The Four Horsemen (The Light Series)

BOOK: The Four Horsemen (The Light Series)
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Four Horsemen

The Light Trilogy



A Novel by Tara Brown

Copyright 2013 Tara Brown


Amazon Edition

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another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If
you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for
your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the
hard work of this author. No alteration of content is permitted.
This book is a work of fiction
similarities are coincidental
. All characters in this fictional story
are based entirely on the crazed mind of the author and are not based on any
human. Any similarities are by chance and not intentional.


This book is dedicated to my fans—thank you so
much. The interest and support has been amazing. I also must thank my husband
and children. You supported me, even when I was in my writer’s frenzy.


Cover Art by

Edited by Andrea Burns


Thank you Nick (sexiest proofreader ever).

A special thanks to Mani, Katy, and my friends The
you all.

To the girls at Triple M, I love you ladies.


Other Books by Tara Brown


The Devil’s Roses







The Born Trilogy


Born to Fight



The Light Series

The Light of the World

The Four Horsemen





The Blood Trail Chronicles






The Single Lady Spy Series

The End of Me

The End of Games


My Side

The Long Way Home

The Lonely



The White Horse


“I watched as the Lamb opened
the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say
in a voice like thunder, "Come and see!" I looked, and there before
me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he
rode out as a conqueror bent on a conquest."





The sound of hooves
beating against the ground startles me. I look around the room but no one
moves, they don’t hear it. A small, old woman with red eyes gives me an odd
smile. Her face moves in a jerky motion, almost like a bird. She puts a gnarled
old finger up to her lips. The finger rested upon her lips doesn’t stop the
smile that is satisfaction in its purest form. She winks slowly, as if she is
being slowed down by something, and then she is gone and the beat of the hooves
surrounds me again. In the darkness, I see the horses’ feet but the dust they
stir up in the room prevents me from seeing anything else.

A voice speaks out of
the dust and finds me, “Free us, child. Free us so we may free them.”

I sit up abruptly,
crying out from the ripping as my wings shoot from my back and spread the dust
farther. I spin and shoot up into the sky. The room is gone and I am alone with
the night’s sky, but there riding the cool breeze, I can hear the same whisper,
“You will free us.”

I glance about, trying
to see the man who whispers to me, but there is nothing beyond the darkness of
the night and the stars in the sky. I look up at the stars, swearing I hear
them whisper too. They sound like the fire witch when they whisper one word.


I open one eye to see
a white ceiling. I don’t recall where I am for a second, and then as if my
brain turns on or switches back from wherever the hell it went, I know I’m
safe. I'm on the jet. We are flying from Rio. I have killed two devils and I am
only five away from being free of the entire thing. It doesn’t help that the
last two are my parents, my real parents. There are places in my heart where I
love them. Old places that sit in the dark and wait to be loved back. I’m
afraid I’ll die waiting.

I blink and lift my
head to see the grin of a man that makes my heart skip a beat. He hands me a
cup of tea, “How was your sleep, love?”

I sit up and clear my
throat, “I don’t know. I never do.”

“How are the dead?”

I smile at him, “I
guess they’re dead and waiting for me to do something, angel-
... Is that a word?”

“No.” His dark eyes
sparkle, “I wonder what magical thing they expect of you?”

I shake my head,
taking the tea and sipping softly, “I don’t know.” Part of me wants to jump him
and start something I have very naughty memories of, regardless of never doing
it with him. The feelings of every one of my five lives living inside of me
have become something of an issue. Sometimes we argue, sometimes we plot ways
to get Constantine naked, and sometimes I just wish they would all shut the
hell up.

I feel someone next to
me move and look over to see Wyatt. My heart skips a beat for him, but then a
wave of nausea hits and I smile. Feeling sick around him has become a bit of a
trademark. The snarky comments in my brain make me smile. The five of us have a
different opinion on the whisper of love residing in my heart. I try to block
the other voices out. Personally, I want that Van Helsing, bad. The others want
him too, but they don’t want sex; they want to peel his skin off.
I actually got a visual from Ellie
it was

Wyatt gives me an odd
look, “You okay?”

I nod and sip my tea.
He takes the cup from my hands and drinks from it. When his fingers brush mine
I get a jolt of pain and sickness. He sees me wince, “Wanna handfast again?”

I am about to nod when
Constantine makes a noise in his throat. I glance back at him, “Where are we

Mona walks from the
back of the jet with a huge grin, “The Alps." She says it like we have
discussed it a thousand times; we probably have. She looks
"I have never spent a Christmas away from my mother before. I think this
is going to be very interesting.”

Michelle rolls her
eyes, “Your mother is probably enjoying her first Christmas without Dick. If I
, I’d be sleeping with everything that moved
and getting drunk. I wish
where I was right
now. Except maybe not with your mom, Mona. No offense.” She laughs from the
seat behind Constantine as she sits up, fixing her blonde hair.

I nod, “Sounds about

Constantine gives me
and then her a disturbed look, “Says the nun and the angel. Whatever is this
world coming to?”

Michelle giggles,
twirling her hair and smiling wickedly. She would jump his bones, dead or not,
in a heartbeat. He doesn’t notice the way she stares at him. It makes me smile.
She hasn’t stopped wanting him since the moment she met him. She probably never

My back feels funny,
itchy. I reach behind and notice the new tear in my shirt. My back is
scratching on the
seat. Wyatt slips his
hand inside of it and starts to massage the spot where the great white wings
shot from.

I look back, ignoring
the twitching of Constantine’s lip and the searing of my skin where Wyatt makes
contact, “Does it feel different? Is the skin bumpy or hard?”

Wyatt shakes his head
and looks inside of my shirt, “There are two marks though.” He lifts my shirt,
earning a growl from Constantine. I sigh and shoot him a look. His jaw is
clenched and his eyes are dangerous.

Wyatt chuckles, “Easy
Fangs, I’m just looking.”

Mona sits next to
Wyatt, “Oh my God, it’s a flower. You have two tattoos, one on either side. A
flower that has petals made from inverted hearts and a pyramid in the middle.
The All-Seeing Eye is there in the pyramid, you know like in that Tom Hanks
movie, The Da Vinci Code? I think you just joined the Illuminati, seriously.”
She looks at Constantine but it is Wyatt who speaks, “The harmony flower. It is
a symbol of love, peace, and balance. A Buddhist symbol, if I am not mistaken.”

Constantine stands and
comes to inspect also, “This is the first time I have seen this. You never had
this before, Ellie.”

I glance at him,
“Rayne.” His lips toy with one of his grins. I sigh, “No, I don’t recall tats

Michelle gets up and I
feel like I am on display as they all see it.

“That is wicked. You
have wings and
-tats? Dang dude. I should have
sold my soul for some of that shit.”

I laugh bitterly but
the other three look disgusted at her flippancy with the betrayal.

She blushes, “I just
mean, well you know. This is awesome. Way awesome, compared to boobs.”

“You love your
vagina,” I sigh and get up, “But instant tats is annoying. All of it is. I just
want this to be over so I can start the term fresh and clean of it all.”

When I get to the
bathroom, I look in the mirror at the beautiful tattoos and nod, “At least
they’re pretty.” They are. The flower petals are light purple and the pyramid
is yellow. They are delicate, and if anything, they improve my back.

I look back out at the
four of them and laugh, “You guys look weird.” They do. Constantine looks like
he might eat Wyatt, which would be a disaster for all of us. Wyatt looks like
he might try to make out with me at any moment and Mona looks scared. Michelle
looks jealous. She sort of always looks that way now. Everything is always
about me and it drives her insane. Little does she know, I would trade with her
in a
I hate being the spotlight girl.

Mona gives everyone a
glance, “I seriously can’t help but wonder about this all. How did Lillith get
pregnant, and how did the virgin end up with you, and then how did you end up
in an orphanage? None of this makes sense, Rayne. It doesn’t add up. You are an
angel this time, and it feels like the first time to you? Why is that? Why
didn’t you have wings when Lillith and Lucifer were your parents the first

I sit at the back of
the plane and watch them, “I don’t know. I guess because I never fought before.
My father surprised me the first time. The second time he told me I had to die
to save my mother. It was the only way. I believed him, but still I didn’t want
to die. The third and forth time, I was born of a virgin when the world got so
sick that nothing else could help it. Both times I died before I could fight
back. The fourth time was especially…" I meet Constantine's eyes,
"Awful." He nods slowly. I look down, "This time it would seem
that I am theirs, but why did my mother give me up? Why didn’t she keep me in
the garden and keep me safe?”

Constantine cocked a
dark eyebrow, “Could it be that the elusive virgin who left you at the
orphanage was your mother, and she never kept you in the garden because you
have no soul? You couldn’t stay there; only the pure may enter.”

I open my mouth to
answer, but it is impossible for me to know that. I close my eyes and try to
remember her face. Dark hair and dark-grey eyes like mine. Her face was creamy
and beautiful. She was a sight, delicate and stunning. It was no wonder my
father loved her so. I nod, “She was young the last time I saw her, no more
than twenty in looks.”

When I open my eyes,
Michelle looks confused, “Your father too. He was handsome and young. I didn’t
believe he was your dad. He was so beautiful.”

I nod, remembering his
face all to well. “They don’t age then?”

Constantine snorts,
“Do any of us?”

Wyatt snorts, “You
look a little weathered.” Constantine fights something, maybe the urge to

I laugh, "He's
right. I think you are a little older."

Constantine's eyes
flash hatred at Wyatt, but when they land on me, his lips toy with the grin
that makes me squeeze my thighs together. “Well, I have only you to thank for
my wrinkles and gray hair. Stress ages even the strongest of immortals.”

I laugh at him. He
doesn’t look a day over thirty. He is handsome in a way that makes me want to
undress. Michelle too. I can tell when she looks at him. Mona gets a little
overly excited sometimes
even she can't fight
what he is.

Wyatt sighs, “Not that
I am against spending our time on Constantine’s wrinkles, but maybe we should
spend a little more on the possibility that your mother might be the same as

I scowl, “What?” Oh
God, what does that even mean? Could we be related? No, I know his mother is

Mona nods, “Yeah,
that’s probably true. That actually makes sense.”

I scowl, “No, it
doesn’t. I know his mother is Gretel and I know mine is not.”

Mona sighs, “Your mom
might be bad like his mom, Rayne. She might have let Lucifer impregnate her.
She might have a plan.”

Their words burn a
little, making me scowl, “She was tricked by my father. The
her, so I do too. She wrote me the letter telling me to kill the
devils and then come and kill her. She is willing to die for me.”

Wyatt gives me his
smirk, “The sea witches are not the pillars of goodness you are assuming they

Constantine points at
him, “I can't believe I am going to say this, but the young whippersnapper has
a point. I think we should tread lightly where both of your parents are
concerned, my love.”

I sigh, “You said you
know my mom. You are the one who said that she was good.”

He nods, “Was, and I
am a terrible judge of character. I have no soul. Your mother is a beautiful
woman, that’s about all it takes for me to believe her. And I don’t know her
currently. I knew her, past tense. I’ve not seen her in a long time. The
communication I have with her now is through the fae only.”

Wyatt folds his
“She isn’t seeking you out either, Rayne. She is as
much to blame for it all as your father is. I bet that’s why she hides with the
fae—protection from God.”

Michelle frowns, “Why
doesn’t God just smite them both?”

Wyatt shakes his head,
“He can’t. He is impotent on this Earth. Why do you think he lets children
starve and die? Why do think he lets sin happen? He is not almighty on this
Earth, except in belief.”

Michelle shakes her
head, “And you say you’re a Christian.”

Wyatt laughs, “I’m not
a Christian, my faith is much older than that. Much older than Christ or
man-made churches where tithes pay for worship and forgiveness. A building does
not hold my beliefs and my power is from God directly. He can help us or hinder
us through his angels. He may not reign over our physical bodies, but he has
absolute power over our immortal souls.” Wyatt’s tone drops off, like he is
heeding a warning.

Michelle cocks a
perfectly-plucked and penciled brow, “
, that
sounds alarming, like blasphemy, for

Mona puts her hand up
between them, “No, my God, stop. We don’t want to talk about church. Have you
never heard the expression, Jesus save me from your followers? Like damn. No
one wants to be churched to death on a jet. Let’s focus on the important stuff,
like Rayne’s mom being evil.”

I feel injured by the
mother I do not know, but I can't help the want to love her; she sent me to
Willow. Willow was good. I clear my throat, “She tried to stop my father. She
isn’t to blame for this. She got tricked, the same way Michelle did. That is
all. The
nixie love
her and trust her—they
wouldn’t help her if she was evil. She let Willow raise me. Willow was all

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