The Finding (57 page)

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Authors: Nicky Charles

Tags: #Romance, #Suspense, #Trilogy, #sequel, #werewolves, #lycans, #General Fiction

BOOK: The Finding
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The idea of
never seeing Cassie again filled him with dread. Bryan ran down the
hallway, rounded a corner, and suddenly found himself in a large
room. The stark white walls and ultra-modern furnishing barely
registered with his brain. The odour of death and blood did. It was
heavy in the air and his vision blurred momentarily, pain squeezing
his heart before he realized the scent was off; it was human blood,
not Lycan.

A wave of
relief passed over him but it was short lived. Cassie was still
alive, but where? The sounds of the helicopter were even louder
now. He glanced around, saw a set of French doors at the far end of
the room, and headed towards them, only to skid to a halt.

A middle-aged
woman lay on the ground near the doors, a red blood stain marring
her prim white shirt. Bryan spared her a brief glance, but it was
obvious she was dead from the way her unblinking eyes stared up at
the ceiling. He had no idea who she was and didn’t have time to
ponder the fact. Outside he could see a helicopter lowering onto
the roof top, its side doors open ready to receive passengers.

Yanking the
door open, he hurried outside and scanned the rooftop, trying to
figure out what was going on.

The helicopter
was situated on the far right of the roof, its whirling blades
adding to the already windy atmosphere and stirring up bits of
debris. A pilot was looking out towards the far side of the roof.
Bryan swung his gaze that way as well. He could make out Aldrich,
hurrying away from the landing pad, as quickly as the strong winds
would allow. And there, farther to the left and near the edge of
the roof, was Marla. But where was Cassie?

She had to be
hiding somewhere, it was the only explanation for Aldrich to be
running across the roof rather than escaping in the waiting
chopper. Bryan tried to scent the air, but with the strong winds it
did no use. He scanned the possible places Cassie could have taken
shelter; the rooftop elevator access? An exhaust stack? No... Over
there! There was a tiny bit of movement near a roof vent. It had to
be her. But, damn, it was the farthest from him and the closest to

Vaulting over a
cement flower box, he landed lightly and took off running. He kept
himself as low as possible, but the roof top provided little in the
way of cover. Momentarily, he considered shifting—as a wolf he’d
move faster and be lower to the ground, but the pilot might see him
transform—he couldn’t risk exposing his kind to humanity; his hands
were tied by the laws of his people.

Thankfully the
others seemed too intent on what they were doing to notice him.
Yet, even as he approached, Cassie stood up from her hiding place,
but... She was in her wolf form! Bryan’s fear spiked even higher.
Cassie and her wolf weren’t one yet. How would they be able to work
together to save themselves? Damn, she must have been terrified to
have changed willingly...

Aldrich shouted
something. Cassie’s wolf looked around wildly from Marla to Aldrich
and back to Marla. It began backing up away from the approaching
humans. Bryan opened his mouth to shout a warning; she was nearing
the edge of the rooftop, a forty floor fall was only steps


Marla’s heart
was pounding and her vision was blurring even as she approached the
Greyson girl. When Aldrich had taken off after the girl, she’d
slipped around the other way. Now Cassandra was within her grasp.
She could easily subdue her, even if the girl was in wolf form. A
new shifter would be no match for her.

Yet even as she
planned her next move, a strange prickling sensation was coming
over her. It was as if her wolf were trying to transform without
her permission. She swallowed hard and clenched her fists, her
nails digging into her palms. No! She couldn’t do this. Not now!
Didn’t the stupid beast have any sense?

Go away, she
hissed inwardly, flicking a glance around the rooftop. Aldrich was
giving instructions and she tried to listen. Something about
circling around and capturing the Greyson girl... She forced
herself to take one step and then another. They had to grab the
girl quickly and get away. Kane and Ryne would be here any

the creature insisted. Its power swelled, pushing outward. Marla
felt herself starting to tremble with the force of her inner

She took
another step. The Greyson girl. Aldrich would be pleased with her.
And once the girl was declared unfit...

Not again. I
won’t help you bring down another of our kind.

You have no say
in the matter. Marla lifted her chin, her eyes almost shut to block
the bits of dirt the wind was blowing about and took three quick
steps before a blinding pain flashed in her head. She bent over
cursing, holding her head. Why are you doing this to me? This is my
chance to get on Aldrich’s good side. To ensure my place...

wolf snarled at her. She could feel its anger at her plans and she
let her own emotions escape as well.

Mentally, she
screamed at the creature. I hate you. I’ve always hated you. You’re
nothing but a stupid, ugly animal. I wish you’d never been a part
of me.

Its anger abated and it answered sadly. Marla froze
transfixed, listening to it lament.
“The day of our first
transformation, I was so excited. I knew you were worried and tried
to tell you not to be. I’d been with you for years, watching you
grow, waiting for my time. I was anxious for us to finally meet and
bond. I was so sure we’d be friends, that you’d be pleased to
finally see me. We’d always
there for each other,
helping and supporting.

Instead, you
hated me. You didn’t like how I looked, how I thought... I tried to
please you, I really did! I helped you even when it was wrong; even
when you killed our Alpha!
There was a break in the animal’s
voice as if it were recalling something painful.
You never
changed, you were never happy with me or our life. I wanted a mate
and pups; a place in the pack, nothing special just...a home,
someplace where I belonged. But you never listened, never cared. In
all my years, you’ve never once welcomed me or shown me any

Too bad! Marla
snarled. I didn’t want that life. I didn’t want to be scorned as a
half-breed for the rest of my life. The others laughed at me behind
my back, they only pretended to be my friends; I know they did—my
father told me. I was never good enough, my very existence was a
stain on the family’s name. The only way to redeem myself was to
choose a worthy mate and I refused to do that. I wasn’t giving in
to him and the pack’s ways, no matter what. I was going to be
whatever I wanted to be and you weren’t part of the plan. I don’t
want you. I’ll never want you. Just go away!

The wolf paused
and then began again, its voice growing steadily stronger
. “I’m
tired of being pushed aside. Tired of trying to be what I’m not.
Tired of hiding, tired of living a half life...

“No!” Marla
tried to yell the words out loud, but not a sound came out of her
mouth. She shook her head violently. The wolf wouldn’t win! It

She forced
herself to move. One step, then another. She was almost close
enough to catch her prey. The edge of the building was just behind
Cassandra, but it didn’t matter. Another step. She reached out a
hand to grab the young wolf just when a spasm of pain stabbed her
and she pitched forward onto her knees, falling to the ground
beside the large roof top air vent.


Cassie jerked
backwards as Marla suddenly lunged for her. Her hind legs stepped
over the edge onto thin air and she fell onto her stomach, her
front legs scrambling for something to hold onto, her rear end
dangling forty floors above the street below. She whimpered in
fright as she tried to dig her front nails into the hard roof
surface while her hindquarters tried unsuccessfully to find a
foothold on the metal flashing that edged the roof.

Oh God, she
never realized how much she hated heights. Her heart pounded and
her skin prickled. She was slipping backwards and there was nothing
she could do about it.

Cassie knew she
was going to die. Already her front legs were trembling from the
strain of trying to hold herself up, that supposedly superior
werewolf strength still missing. She couldn’t hold on much longer.
Despair filled her. What would happen to Kellen? Would Bryan find
him and get him help? And where was Bryan? Perhaps Hugh or Swanson
succeeded in ambushing him in the stairwell after all.
In her mind, she called out to him, desperate to know he was all
right before she met her end.

And then, as if
in answer to her prayers, he called out to her! Somehow he knew she
was in trouble and his voice was ringing in her ears, telling her
to hang on, that he was coming. There was a sound in front of her.
She looked up expecting to see him, but found herself face to face
with a grey wolf instead!

Shocked by its
sudden appearance, she stopped struggling for a fatal moment and in
that instant quickly began to slide backwards. Too late, she
scrambled for a hold, but felt herself going farther and farther
over the edge. A panicked yelp escaped her and then the grey wolf
lunged forward. It grabbed her by the scruff of the neck and began
to pull, attempting to drag her to safety. For a moment they were
both sliding closer to the edge, then the grey wolf seemed to
gather its strength and gave a mighty tug.

Cassie felt
herself moving forward and hope sprang up inside her. She clawed at
the roof with all her might, breathing a sigh of relief when her
back toes finally found the edge of the building. One more tug and
she was able to heave herself up. Collapsing on the roof, she
panted heavily, unable to believe she was safe.

Something cold
and wet nudged her. Trembling she raised her head to stare at the
other wolf, unsure who it might be. The creature blinked and nudged
her again. Somehow Cassie knew it wanted her to move away from the
edge of the building. She got to her feet and complied, though her
legs were still shaking with reaction.

The grey wolf
whined, then licked her muzzle. Cassie almost stepped back in
surprise not appreciating the slobber, but her own wolf took over,
and licked the other animal in return. The grey’s tail swung slowly
from side to side as if pleased to meet her and make a new friend,
then turned to stand in front of her in a protective gesture, its
hackles rising as a low growl sounded from its throat.

Cassie flicked
a glance over the wolf’s shoulder and tensed her own muscles.
Someone—it had to be Mr. Aldrich—was coming, the sound of running
feet audible over the wind and chopper noises. Actually, there were
two separate sets of footsteps; one from where she’d last seen Mr.
Aldrich and another from the direction of the penthouse. Who was
the second individual? Another of Mr. Aldrich’s guards? Or

Bryan! He
appeared beside the roof vent and breathed out her name in excited
relief. “Cassie!”

Falling to his
knees, he pulled her into his arms, burying his face in the fur
around her neck. She squirmed, equally happy and relieved to see
him and wishing she were in her human form so she could tell him
so. As it was she satisfied herself by nuzzling him and licking his

With his arms
still wrapped around her, he turned to address her new friend. “I
saw what you just did, and I have to admit I don’t understand. When
we have more time you’ll have to explain it to me.”

The wolf said
nothing, but its eyes seemed haunted and sad before it turned to
face the next arrival.

Mr. Aldrich
appeared from the other direction, looking less than his usual
pristine self. The wind had blown his hair all over, revealing a
slight bald spot. His cravat was askew and his shirt rumpled while
dusty stains about his knees revealed the fact that he had fallen
at least once while traversing the rooftop.

Cassie had to
give the lawyer credit. He came to a sudden stop, blinked twice
while possibly assimilating the situation, and then assumed a
posture indicative of supreme confidence as he levelled the gun at

unexpected guests I see. Such bad manners, appearing without an
invitation.” He tutted mockingly. “But then why would I expect
anything else considering I’m dealing with filthy abominations.”
The last word was spit out as if it left a vile taste in his

Bryan released
his grip on her and rose to his feet. His anger was palpable, but
that didn’t stop Mr. Aldrich.

He shot a
glance at Bryan, a sneer curling his lip. “I see only one of you
made it by my guards and the charge in the electric door. That
makes two for me and zero for you.”

Cassie looked
around, suddenly realizing the Alphas were missing. Was Mr. Aldrich
right? Had they been killed too? A feeling of loss swept over her;
one she didn’t really understand. She barely knew either of the
men, but some instinct had acknowledged that Ryne was her

“Two for you?”
Bryan quirked his brow. “You don’t consider your own men of any

“Swanson and
Hugh? Collateral damage.” Mr. Aldrich gave a negligent shrug. “Do
you have a name, wolf?”

“Bryan. And you
must be Aldrich.” Bryan looked the man up and down, as if taking
the measure of his opponent.

“That’s Mr.
Aldrich, to you.” He gave Bryan a contemptuous look before shifting
his attention to the grey wolf. “And Miss Matthews I presume? For
that is the only person I can imagine that you might be. To think I
had a viper in my nest all this time.” He cocked his head. “I’m
curious as to why you never attacked. Certainly there were
sufficient opportunities over the past three years.” He chuckled
darkly. “Not that it matters. Whatever game you were playing, it’s
backfired hasn’t it?”

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