom, and she slipped into it. It seemed to take forever to brush her hair and putting on a bra one-handed was out of the question, so she settled for a sports top with some support. She glanced at the clock and saw she’d dressed in only five minutes. No time for makeup—she needed to see Chaz.
She hadn’t really noticed the house yesterday—she’d been too focused on worry, her aching arm, and on Beck. Now she glanced around. Modern, clean lines gave the house a soothing feel. Everything seemed to be of the best quality. Overstuffed leather couches and chairs. A thick carpet in the living room. An open kitchen with granite counters and stainless steel appliances.
The walls all offered a soothing cream that accented the furniture and posters for fights hung everywhere. Not just those with Beck—Mason and Bryant shared the walls as well. Off the kitchen, a set of French doors led to a large covered patio area. She avoided looking at the hot tub.
She didn’t bother looking in Chaz’s bedroom. He’d always been an early riser, and he’d just learned how to open a fridge door to get himself milk—usually while spilling half the carton. But Chaz wasn’t in the kitchen. She heard a shout and tensed. That had been Chaz.
What if he’d gotten outside? Or had fallen? He bruised so easily—and the doctors had warned that a bleed could be more than harmful to him. Heart pounding in her throat, Rachel ran toward the sound. She stopped in the open doorway to what seemed to be a den.
Beck sat on the floor next to Chaz, who seemed to be punching and wrestling with an invisible fighter. Her heart tightened. Chaz looked so much like Beck right now—the same stubborn mouth pressed flat, the same eyebrows pulled tight, the same long arms and legs. Then Chaz spun and slipped and started to fall, and Rachel let out a yell.