The Final Years of Marilyn Monroe: The Shocking True Story (70 page)

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Authors: Keith Badman

Tags: #Biographies & Memoirs, #Arts & Literature, #Actors & Entertainers, #Television Performers

BOOK: The Final Years of Marilyn Monroe: The Shocking True Story
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5 August 1962, rear of Marilyn’s home, 12305 Fifth Helena Drive, Brentwood, morning – two baubles, one a tiger, the other a lamb, lay abandoned on the grass, at the exact spot they landed the night before, at the conclusion of a game of ‘fetch-ball’ between Marilyn and Maf.

8 August 1962, Westwood Village Mortuary chapel in the grounds of the Westwood Memorial Park Cemetery, 1 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time (4 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time). Dr Ralph Greenson (Marilyn Monroe’s psychiatrist), his wife Hildi and their children, Daniel and Joan, in attendance at Marilyn’s funeral.

August 1962. Coverage of Marilyn’s death featured prominently for several days in newspapers right across the globe.

8 August 1962, Westwood Village Mortuary. A decidedly distraught DiMaggio, alongside his son, Joe Jr. at Marilyn’s funeral.

Table of Contents

Title page


List of Illustrations



1 Prelude – Childhood/Adulthood: Birth to June 1961

2 June 1961–Monday 8 January 1962

3 Friday 17 November 1961–April (second week) 1962

4 Marilyn and the Kennedys – The Unequivocal Truth: Saturday 23 September 1961 and beyond

5 Wednesday 7 February 1962–Sunday 22 April 1962

6 Something’s Got To Give (part one): Monday 23 April 1962–Saturday 19 May 1962

7 The JFK Gala/Something’s Got To Give (part two): Saturday 19 May 1962–Tuesday 12 June 1962

8 Despondency, Rebirth, Photo Shoots and the Cal-Neva: Saturday 9 June 1962–Monday 30 July 1962

9 Tuesday 31 July 1962–7.55pm, Saturday 4 August 1962

10 7.55pm, Saturday 4 August 1962–9.04am, Sunday 5 August 1962

11 The Fallout: Sunday 5 August 1962–Monday 28 October 1985

12 Goodbye, Marilyn: Sunday 5 August 1962–Wednesday 8 August 1962


About the author


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