The Game of Seduction (Arrington Family Series) (9 page)

BOOK: The Game of Seduction (Arrington Family Series)
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While he did as instructed, she went to the counter to put on her gloves and grab the cotton balls, alcohol, and needles. When she turned around, he was lying on the table with the gown open exposing his glorious body once again, but thank goodness he was wearing boxer shorts.

“I’m only going to do a few. Close your eyes and relax.”

“Okay, doc.” He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

“Acupuncture needles are hair thin and rounded at the tip, so they won’t draw blood.”

She inserted the first needle into his knee and glanced at his face. He didn’t wince.

“Go ahead and insert it.”

She smiled and inserted the second one. “I did. In fact, I inserted two. Just continue to relax,” she said in a soothing voice. “Just a few more and then I’ll leave and let you rest for about twenty to thirty minutes.”

“You’re not going to stay?”

“Nope. Just rest and relax. How did you enjoy the charity ball last night?” she asked to keep his mind off of the needles going in.

“It was okay. The chicken was dry, the salmon was really good, and they had a really good cheesecake. My date had two slices of it.”

Date? Did he just say date?
She placed the last needle into his knee.

“Ouch.” Rasheed’s eyes flew open and landed on her face. “I felt that one.”

“Oops. That must be a painful spot for you.”

She tossed the gloves into the garbage can along with the cotton balls. She pressed the play button on the CD player and a relaxing instrumental song filled the room. She lit an aromatherapy candle and turned the light off.

“I’ll be back in a little while.”

Once in her office, she sat at her desk but couldn’t concentrate. She was afraid this would happen. Raven was right. He’d been on a date, and she couldn’t handle it. Normally this wouldn’t bother her, and she would ask a ton of questions about his evening. Instead, she couldn’t leave the examination room fast enough. She leaned back in her chair and sighed. That damn kiss had changed everything.

After thirty minutes, she went back into the exam room. Rasheed was sleeping soundly.  She turned on the light and put on her gloves to take out the needles.

“Rasheed? Wake up.”

He smiled but didn’t open his eyes. “Girl, I don’t think I’ve ever been so relaxed before. When can I come back?”

“Whenever my dad isn’t here,” she said sarcastically even though it was the truth. “Don’t sit up too quickly. Just relax for a few moments more and then get dressed. Just put the gown in the bin by the door. I’ll be in my office. It’s on the next hallway, fourth door on the right.”

A few moments later he stuck his head in her door.

“That was awesome. You should give your dad acupuncture. Maybe that would convince him. I feel good. Real good.” He flashed his charming, dangerous smile that made her heart stop.

“I’m so glad you enjoyed it. I told you how relaxing it is.”

“Well, I gotta go get my hair cut before my barber closes at noon. I can’t wait until tonight.”  His eyes perused the files on her desk. “Are you sure you’ll be done in time? The limo is picking you up eight.”

“Yes, I’ll be ready.” She got up from her desk to let him out of the building. “I picked up my dress yesterday, got my shoes out of Shelbi’s closet and got my hair done last night. I’m set.”

“Cool.” They continued small talk about the upcoming evening in the elevator. Once they stepped off and proceeded to the front door, he turned to face her with a wicked grin on his face. “So, did you enjoy the view from earlier?” He stepped closer to her and breathing escaped her. “See anything you may have wanted? I told you I’d be the perfect sex buddy.”

“I told you I was just kidding,” she lied and walked away from him to disarm the alarm so she could open the door.

“No you aren’t, but you’ll know when you’re ready and so will I.”

He pulled her to him and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek that took her breath away. “See you tonight.” He let go of her and left.

Once she was back in her office and remembered how to breathe, she plopped into her chair, leaned her head back, and closed her eyes. Everything Rasheed had said was true. She wasn’t kidding. She wanted and needed him. It was hard not to jump him when he was naked in her exam room, but she was so embarrassed that she was at a loss for words. She shook her head to rid it of thoughts of being naked under him as he made love to her. Sighing, she began working on her to do list, but her mind kept trampling back to Rasheed’s naked body. She smiled thinking about the evening ahead.
Maybe I’m ready after all.


Bria checked her hair and makeup in the mirror over her foyer table one last time. Tonight, she was wearing it straight down her back with a side part on the left showing a few fading light brown highlights that complimented her dark brown hair. She grabbed her black sequined clutch that matched her black sequined, strapless dress that hugged her small curvy figure. The dress stopped an inch above her knees and showcased her toned, freshly waxed legs. She was supposed to be downstairs in five minutes to meet the limo that would take her and Rasheed to The Groove Club for a New Year’s Eve party. He offered to have the limo pick her up so she could drink champagne and not worry about driving.

She was nervous about seeing Rasheed tonight. The roller coaster of emotions she was experiencing was setting her mind in a frenzy. He’d flat out told her he wanted her in his bed, and the ball was in her court.

Shaking away the thoughts, she put on her black velvet dress coat and headed out the door.

Once she was settled in the plush leather backseat of the limo, she called Rasheed.

“Hey, we’re almost at your place so be on the corner out front. I’m ready to party.”

“The corner? I feel so cheap, Bree.” He laughed. “I just pulled into the garage. The meeting with my agent ran over, so come inside and wait for me while I get dressed.”

Twenty minutes later, Bria sat in the sitting area of his bedroom while he was in the shower. She’d been to his home several times, but was surprised when Tommy, Rasheed’s seven-foot bodyguard, showed her upstairs to the master bedroom suite because he’d never done that before.

She was quite impressed with the décor in the room. Masculine with walnut hardwood floors covered with huge oriental rugs, a sitting area with two oversized leather loveseats on either side of the lit fireplace and a few family portraits and abstract artwork adorned the walls. On the opposite wall facing the sitting area was a huge king-sized bed with thick walnut posts covered with a purple and gold paisley comforter which matched the drapes on the wall of windows.

“Are you out there, Bree?” Rasheed yelled from the attached master bathroom.

“Yes! Hurry up. I’m ready to party.”

“Hold your horses.” He was no longer shouting. She turned to face the bathroom door, and there he was leaning casually on the doorframe with his bottom half wrapped in a towel.

She held in a gasp and a gulp as she was mesmerized by the chocolate Adonis in front of her. Water glistened on his hard pecs down to his washboard stomach. If her washing machine ever gave out, she could do her laundry on Rasheed’s abs. His towel was slouched a little on the sides, which showed off his cut pelvic area. A sexy confidence oozed from his pores as he stood half-naked in the doorway while his eyes raked her from head to toe, and his mouth curved into a slow smile.

“I’ll be ready in a few.” His eyes roamed approvingly over her body once more. “You look exquisite.”

“Thank you.”

He turned back toward the bathroom, and she exhaled. It took all of her strength not to get up and snatch the towel off of him.

“But didn’t I tell you not to look so damn sexy in front of me?” he shouted from the bathroom.

“Just hurry up,” she shouted back.

A few moments later he stepped out in a black tuxedo and once again she lost her breath. He flashed his sexy smile and did a spin with his arms outstretched.

“Well? What do you think?”

I think if we don’t leave this room right now, we’ll miss the party and end up making out on the bed, the floor, and both leather couches all night.

“You look dapper as always.”

“Cool. I just need to spray on some cologne, and then we can leave. Be right back.”

He disappeared into the bathroom once more. Bria grabbed her purse off the couch and stood. That’s when she noticed a shiny object on the mantle. It was a gold clasp bracelet with two emeralds on either side of a missing third stone.

Jealously crept into her at the thought of some woman taking it off and placing it on the mantle before Rasheed pulled her down and made love to her in front of the fireplace.

“Ready?” He walked out with a black trench coat draped over his arm. He picked up a remote from the end table next to the couch and pushed a button which turned off the fireplace.

“Yep.” She placed the bracelet back on the mantle. “I see one of your
left her jewelry here.” She strode to the door ready to leave his bedroom—a place that had probably hosted more women than she could count.

“Is that a touch of jealously I hear in your voice?” he mused.

“Of course not.” She turned to face him, and he was standing directly in front of her. His masculine woodsy scent and serious expression awakened the spot between her thighs, and she stepped back before she did something crazy like take off his bowtie, followed by his jacket, shirt, and pants and led him to his king-sized bed.

“It isn’t some woman’s bracelet. First of all, I’ve never had a woman here in my home, and second of all, it belonged to my mother.”

She placed her hand over her mouth, completely embarrassed.

“Oh. Rasheed, I’m sorry for assuming.”

They continued walking down the hall, and she walked a little faster to keep up with his long, purposeful strides.

“No problem. You know my reputation. Anyway, my dad gave it to my mother on their wedding day. Before my mother died, she told me to give it to the woman I would fall in love with, but I’ll probably just give it to Brooklyn on her wedding day. It’s not like I’m getting married.”

“Don’t say that. You were engaged once.”

“Yep, and that was a big mistake.”

“Well, at least Terri gave the bracelet back to you.”

“I never gave it to her,” he answered nonchalantly with a shrug of his shoulders, “but thank you for reminding me it was on the fireplace. I set it there so I can remember to take it to Atlanta. A jeweler friend of mine is going to add a diamond in the middle. The one that was there is in my ear.” He pointed to his left ear.

They walked in silence until they reached the bottom of the staircase. Tommy stood from his seat on the foyer bench.

“It’s a cold night in Memphis,” Rasheed said as he buttoned his coat up and Bria did the same with her velvet trench coat.

Tommy opened the front door for them. “Sure is, boss. I told the driver to leave the car on so it would be nice and warm for you and Dr. Arrington.”

“Good looking out, man. Is your wife still meeting you at the club?”

“Yes, sir. She’s on her way there now. She just dropped the kids off at the grandparents.”

“Good. Once the clock strikes twelve, you’re off. Spend the time with your wife.”

“Thanks, I appreciate it,” Tommy said with a wide smile on his face. He opened the backdoor, and Bria slid in first.

“No problem,” Rasheed said getting into the limo.

Once the door was closed, Bria smiled and looked at him.

“That was nice of you to give Tommy the rest of the night off to spend with his wife.”

“Well, he’s been with me for almost ten years. He has a wife and two kids. He’s more than just my bodyguard, he’s my right hand, but I also know family is important, and he should be with them. Besides, people are used to seeing me around town. I really don’t need a bodyguard, but he’s a good guy so I keep him around.”

Once they arrived at the club, Tommy rushed them to the VIP section upstairs where the rest of their crew was already sipping on drinks and eating appetizers. Sean and Cannon were scoping out the women and Bria became a little nervous that Rasheed would soon join them. There were plenty of scantily clad women passing by winking and waving at Rasheed. He raised his glass to them or gave a nod. Each time he did, she felt her heart sink with each beat. It wasn’t like this was something new. She’d sat in the VIP area with him plenty of times while she watched him flirt heavily with women, and it never bothered her. But of course they hadn’t kissed yet and hadn’t had a discussion about going even further. She knew the ball was still in her court. The way his eyes traveled up and down her body when she was in his bedroom was answer enough. She wasn’t sure how long the offer would stand, and judging by the way Rasheed was checking out every single woman that passed by, Bria knew the window of opportunity would be shut and locked if she didn’t give him an answer soon.


Rasheed leaned against the wall in the VIP section sipping on rum and Coke and trying hard not to stare at Bria. Her short black dress was hugging her lethal curves, and he wanted to take it off and wrap her cocoa legs around his waist while she called out his name repeatedly. He tried to pretend to flirt with the groupies passing by, but they weren’t doing anything for him. Bria had awakened a passion and lust in him that he couldn’t ever remember feeling before. Her long hair fell over her right shoulder in a sexy manner, and he imagined running his hands through it or holding onto to it as he gave it to her from behind. The night before, he couldn’t sleep. The thought that she actually needed and wanted her flames of desire extinguished, prevented him from resting peacefully and filled his mind. Images of her naked mocha-kissed body next to him invaded his brain all night, and the erection that prevailed only went away after a cold shower.

Rasheed downed the rest of his drink, sat the glass on the table, and walked over to her as she held a conversation with Raven.

“Excuse me, ladies. Bree, do you wanna go dance?”

“Sure.” Bria excused herself from Raven and walked onto the dance floor.

BOOK: The Game of Seduction (Arrington Family Series)
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