Read The Gathering Online

Authors: S L Dearing

The Gathering (36 page)

BOOK: The Gathering
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Blaylock laughed, as did several of his men.
Brollen walked over and placed his hand on Blaylock's shoulder and leaned in to whisper something in his ear.
Blaylock nodded and looked back at the prisoners.

"Ok, it's showtime everyone."

Blaylock turned to several of his soldiers.

"Untie them from the wagon and line them up over there."

Blaylock pointed to the entrance of the castle.
It was a great flat round stone with a few steps leading up to the main door.
As the huge wooden door opened, it creaked and groaned.
Then an odd orange glow came from the doorway, growing brighter as a tall, black-robed figure stepped from the opening, followed by a woman.

Father Leon looked down at the ground and shook, but Monsignor Klaus stood upright and watched the pair move into the soft lights around them.
The robed figure had no visible face, but as the woman got closer, Klaus could see she was beautiful.

They stopped before the prisoners and the woman removed her hood.
Her face was translucent and her eyes were blue like shining gems.
The black of her hair was as dark as the stone that surrounded them.
She saw Monsignor Klaus and Father Leon staring at her and she smiled.
Both of the men felt no more pain as they gazed on her beauty.

The Shape looked at them and then at the women.
He raised his hands and clapped.
From out of the doorway several young women, dressed in gold jewelry and flowing attire, moved to his side and waited.

The Shape moved slowly among the women prisoners and would occasionally point to one.
When he did, one of the finely dressed women took that woman inside the castle.
When he was done, he clapped again and moved back towards the steps.
Several of the soldiers smiled and walked towards the remaining women.
They took the women by their arms and led them towards a large building on the west side of the castle.
Several of the women realized where they were going and they began to scream and fight, but to no avail.
Even when they were in the barracks, the screaming could still be heard.
Blaylock and Brollen smiled at one another.

Monsignor Klaus was shaken back to the reality of the situation and turned to the Shape.

"You are a bastard, Sir!
God will destroy you for this."

The lovely woman looked at the Shape and shrugged.
The Shape then moved into the priest's face and still the Monsignor could make out no features.

"You are alone, Monsignor."

Klaus shook his head and smiled.

"I am not."

He turned and looked at Father Leon and his smile faltered.
Father Leon was rocking back and forth and shaking his head, muttering to himself as the Monsignor glared at him.

Father Leon!!"

Leon turned and looked the older priest.
He shook his head and looked at the Shape, and knelt before him.

"I…I…I am but your…humble…servant, Master…ple…pleas… please spare me…"

Monsignor Klaus shook his head.

You will answer to the Lord for this."

Klaus took a deep breath and turned back to the Shape.

"I am not alone, God is with me."

The Shape leaned in.

"You're right, Monsignor…for I am God!"

The Lord shall rain down on you a terrible vengeance for these atrocities!!"

The Shape spun around and Monsignor Klaus could just barely make out a sneer form under the black hood.
The Shape raised his hands and Klaus felt his eyes grow big.
He stepped back and fell on the ground.
A bright blast of orange light surrounded him and his hands were untied.
He lifted himself up, but no sooner had he stood up then he felt the heat.
He was on fire.
He could feel his skin sear and blister under the flames.

Just as he felt the pain and thought he could stand no more, the flames died away and he stood, his skin now cracked and charred.
He stared at the Shape.
He was shaking, but he did not beg for mercy, instead he stood taller and stared at the Shape.
He sneered and frowned.

"I do not fear you, Monster."

The Shape sighed.

"I didn't think you would."

The Shape turned and began to walk inside, but stopped and turned back.
He raised his hand in a delicate fluid movement.
Monsignor Klaus found himself drawn to watch the Shape's hand.
The Shape moved his hand around in circles and all but the Monsignor lowered their heads, not daring to watch.
Then in one sweeping movement he clenched a fist and twisted his arm in the air.
As he did this, the Monsignor was lifted in the air and snapped in half.

The Monsignor screamed in agony, his broken body spinning in mid-air.
The Shape continued to rotate his fist until he pulled back his arm and looked like he was throwing out a baseball.

Monsignor Klaus was flung into the distance, like rag doll being tossed through the room.
He only stopped when he hit the great black archway.
Father Leon was watching and whimpered as he saw the Monsignor's head connect with the rock, with a loud crack.
He covered his face.

When everyone else heard the snap, they raised their heads and looked at the Shape.
He motioned for the blue-eyed woman to take his arm.

"Thomas, please take Father Leon to the baths.
I'm sure he could do with a rest."

Blaylock nodded and picked up Leon by his arm.
As they walked into the castle, they could still hear the screaming, both from the birds and the women.








Alisha stood in the darkness, leaning against the balcony wrapped only in a blanket exposing her head, shoulders and back to a cool autumn breeze, which gently moved her long auburn hair across her skin.
She looked out over the vastness of the valley below and listened to the wind move through the trees in the forest below.
Vance was sitting up in bed, watching her.
He eventually got up, pulled on his jeans and walked outside, the cool tile felt smooth against his feet.

He slipped his arms around her waist and she leaned back against him.
He kissed the side of her face.

"Can't sleep?"

She shook her head.

"Weird dreams."

"Like what?"
He asked.

Alisha shrugged and smiled.

"It's nothing.
I'm sure it's just all the stress from planning the hand-fasting and all the strange things that have been going on."

Vance made Alisha turn and look at him.

"Talk to me."

Alisha lowered her head and turned around and leaned against the balcony railing.
She smiled at how well he knew her and then she frowned as she recalled the dreams.

"I keep dreaming of these men.
They're an army and they all wear black and one of them has a long scar down his face.
He's a leader, but he's not in charge.
He rides with another one, who has more power than he does. That one has eyes that make my blood freeze; they're this horrible blue color, like blue ice.
Then there's this other one who is really tall, but he doesn't have a face, just a shape, like death.
I think he's the real leader.
And every time I dream about them, I see falcons… falcons everywhere.
And I see…"

Alisha shook her head and Vance walked over and lifted her face up towards his.

"What, Baby?
What do you see?"

A tear ran down Alisha's face.

"I see them killing people, but not just killing them.
They torture them… it’s horrible.”
Vance wrapped his arms around her and held her close.


They're just dreams, Lish.
Just dreams."

Alisha wrapped her arms tightly around him.
She knew in her heart that the dreams were a warning.
She hadn't told him everything she had seen.
There was no point.
She pulled back and moved her hands to his face.
He smiled at her and she pulled his mouth to hers and let her lips close around his.
His hands moved to her face and he held her head, letting the blanket fall.
Alisha was unsure as to whether her goose bumps were being caused by the cool night air or the touch of Vance's hands against her back and the inside of her thigh.

He reached down the back of her legs, to her knees and lifted her up against his body.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and he walked them back into the room and laid her on the bed.
Alisha soon forgot about the nightmares, as Vance made her shudder again and again.

Once again they slept, and on the balcony a raven watched the night sky, as if guarding the sleeping couple.
It stayed all night.








Elian Merganser hadn't slept well.
He had watched Sara all night, but she never left the side of the atheist until he walked her home.
Then he watched as they kissed, disgusted at the way Scott Forrester had his hands all over her.
How could she want that?
He sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes.

Elian shook his head and got out of bed.
He walked across the hall and opened the door to Albion's room.
He wasn't there and the bed was made.
Albion must have gotten up early.
He was apt to do that.
Elian wandered into the kitchen, rubbing his head.
He searched through the cupboard for a glass and filled it with water from the pitcher on the counter.
His eyes still mostly closed, he guzzled down the liquid then he looked down at the counter.
There was an envelope with his name on it.
He opened it and read the letter inside.

BOOK: The Gathering
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