The Forbidden Promise (12 page)

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Authors: Helena Rose

BOOK: The Forbidden Promise
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Alma awoke with a start, hoping that everything that had
happened was just a horrible nightmare, unfortunately it was the terrible
reality. She had cried so much in the preceding days that she no longer had any
tears left. She pressed her hands over her eyes desperately trying to stop the
images and memories that surfaced once again to her tormented mind.
Federico had taken her to a very particular tavern, where distinguished looking
men entertain themselves with young women dressed in very provocative clothes.
The owner had welcomed them with respect.
" Welcome Mr. Navarra y Reyes! I see you have company.” Gonzalo Sanchez’s
gaze rested on Alma as if he was weighing her up. Alma felt uncomfortable, she
clutched her shawl to her breast and moved closer to Federico.
" Come, I have reserved the best table for you, as you requested."
Federico nodded in silence and escorted Alma to the table indicated by Gonzalo.
A bottle of excellent wine appeared as if by magic and Alma drank more than she
should have. She was already drunk when Federico made her stand up and led her
upstairs into a very luxurious yet seedy bedroom.
Alma remembered having had violent sex with Federico and then a second time,
but in the confusion created by alcohol, the man's face had changed to resemble
that of the owner of the tavern, while Federico’s glacial laugh echoed around
the room.
"Then we agree, half of her income."
The following morning Alma had woken up alone, Federico was not there and the
bedroom door was locked from the outside. She had screamed for help and had
pounded on the door several times with her fists but no one had come to help
her. Nauseous she had slumped to the ground but soon after she had been forced
to reach for the washbowl to be sick. It was the afternoon when Gonzalo Sanchez
had remembered her and had joined her. He had explained that she had been sold
to his brothel and from that moment, she would have to indulge his customers.
Alma’s pleas only resulted in Gonzalo beating her. He had however been careful
not to leave any marks, his customers that evening would not have liked to have
seen her silky skin marred by ugly bruises.
Since that night, Alma had not seen Federico.

She was sick every
morning and a strange lassitude pervaded her throughout the day. She was still
kept locked up, Gonzalo did not trust her enough to leave her free as she had
not yet reached the state of resignation in which she would no longer try to
Suddenly she heard the key turn in the lock. It was too early for customers and
Gonzalo would still be asleep at that hour. His educational visits, as he
called them with a grin, always took place in the afternoon. She felt her
stomach contracted, fear had become her constant companion.
A woman entered the room and when she turned around Alma recognized Penelope.
She desperately threw herself against Penelope sobbing.
She hugged her convulsively "You’ve come to save me, please, take me
Penelope abruptly moved away. "Don’t be silly you little fool, you’re here
and here you have to stay. Your stay at the brothel is making me very rich;
you’re particularly appreciated by very wealthy customers."
"You know everything, you and Federico deceived me, how is it possible? He
loved me, you told me he loved me ... "
Penelope shook her roughly and said, "Haven’t you realized yet that
Federico has never loved you? You were a pastime for him, and now you are a
good business deal."
Alma looked at her shocked, "Why did you come if you don’t want to save
me? "
" Every week I bring the girls herbs to take so they don’t get
Alma stepped back with her eyes wide open, holding her stomach " I don’t,
I don’t want ... "
Penelope looked carefully and noticed the pallor and the position taken by her
hands , as if protecting something .
"How long have you not had your period?” Enquired Penelope.
"Two months more or less, I don’t remember." Replied Alma.
" Then you have to get an abortion as soon as possible, I will speak with
the owner."
" No, please ... "Cried Alma.
Penelope thought for a moment, then asked "You were only with Federico
before being brought here?"
" Yes, I'm an honorable girl!" Answered Alma raising her head
Penelope laughed a cold and cruel laugh. "Yes, I see. So honorable as to
give yourself to a man, leading to the death of your aunt and working with
great success in a brothel."
" My aunt is dead? Oh, my God, what have I done? What have I done!"
Alma slumped onto the bed.
Penelope took her by the shoulders. "Listen to me, little fool. Don’t tell
anyone you’re expecting Federico’s child. This may be your fortune."
certainly my own
"What do you have in mind? Do you think that Federico will take me back
with him when he knows I’m pregnant?"
Penelope stared at her, her lips gave a hint of a smile that did not reach her
"Poor fool," she said and left, locking the door behind her.

Chapter 6


put her book down on the bench. The Vargas y Coronado’s house garden was small,
but very pretty. It was full of lush and thriving plants, interspersed with
colorful flowerbeds, personally cared for by
It was Aurora’s day off from the convent’s infirmary, to pass the time she had
decided to sit in the garden and read Pride and Prejudice. The character of
Mrs. Bennett seemed a more comical and hilarious version of her mother.
She felt herself tremble at the thought of what would happen in the garden a
little later. She had said nothing to her parents. She had tried several times,
but something had always intervened to stop her.
It’s better to say that I
haven’t found the courage yet.
But the time had arrived. Tonight as agreed,
Lucas would present himself to her parents to ask for her hand in marriage.
She saw her father’s last patient go out of the gate. She realized with horror
that it was Don Luis Antonio Braganza.
Certainly they will now be returning
to the attack because of his nephew’s visits
. She could not wait any
longer. For a moment she thought of leaving it and waiting for Lucas’ arrival.
But then, fearing her mother’s reaction she found the courage and decided it
was time to face her parents.
Picking up her book, she stood up and went into the house.
Costantino was talking amiably with
"Dear, Don Luis Antonio Braganza has invited us to dinner the day after
tomorrow," said
Viviana, watching her carefully. She was
clearly waiting for Aurora’s reaction, ready to make one of her outbursts if
Aurora refused to go. Aurora looked at her father, but he remained impartial
including his expression.
Aurora swallowed," I don’t think it is appropriate, mother," She
replied all in one breath.
Her mother glared at her.
"I see that you’re persisting with your behavior." Retorted her
mother harshly. "I thought we had clarified this."
"Indeed, mother. I understand perfectly that you want me to get married as
soon as possible."
"Exactly. Don Felipe would definitely be keen on it," responded
"I won’t marry Don Felipe Braganza."
" You always want to do things your own way, don’t you?" Said
Aurora did not answer immediately. She just swallowed.
" Are you going to continue with your determination to be a doctor? Look,
your father and I won’t tolerate this situation for much longer,"
exclaimed Viviana. Costantino put a hand on Viviana’s shoulder, as if to soothe
"I said I won’t marry Don Felipe. I'm getting married to another
gentleman. Tonight he is going to ask for my hand." said Aurora in a cold
voice. With satisfaction, she saw her parents look shocked.
" What are you saying?" Stammered her father, "but when ... How
... "
" I don’t understand why you are so surprised," said Aurora "You
wanted me to get married as soon as possible. So when he asked me to marry him,
I accepted! "
Viviana's eyes widened, staring angrily at Aurora
"Did you agreed to marry a stranger without introducing him? You dared to
do that without saying a word to us?" She exploded.
Aurora felt anger rise inside her
. I'm doing this for them, and it’s still
not enough! I can’t stand that my decisions are always challenged
"I’ve decided and won’t go back, whatever scene you decide to make,"
she shouted.
Viviana, furious, slapped her.
"You're shameless!" Retorted Viviana.
" Viviana, calm down please," cried Costantino. "You're
overdoing it now!"
Aurora put her hand to her reddened cheek. Her eyes filled with tears.
"I'm tired of always having to fight over my decisions. I’m going to marry
Costantino looked at Aurora quizzically.
" Lucas? That’s the name of your suitor?" Asked her father
" Yes, It’s Lucas Navarra y Reyes!"
The name struck
Viviana like a bullet. She stared aghast at
" Navarra y Reyes?" She gasped. "Navarra y Reyes, did you
"Yes, He’s the first son of the late Don Eduardo Navarra y Reyes. I think
you know perfectly well who I'm talking about."
"You’ll never marry a member of that family! Never, do you hear me?
Never!" cried Viviana
Costantino intervened again, grabbing Viviana’s arm.
" Viviana, stop it! Not now! "
Aurora looked stunned at her parents’ reaction. The Navarra y Reyes had always
been  one of the most important families of the East Coast, if not of all
Mexico. Her mother’s reaction left her literally dumbfounded.
I won’t give in…it was me who ask him to marry me, I broke every rule, I
won’t give in
! Possibly, it was only that she was continuing to work as a
doctor that was so challenging to her parents. She quickly pushed the thought
from her mind.
"I'm tired, mother," she shouted angrily. "I'm tired of all
these impositions, all of these stories! I’m an adult not a child anymore! You
told me that I had to marry, because that is what respectable society expects
of me! Well now I've decided, I'm getting married soon and to Lucas Navarra!
With him and no one else!"
Viviana stood motionless, staring at her without speaking.
" Lucas is going to come soon to ask for my hand." Said Aurora
swallowing, not yet fully used to the idea. "Father, I beg you to accept!
Know that if I can’t marry him, I won’t marry anyone else! It's true he’s not
very rich, but he has a good name and is cultured and kind! All the talk about
his birth are lies! "
Costantino looked at her with sweetness.
" You love him?" He asked.
Aurora’s warm hazel eyes paused for a moment on her father's face, then
lowered, while she nodded her head.
"Yes," she said. "I love him. And I want to marry him."
That said, Aurora ran to her room. The ball of anger in her chest finally
melted away and she began to cry wildly.
My God, am I really doing the right
? The doubts came back to haunt her, while, trembling, she began to
undress in order to wash and change clothes.
Meanwhile, downstairs,
Viviana was crying softly. Tears rolled down
her cheeks, but she did not even seem to notice them. Costantino came over to
"You're exaggerating, Viviana. You know it, you plagued her to get married
and now she has decided to, you oppose her again. She’ll end up hating you!
" Anyone but a Navarra y Reyes!" She shouted back at him. "And
you should understand! Rather you should think exactly like me!"
"Enough of this old story!" said Costantino grabbing her by the
shoulders "Lucas isn’t Hector! And Aurora is not you!"
Viviana sobbed.
"I hate him, don’t you understand? I hate Hector like I hate all his
"You have to overcome your grievances, Viviana. You must do it for
Aurora’s sake, or else this time you’ll lose her permanently. Remember that.
And I won’t be able to do anything to plead your cause with her. You always
talk about Aurora’s future. Now that she is getting married, imagine your
future. If you definitely decide to break your relationship with her, only you
will lose. She’ll have her family, her children and everything that you want.
But you’ll never be a part of it. You’ll be alone."
Costantino left her in the living room, and went up to his bedroom to change.
Viviana stood for a moment alone, lost , and in a flash she relived those
moments that had marked her forever. Then she shook herself and slowly followed
My daughter comes first. But I can never be happy with her
choice to tie our family to the Navarra y Reyes. This I will never be able to
forgive her for. Never.

Lucas arrived at the Vargas de Coronado’s house. As always he
had an air of confidence that this time he did not feel, indeed he was plagued
by doubts. He wore an elegant light-colored suit, which showed off his tanned
complexion and he was holding a bouquet of red roses.
What am I doing? A
marriage of convenience? Is this what I really want?
But he had given his
word and he would never go back on it. And what if Aurora had regretted it?
What if Aurora no longer wanted to respect the pact?
In that case, the
choice would be hers, but as long as she wants to continue with this agreement,
I’ll not back out. She asked me for help and I’ll be happy to offer it. In the
end, I’ll gain the benefit from this union ...
But this last thought instead of offering him comfort, made him feel even
more insecure.
Lucas went through the gate and rang the doorbell. The door was opened by the
maid, Carmen who invited him into the living room.
" They will be with you soon," she said courteously.
Lucas nodded and thanked her.
Soon after, Don Costantino entered. Lucas immediately held out his hand in a
friendly manner, and Costantino shook it firmly.
"Good evening, I’m Dr. Costantino Vargas de Coronado" said Costantino
presenting himself, looking Lucas in the eyes.
" Good evening, I am Lucas Navarra y Reyes, very pleased to meet
you," replied Lucas.
" Aurora is just coming down, my wife, I'm afraid won’t be able to be with
us as she is slightly indisposed."
"I'm sorry, I hope it's nothing serious."
Costantino reassured Lucas that it was nothing, and gestured for him to sit on
the couch. Lucas started a general discussion, and Costantino replied with
enthusiasm. Costantino made an excellent impression on Lucas, he was no doubt a
good man, and this realization made him feel even more uncomfortable.
deceiving him
... He found himself thinking.
All this is a terrible
deception and I'm playing a part in this trick
Aurora’s arrival interrupted his flow of thoughts.
She wore a wonderful cream-colored dress with a low neckline with a delicately
embroidered rose pattern on the bodice. She had left her wavy hair loose it
covered her shoulders like a silky bronze colored cloak.
Lucas got up immediately, followed by Don Costantino.
"Good evening Aurora," he said immediately.
Aurora replied to his greeting, with a smile.
Lucas immediately handed her the bouquet of roses and Aurora could not help
thanking him for the sweet thought. She called Carmen to organize the flowers
in a vase. Then she sat down.
Lucas looked at her and saw that she looked calm. Aurora however felt quite the
reverse as she was in the throes of a whirlwind of emotions, as she waited for
Lucas to raise the fateful request.
After a few more pleasantries, Lucas cleared his throat.
Here we go. It's time
thought Aurora.
But when Lucas was preparing to ask for Aurora’s hand in marriage,
Viviana came into the room. She wore an elegant sapphire blue dress, and had
her hair pinned up softly.
Lucas stood up again.
"Good evening, ma’am," Lucas presented himself once again.
Viviana held out her hand, so that Lucas could mimic the traditional hand kiss.
Aurora stared at her mother’s slightest movement with eyes aghast.
wouldn’t dare make a scandal
she said to herself to calm herself down,
mother herself wouldn’t tolerate this kind of behavior.
As soon as Viviana had sat down, she called Carmen to serve the drinks.
Then she turned to Lucas.
" I seem to recall that I have already met you," she said in a
serious voice. "In the market the day when my daughter came back from
Mexico City."
Lucas nodded.
"You have a good memory, ma’am."
"I remember in particular how you grasped my daughter," said Viviana
"to prevent her from falling, of course."
Aurora blushed, she had completely forgotten that incident, which her mother
had witnessed. Of course, she recognized him, she had immediately raised the
question, in order to embarrass Lucas.
"Exactly," Lucas replied, not at all embarrassed. "In fact it
was love at first sight, wasn’t it Aurora? "
"Yes," Aurora hastened to confirm, lowering her eyes.
" You see," said Lucas, speaking mostly to Costantino "Your
daughter is a wonderful person. She’s cultured, kind, brave and very beautiful.
I'm in love with her and want to marry her above all else. I ask you to give me
her hand, I assure you that I shall make her happy." Lucas' tone was
heartfelt, his green eyes took on a sweet and affectionate expression, as they
turned to look at Aurora’s face.
Aurora felt stunned, as well as thrilled.
My God ... even I believe it! What
a great actor!
It was Costantino who was embarrassed this time and replied tentatively.
"Certainly ... I have nothing against it." He replied. Aurora heard
her mother sigh and for a moment, she feared that she would intervene. But she
remained silent and just watched passively. Perhaps Lucas’ brilliant speech had
made inroads even into her heart.
" Thank you, Doctor. I assure you that I’ll take care of your daughter.
From now on, this will be the only mission in my life." said Lucas taking
Aurora’s hand and holding it in his. Then he touched it with his lips and let
her hand go.
" Are you happy, dear?" Asked Costantino.
Her heart was beating wildly in her chest, Aurora confirmed in a faint voice.
"I’m very happy, father. I couldn’t wish for more in my life." She
"Good," said Costantino, almost with a sigh of relief. "We’ll
have to arrange a marriage then, won’t we Viviana?"
Viviana nodded without saying anything. Lucas had certainly noticed how cold
his future mother-in-law reaction was.
I'm not deemed worthy enough for her
daughter, that’s clear. She definitely thinks I’m an illegitimate bastard and
not worthy of Aurora! Well, too bad for her! It's done now! Aurora will become
my wife ...
"When are you going to get married?" asked Costantino.
" We have to go and talk to Father Julian, but I think as soon as
possible," said Lucas.
" And where are you going to live?"
Viviana took over,
speaking for the first time. "In your house? Or at the Navarra
She spat out the name almost in disgust.
"Absolutely not, ma’am,” said Lucas calmly "As you well know I
haven’t had any relationship with the rest of my family for years. I’ve just
bought a
and we’ll move there. "
Costantino looked at Viviana with an expression of slight reproach.
"And where is this
" He asked, trying to ease the
"It’s located in Zacatecas," replied Aurora readily. "We’re
going to live there!"
"In Zacatecas? So far?" Asked Viviana lost.
"It's not that far away, Mother. You can easily get there in a day.”
" It was a very good deal," added Lucas. "The main building is
very lovely, it’s in a colonial style. The property includes a rich silver
mine. It’s important to reactivate the mine to extract the metal. "
"It's an ambitious project," said Costantino.
" Yes, it is. But with Aurora’s help I can definitely succeed."
Aurora smiled, grateful for the compliment. Overall, she did not mind the idea
of helping to re-organize the
, in addition to working as a
doctor. During the days, when they had met to discuss the details of their
agreement, Aurora had put forward a series of ambitious projects, the creation
of a medical clinic that could assist the workers and the organization of a
school for the children. Her scientific mind, accustomed to years of study, was
continually coming up with ideas and practical and efficient methods to put them
in place.
Lucas on his part urged her on, confiding in her every aspect of the business
that was about to take place and asking her advice.
In the end, the hacienda
will also be yours, perhaps even more yours than mine
. In truth it was not
so, Lucas had been able to negotiate a good price for the sale of his shares in
the shipping company, business had greatly increased in value the initial sum
which he had received from his deceased mother.
" Would you like to stay for dinner, Don Lucas?" Offered Don Costantino.
Aurora shook herself from her thoughts and turned to look at her mother.
Viviana remained impassive, without saying anything.
Lucas decided to break the awkward silence that had arisen.
"I'm very sorry, unfortunately I can’t tonight, I have to discuss the
final details with the
’s previous owner." In truth, poor
Don Gajardo had only partially paid off his creditors. The creditors to ensure
that the balance would not be delayed too long, had delivered some warnings in
the form of a beating with a stick. The poor thing was now lying motionless in
a bed at the boarding house where, at his own expense, Lucas continued to host
him. Aurora had examined Don Gajardo and was treating him.
" Maybe tomorrow?" asked Aurora, annoyed by her mother’s attitude.
"That would be fine,” Lucas nodded "I’ll come to dinner tomorrow with
He got up to leave.
" I’ll say good bye now, see you tomorrow, then."
Costantino said goodbye warmly to his future son in law, while
Viviana merely extend her hand.
Aurora also got up and walked to the gate with Lucas.
" Thank you, Lucas," she whispered in the darkness. "You’re
performance was great."
" You don’t have to thank me. And it wasn’t a performance. You and I are
really getting married, aren’t we?" Having said this, he unexpectedly bent
down and his mouth touched her lips in a soft kiss.
He went away laughing. Aurora watched him leave frozen, one hand resting on her
mouth as if to retain the feeling of Lucas' lips on hers.

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