The Frenchman's Revenge (69 page)

BOOK: The Frenchman's Revenge
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Disconsolate sobs wracked t
he governor
’s body
. Bai released some of the pressure on his neck and held
knife back away from his throat.

“Why? Why, Brad? Why did he kill Martin?”

The governor shrieked, “I don’t know.
I don’t know.
And, God, Bai. I think he killed Louie Sinclair.
. What is

“How do you know he killed Sinclair?”

“He said you did.
He was like a crazy man. Said it was you. He said you were evil, taking over the
, the country.
Holy Christ, he was insane.
And he killed
just fucking shot him

and Louie…Oh my God.”

Bai stood over the sobbing man and exchanged looks with Wyatt and Nianzu.

the sheriff in here
. H
ave him take him into
We’ll sort this out later.”

At that moment, Quitin rushed in the room followed by three other men.

“Bai, I just saw Greg in the corridor.
Is he dirty or clean?”

“Given that he is our Chameleon
I’d say he’s dirty as they come.”

“Oh Christ, Bai.
He’s got Alex.
I should have stopped them
but they looked like they were walking and talking to each other
I was concerned about Elena…Christ, I’m sorry…”

Bai nodded to Nianzu motioning him to pick up the governor. Nianzu dragged him to his feet and Bai moved up against him. Remembering the blueprints they had studied, he pushed his face up next to the governor.

“Where would he go? Where is the door to the tunnel to the basement? NOW, Brad!”

“It’s around the corridor, the

the opposite
way you came.
looks like a service door.”

Is there another entrance?

. But…but…uh
but the tunnel splits
at the bottom of the stairs.
There are rooms
at both ends of the corridor.”

Bai turned to Wyatt and Nianzu.

“Wyatt, you and Nianzu take the left wing.
I’ll take the right.
They won’t kill Alex.
Once they see that we have Elena
they will need him to trade.
The rest of you branch out in the hallway and come to whoever yells for you.”


Bai moved away f
the governor and
pulled Elena with him

Elena had seen him angry
. I
n fact
she thought she had seen him furious, but she had never seen him like this.
His grip on her ar
was so tight his knuckles were white and his fingers left indelible marks
on her skin
. His face was
his eyes were hard, cold with a level of anger that shot fear through her
He pulled her even closer and
when he
his voice was a hiss.

“Elena, when we get
home, you
and I will discuss what happens to very naughty girls who d
isregard carefully laid plans
and go off on their own.
Do you hear me,
You could have been killed, you came as close to being killed as you ever have
. A
ll because you refused to follow the plans that you, your father
and I created to protect you
– especially you.
When we are alone,
I will show you how strongly I feel, how angry I am.”

Elena swallowed hard.
She had never seen Bai like this.
A hard shudder hit her.
She knew he wasn’t talking about the erotic spankings th
titillated and aroused them both.
No, Bai was furious
at an
elemental, primal
level. Still holding her arm in a death gr
, he turned to Quitin.

“Quitin, I want you to take her out to the
ballroom where
there are at least a hundred people milling around
all of our men.
oddamn you, I want you to
her there.
If you have to tie her to a post, blindfold and gag her,
o it!
Do you hear me?
If she follows me
so help me God, there will be murder.
won’t be hers.
I will kill you and send you
r remains
in a box back to your mother with a note telling her how I enjoyed
killing you
Do you understand?”

Quitin blanched and nodded.

Bai turned back to Elena.

“Do you understand?”

She whispered “yes” and looked down.

nodded to the
rest of his men
. W
ith a final glare at Elena and Quitin
he turned and followed his men running down the corridor.


“What a worthless piece of shit you are.
Look at you.
Too frightened to stand up to him, you let him take your sister.
How could you
How could you let a Chink, a goddamn
yellow animal
take your sister?
Have you no pride? Don’t you care that a fucking Chink has his cock in her cunt?
What kind of a man are you?”

Greg slammed the butt of his gun across Alex’s face and
for good measure
swung at the other side leaving a matching mark.
Alex slid to the floor
. H
is feet and hands
and he was
groggy from the dope
nd the pain of the beating

He tried to turn away when Greg crouched down on his haunches in front of him
but Greg held his chin in his hand and spit the words in his face.

“I despise you, Alex.
I despise your weakness.
You could have helped me.
What kind of a fucking white man are you?
The only thing you are good for
is bait.
Because no matter what, he will come after you.
He won’t leave you here.
You are family.
And by God
when he does, I will have him and the last thing you see before I kill you is me fucking your sister.
Fucking her the way she should be fucked for giving herself to a goddamn Chink!”

Alex watched Greg stride away and heard the door slam after him. From the musty smell
he knew he was in a basement or a dungeon of some kind.
Every bone in his body hurt from the beating Greg and his men gave him.
But the physical pain was nothing compared to the shame
swamping him
When his father challenged him in the ballroom he
but as Bai and Wyatt rushed off something snapped and he knew he had to help them find Elena. He
his stupidity. He
thought Greg was his friend
when he met him in the hallway. A
nd when
offered to take him to Elena, he followed
like a
to slaughter

Only when Greg turned on him did Alex understand
the enormity of his mistake. T
hat was when the shame hit him.
Alex shook with anger
remembering the hideous things Greg said about Elena.
And, for Christ’s sake
about Bai.
The idea that Greg hated Bai because of his race was repugnant to Alex.
Cut him at soul level.
Alex knew
was wrong
Bai would never come after him.
Why should he
This was a perfect way to let him go, to
allow Alex to
face the
he created.

drifted off in his half drugged state and woke when he heard a rustling noise.
He thought it was the guards at the door who were laughing and talking paying no attention to their drugged bound prisoner.
Alex heard a shtick and a large thump like a body hitting the ground.
One of the guards muttered, “What the hell…”
and then another shtick was followed by a similar thump.

To his surprise, Alex felt someone tug on his bindings
, freeing his hands and feet.
He h
eard Bai’s voice low in his ear.

Easy, boy.
I’ve got you, boy.
I’ve got you now.
Can you move? I can smell the crap they
used to
drug you.
Can you

Alex felt
, only his
was stronger
Christ, Bai did come for him and was willing to risk his life to save him. He
couldn’t fight the tears flooding his face
and sobbed
out loud
when Bai
put his
arm around him.

“It’s okay, kid.
Understandable. But you have to pull
There are at least five of them out in the hallway and they’ll be checking up
any minute.
Here, lean on me
. T
ry to stand.
, that’s the way.”

he door swung open and light flooded the cellar walls.

“What the fuck? It’s Sammy and Ted.
Christ they’re both dead!” the
man in the door shouted to the
en behind him.

He took one step
but then pitched forward
a knife in his throat
as did the man behind him.

Bai yelled, “Okay
Alex! That’s the end of my knives.
Take the one on the left!”

Alex leapt forward at the sound of Bai’s spirit yell. He caught
man’s arm
up behind his back
. He
smiled when he heard the snap.

“That’s the way, brother,” Bai called out. “That’s a hell of a good sound.
Let’s hear a few more of those!”

Only after he had his man flat on the ground his foot on his back did Alex realize that Bai had taken down two
like a good savate fighter
cked them both to death
. L
ike Alex
, he
had his foot on the back of a third. He yelled through the doorway and to Alex’s relief Nianzu, Wyatt
and four Chinese men rush

Wyatt went straight to Alex and the two men held each other for a long moment
neither of them speaking.

Bai pointed to the man he had pinned to the floor and
“This is Peter, Greg’s key man.
I don’t know who Alex is standing on
but we need them both alive.

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