The Final Play (5 page)

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Authors: Rhonda Laurel

BOOK: The Final Play
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Morgan’s cell phone rang. She checked the display, it was Sydney. “Hi Sydney, what’s up? Are you kidding me? I’ll be right there.”

“What’s wrong?” Michelle asked.

“My family has Sydney cornered at my grandma’s house and want details about the fight. I haven’t been answering their calls. I have to go over there and put a stop to this. I’m sorry to duck out on you and I just got here.” Morgan put her coat back on.

“Go. Put out as many fires as you can.”

“You know, I think I’d rather talk to that television crew again than face a room full of Reed women.”

“Try not to use any expletives in front of your grandma,” Michelle advised.

Morgan laughed. “She’d probably send me to my room.”


* * *


The last thing she wanted to do was dash over to her grandma’s house to calm down her family. News of the incident with Lamont was going around like lightning. No one had the entire story, but the family agreed that Morgan being in the middle of it and almost miscarrying was all Charisma’s fault. By now the story had grown to gargantuan proportions. Morgan had now been pushed through a plate glass window and almost delivered on the spot and Seth had beat Lamont within an inch of his life. The latter was kind of true, but that didn’t mean people had to go around repeating it.

Although Charisma was the last person she wanted to defend to the rest of the family, the public lynch mob that was gathering for her was wrong too. She got out of the Range Rover as gracefully as she could and walked up the steps to her grandmother’s house. Sydney came out and greeted her on the porch.

Morgan kissed her. “How’s the weather in there?”

“Cloudy with a high chance of snark.”

Morgan laughed. “That explains why you look like you want to want to smoke a cigarette.”

“I can only take so much of a room full of women who are determined to make up their minds about something they know nothing about. They haven’t even heard the full story.”

“Let’s go in and set the record straight.” Morgan linked arms with Sydney.

When Morgan stepped into her grandmother’s living room, she saw the family had set up a command central with their laptops and cell phones out, talking about the various reports of the incident. Grandma Reed was sitting on the couch sipping on tea. It was way past her nap time, but she looked like she was enjoying having the house full of relatives. As she listened to the different conversations flowing around the room, she shook her head. If they ever put that much fervor into planning the family reunion, maybe they could have it somewhere other than grandma’s backyard.

She coughed. “Mind if I join the party?”

Cousin Dana grabbed her. “Morgan! Are you OK? Shouldn’t you be in the hospital?”

“I’m fine. I was briefly hospitalized for observation most of the night, then the doctor said I could go home. Seth nor Sydney or my Dad would let me roam around like this if something were wrong. I’ve come to give my statement of facts to the family. Does anyone have a microphone handy?” she said as she removed her coat.

“I see that fall on the butt didn’t bruise any of those sarcasm muscles you like flexing,” Aunt Debra, who’d just come into the house, replied.

Grandma Reed glared at her. “Quiet, Debra, and let Morgan finish her story.” She patted the seat beside her. “How’s my pretty girl? Come give grandma a hug. It’s been so long since you visited.”

Morgan went over and gave her grandma a big squeeze and plopped down next to her. “I apologize for that, Grandma. The fall is a busy time for me with our schedules.”

“I know how busy you and your young man are. I watch the games on the plasma.” Grandma motioned to the huge television hanging on the wall. Her sons bought her that as a birthday present a few years ago claiming it would be easier for her to enjoy a bigger screen with her ailing eyesight. Morgan always suspected it was so they could enjoy the games while they visited. “Trina, get Morgan something to eat. She has to keep this baby fed.”

Her cousin Trina nodded. “Melina made a seafood lasagna that is out of this world.”

“And you’re saying mine isn’t?” Debra said.

“Give me a little bit of everything,” Morgan interrupted.

“No, I’m saying Melina put her foot in it, as grandma would say.” Trina giggled and went off to fix Morgan a plate.

“Is Seth’s father still married?” Grandma Reed asked.

Morgan blushed. “Yes, grandma. He’s still married to Teri-Lyn.”

“Let me know if anything changes. That man is a handsome devil.” Her grandmother giggled.

“I see she hooked up her favorite cousin with Tate and her best friend Michelle got the race car driver brother Tyler that looks like Seth.” Her cousin Trina made a funny face at her as she came back in the room and handed her the plate.

“Ladies, those men are not objects to be randomly assigned to women. There was chemistry involved and heart strings being pulled.”

“When you’re that hot, you’re a sex object.” Beverly snacked on a chip.

“It wasn’t a set up. Fate just worked out for them.” Morgan sighed.

“Does Seth have any more single brothers?” Beverly asked in a low voice.

Morgan glared at her cousin. “They’re all taken and you’re married.”

“Hey, I’m just asking for single friends.” Beverly smiled.

“Ladies, I came here to give you my account of what happened at the party. Thanks for the phone calls and concern, but I hope you’re not feeding into the media coverage. They’re piecing together stories from various sources and half of them weren’t there that night.”

“All I know is if Charisma was there, it was probably her fault,” Dana squeaked.

“Lamont’s been a little stressed lately with the season starting. He gets high strung,” Debra replied.

As if on cue, Charisma walked through the door. Morgan’s eyes locked with hers.

“Charisma, why do you always arrive when we’re talking about you?” Trina quipped.

“Why are you always talking about me?” Charisma shot back.

“I thought all our channels were supposed to be tuned into the Charisma Show? That’s the way it’s been all our lives,” Beverly replied. “I’m surprised you have the nerve to show your face here. Your shenanigans with that thug you date almost caused Morgan to miscarry.”

“Can I finish?” Morgan yelled.

“Everybody pipe down. Morgan’s going to tell us what really happened at that party she threw for Seth but none of us were invited to,” Trina threw in and took a seat.

The room finally quieted down.

“The party was supposed to be a celebration of Seth’s retirement with his teammates and some other people in the Titans organization. Lamont was invited and he came with Charisma.” Morgan motioned to her cousin sitting by herself near the archway leading into the dining room. “But Charisma had nothing to do with Lamont’s actions. He was drunk and his behavior was getting out of hand, so I intervened. He didn’t know it was me behind him, but he yanked out of the grasp I had on his arm and I lost my balance and plopped onto a chair. Charisma didn’t instigate anything and she came to my aid after. It’s no secret he and Seth don’t get along, and I think he was looking to start something but got more than he bargained for in return. My husband was only reacting to hearing his pregnant wife had been injured by a teammate in the next room.”

“So, the baby’s really OK?” Grandma Reed asked.

“Yes, Grandma. I stayed in the hospital overnight at Seth’s insistence. Luckily I’ve got a little junk in the trunk and it saved the day.” Morgan smiled.

“Charisma, you couldn’t do your fighting at home?” Dana glared at her.

“Or how about, no fighting at all?” Morgan added.

“Lamont’s been under a lot of pressure and has apologized for it. He’s asked her to marry him,” Aunt Debra said defiantly.

Morgan’s heart sunk as she searched Charisma’s face. Had she said yes? Hadn’t she learned anything?

“And I turned him down.” Charisma stood and smoothed her skirt. “I think he did it so I’d show support for him in the media by standing by his side while he deals with this. That’s what he gets for hurting the pregnant wife of a beloved sports icon. So mom, I would appreciate it if you would stop texting him and telling him where I’ll be, it’s sending him mixed signals and he’s violating the restraining order. He thinks you’re a mediator for the two of us. I don’t want him anymore. I’ve had enough of his psychotic behavior and I want more for me.”

“But—” Debra began.

Sydney voice’s crackled through the air, interrupting her. “I know you’ve invested a lot of time and energy into Lamont. It must have taken a lot of courage to come to that decision. I’m proud of you Charisma.”

“Thank you, Aunt Sydney.”

Morgan went over to Charisma. “I know it doesn’t seem like it right now, but you have your family to support you. And I’m sure everyone in this room will set the record straight if anyone infers that you caused any trouble. We were in the middle, but that night was really about Seth and Lamont. It always has been about the two of them.”

“I’ve been such a fool about that jerk.” Charisma sniffed.

Trina came over and gave Charisma a hug. “I’ll fix you some of Melina’s seafood lasagna. That will take the edge off.”

“Does food solve everyone’s problems in this family?” Morgan asked.


“Well then, let’s eat.”







The Reed ladies spent the rest of the afternoon eating, talking, and laughing. Dana let it slip that her baby shower was scheduled for next month. It took some time, but after the second helping of dessert the cousins were comforting Charisma and asking her what her plans were for the future. She remained firm on her rejection of Lamont’s proposal and vowed to make him face the current media storm on his own. Morgan told her she’d help with keeping the facts straight. There was no need for her name to go down in flames with Lamont’s.

Seth called in the middle of the fun and she was happy he did. She was worried about his first day back to work after the fight. He sounded his normal, focused self and said after the guys got the kidding out of their system, it was back to business as usual.

The gathering was going strong and more relatives had come by but Morgan was getting tired. Even though the invitation to take a nap on her grandmother’s bed like she had when she was a little girl was tempting, she really did have to pick the boys up from school. Sydney took her cue too and decided to leave with her. She kissed and hugged every one of those crazy women and promised to attend the baby shower they were throwing for her next month.

Charisma seemed happy to be in the middle of all that loud, meddling love and advice instead of sitting in a corner trying to deflect it like she used to do. The ladies listed a multitude of things that would be done to Lamont if he ever came near them again, so it was safe to say it was the end of their relationship.

Debra didn’t look too thrilled though. Her dreams of a pro-football son-in-law had disappeared before her very eyes. Morgan buttoned up her coat and walked out with Sydney, stopping on the porch. “You don’t get drama like this in a feature film.”

“I know. This family is nutty.”

“Still glad you married into it?” Morgan scrunched her nose.

“Every day.”

Debra came out of her house wearing her coat and her car keys in her hand. She didn’t say anything as she moved passed them.

“What’s the rush, Debra?” Sydney asked.

“I can’t take any more of this. Charisma is listening to that advice in there. Lamont can still be a good husband for her.” Debra scoffed.

Morgan glared at her aunt. “I don’t know if she gave you the details about the party or the events in Las Vegas, but I am fairly certain that wasn’t the first time Lamont’s treated her like crap. I don’t believe any aunt of mine would advocate for her daughter to stay in a relationship where a man treated her that badly, no matter how big she thought the payout would be in the end.”

“I agree,” Sydney said. “I’ve been talking to Charisma and it’s not the first time he’s tried to humiliate her in public.”

“I had no idea.” Debra looked shocked.

Sydney continued. “Try listening to your daughter for a change. Really listening to her. You have a college-educated woman in there who can do whatever she wants and she doesn’t need a man to make her happy. Don’t make her think a man like Lamont is her only option for success in life.”

“I just want her to have all the things I didn’t have in life.”

“Didn’t have? Uncle Marcus spoiled you and still does. And I’m pretty sure Charisma got everything she wanted when she was a kid. Except, maybe some extra attention from you.”

Debra gave her a stern look. “You and that mouth, little girl.”

“You may have lost a potential son-in-law but you got something you’ve wanted for a long time,” Morgan said.

“What’s that?”

“You wanted your girls to reconcile. Charisma and I aren’t friends or enemies but we are cousins again.” Morgan smiled and kissed her aunt on the cheek.

Debra gave her another stern look then continued down the steps and got into her car.

Sydney smirked. “You really know how to kick somebody when they’re down.”

“Well, she deserved it.” Morgan shrugged and linked arms with her as they headed down the steps. “Thanks again for helping with the cupcakes.”

“Not a problem. I’m going to miss doing things like that when you move.”

“Not if you spent part of the year in Texas.” Morgan smiled when Sydney’s eyes lit up. “I was going to start my subtle campaign when I started packing, but after spending an afternoon with the Reeds, I don’t feel like my wanting you closer to us is being pushy at all.”

“That would be wonderful. We could spend our winters there.”

“It would be a new place to explore, and you and dad could find new hobbies. And you wouldn’t have to sell the house up here. You could stay with us or we could find you another place down there.”

“Morgan, your generosity has been more than enough.”

“No, your generosity has been exponential. I never would have been able to keep my life as simplified as I have if it weren’t for you and dad helping out. I know if it were the other way around you’d do the same for us.”

“I’ll talk to Curtis.”

“Good.” Morgan smiled. For the first time since the incident at the party, she was starting to feel as though things were heading in the right direction. Maybe something good could come of this nightmare.


* * *


It had been two days since his fight with Lamont, and Seth still felt the anger of it all surging through his veins. It wasn’t until Morgan’s doctor examined her again and agreed everything was fine with the baby that he began to believe everything was all right. He went to practice, no shock that Lamont was on the injury list and after the team doctor examined him again, he was on it too. He was determined to keep the team focused on the upcoming game, but it was difficult.

Even if he weren’t able to play in the next game, there was still plenty to do. Bryce Patrick, the backup quarterback, was hungry for a chance to play, but he was still a little green.

They tabled the chatter and focused on practice. Once everyone had gotten it out of their systems, they were back to running drills and working on plays for the rest of the afternoon. He was beginning to feel that things were getting back to normal until Lamont showed up in the locker room. Seth had just come from the showers when the wide receiver opened his locker with such force, the clang of the door reverberated throughout the room. Seth didn’t have to turn around to know he was staring daggers at him.

“Damn Brayer, you look terrible,” someone shouted. “How long you gonna be on the injured list?”

“Just a couple of games. Team doc’s orders, not mine.”

“I guess that’ll teach you to mess with Blake.”

Some of the guys laughed.

“My grandmother hit harder than that,” Lamont said.

Seth didn’t bother looking up and continued getting dressed. Lamont was trying to bait him and he wasn’t going for it. Besides, he had an important appointment to keep.

“Blake put a hurting on you, so just shut your mouth,” Patton said as he came from the direction of the showers.

“I heard Charisma dumped your ass for good this time,” Elton taunted.

Lamont shook his head. “She’ll be back. I can’t get rid of that girl.”

“I don’t think so. Nothing says it’s over like a restraining order. You made the news again.” Dante shook his head and held up his cell phone. A news banner with the headline
Titans Player Drama Continues
displayed on the screen.

Lamont grabbed the phone and read it, as if in disbelief. When he finished, he looked up and saw his teammates looking at him. He waved it off. “She does crazy stuff like this all the time. And if she doesn’t change her mind, women like her are a dime a dozen.”

“Maybe you’d have better luck if you weren’t looking for a carbon copy of my wife,” Seth drawled.

The locker room quieted.

“What did you say, Blake?”

Seth closed his locker. “You been lusting after my wife ever since the day you met her at that party. You want her so bad you dated her cousin. I know it and everybody in here knows it too. Be a man and admit it.”

Patton nodded. “You were acting all weird that night you saw Morgan at that team party. That’s a long time to have a crush on another man’s woman.”

“You’re crazy. I don’t have a crush on Morgan,” Lamont fired back. He paused, frowning. “How is she anyway?”

“None of your damn business,” Seth countered.

“I told you what happened was an accident.”

“Was it an accident you grabbing on Charisma like she was a rag doll?” Seth countered.

“You don’t even like Charisma, so now you care about her?”

“She and Morgan may not get along, but she’s family. And maybe if she hadn’t been trying to get back at Morgan, she wouldn’t have hooked up with you. But you won’t be putting your hands on her anymore.”

“I think you just mad because you finally showed your true colors. The great Seth Blake’s image isn’t shining so bright these days.”

“I’d gladly get a little dirt on my public image for protecting my wife. You’re the one they’re calling an abuser with a track record of domestic violence issues.”

Lamont’s recklessness had touched a sore spot with the public, and he was quickly being painted as a pariah in the media.

“You just a country boy who got a lucky shot to play in the NFL. You fit the all-American profile and they put you up on their shoulders and paraded you around like you some kind of star.”

“This country boy has a hell of a stats record and gave you the whooping of a lifetime Saturday night,” Seth drawled.

Lamont motioned toward Seth, so he met him half way. They stood nose-to-nose, glaring at each other.

“You want a rematch, Brayer?” Seth growled. “Anytime. But for now we have a season in front of us and I intend to win one last Super Bowl. So when you come back, have your head out of your ass and in the game. I’ll be leaving this team soon enough, but while I’m still on it, you stay away from my wife or I’ll break your neck.” Seth grabbed his duffle bag and headed for the door.

“And that’s why he’s the man!” Patton said and high-fived Seth on the way out.


* * *


The Titans PR team attempted to downplay the incident, but Seth and Lamont’s tumultuous relationship was already common knowledge and made the news cycle for longer than any of them wanted. Seth promised Morgan that once he talked to Jimmy, that they’d put the matter behind them. It nearly killed him not to knock Lamont’s lights out in that locker room, but the team wouldn’t heal and move on if they kept that up. If they didn’t put this behind them, the entire season would be in jeopardy.

Seth tried to relax as he approached the gates of Jimmy Fontane’s palatial estate. He’d been to the team owner’s country home a few times. The first time he’d visited was after Jimmy made the offer to join the team as their quarterback. They’d sat in his study and had some very expensive brandy and a cigar, postulating about the future of the team. He hoped his last visit to Jimmy’s home wouldn’t be about that damn fight with Lamont. The guards opened the gate as soon as his SUV pulled up, and the butler had the door open when he parked in front of the house and escorted him to the study. Jimmy was sitting at his desk constructing a model airplane.

“Seth, thanks for coming on such short notice.” Jimmy stood and shook his hand. “Can you believe Jocelyn has me doing this? She says it staves off nervous energy.”

Seth smiled. “Morgan has me updating my trading card collection, so I can pass it on to the boys.”

“Can I fix you a drink?” Jimmy walked over to the bar.

“I’ll have a club soda,” Seth replied. He glanced around the room. There was new artwork on the walls. “Is that a Van Gogh?”

“Good eye. Jocelyn has been in heaven since I got it for her.”

“My sister-in-law Cassidy is an art enthusiast. My brother bought her a Monet as a wedding present.”

“That’s what I like about you, Seth. You come from a wealthy, refined family. The Blakes aren’t obnoxious about what they have and they still work hard despite being well off.”

He grinned. “My daddy always says any passionate undertaking requires hard work and sweat.”

“I wanted to meet with you here out of the prying eyes of my executive staff. It’s been a media shit storm this week, and I thought we could do without coverage of you going into my office like you were facing a beheading.”

“I appreciate that.”

“So what happened?”

“Lamont showed up to my party drunk with his girlfriend Charisma, who is my wife Morgan’s cousin. He got physical with her. Morgan saw it and reacted, tried to pull them apart, and in the process Lamont knocked her down. He didn’t intentionally set out to hit her, but the protective husband and father in me came out and the next thing I know Lamont and I are throwing punches.”

“Good to know. I saw the pictures of his face. I thought he was moonlighting as a MMA fighter.” Jimmy chuckled.

“It was never my intent to embarrass the team. Lamont and I have had a contentious relationship for a long time.”

“I never want to advocate any of my players fighting with each other, but it sounds like you defended your wife. I wouldn’t expect anything less from you. I would have done the same thing if someone had pushed by wife and endangered our unborn child. Brayer has been a pain in the ass since I signed him, but he gets results on the field. Still, this is a PR nightmare. In addition to hurting your wife, he put his hands on his girlfriend, who happens to be related to you too. The league has had too many domestic assault issues with players lately, and now we’ve joined the ranks.”

“I’ll take whatever public punishment you have to give me.”

Jimmy gave him an odd look. “You didn’t fight at practice and weren’t on stadium property.”

“I know, but to chastise Lamont and not me would get tongues wagging.”

“They day I let anyone other than Jocelyn Fontane tell me what to do is the day I need to give up owning a team. Don’t worry about it. I won’t throw you under the bus. Brayer on the other hand, made his bed and now has to lie in it. I can’t stop the number the court of public opinion is doing on him. He brought that on himself, and the league has him in their sights. I’ve already gotten the head’s up. But what I would like to do is assure everyone that this matter is nipped in the bud.” He sipped his drink.

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