The Geek and His Artist (18 page)

BOOK: The Geek and His Artist
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“Touch,” Jimmy muttered and Simon sat up, straddling Jimmy’s hips and pushing at Jimmy’s T-shirt.

When it was off, he ran his hands over Jimmy’s chest, marveling at the soft skin. “You’re wrong,” Simon murmured, burning the image in front of him onto his brain.

“I’m wrong?” Jimmy asked, his voice light and nearly breathless.

Simon nodded. “You do have muscles, and it’s beautiful.”

Jimmy looked stunned, and Simon realized he’d called his boyfriend beautiful. But before he had a chance to get embarrassed, Jimmy grinned. “Can’t get a better compliment than for an artist to call you beautiful.” He tugged on Simon until their lips crashed together again.

They didn’t part again until Jimmy pulled on Simon’s Green Lantern T-shirt and Simon had to sit up enough for him to take it off. He paid
attention to where it got tossed. He was too focused on Jimmy’s hands on him, lips on his collarbone. Jimmy made a frustrated sound and hauled Simon up so he could kiss more of Simon’s chest.

Simon’s groan when Jimmy kissed a nipple was loud enough to wake the dead. He couldn’t care—he could only think about the feel of those lips. He braced himself against the arm of the couch, but he couldn’t do it for long. Jimmy seemed to sense it and kissed the other nipple quickly before tugging him down for another kiss.

“Please, Simon,” Jimmy murmured. “Touch me?”

Unlike their date, when those words had surprised—and slightly confused—Simon, this time he had no trouble figuring out what Jimmy wanted. He sat up again and worked button and zipper open to find black cotton underneath. He looked up at Jimmy with raised eyebrows. “Black?”

Jimmy grinned. “I’d kind of hoped you’d get to see them.”

“Planning on this, were you?” Simon asked, thrilled at the thought.

“Well, I
expected to have to drive you somewhere or hope for a little bit of time in my room, but this is
better than that.”

“Oh yeah,” Simon agreed. He brushed his fingers over the lump in the black cotton and Jimmy gasped.

“Fuck, Simon, that feels good.”

Simon grinned, loving the look on Jimmy’s face. “Oh?” He pushed one finger under the waistband and teased the tip he found just inside. Precum beaded there, and Simon spread it along the slit.

“Oh God,” Jimmy groaned, rocking his hips.

Simon decided he couldn’t wait anymore. He’d felt Jimmy on their date but hadn’t managed to actually see him. He peeled the jeans back, then tugged Jimmy’s underwear, glancing up to see Jimmy focused on his face.
He’s worried!

Simon tugged a little more until he could free all of Jimmy. And his mouth watered, his body heated, and his own cock jumped. Jimmy was longer and thicker than he was, the foreskin still covering part of the tip, and Simon swallowed at the thought of what he wanted to do with it. He may not have had access to much porn, but he had a
vivid imagination.

He looked up at Jimmy and smiled. “Gorgeous,” he whispered, then shocked Jimmy completely by leaning down and taking it in his mouth, swallowing as much as he could.

“Holy fuck!” Jimmy shouted. His hands went to Simon’s head, his hips rocked, and Simon found his gag reflex.

He pulled back, swallowing convulsively.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Jimmy said, hands moving over Simon’s head.

Simon moved off completely and held a hand up at him. “I’m fine. It’s okay.” He grinned. “I think your parents heard that shout at the Waterfront, though.”

Jimmy laughed. “Probably. I wasn’t expecting that.”

“Do you want me to stop?”

“Ohfuckno,” Jimmy blurted and Simon’s grin widened.

“Good,” he said, then swallowed Jimmy’s length again.

Jimmy put his hands back on Simon’s head, threading his fingers through Simon’s hair, but apparently worked to keep himself from thrusting again. Simon had no clue what he was doing, so he just moved his mouth over it, wrapping his hand around to cover what he couldn’t swallow and stroking with each bob of his head. He knew he was horrible, but Jimmy didn’t seem to care, if the sounds were anything to go by.

In fact, in a very short time, those sounds became a little frantic and turned into a spill of words that sounded more like one long word. “Oh God, Simon, now, I’m… oh

And then Simon tasted cum for the first time in his life.

He didn’t have a chance to think too much at first, too busy trying to swallow. Once he could actually think, he decided he liked the taste. Maybe that was partially because it was Jimmy, but it didn’t really matter. It only turned him on more.

He pulled off, and Jimmy tugged on him until he was sprawled across his boyfriend’s chest. Jimmy panted hard, and Simon couldn’t stop the grin at the combined look of pure satisfaction, pleasure, and shock on Jimmy’s face. A look
put there.

“You look rather pleased with yourself,” Jimmy rumbled when he could speak, grinning back at Simon.

Simon blushed, but before he could do anything else, he was manhandled farther along Jimmy’s body until he was straddling Jimmy’s chest. Jimmy made quick work of his jeans, and his hard cock and wet tip hit the cool air. Simon gasped, and then it was engulfed in Jimmy’s mouth.

“Ohfuckyes,” he moaned, bracing himself on the arm of the couch above Jimmy’s head. Jimmy wrapped his arms around Simon’s hips and pulled until Simon had nearly buried himself in Jimmy’s mouth. His eyes were glued to Jimmy’s lips, unable to look away. His boyfriend was sucking him! Sensations he’d never felt, could barely believe, bombarded him, and he knew it would take an embarrassingly short amount of time before he lost control and came.

Jimmy seemed to be determined to help that along. He gagged once, backed up, started again, then pulled on Simon’s hips until he was thrusting into Jimmy’s mouth.

As soon as that thought sunk in, he lost it, and the shout of Jimmy’s name nearly rattled the walls. He shook hard, gripping the couch, unable to do anything but focus on Jimmy’s touch and the feelings rioting around his body.

When it was over, he moved in what felt like slow motion, collapsing onto Jimmy’s chest. “Oh my God.” He still couldn’t seem to breathe, his body buzzing. He felt
in a way he’d never felt before. “Wow, I….”

“I take it you like it?” Jimmy murmured into his good ear.

Simon looked up and nodded several times quickly. “Oh, yes. Yes, yes.”

Jimmy beamed. “Good.” He kissed Simon softly, and Simon could just taste what must have been himself on Jimmy’s lips. “Oooh, I like tasting myself on you.”

Simon blushed. “I liked tasting you.”

“I liked it too. Tasting you, I mean. God, that was amazing, both parts.” Jimmy wrapped his arms tightly around Simon as he settled in with his head tucked under Jimmy’s chin. They lay for several long moments in silence. “Want to just lay here and watch a movie?”

Simon nodded, feeling sleepy.

“Anything in particular?”

“I don’t care,” he whispered. He felt too good, was too comfortable. Safe.

He never even saw which movie Jimmy chose.




bother with the movie. He flipped to the On Demand stuff and started to look, but before he could pick something, he felt Simon’s even breathing. He grinned down at his boyfriend who looked… well, adorable was the only word for it, passed out on him.

. He slept because he felt safe. It reminded Jimmy of the promise he’d made earlier, and his arms tightened briefly. Simon stirred a little, and Jimmy stilled until he settled again.

Jimmy tugged on the blanket his mom kept on the back of the couch and managed to spread it over Simon’s back and still half-uncovered ass. Then he pushed Simon’s hair aside and carefully pulled the hearing aid out. He’d done some reading on them when they’d started dating and knew Simon shouldn’t sleep on it. After setting it on the coffee table next to their shirts, he buried his face in Simon’s hair and inhaled deeply.

“God, you are so precious to me,” he whispered into Simon’s hair. “I love you so much, just want to keep you here, protect you.” He closed his eyes, fighting the emotion that welled up. He couldn’t, wouldn’t force it, wouldn’t take Simon’s choice away, but he wanted to keep Simon safe. Every time Simon went back to that place, Jimmy was terrified it would be the last time.

He took a deep breath, forcing the fear back for now, and instead worked to savor what he had. He was asleep a few minutes later.

Chapter Ten




sure what woke him, but he did
want to get up. Warmth surrounded him, Jimmy’s scent filled his nose, and he was more comfortable than he could ever remember being—despite the boner poking his hip. He could live with that, knowing he was the cause. Especially since he was hard too.

He couldn’t believe he’d fallen asleep, but he guessed all the food, the panic attack, then the sex were certainly reasons enough to pass out on top of his boyfriend. And really, he couldn’t think of a better place to do it. He inhaled deeply, savoring Jimmy’s smell, then shifting just a little, mostly to relieve the pressure on his now-uncomfortable erection.

That’s when he realized he couldn’t hear as well in his left ear as he should have been able to. His hand flew up to the side of his face, and he started to panic when he realized his hearing aid wasn’t there.

Before the panic could take a real hold, Jimmy reached out and held his hearing aid up in front of him. “I’ve got it, baby, don’t worry,” he murmured, handing the little device over, then pushing Simon’s hair aside.

But Simon couldn’t move right away. He simply stared at Jimmy for a stunned moment. “You… how… how did you know?”

Jimmy smiled. “I’ve known for a few months. During lunch one day, you moved your hair aside when you scratched your face, and I saw it.”

Simon blinked. “You did?”

“Yeah, why?” Jimmy looked totally puzzled.

“I… I guess I thought….” Simon hesitated. “You don’t care?”

Jimmy shook his head. “Of course I don’t. Why would I?”

Simon frowned as he put the hearing aid in place. “I… I don’t know. I guess I thought… you know… stuff wrong with me.” By the end he was mumbling as he realized how silly that sounded.

Jimmy shrugged a shoulder. “No one’s perfect.” He smiled. “But to me, you are.”

Simon blushed. He had no idea what to say to that. He opened his mouth to reply, though he had no idea with what when Jimmy’s phone beeped.

Jimmy snatched it up off the coffee table and ran his thumb over the screen. His face split into a huge grin. “See? Perfect,” he said, turning the phone around.

Simon, his face red from Jimmy’s words, couldn’t help smiling at the picture in front of him. It had obviously been taken a very short time before. He was lying on Jimmy, whose face was buried in the hair on top of Simon’s head. The picture showed them just from the shoulders up, and Simon realized they both looked naked under the blanket. His eyes widened. “Oh, no. I… I hope she doesn’t think we’re—” He swallowed, glancing down at Jimmy’s bare chest. “—naked.”

“Oh no.” Jimmy shook his head. “She wouldn’t have taken the picture if she did.” He turned the phone back and smiled at the picture again. “I’m glad she took this. It’s a great pic.”

Simon couldn’t keep from smiling again at the look on Jimmy’s face. “It… it is.”

Jimmy wrapped a hand around Simon’s neck and pulled until Simon leaned in and they kissed. “I could get used to sleeping that close to you.”

More heat exploded onto Simon’s face, but he couldn’t disagree. “It was wonderful.”

After a silent moment as they stared at each other, Jimmy said, “You know, if I thought we could manage it, I’d marry you to get you out of there. But until you’re eighteen—when you could leave on your own anyway—you’d need
permission, which….”

“He wouldn’t give,” Simon managed to whisper, stunned once again. “You’d… marry me?”

Jimmy nodded. “Yeah, I would. I don’t mean to scare you, Simon. I just… I wish I could get you out of there.”

Simon glanced away and swallowed. He started to sit up, but Jimmy wrapped both arms tighter around Simon.

“Please don’t go. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay,” Simon said, settling in again. “I just….” He shook his head, glancing away, when he saw the time on the cable box and his stomach twisted. The green numbers glowed with a mocking six forty-five, and Simon jumped up, forgetting about being shirtless, forgetting everything. “Shit. Shit, shit, shit. I’m late, oh fuck!”

He scrambled for his shirt and shoes, when strong arms pulled him against Jimmy’s chest. “Calm down, baby. I’ll get you back there. You can stay, just stay here, baby, and it won’t matter.”

Simon knew he was shaking as the fear burned an icy path through his body. “I… I can’t, just… if you can’t take me home, that’s okay. I’ll take the bus, but I have to

The muscles in Jimmy’s jaw twitched, but whatever internal debate he had going on ended in seconds and he dropped a kiss on Simon’s lips. “No. I’ll take you. I’m sorry.” He kissed Simon again before dropping to the couch to retrieve his sneakers. Simon fumbled with his own, his hand shaking so hard, he had trouble pulling the laces loose enough to get his foot into the damned thing. He continued to struggle with it for another moment until it was plucked from his hand, and he looked up to see Jimmy opening the laces for him. He handed it back without a word and picked up the other shoe.

Simon blinked a few times, then shoved his foot into the shoe, taking the other when Jimmy finished with it, then watching in shock when Jimmy simply pulled his foot up and tied it. “I can tie my shoes,” he mumbled, forcing himself to breathe so he could calm down to do so.

“I know you can. You’re worried, for good reason. I’ll go tell Mom we’re going.” He dropped a kiss on Simon’s cheek and left the room.

BOOK: The Geek and His Artist
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