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Authors: Mackenzie McKade

The Game (22 page)

BOOK: The Game
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If he didn’t care what happened to her, why should she? The sooner this was over the sooner she could leave…and she was ready to leave now. On Tor’s command, Terrance took a seat on a protruding ledge. An icy blue glow created by the heat of his body radiated from beneath him. Florescent blue veins of color shot out from beneath him, arcing through the rock like lightning. Reaching behind him, he produced a mother-of-pearl shell and used its contents to lubricate his erection. Chastity watched the slow rise and fall of his hand. The motion made the man’s cock lengthen even more.

And that thing’s going up my ass

Okay, she’d take this like a man, so to speak. As if any of the men in this room would willingly agree to insert that huge thing up his puckered anus. Assholes…all of them!

With a wave of Tor’s hand, Shawn began to climb the ice-like steps. Each footstep produced a similar effect as those created by Terrance’s buttocks, but with a different colorimetric quality. His first step produced a red vein that zinged from his heat. The second, green, and finally yellow, as he stopped, his backside facing her. When two strong arms whisked her off her feet Chastity couldn’t restrain her squeal of surprise.

As she was cradled in Tor’s strong arms, he spoke, “Terrance will slip his cock into your ass, Chastity. You are not to take Shawn into your mouth until after I have entered your pussy.” She felt a finger probe her entrance as he whispered in her ear. “I want to hear your moans of pleasure as I fill you.”

The man was stark-raving mad if he thought she would gain pleasure from this—

this meaningless act.

, this was her fault. She had agreed to endure anything that didn’t physically harm her. In truth, she could end all of this with a single word.
. Seth had given it to her on the first day.

Then Tor smiled. “One other thing, you are not to come until I give you permission.”

Oh, like that was even a possibility. God, she wanted to smack the arrogant man. Next thing she knew Terrance’s large hands held her hips and slowly he entered her, inch by inch, gently…gradually…until he was buried deep in her ass. She gasped and felt her eyes widen in disbelief.


Mackenzie McKade

Chastity was attempting to catch her breath when Tor moved between her thighs. With his hand he guided his cock to her pussy. Playfully, he rubbed the head of his erection along her folds. “Release your fluids, Chastity. Welcome me.”

! She was horrified as her traitorous body did as he commanded. He smiled. “I am pleased with you.” Then he entered her. Chastity cried out at the sensation of being stretched and filled beyond limits she thought humanly possible. And by two men she’d rather see hung by their balls than deep inside her.

Firmly, Tor lifted her chin. “Remember, Chastity, do not come until I give you permission.” Slowly his hips began to pump. Terrance matched his rhythm. Tor motioned with his hand. “Shawn.”

Carefully Shawn straddled the ledge, wedging himself between Tor and Chastity. His dark, aroused gaze met hers as the head of his cock touched her lips. She couldn’t think, and she couldn’t seem to turn away.

Slowly, he slid his hands into her hair, nudging her closer, her lips open. She felt him tremble when her mouth closed around him.

“Watch me as I fuck your beautiful mouth,” Shawn ground out through clenched teeth.

And she did. Every taut breath he struggled to inhale, and the pleasure-pain expression upon his face.

“You will drink from me.” His voice was a throaty growl. It was unlike anything she could have imagined. Three men fucking her at once?

Her mind fought the erotic sensations that her body welcomed. Terrance sliding in and out of her ass, Tor fucking her pussy and Shawn’s cock filling her mouth. She almost forgot the fourth man watching from the shadows.

Was Seth hot? Did he enjoy seeing three men fuck her?

The pace quickened.



Three firm cocks thrusting in and out her body, filling her with such intensity, driving her so close to orgasm that she wanted to scream. Could she hold out? Who would reach fulfillment first? And what would be her punishment if she failed?

A rich musk of sex and sweat perfumed the air. The heady scent of testosterone and her pussy juices was an aphrodisiac to her senses. She felt as if she was standing on a cliff, begging to be thrown off. As her body began to tremble, Chastity cried out around Shawn’s cock.

A rush of fire swept through her body and mind. It was all too much. She willed herself to gain control. Fought to go to that place where nothing existed. 120

The Game

It was Shawn’s deep guttural groan that saved her and pulled her back from the edge. So violent was his release that he jerked her head back, slamming against her mouth, spilling his seed down her throat. She had to concentrate simply to breathe, to swallow.

Before drinking the last of his semen she felt Terrance’s cock contract, his fingers digging into her hips.

“Now, Chastity,” Tor shouted. “Come with us now.”

Terrance grasped her nipples, clamping down hard.

Lightning bolts exploded in her head. Her body vibrated with the impact of three mind-blowing orgasms igniting at once. Sandwiched between two growling lions, she screamed as a blaze of fire burned through her.

Writhing, she fought to stop the convulsions. She could feel their fingertips, their skin rasping against hers. A sensitivity so intense it pushed her past pleasure into pain.
What was her fucking safe word?

!” she cried. “No more.”

Immediately, her body was abandoned. Consciousness wavered. Strong arms embraced her, pressing her against a wall of tense muscle that shook with emotion. Next she was passed to another man. He trembled so badly she thought he’d break into a million pieces.

Then she felt herself float across the room, coming to rest on a cloud—or was it a bed? Did it matter?

A whiff of specter-dust appeared beneath her nose. She coughed as the sleepinducing drug filtered through her nasal passages and began to take hold. A blanket of darkness was pulled over her as she slipped off into the night.

* * * * *

Seth’s heart pulled tight in his chest, making it difficult to breathe. Watching the expression on her face when Terrance slid into her ass had him on his feet and moving, only to plow into an invisible force that had him falling back on his heels. He took another run and flung himself toward the group, bouncing off the invisible barrier with a
as soon as he hit.

The sons of bitches had locked him into the alcove using a force field.
Desperately, he pounded on the barrier, shouting every threat he could think of in the process. He’d friggin’ tear the place apart, if he only knew how. One thing was for certain, when he got out of this damn prison Monty was a dead man.

They were


Mackenzie McKade

Blood boiling, he watched Chastity through a red haze. His world shifted around him. The very ground seemed to tilt, and then spin. She
him and he had fed her to the wolves.

Control. He needed to find the place within that helped him through difficult situations.

Difficult? That was an understatement. This was a catastrophe. He should never have left Chastity alone. They should have discussed what he had overheard earlier today. If he had only insisted two years ago that she explain herself, none of this would be happening now.

Palms against the invisible glass, Seth took a deep, calming breath, knowing he was on the verge of losing it. He forced his heart to slow to normal. Chastity’s face was lightly flushed, a sheen of sweat beading on her forehead. Her breath came in soft pants as Tor approached her. Then she was gone from Seth’s sight, enveloped between the men that he swore would never touch her again. Animalistic mating sounds, grunts and moans, floated into the air. Hers? Theirs? It was agony not knowing how Chastity was reacting. All he could see was the tense asses of Tor and Shawn as they pumped their cocks into his woman. Through a sticky web of anger his own dick hardened. He wanted to be the only man between Chastity’s ivory thighs, the only one exploring the treasures they hid. To be the only man to taste her hot pussy on his lips, his tongue. And the only man to make her scream in ecstasy as her body shattered beneath him. Her cry of distress almost ripped his heart from his chest. Immediately the men stepped back from Chastity, gave her room to breathe.

The wall restraining Seth disintegrated and he rushed to her side. Terrance gently held her trembling body. Beside him, his brothers stood guard, their stances tense, ready for Seth.

“Your woman has not been harmed. She only needs to breathe.” Tor raised his hand, restraining Shawn as Seth stepped forward.

Seth couldn’t remember when he had felt so close to murder. He wanted to smash their faces in, tear them from limb to limb. His shaky hands itched to retaliate, but revenge would have to wait. Chastity was his main concern. A growl surfaced as he tore Chastity out of Terrance’s arms and pressed her possessively to his chest. The warmth of her skin was reassuring. He checked her pulse, her breathing. When he was satisfied that she was okay, he simply held her. God, he loved this woman. But this time his realization didn’t conjure the animosity it had before. It was time to face his emotions and deal with them. Seth gazed down on her ashen face, her dark lashes resting on her flushed cheekbones. He kissed her brow. She was his, and he would do whatever it took to ensure it. After tonight, no man would ever touch her again. 122

The Game

A gentle tap on his shoulder had Seth spinning on his heels, ready to rip whoever it was a brand-new asshole. When he saw that it was Passion Flower he tried to relax, but he was strung tighter than an aerolite-bow. Even her peaked, naked breasts had no effect on him.

“Master Seth, a bed has been prepared for your slave in the adjoining quarters.” She waved a hand. “Please follow me.”

It was an atrium. Several varieties of palms—sago, queen and Mexican—were scattered among a verdant floor of grass, moss and ivy. Flowers of every shape, size and fragrance added to the aura of paradise as Seth lay Chastity upon a billowy cushion of white satin that blended in with the scenery. It was as if God had dropped a little slice of heaven on Zygoman.

From a rock table next to the futon, Passion Flower retrieved a petite bottle that seemed to glow with an inner light. She extracted the stopper and gently swept it beneath Chastity’s nose. The woman upon the bed squirmed, her hand swiping through the air, fighting off the smell as if a fine powder tickled her nose. Seth growled, his protective side bursting through. “What is that?”

Passion Flower’s calm appearance made Seth uneasy. No one would even think of approaching him when he was this angry. However, she simply smiled and settled a small hand on his arm.

“Specter-dust, a sleeping aid, it will help her to relax. Would you like for me to bathe her?”

It was only then that he noticed Chastity reeked of sex. The smell of another man, several men, made his stomach churn. He wanted every trace of what had happened purged from her body—inside and out. If only he could purge it from his memory.

“Yes.” He looked about for the men that had defiled her. “Where is your husband?”

Passion Flower dipped a cloth into a basin and gently began to cleanse Chastity.

“Revenge is not what this woman would want.”

“How do you know what she wants?” Seth snapped. The woman dared to condone what her husband and his brothers had done, and then tried to use Chastity’s virtue in an attempt to save them from his wrath?

“Is it not the game both of you agreed to? Did you not know the terms of agreement with Ecstasy Island?” She looked up from her ministrations. “My husband and his brothers have fulfilled their bargain.” She resumed bathing Chastity. The last thing Seth needed was legalese thrown in his face. Yes, he knew the terms. And yes, he knew what this “four-way”
entailed. He hadn’t like the sounds of it then, and he sure as hell didn’t like it now. Besides, hadn’t the slave auction been slotted for tonight?

Passion Flower calmly faced him. “Master Seth, help her see this through to the end. Her reasons are honorable.”

Stunned, Seth grabbed the woman by the shoulders. “You know why she’s here?”


Mackenzie McKade

“I know many things. The walls have ears.” Passion Flower shrugged out of his grip. “You two were meant for each other. And it will be so.”

, all he needed was a walking fortune cookie sprouting off predictions. “Why is she here?”

“It is not for me to say. But know what has happened here today has been a celebration. Three powerful men have worshipped your woman and—”

“They used her.” Like a bitter acid, Seth’s rage surged anew through his veins. Fists clenched, his pulse and breathing in a race to see which one would fail first. Replacing the stopper in the specter-dust bottle, she nodded her head knowingly.

, then you do not understand the ways of Zygoman and her men.” With sedate hands she waved a path in front of herself. “Look around you. This is a place of reverence, of peace and serenity. Have you not wondered why this event took place here and not in the gardens or dungeons of the citadel?” A shadow passed before her eyes. “Do you not see the respect these men have for women? Do you not see that they honored her body through theirs?”

She gazed down at Chastity and then back at Seth. Envy brightened the Asian woman’s eyes. “No man could take her body without touching the beauty of her soul. What you witnessed was not an act of the flesh, but a rebirth of life, an internal passion released from one spirit to another. Your woman lit each man’s inner candle.” A single tear fell. “Did you not see the glow, the harmony between them?”

The cool composure Passion Flower wore began to crack. She swallowed hard, her voice cracked. “
is why Tor will never join with her again.” Without another word she turned and walked away.

BOOK: The Game
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