Read The Final Omen: Second Sight Book Four Online

Authors: Heather Topham Wood

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #New Adult & College, #Psychics

The Final Omen: Second Sight Book Four (17 page)

BOOK: The Final Omen: Second Sight Book Four
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“You can’t kill an unarmed man. As far as I know, martial law hasn’t gone into effect yet. He needs due process or whatever.” She spoke emphatically and gestured wildly, she was relying on distraction to buy time and hope Jared would see reason.

“Don’t do me any favors. I’ll never be indebted to you,” Dan said, his voice muffled by the floor.

“Shut up. I’m trying to save your worthless hide,” she sneered.

She stared intently into Jared’s troubled eyes and tried to send him a silent message:
Please don’t do anything that will take you away from me. I need you. I love you.

“Kate, what if I let him go and he figures out a way to hurt you again? I’ll always think back to this moment and regret not protecting you the best way I know how,” he said. His voice was barely audible and she strained to hear him.

“Being with me is the best protection. You can’t leave me alone and get sent to jail. He’s not worth it.” She gestured to Dan while not taking her eyes off Jared. “With my gift and your job, there could be more crazies in our future we have to deal with. But as long as we’re together, we’ll be okay,” she said and moved to his side to rest her head against his shoulder. She hoped her words penetrated. She’d be lost if she had to continue on without him. She wanted
Jared back, not the man tormented by his losses who’d risk his own hide to rectify the wrongs of the past.

He looked haunted by her words and she could see his defenses were breaking down. She knew Jared could kill Dan without remorse, but she was certain the idea of not being with her after how hard they fought to be together was inconceivable.

“Alright,” Jared said reluctantly. “I want this over as much as you do. Call the police station and go to your mom. She might need an ambulance if she’s been hurt.”

Kate could’ve broken out in a song and dance routine over the palpable relief that took over at his willingness to let go. She felt her knees buckle and wondered if she was close to collapsing. Months of fearing the unknown had taken their toll on her. As long as Dan was telling the truth and her mom and his former family were safe, Kate’s horror story would be finished.

She looked over at Jared, her love, her everything, and for the first time in months, she was no longer being suffocated by her own dread. She could see their future and it was filled with all the things she never thought she could have: a life with love and security.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

The champagne was flowing as the bride and groom glided across the dance floor, commemorating their first dance as husband and wife. The music was romantic and the lyrics were about holding onto love and promising to never let go. The groom planted a chaste kiss on the bride’s scarlet lips. He was enraptured by her beauty and never thought to wipe off the lipstick stain left behind on his own mouth.

The maid of honor stood off to the sidelines and wiped a stray tear rolling down her cheek. She clutched the flowers tighter to her dress and tried to stop the blubbering that was about to start any moment.

“So, you cry at weddings? I never knew that about you,” a husky voice whispered behind her. Gooseflesh erupted on her bare arms and she felt a pleasurable chill go up and down her spine.

“If memory serves me right, you seduced me at my cousin’s wedding. So you know that’s not true. It must be allergies or something,” she said with a shrug.

Kate turned around and beamed at Jared. He was looking particularly handsome in his dark suit paired with a black and crimson striped tie and deep red dress shirt. He handed her a champagne flute and returned her grin. “Sure; it must be allergies.” He laughed and she reveled in the sound. “And I believe you were the one who did all the seducing that night.”

“Besides, I wouldn’t cry at my cousin’s wedding. My cousin is insufferable. Julie is a completely different story,” she said and turned back to watch her best friend giggle as she swayed with Gage. Although Kate may have been bias, she was certain there was never a more beautiful bride than Julie.

Since Julie had a model build, she was able to accentuate her tall, thin frame with a mermaid style ivory dress that clung to her figure. The dress had a sweetheart neckline with cascading ruffles starting at the dropped waist. The lace embellishments and chapel train had left the entire church breathless when she walked down the aisle.

Kate decided Julie mustn’t have been concerned about her bridal party outshining her because she’d picked out cute dresses for them to wear. The dress was a peach color constructed from delicate chiffon with a hemline resting at the thighs. The sweetheart neckline and low back showed a lot of skin. Kate had short legs, but the tan high heels lengthened her legs and put her nearer Jared’s six feet.

“Julie has such natural poise and beauty. She owned it today,” Kate remarked.

“Julie got married? I didn’t notice. I was too busy looking at your legs in that dress,” he said and wrapped his arms around her waist.

“I did notice you checking me out while I was standing at the altar! It made me blush and ruined all the churchy thoughts I was having.”

His hand dipped lower towards her hip and she smacked it away playfully.

“Why don’t we go home and I’ll give you a holy experience?” His warm breath tickled her neck as he leaned in and pressed his hard frame against her back. A pleasurable sensation began to build deep in her belly.

She burst out laughing. “I can’t believe you said that and kept a straight face the entire time.”

“You’re very difficult to seduce, Kate Edwards.”

“Baby, you don’t need to bring your game, you already won me.” She turned around and brushed a gentle kiss across his lips. The corners of his eyes crinkled as she began to sway them both to the music. She liked seeing him happy and intended to keep him that way for a long time.

It had been a long four weeks since Dan was arrested. Kate felt like their second home was the police station as they went over everything again and again with John Thompson and Jared’s superiors. She’d only wanted to move forward, but their investigation required they give them every minute detail about what had transpired.

Jared hadn’t been pleased to find out she’d been keeping information from him about breaking into Michelle’s house and discovering the woman’s identity. But when Kate pointed out she was only doing it to save him from uncertain death, he yielded and forgave her.

Her mom was exactly where Dan had said she was and had been tied up and knocked out with chloroform. Physically she wasn’t going to suffer any long-term damage. Mentally was a completely different story. Kate had caught her mom reading
Why Good Women Love Bad Men
religiously since Dan’s arrest. She was devastated she’d allowed someone so devious into their lives. Kate had spent many nights consoling her mom while sharing a bottle of wine since her rescue.

Kate’s dad was no longer being investigated since Dan admitted to planting evidence to point the police in Robert’s direction. It didn’t absolve her dad of his lies about her grandparents’ wills, but she wanted to improve their relationship. He’d have to be more accepting of her lifestyle and she’d try to agree to disagree more often with him.

Michelle and Matt were freed of the house Dan had kept them trapped inside for weeks. His apparent plan was to eventually “rescue” them from the masked maniac and once again be his son’s hero. Michelle had feared her ex-husband was behind her abduction, but he’d apparently called Matt after getting released from prison a year prior and claimed to be leaving the state. Instead, Dan was plotting ways to settle the score with Kate and force his family back together.

He’d planned out every aspect: even using her phone to send Declan and Jared text messages. In the messages, he told them to meet her in two secluded wooded areas over an hour away from Franklin. While they were occupied, Dan would’ve whisked her away and murdered her. Jared became suspicious after she failed to return any of his phone calls and he returned home. Lucky he did or she may have ended up as chum bait in the bottom of Lake Cooper.

Jared and Declan’s babysitting efforts had kept her from being alone and vulnerable to Dan. Declan was livid that Dan had been right under their noses and neither psychic had figured out his intentions earlier. Kate reasoned it was because he’d become two entirely different people: Dan and Peter. Dan understood how Kate’s powers worked and made a conscience effort to be the benign Dan persona as much as possible. His appearance hadn’t only changed since he went to jail, but he perfected the act of concealing his darker and abusive side. Peter had battered Michelle for years, but Dan hadn’t laid a hand on Kate’s mother. He was lucky—Kate would’ve visited him in jail and given him an ass whooping before he, hopefully, became a lifer at the state pen.

“Your mom looks like she’s having a good time,” Jared pointed in the direction of her mom; who was in a deep conversation with Julie’s mom. Darlene had garnered some unwanted attention since being associated with a murderous lunatic. It made her more sympathetic over what Kate had gone through after being thrust in the media spotlight unwillingly.

“She’ll be okay eventually. Maybe she’ll even date again one day. Declan offered to be her man candy until she finds someone new.” Kate smiled at the memory. Things with Declan were good and any traces of lingering regrets between them were already starting to fade. She didn’t need to see the future to know that he’d be her best friend and psychic partner for a very long time.

“He can’t have you, so he’ll be with your mom instead. He’s definitely a little twisted,” Jared said.

“I thought it was sweet. He’s nursing a broken heart too; Camilla broke up with him after they were dating only a couple of weeks. She told him she could never be with someone who wasn’t sure if Puerto Rico was a state or not and who thought global warming was fake.”

Kate was relieved; she wanted her best friend to hold out for someone she’d have something in common with. The one night where the four of them went out together Camilla kept attempting to debate feminist theory and grew frustrated over Kate’s lack of knowledge about the subject.

“Maybe he should’ve tried to find more common ground with her. She did look annoyed when you were competing with Declan over who could sing the most annoying jingles. I think she wanted deeper conversation.”

Kate sniffed. “You’re just upset because you lost during the lightning round.”

Declan and Jared’s friendship had continued despite no longer needing each other to find Kate’s assailant. Jared was even accepting over the idea of Kate and Declan launching their own psychic investigation firm. Instead of searching blindly for cases, they hoped people would come to them when they needed psychic assistance. Declan was going to look at an office to rent the following week in downtown Franklin, and if it worked out, they’d set up their business and start accepting new clients.

“Ready for your speech?” Jared questioned.

Anxiously, her eyes surveyed the ballroom overflowing with over two hundred guests. The chandeliers cast a pleasant glow over the guests who’d joined Julie and Gage on the dance floor. Once the dances were over, Kate and Gage’s best man were set to deliver their toasts.

“I’m nervous, but I feel more confident now than I would’ve been a year ago. I think I might actually buy into this true love stuff.” She sighed and added, “I met a guy and he made me believe in the possibility of being together always. We must be fated for one another if we survived everything thrown at us this past year.”

Jared didn’t reply, but instead pressed his lips against her cheek. She closed her eyes and memorized the soft feel of his mouth and the heat of his skin as he clung to her. She became lost in him and shut out the wedding band and the noise of the reception hall. It had been an amazing four weeks between them. Almost being murdered had made them unable to keep their hands off one another. If they ever needed an aphrodisiac, she’d just put them in mortal danger again.

A booming voice drew her out of her own head. “Julie’s maid of honor, Kate Edwards, would now like to say a few words…”

Jared tapped her on the shoulder. “You’re up,” he whispered as the crowd stared, awaiting her to take the microphone and begin her speech. He added, “I think I believe in fate now, too. Good luck.”

Kate glanced over her shoulder as she made her way to the microphone.

Jared’s eyes were filled with warmth and love.

She mouthed
I love you
and he did the same in return. As she began her speech about belonging to someone, she kept her eyes on him, letting him know the words were for him as much as they were for the bride and groom.


Her dress didn’t last past the foyer. As soon as Jared’s foot kicked out and closed the door behind them, she was unzipped with the dress falling with a gentle caress to the floor. Their lips became glued as she simultaneously assisted him in removing his suit. She savored the feel of his strong, toned body as she pulled at each piece of clothing. Once they were both down to their underwear, he’d lifted her into his arms and carried her to their bedroom.

The first time of the night was frantic and hot—they finished in a rush together and Kate’s voice became hoarse as she cried out. She’d been ready for him long before her underwear was tossed aside and he was inside of her. Within minutes, she felt like she was in the throngs of an exorcism—head lolling side to side and her back bucking wildly.

The second go ‘round they took their time. He leisurely teased her with his tongue while she returned the favor. He tried to hurry things along as she kissed and licked him in his most sensitive spots. However, she held him off to prolong their pleasure. When she finally positioned her body on top of his, they were both overcome with lust.

After being sated, she curled into his side and began to walk her fingers over his chest. It was freeing to be with Jared completely. She’d finally released her insecurities and could enjoy connecting with him emotionally and physically. She waited to hear his breathing deepen and was surprised when she looked over and saw his eyes alert and a soft smile playing on his lips.

“What are you thinking about?” she asked with a laugh in her voice.

“I have a gift for you and I’d love to give it you now.”

“Baby, can you give me another ten minutes? I’m not sure I can handle any more of your gifts just yet.”

He chuckled. “No, it’s an actual gift. Well, there’s two presents.”

“Well, you
to give them to me now!” she declared. “You can’t tease me like that. I have no self-control when it comes to waiting for gifts.”

He climbed out of bed and put on a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. As he darted out of their bedroom, she decided to get dressed as well. Maybe the present was outdoors and she had to be clothed to receive it. He’d been dropping major hints about junking her Toyota, so maybe he’d taken it upon himself to buy her a new car.

She tossed on a t-shirt and shorts and waited for him to return. She flung her legs over the bed and swung them back and forth as she imagined what type of car she could be driving the next day. She wasn’t picky—the lack of air conditioning in the Toyota was leaving behind a permanent sweaty smell.

He returned and she sensed his jumpiness. He’d put on his jacket, and she wondered if he was hiding the keys inside one of the pockets. His anxiety began to affect her and she twisted her hands in her lap. After he inhaled shakily, he dropped to the floor in front of her. Her cheeks burned when she saw him kneeling on the ground with an earnest expression.

“I tried to think of something very romantic to say, something that would provide you with a good enough reason to marry me. But all the words I came up with didn’t feel right; like I’d be trying unsuccessfully to convince you I was worthy enough of you. I’m not sure if I deserve you, but I do see the ways you make me a better version of myself.

“All I can say is that every day I’ll try my hardest to make you happy. I want to be the man to make you smile and the one who you can rely on when things get tough. If I’m being honest, I began to fall in love with you the moment I came to your house and you tried to kick me out.”

He reached inside the jacket pocket and her eyes widened at the sight of a ring. “Marry me, Kate Edwards?”

For the first time in her entire life, she was speechless. She loved Jared and had thought about getting married, but she thought it was in the distant future. He’d been in a long-term relationship before her and hadn’t wanted to get married. She thought it would take him some time to take that leap.

BOOK: The Final Omen: Second Sight Book Four
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