The First Dragon (Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica, The) (30 page)

BOOK: The First Dragon (Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica, The)
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“Over?” Jack snorted. “It’s never over until you win . . .”

The Last Battle

The angel Shaitan
looked down at John Dee, who suddenly seemed a lot smaller. “Little thing,” Shaitan said, “you have caused my countenance to be darkened. You denied me the opportunity to serve the Word by becoming a protector of this world. And there is a price to be paid.”

“Not me!” Dee shrieked, pointing at the trump in Edmund’s hand. “I never bound you! Kipling! He’s the one!”

“Intention counts,” the angel replied, “and I can see past his countenance into his heart, just as,” he said, moving closer, “I can see into

Dee shrieked as the great angel moved down to embrace him with wings and arms and eyes of fire. “I’m sorry!” the Chronographer of Lost Times cried out as he burst into flame. “Forgive me! Please forgive—!”

The angel began to glow, brighter and brighter, and suddenly Dee burst into a thousand shards of shadow, all scattering in an effort to escape the purifying light—but it was impossible. For an instant, the island glowed like a star, and the shadows evaporated in Shaitan’s light.

When the companions could see again, the great and terrible
creature that had been the angel had been replaced by a young man, dressed simply in a tunic, who had curly black hair and a look of horrible sadness.

“It’s over, isn’t it?” he said, to no one in particular.

“No,” Samaranth said from the doorway of the inn. “It is just beginning, my friend Shaitan.”

The young angel’s expression changed from one of sadness to joy, and he ran to his friend. When Sycorax explained the price of entry, he didn’t even hesitate.

♦  ♦  ♦

“Quickly,” Edmund said to Kipling. “The flood hasn’t hit the city yet. I can still pull you through!”

But to the surprise of all the companions, the Caretaker refused.

“I’m done, I think,” he said. “This was my last mission, my last hurrah for the Caretakers. It’s time for the—what did you call them, Jack? The Young Magicians? It’s time for you to take over now.”

“But why?” Rose exclaimed, suddenly understanding where Kipling was, and what kind of price he paid and was paying still to give them this opportunity. “You can still save yourself!”

Kipling smiled. “I think I already have, dear girl,” he said, stepping back, away from his own trump. Charles saw it first. “Your shadow!” he exclaimed with relief. “It’s come back! Good show, old fellow.”

“That’s why I’d like to stay,” Kipling said. “I lost my shadow by doing a terrible thing for the best of reasons, and then I earned it back by giving you a chance to save the world.”

“Also, you got to stick it to John Dee,” said Laura Glue.

“Yes.” Kipling chuckled. “That too.

“Regardless,” he went on, “I’ve lived two good and worthy
lives now, and I get to finish this one watching the destruction of Atlantis. And when that’s done,” he said, wiping a tear from his eye, “I’ll get to see my boy again. Can’t say fairer than that.”

He turned away from the trump. “I can hear it now,” he said. “Time to go.”

“Thank you!” Rose shouted over the increasing noise of the approaching flood. “Thank you, Caretaker!”

Kipling winked at her and turned away as the card faded and went black.

♦  ♦  ♦

“Oh no,” Laura Glue exclaimed. “My hourglass! It’s almost run out. We have to go!”

“I’d love to,” Quixote said, “but our transportation seems to have disappeared.”

The companions’ hearts sank as they realized what must have happened—while the angel was dealing with Dee, his henchmen Mr. Kirke and Mr. Bangs had taken the
Indigo Dragon

“It’s worse than that,” said Rose. “I think they took the Amethyst Box as well.”

“We still have the Master Key, though,” said Charles. “And we have Madoc. We just don’t have any way to get back.”

Black Dragon
?” Laura Glue asked. “It might work!”

They rushed over to the ship, but all they found was an unconscious Argus, and a massive, gaping hole where the masthead of the angel had been.

“It’s no use,” Madoc said. “We’ll never be able to repair it enough to fly. Not so quickly.”

“We should have left a guard,” Jack moaned. “What happened to Archie?”

“They must have done something to him,” said Madoc. “He would have alerted us otherwise.”

“Still,” said Jack. “We should have taken more precautions.”

“We’re at the end of all things, Jack!” Charles sputtered. “Heaven itself is a stone’s throw out the back door! Why would we
have worried about someone stealing the
Indigo Dragon
? Where would they possibly go with her?”

“Back to the Archipelago, for one place,” said Laura Glue.

“You are
helping things,” said Charles.

The Valkyrie turned to make a sarcastic comment to Fred, and for the first time they realized that the two badgers and Quixote were still close to the inn, sitting with Tummeler. Even during Dee’s confrontation with the angel, they hadn’t left him.

Suddenly Tummeler inhaled a massive breath, and then began to speak. “I am a commander, first class, in the Royal Animal Rescue Society,” he said, exhaling as hard as he could, “. . . retired.”

“He’s still alive!” Charles shouted, half in astonishment and half from joy. “Come quickly! We have to help him! Tummeler is still alive!”

“How?” Jack asked, looking at Samaranth, who shook his head in response. “I don’t think there’s anything we can do, Don Quixote,” the Caretaker said softly.

“A portrait?” Uncas said. “At Tamerlane?”

“There are no portraits of . . . well, any animals in Basil’s studio,” Jack said, casting a sorrowful, apologetic glance at Tummeler’s son and grandson. “Uncas, Fred . . . I’m so sorry.”

“A tulpa!” Fred exclaimed, clutching at Charles’s coat. “Y’ did it once before, with someone else, t’ make th’ tulpa of Jack!”

“And look how that turned out in the future,” Charles answered
bitterly. “He became Lord Winter and turned the whole world over to the Echthroi. No,” he said, shaking his head, “I’m partly to blame for what’s happened here, because I did that foolish, foolish thing—and I cannot countenance doing it again, for anyone.”

“It only went badly because Jack was still alive,” said Rose. “Can’t you make one for Tummeler, for his aiua to enter?”

Charles shook his head. “There simply isn’t enough time. It would take a miracle to save him now.”

Uncas leaped to his feet. “Brilliant, Scowler Charles! That’s it exactly!” The little badger dashed away to where Rose had dropped her bag when she drew her sword, and returned bearing a box.

It was the Serendipity Box. And he presented it not to Charles . . .

 . . . but to Don Quixote.

Uncas trembled as he proffered the box to the wizened old knight, who knelt to receive it.

“I know I’m just a squire,” Uncas said, voice quavering with emotion, “an’ squires is supposed t’ help their knight, not ask for boons. But . . .” The little badger risked a glance at the barely breathing Tummeler. “He’s my pop. Will you . . . Will you please make a wish, and open th’ box?”

“Of course I shall,” said Don Quixote. And with no hesitation, he opened the box—but all that was within was what looked like an oversize playing card.

“A trump,” said Jack. “It’s a
! And look,” he said, gesturing at the illustration on the card. “It’s the waterfall, at Terminus. We can escape before the sand in the hourglass runs out!”

No one else was listening. Instead they were watching in sorrow and disbelief as the Serendipity Box fell to pieces in Uncas’s
paws. There was nothing else inside, and now the box itself was crumbling to dust before their eyes.

t’ be something else!” Uncas cried inconsolably. “There’s no time t’ take him back for help!”

“No,” a very weak voice answered. “But there is time for you to go catch the
Indigo Dragon
and save our world. The box knew. It gave you what you needed most. And that wasn’t t’ save me.”

Tummeler lifted his head, trembling. His strength, his life, were nearly gone. Charles clung to him more tightly as tears streamed down his face.

“I did what I was asked,” the old badger said, “and Samaranth and I saved the Archipelago. . . .”

“Balderdash,” Charles said. “We know it was really you who did all the work.”

“But it will all be lost,” Tummeler continued, “if you don’t go, now, and do what y’ have t’ do.”

Uncas knelt next to his father. “But you . . .”

Tummeler shushed him. “I got what I wanted, my boy,” he said, looking at his son and grandson, and up at Charles. “I got t’ be a hero, at last.”

“You were always a hero, Tummeler,” said Charles, but his old friend didn’t hear him. Tummeler was dead.

“We will mourn him after,” Madoc said, “but he was right—the hourglass is nearly empty, and we have to leave now.”

Quickly Rose and Edmund focused on the trump, and it began to expand. In minutes they could clearly see the rocky outline of Terminus above the great waterfall, and soon it was large enough for all the companions to step through.

Fred and Uncas were still reluctant to leave Tummeler, but
Samaranth assured them that he would not leave his friend alone. “Where he went, I’ll soon follow,” the angel said. “He is not alone.”

“That’s all I needed to hear,” Fred said, wiping the tears from his face. “Let’s go.”

With one last farewell to the two angels, the reunited friends standing in the doorway at the inn on the shores of heaven, the companions stepped through the trump just as the last grain of sand circled the neck of the hourglass and fell.

♦  ♦  ♦

“All right, what now?” Rose asked.

“Now,” a voice said from above, “we are going to change history.”

The companions all spun about as the
Indigo Dragon
rose up behind them. Mr. Kirke was at the wheel and held the reins.

“Curse it all!” Charles spat. “With the airship, they have the high ground!”

“Not all of it!” Laura Glue exclaimed as she spread her wings and leaped into the air. No one was surprised by the Valkyrie taking to the air—but all of them were surprised when Madoc beat his wings and rose into the air next to her.

“That won’t help you,” Kirke shouted over the din of the waterfall. “I still have the advantage.”

“That’s what you think,” said Fred. He stuck his paws in his mouth and whistled shrilly, twice, then again. “Coraline! Elly Mae!” he shouted. “To the moon!”

Instantly both goats shot straight up into the air, pulling the airship with them.

“Good girls!” Fred shouted. “Left rudder! Right rudder!”

At the commands, the goats spun about and flew in opposite
directions, flipping the airship upside down and releasing their harnesses at the same time.

“Oh, hell,” said Mr. Kirke.

The airship crashed to the ground and exploded into shards of wood and metal, which sent the companions flying for cover and threw Kirke and Bangs into the rocks at the edge of the island.

Instantly Dee’s henchmen were on their feet and rushing at the companions, who were still regaining their composure after the crash of the
Indigo Dragon

Kirke ran first to Rose and grabbed Caliburn out of the scabbard. He circled the others warily, holding the sword menacingly in front of him.

“You’re outnumbered,” Madoc warned him, “and if you try to use that sword, it will break on you. I promise you that.”

“Not if I’m worthy,” said Kirke as Bangs circled around in the other direction. “And a part of me must be, or I wouldn’t be holding it now.”

“Who are you?” Rose asked, eyes narrowing.

“My friend, Mr. Bangs, was a tulpa,” Kirke said. “The first Dee ever created, from a shadow of a whisper of the last words spoken by the first Imago, who was murdered by his elder brother.”

“Abel,” Jack whispered. “Dee made a tulpa out of Abel.”

“Indeed,” Kirke said. “But he was imperfect. I, however, am not. And I intend to claim my due, and inherit the earth.”

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