The Geary Series Boxed Set (18 page)

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“You think you’re funny don’t you?”

He threw the sponge I had in my hand over the side of the bath and sucked on my finger hard, before taking the others in turn. By the time, he was halfway through my second hand I was moaning. Feeling the swirl of his tongue on the pad of my fingers sent jolts to my belly, and I couldn’t imagine having another orgasm.

“There is no way you’re going to get me to orgasm again, I’m all spent.” I declared.

“Is that right? I see that as a challenge Ms Gage, morning sex part two coming up.” He declared.

He lifted us out of the bath and took me to bed once again. I was quite wrong, I was going to orgasm again.

Once Jack left me alone for five minutes, I jumped into the shower and cleaned up for the second time that morning. I had dressed in jeans and a jumper before I joined him in the dining room again for breakfast. Sylvia had done herself proud with the array of food on offer. We chatted over breakfast about nothing in particular, getting to know each other. We talked about growing up and University years and our marriages.

Midday soon came around, and I borrowed one of Jack’s bags to carry the stunning dress and shoes. I hopped into the helicopter once again for our return journey and said goodbye to his glorious home. I wondered if I would ever see it again and dearly hoped that I would.

Chapter Forty-One


Landing back at Edinburg airport, we retraced our steps through the airport and we could see Sam waiting for us to take us back to the city. Jack helped me into the back of the car, and I scooted along to let him get in beside me. I took his hand and held it tightly in my lap as we travelled along the roads.

“What are you thinking about sweetheart?” He asked me.

“I’m sorry to hear about your wife, thank you for telling me.”

“I thought you should know for a lot of different reasons, mainly to tell you that I’ve some understanding of what you have had to go through with your husband. I also wanted you to know that I did have a wife once, so you didn’t think I had kept that from you in the future. Can I ask you if Gage is your maiden name or married name?”

“Gage is my maiden name, I never had time to take his name, I hadn’t arranged anything before I got married because I needed a marriage certificate. The honeymoon was all booked in his name.”

“I keep asking painful questions, I should have worked that out for myself. I’m sorry sweetheart. Have you enjoyed your week up here, did you get what you needed?” he said changing the subject.

“I got more than I needed Jack. I found a friend in you, and that is more than I hoped for.”

“A friend?” he questioned “is that what you’re calling me? I think we can call me something more significant than friend. What about lover? Yes, I like the sound of that. I am Olivia Gage’s lover.”

He seemed entirely pleased with himself, changing moods swiftly back again. I nudged his side and blushed profusely and pointed to Sam.

“Oh, ignore Sam, he has learned to tune out any background noise.” He said. “Can I come back with you to the hotel while you pack? I don’t want to miss any time with you before you leave today.”

“Ok, but no more sex, I’m too sore, and I don’t have any condoms.”

“It’s a good job that I’m a boy scout and brought some with me.”

“Why am I not surprised, but just to clear something up, we didn’t use a condom this morning when you wouldn’t let me go to the bathroom.”

“We did, you were facing away, but I had already rolled one on before I lifted you onto me. Are you on birth control?”

“Yes I am, even though I don’t need to be, I needed to control other womanly things that you don’t need to know about.”

Chuckling he rolled his eyes at my coyness. “You can tell me about your womanly things, I won’t run a mile. Just so that you know, I’m clean Olivia, I get regularly tested and have used a condom since Angela. So even if I hadn’t, we would be safe.”

“Good to know.” I said nodding, it had suddenly dawned on me that he must have slept with dozens of women in the last ten years. The idea of this conjured up a whole load of insecurities in me. I refused to dwell on how I compared to his other women.

The car drew up outside the hotel, and I climbed out before Jack could help me out which earned me a scowl. I laughed as I took the bag out of Sam’s hands and skipped away from him so he couldn’t carry that either. He repaid my childish antics by chasing after me and carrying me and the bag to my room. As we entered the hotel room, he threw me on the bed, deftly taking my bag from my hands. He smiled smugly to himself and went in search of the remote control for the TV.

“Hurry up and pack, I want to take you back to my place before I drive you to the airport.” He said as he flicked on the TV and started to surf the channels.

“Yes Sir.” I said, saluting and grabbed my bag from the wardrobe.

Wandering from the bathroom with my bag of creams and pastes, I wondered if he always had a set of women’s toiletries at his house. He had everything that I could possibly need.

“When you asked me if I would stay the night, did you know I would say yes?”

“No, the opposite, I thought you would say no, but I got the clothes and girly stuff in the hopes you would say yes. Are you wondering if I’ve a permanent supply of beauty products in a cupboard somewhere for my overnight guests?”

“Yes, that was exactly what I was thinking. I feel awful now at my shallow thoughts.”

“Don’t be, you have every right to think that after reading about my dates over the last year. Have you looked at your twitter feed this week?”

I snapped my head around to him, the thought of him flirting with other women while he had been with me this week filled me with jealousy. I stupidly thought that I had his undivided attention. I didn’t think to see what else he was doing.

I fished out my phone from my bag and checked through his timeline. I kept scrolling to the beginning of the week, and there was nothing, the last one was the one Cecily read out whilst I was still at home.

“You have not been on here all week, why?”

“I had you to flirt with I didn’t need them. I did write you an email about my day on Thursday, but I would rather you read that when you got home. I’m too embarrassed to let you read it in front of me.”

He fiddled with the remote control, flicking open the battery cover and snapping it shut. It was driving me demented. I joined him on the bed and straddled his lap as he sprawled on the bed, wedging his hands under my knees. Once I got comfy I read his email, this was a short one, so it didn’t take me long.

“You called out my name whilst being inside another woman, and she didn’t hurt you permanently? I would have fed you your testicles if you had done that to me.” I said once I put my phone down. I was appalled for the poor woman.

“No, she didn’t although I did deserve worse. I didn’t write why she hadn’t, but she wasn’t planning on seeing me again because she’d fallen in love with another man and was giving up the lifestyle for him.”

I didn’t look at him while I looked through my timeline and realised that apart from one day I hadn’t posted anything either. I had hundreds of messages which I left until later on to deal with. I took a deep breath and asked the burning question that had formed a minute or so ago.

“Would you give up the lifestyle?”

“I would for the right woman. Do you want me to abandon my lifestyle?” He pointedly asked me, drilling holes into me with his stare.

I met his stare and shrugged. Shifting myself back off the bed, I continued to pack ignoring the laser beams burning my back. I wanted him, and if I felt jealousy at a tweet, he might send how would I feel about his next email about his play date. We lived hundreds of miles apart and led different lives. It was impossible to be together even if I wanted to.

I collected the final bits and turned to see what he was up to. He had his hands behind his head staring at the ceiling completely immobile. I joined him on the bed and rested my head on his elbow and stared up to the ceiling too.

“What are you thinking about Jack?”

“I’m wondering how I’m going to say goodbye to you, I don’t think I can.”

He moved quickly and settled himself over me and between my thighs, his hands threaded through my hair. His lips softly touched mine, firmly pecking my lips. As his need grew so did his passion, sucking my bottom lip, he licked my upper lip and demanded with his mouth that I opened mine. I surrendered to his plea and opened my mouth and wrapped my jean clad legs around his waist and thrusted up.

“One more time for the road stud.” I whispered over his lips and turned us so that he was on his back.

Straddling him once again, I lifted him into a sitting position and yanked off his t-shirt, and he did the same to me. I jumped up and discarded all of my clothes in minutes and crawled up him, to unbutton his jeans and pulled them off. Once I had completely stripped him I kissed my way back up his legs, deliberately grazing my nipples along his legs until I reached his cock. It was semi hard, and his cock lay on his hip, I licked the seam of his balls and lightly sucked at each sac.

Poking my tongue out I licked the underside of his length to the tip firmly and swirled it around his head. Jack grunted as I licked the slit at the top. Wrapping my fingers around the base of his cock, I positioned myself so that I could wrap my lips around his head and suck hard. His hips bucked at my touch, and I could taste the salty liquid in my mouth, just a drop.

I pushed my mouth and lips as far down his shaft as I could take and back out again. Slowly I bobbed up and down taking more and more each time until my lips reached my fingers. Once I was comfortable with how much I could take of him, I drew back out, my hand following to pump him simultaneously. Jack was moaning on every pull and hissing on each push down. It excited me to have so much control over his pleasure and that my mouth could make him come.

I could feel him get hard as steel, and he was on the verge of spurting into my mouth when he grabbed me under my arms and pulled me up to him.

“I want you on your knees, now.” He ordered.

I rolled off him and knelt on all fours waving my bottom in his direction. He slapped it for my cheekiness and thrust into me.

“Fuck. You feel so good, I want you to fuck me hard.” I gritted out through my teeth.

“You got it baby, hard and rough, just how I like it.”

He pounded me from behind, my breasts swayed violently as he hit his hips against me. The sensation of his cock hitting my inside walls was just as stimulating as his balls slapped against me was unbelievable.

“Harder Jack, I’m not made of glass.”

He picked up his pace and was relentlessly thrusting into me. I was covered in sweat as the heat within me grew. This orgasm was different, and it was building but not breaking, I wasn’t sure how long Jack was going to last, but I wasn’t there yet.

“I can’t come Jack just let go without me.” I called over my shoulder.

“No way, you’re going to come with me in the next five seconds.” He panted as he grabbed my hips and pushed in further to me.

Three more thrusts and he smacked me hard on the bottom, and I detonated around him, wave after wave. I collapsed my elbows and screamed into the pillow. Jack followed me over and arched his back and pushed as far in as he could when he came. It wasn’t until I felt his warm seed spill into me that I realised he wasn’t wearing any protection. At that point in time I didn’t give a fuck, I believed him when he said he was clean. Foolish of me to trust a man I hardly knew.

“You have no idea how it feels to be inside you, skin to skin. Your walls grabbed me like a vice as you came, you were amazing.” He said as he fell to the side and took me with him.

I turned around and faced him throwing one leg over his hip. He reached for my knee and smoothed his palm up my thigh over my hip and up my rib cage to my breast and squeezed. His hand carried on its journey to my face, and he cupped my cheek and kissed me long and hard. It was like he had never kissed me before, taking his time to check every part of my mouth with his tongue. I revelled in his expertise and wondered if I would ever have sex with anyone as good again.

“I’m going to miss you so much Olivia, what will I do without you?” He said to no one in particular, he seemed lost in his thoughts, so I didn’t answer him.

Closing my eyes, I snuggled deeper into his arms and pulled the duvet cover over us.

Chapter Forty-Two


“Sweetheart wake up, you need to get dressed.” Jack whispered into my ear.

I stirred and looked confused at the room, it was in darkness. Jack was sitting on the edge of the bed fully dressed, with a glass of orange juice in his hand. I took his offering and drank down the contents. My mouth was awake before my head, and it took a few moments to work out what was happening.

“What time is it?”

“Six thirty, you need to get dressed so I can take you to the airport to get your flight. I didn’t have the heart to wake you just for food, so I let you sleep until that latest moment.”

I flung the duvet off me and dived into the bathroom to have a quick shower. Twenty minutes later I was out and dressed and good to go.

I twisted my hair up into a knot and tied it with a band and looked over at Jack at the door with my bags in his hands. That was it, our week was over, he was taking me to the airport, and we would be back to social media and emails. It didn’t feel right, it felt too clinical.

I wanted more, but I was too afraid to say so.

I moved towards him and kissed his full soft lips and opened the door to the room. I had no idea what to say, so I kept my mouth shut. We rode in the lift in silence and walked through the lobby to the reception desk so that I could check out. After a few minutes I was free to leave, Jack had gone on ahead to put my bags in the car and was out front waiting for me.

It surprised me that he was driving after seeing Sam cart us around yesterday, how quickly I got used to that luxury. I walked towards the car he was leaning against and refused his help to put me in the car. The seat was very low, and I ended up dropping the last few inches and flopped unceremoniously into the seat. Much to Jack’s amusement. If I had accepted his hand in the first place, I could have glided in.

He ran around the front of the car and elegantly got into his side and sped away as soon as the door was shut. He raced us to the airport at breakneck speed, it was a thrilling ride to the airport. I was sure he broke a few speeding rules getting me there in time for boarding, but I didn’t care. It was my last thrilling ride with Jack. We screeched to a halt outside the terminal in the drop off area, and he leapt out his side. We had still not uttered a word since the hotel, and I couldn’t form any decent words to say because I didn’t want to leave.

I waited in the car while he pulled my bag out of the boot and placed it on the pavement. He opened my door, and this time I accepted his hand graciously, and he pulled me out of the car and into his arms. This kiss was breathtaking, he kissed me hard, and for a long time, I could feel my lips bruise with his desperation. I was feeling heartbroken and clung to his back as I kissed him back. He broke away first.

“Stay Olivia, please stay here with me. Don’t go back.” He demanded with his words and expression.

I was struck dumb, he wanted me to stay as much as I wanted to. I was staggered that he wanted me that much. Every ounce of my being wanted to stay too, but I was scared to say yes.

“I can’t stay Jack, as much I want to, I’ve a life back home and a flat and a career. I can’t just abandon it after a week with you.”

His eyes filled with water but didn’t spill over. He dropped his hands from my back and broke our embrace.

“It’s ok, I know, I thought I would ask. I don’t know why I thought you would feel the same.”

The hurt look in his eyes broke my heart and tears slid down my face. I connected us again with my body and lips and kissed him hungrily. Whimpering when he conceded as our tongues danced with each other.

“I do feel the same, but I have to go.” I said through my sobs. “I didn’t expect to come here and leave feeling the way I do. I’ll call you when I get home.” I called at him as I picked up my bag.

I didn’t wait for an acknowledgement or any more conversation. I walked away into the terminal and through to my departure gate. It wasn’t until I boarded the plane and took my seat, did I burst into tears. My chest heaved while my lungs dragged in much-needed oxygen. The seat next to me was empty, but the row of people on the other side of the aisle to me didn’t hesitate in looking over with interest.

I waved my hand with the universal sign that I was ok, and I searched through my bag for my tissues. Shoving the items this way and that to find them, I touched on a box that wasn’t mine. I lifted it out and saw that it was a gift wrapped cube box with a gift tag.

My eyes were too blurred to read the tag, so I resumed looking for my tissues. When I successfully found them I held them in the air in triumph. I looked back to my audience who were wearing smiles of concern that said to me that they thought I was demented.

Wiping my eyes, I read the tag.

‘It’s not what you think, but I forgot to give them to you last night, I can’t begin to tell you how much I’m going to miss you.


I hastily tore off the paper covering the box and smoothed over the velvet cube and slowly opened it. I gasped as I saw a pair of light purple diamond earrings. They were stunning and would have matched my dress perfectly. The doors of the plane hadn’t closed, so I quickly put on the earrings, took a photo of me wearing them blowing him a kiss and sent him a text message with it.

: They are perfect, I love them.

I had an instant reply.

: You’re perfect, I love you.

Oh, my god, he just told me he loved me.

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