The Fragile Hour (20 page)

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Authors: Rosalind Laker

Tags: #History, #Military, #World War II, #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Historical Romance

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clapped a hand over his mouth. “Do you want to be heard all over the hotel, silly boy!”

Sorry,” he apologised automatically, his mind still on his triumph. “Let’s play Ludo now. You too, Margot. I want to beat you both.”

I expect you will,” Margot said wearily, drawing a chair up to the little table. She had never liked board games, not even as a child, which was why the sets she had turned out were in remarkably good condition. But if this was a way of letting Magnus get rid of some of his surplus energy, she had to join in. On his improved diet and reduced boredom, he was full of life and fun. He made them both laugh many times, for he was a likeable, friendly child. Fortunately the night of Schultz’s death, which she could not think of without a shudder, seemed wiped from his mind. Perhaps his terror at the time had kept it from registering.

they had put him to bed, Margot spoke of it to Anna, who shook her head.

I don’t think it’s that. So many traumatic things have happened to him that I believe he’s developed the ability to close shutters on what he doesn’t want to remember. Haven’t you noticed? Whenever he speaks of his parents it’s always as if they’re still in his old home with all the rest of the family around them. One day when he’s older he’ll come to terms with it all, but as yet he doesn’t know how.”

was Nils who ended the waiting for the go-ahead to the escape plan. He came to the hotel as he had done before. This time he was talking to two of the officers in the lobby when Anna saw him. He looked across at her and smiled.

Excuse me, gentlemen,” he said, “but I can see Fröken Larsen is here. I want to have a word with her.”

continued on their way out and he went with her into the room where they had talked previously.

I hadn’t expected to see you again,” she admitted warily as they sat down.

Whyever not?” he queried. “Our friendship is still intact, isn’t it? Even though other things might have changed?”

Yes!” she exclaimed on a rush of relief that took her by surprise, making her realise how much she had been inwardly brooding over the rift between them. “I wouldn’t want it to be any other way.”

grinned. “That’s it then. Friends.”

Always were and always will be,” she said, smiling.

gaze lingered fondly on her for a matter of seconds before he gave the reason for his visit. “I’m here to help you get the boy away.”

a slight sense of shock she thought how fate had contrived to bring them together once again as had happened so often in the past. Nils had been woven like a thread through almost her entire life. “How is it to be done?” she questioned.

a businesslike manner he told her the escape plan for Magnus. She was intrigued by the ingenuity and careful thought that Rolf and others had given to the timing and every other tiny detail. Nothing had been overlooked.

Just follow everything as Rolf has directed,” Nils concluded, “and all should go well. I’ll soon be off to Sweden myself and would have taken the boy with me if it had been possible. But I have to travel officially on the Germans’ behalf in an attempt to gain food imports from the Swedish government.” He chuckled quietly. “There’s not a chance of it, of course. The Swedes willingly send powered soup and milk for our schoolchildren, but they’ll not supply the troops.”

So why are you making a journey you know to be pointless?”

grinned widely. “It suits me to go along with it. I’ve a little trip of my own to make at the same time.”

took a calculated guess. “Is it to London by that route to which the Swedes turn a blind eye?”

was surprised. “How did you know about that? Even in the Resistance it’s not generally known.”

Karl told me when I was in Bergen. There was an air raid warning and when nothing happened he thought one of those planes might have been slightly off course.”

Well, I wasn’t at the controls that time, because I’ve never met anti-aircraft fire or a German plane yet, but then I’ve only made a couple of flights to London.”

But you only flew small civilian planes before the war.”

It was arranged in London by the SOE that I should have a short, intensive flying course with the RAF as I had a licence already. It was in case of any emergency. Karl has taken the same course. He takes over the controls whenever he flies to England.”

I didn’t know.”

Perhaps we shall meet in Oslo next time, Anna. I’ve an office there for my food supply business. Was there anything you wanted to ask me about the escape plan for Magnus?”

left soon afterwards, having answered a couple of questions she had put to him about it all. But before going he had hugged her to him and kissed her on the brow before releasing her with a cheerful farewell. Yet there had been enough possessive tenderness in that brief contact, even if he had not intended to show it, that had told her he still considered her to be his own.

he hadn’t, she thought more wisely than before, it would have been entirely out of character. She knew him of old and should have remembered that he was the type of man who would go on fighting for what he believed in even when the cause was lost. Only time would settle everything.

Anna explained the plan to Magnus, his reaction was that of any healthy child. “Why does it mean going to hospital? I’m not ill!”

Of course you’re not, but ultimately it’s the best way to get you out of Alesund. Now I’ve been over the first stage of it all again, and you must remember it. You’ve got crayons and drawing paper in the storeroom. Make yourself a Norwegian flag and I’ll find a stick for it. Then you’ll be ready for the great day tomorrow.”

It won’t be like it used to be,” he said wistfully. “On one Seventeenth of May I walked in the procession of children past the King at the Palace. There were hundreds of us. And races and entertainment afterwards. I won a prize.”

could see it all in her mind’s eye. Until the invasion and the banning of the country’s Constitutional Day by the Germans, Oslo had been a sea of flags and children and youthful brass bands, a pattern repeated all over the country, even in the smallest hamlet.

every year of the Occupation, either privately or with a little burst of open defiance against the Germans, a few children all over the country had celebrated with a procession of their own, remembering the fun and excitement of the day in the past. If they were seen, the Germans always dispersed them, but never with any violence and often with good humour if the soldiers had children of their own. Tomorrow in a boldly orchestrated step Magnus was to take part.

the morning when all the Germans had gone from the hotel, Greta and Margot were on the alert to make sure none of the staff ventured anywhere near the staff hall where Anna waited tensely with Magnus. He was pleased with his flag, which had been fastened with drawing-pins to the stick, and waved it now and again. Edith was keeping to the kitchen for her own sake as Anna had requested and Emil was on an errand.

the stroke of eleven o’clock Anna opened the door. She could see the children pouring out of a house at the end of the street. As they set off, waving their flags, the young boy in the lead blowing a toy trumpet, several other children darted out of their homes or from walking past to run and join in. Passers-by were stopping to clap the little procession, several little girls at the end no more than four or five years old, too young at the last pre-war celebration to remember it.

the head of the procession drew level, Anna held Magnus back for a matter of seconds and then gave him a little push. “Now!”

darted forward and blended in with the rest of the children. Anna watched him go. He was wild with excitement to be out of doors and with some boys of his own age. Nils would have seen him come out of the staff doorway and know which of them he had to take by the hand and lead away at the right moment.

watched anxiously. For once there did not seem to be any Germans about and she did not want to lose sight of Magnus before he was in Nils’s safe care. Parents were following their children, giving their support and ready to protect their offspring if the need arose. Anna was filled with admiration for them. This was one small act of resistance that would never be recorded, but it was no less courageous for that.

hurried to catch them up, for already Magnus had disappeared from view as the head of the procession turned into the next street. The children were being applauded every step of the way, the discordant trumpet meeting approving laughter.

a large open army car screeched to a halt, two high-ranking officers seated in the back. One of them, a
, sprang to his feet. “Stop those children!” he roared.

children, not understanding German, were paying no attention, continuing happily on their way. A
, sitting beside the driver, had sprung out and he ran across the street to throw out his arms in front of the children.

Halt!” he yelled in Norwegian. “Throw down your flags!”

trumpet wailed into silence as the procession came to a stumbling halt. Parents rushed forward to get their children, but the officer bellowed again. “Stay where you are!”

of the younger ones had burst into tears, frightened by being shouted at, and rushed to their mothers. The older children remained at a standstill. Having been taught to respect their national flag, none of them wanted to throw it to the ground. Although Magnus had been warned that the procession was likely to be checked and there was no need for fear, his expression was one of sheer terror and he was keeping the same paralysed grip on his flag as he had on the kitchen bread-knife. Anna bit deep into her lip in her anxiety that he might shriek out in spite of all her assurance.

watched in contemptuous silence as the officer went along the line of children, snatching the flags and ribboned favours from them. The trumpet-player and two others in scarlet caps had those snatched off as well. Magnus’s flag had to be jerked twice to release it and then with a force that must have left splinters in his hand, but to Anna’s intense relief the officer paid him no attention and Magnus remained silent.

now soldiers had come running up, rifles ready in their hands, having been attracted by the sight of people gathered together. The officer handed his spoils to one of them. “Destroy these!”

people were dispersed and parents reclaimed their children, he returned to salute his superior officers and take his seat in the car again. He was uncomfortably aware that those stubborn Norwegians had been mocking him in their silence that the Third Reich should be brought down to crushing the play of children. Damn them and their paperclips and scarlet caps! And their thousand ways from small irritations to devastating sabotage that showed, even after four punishing years of occupation, they still refused to accept that their nation was conquered!

took her time strolling back to the hotel. It helped to ebb the tension that had been high in her until she had seen Nils take Magnus into his charge as if he were the boy’s father and lead him off down the street. It had been a splendid way to transfer Magnus out of the hotel and all under the noses of the Germans. Yet it was no time for being satisfied. There would be far more dangerous moments ahead.


Chapter Eighteen


Anna applied for a travel pass at the local German department. Her leaving Alesund was above board as far as they were concerned, several officers at the hotel believing that grief over Klaus Schultz had accelerated her move.

was putting the pass into her handbag as she came away from the building when Alf caught her up and fell into step at her side.

Great news!” he said, keeping his voice low. “We’ve just had a special communiqué. Allied forces made a landing on the beaches of Normandy early this morning! And Free Royal Norwegian fighter squadrons are taking part!”

It’s come at last!” Her face was radiant.

parted from her and she hurried back to the hotel to pass on the news to Greta and Margot.

evening it was easy to see that there was plenty of discussion going on between the officers, but their attitude was confident, showing that they believed the attack would be driven back into the sea.

they were talking the next stage of the escape plan for Magnus took place. Greta’s doctor, a pleasant, grey-haired man, came into the hotel, carrying his medical bag, and spoke to Anna at the reception desk.

Hello, Anna,” he said in his deep, booming voice, which could be overheard by everyone. He had known her from the day she had helped him when one of the part-time cleaners had been taken ill on the premises.

Good evening, Doctor Svensen,” she replied, sounding surprised for the benefit of those able to overhear everything. “Is Fru Sande expecting you?”

No, it’s you I’ve come to see. Don’t ask me to sit down anywhere, because I’m on my way to a house call and, although it isn’t a life or death matter, I don’t want to delay too long. I’ve heard that you’re leaving soon for Oslo.”

That’s right. At the end of the week.”

I’ve a great favour to ask.”

What is it?”

I’ve a young patient whom I’m concerned about. He’s only ten and physically fit, but he lost his parents in tragic circumstances. His reaction in shock was to stop talking. Nobody can get a word out of him, and yet in every other respect he’s a perfectly normal child.”

Isn’t that very unusual?” Anna asked, playing along with the doctor’s imaginative tale in which some truth had been woven.

It is in an over-prolonged silence. I’ve done what I could and now I want to send him to a specialist at Oslo Hospital. I can’t take him myself, or spare my nurse, and the child has no relatives. Could I prevail on you to do this for me? I know it’s a great deal to ask, but I’d be most grateful.”

I’ll be glad to help out.”

That’s most kind of you. I have all the necessary papers and he can leave whenever it suits you. When could you come along to meet him? He’s been staying at my house, because I’d hoped family life might have some effect, and my wife is good with children, but it’s been to no avail.”

I’m free for a couple of hours tomorrow afternoon.”

Splendid. I’ll be at my surgery, but my wife will be at home, and you can make the boy’s acquaintance.”

the doctor moved away from the desk, an officer, who had been waiting, moved into the vacated place and regarded her with smiling sympathy. “I couldn’t help overhearing. You’ve landed yourself with quite a task. It’s a long journey to Oslo and you could have trouble all the way.”

I hope not, Major,” she replied cheerfully, taking a message from one of the pigeon-holes and handing it to him. “But I’ll be prepared for any emergency, you can be sure of that.”

was certain that her greatest difficulty would be keeping Magnus silent. A seemingly sudden return to speech on the way could undermine the whole escape plan.

was confirmed by the doctor’s wife when Anna arrived at the house as arranged. “Our teenage daughters have been playing games with him in which he must not answer any questions, but whether that will help, or not, I don’t know. He was subdued when he came to us, being nervous with strangers, so although that soon wore off here it might keep him quiet on the journey.”

was glad to see her and she gave him a hug. He had lots to tell her and was excited at the prospect of going on a fjord steamer and a train.

the morning of Anna’s departure, Edith and all the staff wished her well. Earlier, quite a few of the officers had done the same before they left for morning duties. Lastly, both Greta and Margot embraced her in turn.

Don’t forget what I said about your coming back here when we’re liberated again,” Greta urged.

interrupted teasingly. “Don’t expect that, Mother. Anna will probably end up reigning over the Grand Hotel in Oslo.”

laughed, thankful for a little humour to ease these final moments. “Whatever happens, Margot, I’ll be back on your wedding day when Johan comes home again!”

a deliberately light-hearted promise to be a bridesmaid, Anna left the hotel. Emil carried her suitcase to the harbour where she took it from him.

Thanks for all you’ve done, Emil,” she said as they shook hands.

I’m saying the same to you,
.” He gave her a wave as he left.

was a small steamer tied up at the quayside. Anna waited, her suitcase on the ground beside her, and watched anxiously for Magnus to appear with Doctor Svensen. A lot of soldiers in full kit were filing up the gangway. As it was a mild sunny day, many of them took up places at the ship’s rails, relaxed and watching the shipping and the coming and going on the quayside, while others settled themselves on the deck.

Anna scanned the scene herself, she saw Nils come out of the harbour-master’s office and stand studying a paper in his hand. He would know she was there, but he was keeping far enough away to keep an eye on everything and make sure there was no hitch to her departure with the boy.

was Magnus! He was trotting along at the doctor’s side, looking down, with a book under his arm and wearing a blue ski-cap, its peak pulled low over his eyes. They had come safely through the check-point, but he looked cowed, keeping very close to the doctor’s side and clutching his hand. Anna could tell that the sight of so many German uniforms everywhere had reduced him once more to his terror.

Svensen looked relieved to see Anna waiting. “Here’s your young charge,” he said with a smile. “He’s been looking forward to seeing you again.”

had already transferred his hold to Anna’s hand, but still did not look up.

He’ll be fine,” she said. “Thank you, doctor.”

stayed to watch her go on board, not permitted by a guard to help with her suitcase and a little one his wife had found for Magnus’s few clothes. From another part of the quayside, Nils was also watching and saw her give the doctor a final little wave before taking the boy down below where they would be less conspicuous.

saloon was a bleak place in which to sit with dark leather-upholstered bench seats fitted against the walls, port-holes letting in circles of sunshine. Two soldiers, their kit on the floor beside them, were already stretched out to sleep for most of the voyage, a third writing a letter. The only civilians there were two farmers, both in best suits, who looked as if they might be travelling to a funeral, their talk of crops and sheep.

sat in a corner seat, Anna between him and the other passengers in the saloon. Although he clutched his book, he did not open it, and the trembling of his whole body passed through their linked hands. Anna guessed that under the peak of his cap he was watching the Germans with his eyes full of fear. She talked quietly to him, but he scarcely seemed to hear. Soon the throbbing engine took on new life and the steamer moved away from the quayside.

the book from Magnus, Anna read to him in a quiet voice and after a while he began to pay attention. The steamer did not stop anywhere along the great fjord, which was why it had been chosen. Yet when it drew near Molde Anna was unable to resist kneeling up on the seat to look out of a porthole. Magnus scrambled up to look out with her, their heads together.

a sharp intake of breath, she saw Aunt Rosa’s country house come into view, large and white and mellowed by time, its windows open to the sun as they had been in the past. She felt that if she could step ashore and run to it, her aunt would be there to welcome her. It was only a momentary illusion, instantly dispelled when a military car drew up and an officer got out and disappeared indoors.

caught a glimpse of Molde, but Karl had warned her that the bombing had changed it greatly and she was prepared. After that neither she nor Magnus looked out again and it seemed a long time before the steamer arrived at its destination of Andalsnes.

was exactly as she remembered it, the little town dominated by the high mountains. There would be a wait for the night train, but Rolf had given her the address of a safe house. When they reached it, the door opened before she had time to knock. It was Karl who swept her indoors and jubilantly swung her around in the spacious hall, his mouth on hers in a long and loving kiss.

I thought we weren’t meeting until Oslo,” she gasped happily as he set her on her feet again.

That was the original arrangement,” he said, reaching out through the door to bring in the luggage and close it again, “but I decided to come here and travel back with you on the train.” Setting his hands on his hips, his elbows jutting, he looked down at Magnus. “So you’re going to be my travelling companion when we go into Sweden. You’ll like it there. The shops have candy to sell and in the winter there’s no black-out and the lights are on all the time. I’m Karl.”

the peak of his cap Magnus saw that Karl had stooped to hold out a hand to shake his. Cautiously he looked up into a friendly, handsome face with twinkling grey eyes and a wide smile that encouraged confidence. Slowly he put out his own hand.

I’m Magnus Jacobsen,” he said. “Why isn’t there a black-out in Sweden? And isn’t there rationing?”

Sweden is neutral. That means not being at war with anyone. Yes, there is rationing, but nothing like it is here. Everybody has enough to eat. You’ll be able to go to school again and play football and ski and have friends, just as you used to here.”

Aren’t there any Nazis in Sweden?”

None to harm you. Mostly they’re diplomats at the German Consulate. They have to behave themselves or else the Swedes would kick them out, just as we’re going to do in Norway one day.”

Magnus laughed. He had not imagined that anyone could do that to Nazis. “Shall I be able to come home then?”

Yes, nobody will ever deny you that right again.”

was a reassuring promise. Magnus took off his cap and went with his new friend and Anna to meet the two elderly sisters who lived in the house.

before it was time to go to the railway station Anna had a few minutes alone with Karl. “Are you able to tell me your route into Sweden?” she asked.

No, but I promise you I’ll get Magnus to safety.”

I know you will! Can you make sure he gets a good foster home with a Jewish family where he’ll receive kindness and affection? I think it’s the only way he’s going to grow out of his present terrors.”

I’ll explain his circumstances. The Swedish Red Cross will take care of him at first, and you can be sure that he’ll be treated with compassion and understanding. They’ll want Magnus to have the right home as much as you, Anna.”

nodded, satisfied. “It’s a relief to know that. Are you flying to London afterwards? Was that why you were going to Sweden in the first place?”

I am, but what made you guess that?”

I might not have thought about it, if Nils hadn’t mentioned that he would be going there soon and thought you never missed the chance to fly an aircraft yourself.”

I admit that’s true.” His arms enfolded her closely. “One day when the war is over and liberation comes, there’ll be no more partings like this one. We’ll have the rest of our lives together.” He kissed her, gently at first, savouring the sweetness of her mouth, and then with increasing passion. She pressed her hands against the back of his head, not wanting their kiss to end or to let him go without fulfilling the yearning for each other that burned in them.

continued to hold her close for as long as time allowed after their kiss was over, his cheek resting against hers. He had loved deeply once before and that had given him memories he would never forget. But he had fallen in love with this woman in the midst of war, which heightened every emotion, and no moment together was ever taken for granted. It would be the same in the future if they both survived, for it would be impossible for either of them ever to forget that once partings might have meant never seeing each other again. It was why Anna did not ask him how and where they would meet next. It was a matter of always hoping.

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