The Geary Series Boxed Set (2 page)

BOOK: The Geary Series Boxed Set
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Chapter Three


“What the hell am I doing Cecily?” I said whilst pacing the floor. I checked my watch for the tenth time in the last five minutes, wishing the minute hand would move slower. The taxi would be here soon to take me to the airport.

“You’re going on an adventure Olivia, and you’re going to have a great time. You wanted this, keep that in mind and you agreed to his terms.” Cecily reminded me.

“What if he turns out to be a lecherous old goat and I end up wincing each time I see his sagging balls?”

Cecily laughed at my distress and fiddled with her phone.

“Look at this Olivia, he has just tweeted that he is looking forward to meeting a friend for drinks tonight. He is talking about you. I should warn you that he has also added the hashtag play date.”

I groaned and dropped my head back to look at the ceiling, my arms draped around my waist for comfort. How did I get myself into this? Oh yes, I remember, my best friend told him I would come.

I’d been chatting to Jack for a year or so since that first contact about my underwear purchase. I mentioned to him that I was struggling with the book I was writing, especially the sex scenes. I’d told him that I wanted to write about BDSM but didn’t know where to start. He challenged me that if I hadn’t experienced it in real life then how could I write about it.

He made a valid point.

He had invited me to spend time with him, many times. He suggested that I watched him fuck a whole load of people to lift me out of my writer’s block. He suggested that I watched something other than plain vanilla sex. It made me nervous about how far he would take it. His picture on his website showed a stunning looking man, but that didn’t mean it was him. His bio didn’t mention that he owned an underwear company, he had told me that privately. Some of the people who had met him confirmed that he was gorgeous and had warm green eyes and delicious dimples. I could imagine he could have any woman he wanted before they knew about the sexy lingerie his company made. His company made amazingly sexy corsets that cost a fortune, but were the comfiest pieces of underwear I’d ever owned. I only owned one and that was a rebellious splurge on a frivolous item.

He was lovely to talk to, easy going and always full of support and great advice but he still could be lying to me about who he was or what he looked like.

“Your taxi is here Olivia, have a great time and remember to tell me everything, especially if you get naked with him.” She walked over to me and hugged me hard and kissed my cheek.

“I’ll not be getting naked with him, so there will be nothing to tell. Please tell me I’m doing the right thing?”

“You’re making the right choice. I’ve heard you talk non-stop about Jack for a year, so it’s about time you met him and got him out of your system. If you do fuck him, make sure you use protection. Even though you’re on the pill, he has been around the block a hundred times, so stay safe. I feel like your mother telling you these things, but you are too naive to know about such things.”

“Great advice,” I said sarcastically and slapped her arm “I’m not going to have sex with him, what kind of wife would that make me?” I asked.

She raised her eyebrow at me in question. “Your husband does not give two shits about what you’re going to do, so for fuck sake don’t use him as an excuse not to have mind blowing sex.”

I ignored her comment and I picked up my case, wheeling it to the door. I hugged Cecily goodbye and bumped my case down the stairs and out to the waiting taxi. I felt sick with nerves, and I could not believe that I’d decided to meet a perfect stranger to watch him have sex. My husband would go nuts if he knew what I was about to do.

Chapter Four


I watched intently at the conveyor belt, waiting for my bag at the carousel at Edinburgh airport. I was convinced that it was not going to come out because it was taking for forever. I’d stupidly decided to wear black boot shoes with very high heels, and they were already killing me. I knew he liked women in sexy high heels. Shamefully, I wanted to impress him, regardless of the fact that I could not feel my toes. Walking what seemed the entire length of Gatwick Airport and then arriving here at Edinburgh I was ready to wear slippers. Hopping from foot to foot I sent a message to Jack to tell him I’d arrived and I would see him as agreed. I finally picked up my bag and I headed out of the airport, making a beeline to the taxi rank.

I wanted to check in to the hotel I was staying at for a week before I braved walking to the bar. I needed to freshen up and settle my nerves. I was tempted to attack the mini-bar in the hotel room once I’d dumped my bag on the bed but resisted. While I was checking in, I asked at the reception desk for directions to the bar and discovered that it was only a ten minute walk.

Still keeping the heeled shoes on, I walked the ten minutes to Blue’s and stood outside giving myself the courage to step in. Checking my watch, I waited until it said nine o’clock. I stood with my hands in my jeans pockets shuddering in the cold March night outside the pub. The bar looked old and had high, arched windows, ornate doors and I could see inside that there were high ceilings. The bar seemed very busy, full of men and women in their twenties and thirties.

I fitted into that age group being at the beginning of my thirties, I hadn’t asked directly about Jack’s age but piecing together what he had told me he was in his mid-thirties. I hadn’t spoken to Jack since last night and I considered the fact that this could be all a big ruse and he was not going to be here at all.

For a Monday evening, this bar was very busy, it must be an attractive place to come. With a deep breath, I decided that there was only one way to find out if internet Jack was real. Breathing in a lung full of the frigid air I walked past the doorman and into the pub.

The noise levels were high and it took a few minutes to adjust my ears. The happy laughter and chattering above the music was intoxicating. I felt like I already had a good time.

I shouldered my way to the bar and nipped into a gap. I grabbed hold of the brass handled pole that lined the edge of the bar. There was just enough of a gap that allowed me to curl my hands around it before it met the wooden bar top. I grabbed onto it for dear life, I was nervous as hell and felt faint. I glanced at the bar staff and tried to get their attention, but my Jedi mind tricks were not working. I was getting more and more frustrated, not only because I needed a drink, but because it was getting way past the time I would meet Jack. I shifted my feet fidgeting, looking down to see if I could rest my poor feet on a step. My view was blocked by a pair of tanned, male hands circling my waist.

The backs of his hands were covered with long wispy hairs, they were dark and masculine. I felt his entire body push against my back, I instantly knew it was Jack. I watched with fascination as his hands made their way up my torso and cupped my breasts and squeezed once.

“Those breasts that you’re cupping,” I said, and I nodded towards my chest and then tilted my head back slightly to see if he heard me.

“Yes, Olivia, what about them?” His low voice rumbled through me, and I sank back into his body.

“They are married breasts.” I said.

“Oh”, was his reply, sounding confused.

He slowly dropped his left hand and snaked it so that his arm circled my waist again. His right hand dropped further down between my legs and cupped between my thighs.

He used his index finger to push against the seam of my jeans in a steady rhythm. He couldn’t possibly know, but it was in perfect time with my heart rate.

“What about this pussy?” He whispered into my ear.

My nipples shot out on end as I shivered in response to his breath on my ear and neck. What he was saying was pretty hot and I turned into a quivering wreck.

“Y-yes it is married as well.” I stuttered the words out.

The hand that was just cupping me smoothed its way up over my belly, skimming my breast and reached for my chin, pulling it towards his face. He smelled divine, warm musky scent with a twist of lemon. His lips were less than an inch away from mine, and I’d the overwhelming desire to kiss him.

“What about these lips Olivia, are they married too?” he asked me.

He gently rubbed his thumb over my lips. I wasn’t wearing any lipstick and was grateful I’d chewed it all off when I was standing outside.

“Yes, they are but they seem to have a mind of their own right now because they want to touch yours.”

Oh god, what was I doing? What was I saying? Should I let him kiss me? My decision was taken away from me when he kissed my cheek. He broke away from me by an inch or so. I looked back towards the bar staff to see if anyone has been watching. Jack hugged me closer to him and squeezed me. I could feel his delight against my lower back.

“You’re hard?” I ask him incredulously.

“You’re a gorgeous woman, why would I not be hard for you?” He said, his voice sounding his confusion.

I placed my hands over his, mainly to keep them at my waist and to stop them roaming around.

“How did you know it was me Jack? Or do you do that to all women.”

“I know what you look like Olivia but I must say you’re more beautiful in person than your picture.” He whispered into my ear.

I still hadn’t looked around to see if his picture matched the real thing. His body felt amazingly firm, and I could have stayed in his arms all night. I had to remind myself that I was not here to feel his body.

Chapter Five


“Are you going to let her have a drink or are you just going to fuck her at the bar?” I deep booming voice asked from behind the bar.

We were being watched, and I blushed from my head to my toes in embarrassment, the guy was huge too, I needed to look up to see his face.

As I gazed up into his beautiful soft green eyes, I realised two things. Firstly, the barman looked exactly like Jack’s picture and secondly, that there was a mirror behind the bar. I sneaked a look at Jack’s face and my good God he was stunning. His green eyes bored holes into mine. He had caught me red-handed checking out his reflection.

“What do you want to drink?” The barman asked me.

“A bottle of beer, Bud it you have it.”

“Your usual drink Jack?” The barman asked him.

“Yeah Elijah, thanks.” Jack replied back.

“Is this his bar?” I asked Jack.

“Yeah, it’s his alright, he has the clientele eating out of his hand. It’s not easy packing a bar out on a Monday night.”

Elijah busied himself getting the drinks and I looked back up to the mirror and looked at Jack again. I watched as he dipped his mouth to my ear. His tongue came out of his mouth and he licked the edge of my ear lobe. He then dragged his tongue straight down from my ear to my pulse point. His eyes never left mine as he sucked on my skin and gently bit down.

My knickers were damp with my want. I hadn’t yet faced him, and I wanted to fuck his brains out. How could a man make me want to do that from just being in his presence for five minutes? It probably had to do with my imagination and also his emails telling me about his play dates.

“Turn around Olivia, I want to look into your eyes.” He said to me.

“I can’t, I’m too nervous to look at you. I can’t believe I came here.” I stammered.

He manhandled me like I weighed nothing, lifting me by my waist and turning me around wrapping his arms around my back. I was flush with the front of his hard body, and I could feel his cock against my belly. His hands were slowly making their way from my back and down to my arse, and he cupped both cheeks to bring me even nearer to his body. There was not a breath of fresh air between us.

I was so nervous, this was someone I’d been talking to for a year and knew just how persuasive he could be. I opened my eyes and looked at his chin, he had a five o’clock shadow that looked like he hadn’t shaved in days, but probably only shaved this morning. I looked up past his dimpled smile to see his green eyes twinkling back at me.

“You’re stunning.” I stated.

“Why, thank you sweetheart. You’re gorgeous too, just one look at you makes me hard as steel.”

“I’m not here for you to seduce me Jack, we are here for me to improve my sex writing.” I said sternly.

I tried to wriggle out of his grasp, but he was not moving an inch to allow me to escape.

“You’re not going anywhere sweetheart I want nothing more than to kiss every inch of your body.” He told me.

Blushing again I dropped my head, resting my forehead against his chest, I shook my head slowly from side to side. I knew it was a mistake to come here to him after going so long without sex. All of my senses were on red alert, and I knew if he touched my clit right now I would go off like a rocket.

He squeezed my arse to get my attention back. I looked up to him, and he nodded to the drinks on the bar.

“I need to pay for those drinks.” I said as I moved my hands from his belt loops to search my bag.

“Your money is no good here beautiful, the drinks are on me.”

He leaned down and kissed my cheek. Reaching over to the bar Jack handed me my drink and he grabbed his. He used his other hand to take mine and lead me away from the busy bar and towards the back where he showed me to a booth. Sitting in the booth was a very tall brunette woman who should be modelling couture clothes on the front of Vogue. Jack made the introductions.

“This is Laine, and she will be my date for tonight. Laine this is Olivia, the writer I told you about.”

I reached across the table and shook Laine’s hand, for a slim framed woman she had a surprisingly strong handshake. I must have looked like a deer in the headlights because Laine burst out laughing.

“Are you ok sweetie? You look scared.” Laine asked me.

“I’m a bit nervous, I was not expecting to meet you so soon. Now I know who I’ll be watching Jack have sex with tonight, it’s making it all a bit real.”

“Well, do not worry sweetie, I don’t mind being watched. In fact, it makes me wet just thinking that we’ll have company tonight. Normally when there is more than the two of us they are participating.” She murmured to me, the way she spoke was luscious, all sultry tones and sex. I felt that I was sinking into her vortex and struggled to pull away from her gaze. Her lips were painted bright matte red, inviting me to kiss them.

I looked at Jack, who had seated himself next to me, and he just smirked. I knew how he behaved, his emails and conversations. What had I got myself into? Jack liked to fuck women and often. He was adventurous and he would try anything once and had no inhibitions in telling me frequently what he wanted to do with me.

“Olivia, you do not have to do anything you do not wish to do. You wanted this to improve your sex writing, and I’m more than willing to help you. I’m a tactile man and will not be able to help myself and touch you.  You just need to say when it’s too much for you to cope with.” Jack said.

I’d spent years writing romance novels and had topped best sellers lists with my books. For a while, I wanted to venture into erotica but wanted to write authentically but had no experience of writing explicitly. When I’d told Jack about this, I confessed that was the reason I continued chatting with him to see if I could write erotica. That was when he challenged me in writing from experience. I’d talked to him about the areas I wanted to experience and left any other detail to him.

I looked down and saw his hand lightly smoothing up and down my jean-clad thigh. I found it comforting and soothing, and I left his hand where it was. I was ok with that. I looked across the table to where Laine was seated and watched her as she scanned the room, undressing people with her eyes. She was perfectly ok with Jack stroking my leg, knowing she was going to be naked with him very soon.

“Ok, I can cope with those rules. What are your plans for me this week?” I asked.

“I’ve set up play dates for four of the five nights. I’ve not found a play date yet for your final night but let me worry about that. I looked at your list of desires, and I think I have them all included. I must say that they are somewhat tame.”

“I do not want to see anyone get hurt, I want to see the pleasure, and I’ve no intention of writing about violence. On the basis that I’ve never experienced any BDSM I want it to be as tame as possible.”

“Ok, then how about this, if it gets too intense during the play date, you can get up and walk out of the room and we’ll carry on, how about that? I’ll make sure it’s essential stuff. I’ll only get the whip out on one of the nights.”

“That sounds fair, when do we start?”

“You’re eager. What about now? Drink up and we can get going.” He said.

“Oh! Right now?” I asked a little taken aback.

“Yes sweetheart, right now.” He whispered into my ear, and his hand reached my pussy again, his index finger trying its best to penetrate through my jeans.

"Too much," I said as I shifted his hand and drained my beer.

“We’ll revisit what you just stated in a few days’ time.” He said sporting a smug smile.

“I can promise you there will be nothing penetrating my body while I’m here.” I say a little too snootily.

Jack laughed at my reaction and shrugged his shoulders.

“That leaves a whole lot of room for you to penetrate someone else then doesn’t it?”

He winked at me and tugged me out of the booth by the hand. Laine was also chuckling softly as she caught my other hand. I was way out of my depth here and had an urge to run in the other direction.

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