The Generator: The Succubae Seduction (83 page)

BOOK: The Generator: The Succubae Seduction
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I move my arms around to her back, sitting up, and then laying her back. I pull out all but the tip of my prick, and then drive into her tight orifice, pounding her sensory-overloaded vagina again and again, not letting up, and driving her orgasm on and on.

I know I won’t last at this pace, but I don’t care. My mind is fuzzed with lust, wanting to reach my own culmination. I see her mouth moving, trying to form words, but I can’t hear anything other than grunts from her as I continue to drill her.

The first volley catches her off-guard, and I see her eyes open wide as I flood her insides with impotent semen. A long wail escapes her throat, and I can hear our combined juices squelching out of her with each thrust.

“Not a word to Thomas,” she states seriously as we get dressed.

“He won’t hear a thing about it from me,” I tell her honestly. She gives me a quick peck on the lips, smiling appreciatively at me. “Besides, I think I have an idea on how to help out with your situation, without giving our little tryst away.”

So I take it I’m forgiven?
my father’s voice fills my mind, responding to my thoughts and request to him.

“Not in the least,” I murmur under my breath so that Ondine won’t hear. “You hid my daughter from me. But I might not be so angry with you, for Helping Thomas.” I walk over to the bed as Ondine walks out. I have some work to do, to atone for what I’d just done to my friend’s woman. Guilt fills my heart as I lie down and enter my Mens Mundi.

Sex school is about to take place. My Mens Mundi will be the campus, Thomas the student, and my father the instructor. I guess that makes me the principal.


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Chapter 31

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

What Must Come


Thomas was still angry with me when I brought him into my Mens Mundi. The fact that Ondine had revealed his inability to get her off didn’t help. It took both Shemhazau and me to calm him down enough to listen to reason.

I still feel guilty for sleeping with his woman, but as I sit on the edge of the stream in my mind, listening to my father—the one-time ruler of the succubae—give him advice on how to please women, I let some of it go. I’m just glad the older man was finally willing to let go of some of his pride and listen.

“Well, I’ve done all I can for now,” my father’s voice states right behind me. “I don’t want to overwhelm him all at once and honestly, if you’d just bring in some women for him to try out. . . .”

“No,” I state firmly. He’d tried arguing that talking is all well and good, but he needs to practice. I can see his arguments as an opportunity to be a lecherous old man. Besides, I can’t bring Ondine into my Mens Mundi without feeling awkward, any of my women are off limits—I know, I’m a hypocrite—and I’m not willing to bring some stranger in here. Jennifer may be willing, but I don’t even know how I’d go about asking her that.

“Well, he seems like an eager student, so it’ll only take a few hundred years to teach him everything I know.” I don’t know if he’s just bragging, or being serious. I’m not sure if I want to know that much about my father.

“Then I’d better get up and get to work,” I state, standing and skipping a rock down the stream.

“You sure you don’t want to bring someone else in here?” he asks me. “I’m sure we could have some fun with Jennifer’s large tits. I think she’d even be into doing it. Sex is a great stress reliever.”

I ignore him, pulling myself out of my Mens Mundi, and waking up.

Suit yourself,
he tells me as I walk out of my room.

My eyes go straight to Emmet as I close my door behind me. I’ve come to a decision about the balding healer. Before I can get to him, however, Brooke and Becky are right there. I notice that Gaia is nowhere to be seen.

“What happened?” the short brunette asks me.

“Ondine still refuses to talk to us, but at least she looks happier,” Brooke throws in next. I wonder that they don’t put two and two together. Looking into Becky’s eyes, I see that she has, but I’m thankful she stays quiet.

“Thomas isn’t a bad guy,” I tell them. “It was all a misunderstanding.”

“I’m glad my name has been cleared,” the referenced man states, obviously annoyed that there was ever any question.

We exchange nods and understand that the matter between us is settled.

I finish moving over to Emmet, who stands to greet me.

“He cast a spell to put Thomas to sleep after you went into your room with Ondine,” Areth says, landing on my shoulder. Thankfully her next question is whispered. “Did you go in there and do perverted things to the little mermaid? She looked like I felt the last time you did perverted thing to me when she walked out.” Maybe the fairy is learning some tact.

“I know,” I state before I can think better of it, ignoring her other question.

I hear someone ask “How?” behind me, but I ignore that also.

“You could have used the chaos of the situation to try and escape, but you didn’t.” I don’t make it a question, but a statement of fact.

“Somehow I felt that the chaos may have ended in violence, and I didn’t want that,” he tells me evenly.

I examine the balding man, trying to figure out his angle. For the most part, he’s been the perfect prisoner. Considering his order’s penchant for wanting every creature from this world killed, I’d expected him to be a bigger handful. I’m also a bit surprised that he wouldn’t want violence to break out.

“Brooke, may I see your sword, please?” I ask, holding my hand out, but not looking away from the Paladonic Healer. The man flinches as I feel the grip hit my palm. When I realize she hasn’t let go, I turn to look at her.

“Don’t,” she tells me. I can see the uncertainty in her gaze. She’d wanted him dead right away from the way his brethren had treated her, but for her to try and stop me from doing it now, says something.

She lets go when I nod to her, and I turn back to face Emmet. I can see a trickle of sweat slip from his large forehead, but he remains standing tall as I bring the shimmering blue blade around. Moving quickly, I grab his tied wrists and free them on the edge of the sharp blade. He stares at me in shock as I do the same for his feet.

“Are you sure about this, Lyden?” Jennifer asks me. “It was his people that killed Lisa.”

Hearing my dead lover’s name sends a jolt through me, but I shove it away. “This man has done nothing to hurt us. He hasn’t necessarily been on our side, but I won’t kill a man for something his friends have done.”

“While I agree with you on that,” Jewkes states, assuming his police role, “I have to wonder. We’re at war. Anyone who isn’t our ally should be considered dangerous.”

“No,” I say, holding my ground. I hand Brooke’s sword back to her hilt first, and then place my now empty hand on Emmet’s shoulder. “I can’t spare the time or effort to return you to Earth, but I won’t keep you here against your will, either.”

His eyes narrow as he considers my words. “I’m a dead man if I go out there on my own,” he tells me. “I’m still a prisoner.”

I nod, knowing that what he says is true. As a human, if he were to leave here without any protection, some supernatural creature or another would take him. After that, who knows what’d happen to him.

“Yes, I suppose you are, but I won’t have you treated like one anymore. Besides, so are Becky, Jennifer, and Captain Jewkes, by that same logic.” He chews on his cheeks for a moment, considering my words.

“They’re here by their own choice,” he states after a moment.

Some of my patience slips. I’d been trying to offer an olive branch to the man, and he’s treating it like a slap in the face. “They’re also here because your people will kill them if they return to Earth.” I state a bit heatedly.

“We don’t kill humans,” he argues back.

“Like Lisa?” Becky joins in, her eyes hot. I wonder if I’m going to have to get between the two of them.

The man deflates, however, before I have to act. “I’m so very sorry. What the Grand Meister did was wrong and goes against everything I’d been taught.” There is true sadness in his voice as he apologizes.

Becky just turns away from him, going to her room. I know I should go comfort her, but I need to take care of this situation first.

“And I’m sure they taught you that any creature not human needs to be killed?” I ask him gently.

“Anything not natural,” he agrees, and then looks up sharply, realizing what his words might mean here.

“You were taught wrong,” I tell him, squeezing his shoulder. “There are some that are dangerous, but not all of us.”

He nods thankfully, and I wonder if I’ve just converted the man.

I turn away from him, allowing him to think over things on his own. I head straight for Becky’s door, but Gaia’s voice stops me.

“There is a lot of work that needs to be done, Generator, and I fear little time to do it.” Turning, I see her on her dais; the strain around her eyes and in her posture speaks volumes.

“No rest for the weary or wicked, I take it,” I state sarcastically.

“Oh, I highly doubt you’re weary,” she smiles knowingly at me. Considering the strength I received from Ondine’s three orgasms earlier, I can’t argue with her. Thomas gives me an odd look, but I ignore him. I still feel guilty about what I did.

“What do you need from me now?” I ask, trying to move the subject forward. I see Thomas lean over and ask his mermaid something—when had she come out?—but she just shrugs. Becky leans in and says something to him and suddenly he looks relieved. If I’d had any doubts that she knew what’d happened, they’re gone now as she gives me a conspiratorial smile. What did I do to deserve her?

“The last step,” the Pillar of Earth states, missing nothing that goes on around her, “will be the most dangerous, short of fighting the Outsider directly. Thankfully, you already have a head start.” I wait for her to continue, getting slightly annoyed that she won’t come right out and state what she wants. “You need to get a token from each Pillar. Something that’ll represent their strength or power. I believe you already have something from the Pillar of Light?”

I remember the horn pendant the Angel Michael gave me, and my hand goes to my chest. I had completely forgotten about it, and even though I know it hasn’t been on me since then, my fingers find it beneath my shirt. Where does it go when I don’t think about it? For some reason that thought bothers me. What if I go to use it and it’s not there?

The dark skinned woman waves to the floor next to me. I look down to see a chunk of adamantium with a loop to place it on the chain next to the horn. A tingle seeps into my fingers as I pick up the precious metal. It takes me only a moment to place it on the chain and the chain back around my neck. Its weight sits comfortably against my chest. I wonder when it’ll disappear again.

“You have more than earned that token of my power. You now have two of the six tokens you need,” Gaia continues speaking. “It will take the combined efforts of all six to destroy the Outsider and the forces it’s brought into this world.”

“Wait, what forces?” Jewkes asks. “I thought the thing was alone.”

I see others around the room nodding their agreement with this statement.

“The Outsider came alone,” she informs us, “but it has gained allies along the way. Also, while this world was weakened by the loss of two Pillars, it brought another of its kind here.”

Her words suck the air from my lungs. I feel as though I’d just been punched in the guts. There were now
of those things here? I’d hoped that Aldol would have been busy trying to find out what had happened to TanaVesta, but now I find out that it had worked to bring another of its kind here to help destroy our worlds.

“Who would ally with it?” Becky asks.

“King Aeacus, ruler of the Myrmidons,” she states flatly. “As soon as he saw that his queen and lover, TanaVesta, was dead and Angela in her place, he fled. The Outsider found him. They are now working together.”

“But the succubus just barely took over,” Jennifer says. “How can you possibly know that already?”

Gaia turns her formidable gaze on the large-chested woman, and though it never reaches her weary eyes, she smiles.

“I know everything that occurs. Anything that happens while something is touching my soil, I know.” Gaia pauses and for a wonder, I see Jennifer gulp and turn a bit red. Her eyes flicker towards me, or at least I think they do. They moved so fast. “Yes, Jennifer Lansbury. Even

I want to ask what that exchange was about, but Ondine speaks up, and my mind is taken elsewhere. “Lyden will never get something like that from Varun. He’s so paranoid these days.” I see Thomas try to hush her, but she places her hand on his shoulder and looks him in the eyes for a moment. A second later, he nods and turns to face Gaia. Hopefully the time I’d spent with her is helping them. It looks like some of the nonsexual advice my father gave him has seeped in.

For some reason, the Pillar of Earth looks to Brooke, waiting for something. After a couple of uncomfortable seconds, the redhead bows her head and reaches into her shirt. She pulls out a worked silver necklace with a pendant in the shape of an aquamarine seahorse dangling from it.

“It was Commander Douglas’s,” she says, her cheeks nearly as red as her hair. Even after everything that’d happened between her and her old commander, including her killing him, I’m surprised to hear her call him
Douglas. “I found it in his hut after I, I mean, we. . . .” She trails off, and I move over to hug her to me.

“It’s okay, Brooke,” I tell her softly, having no idea why she would try to hide this from me.

Her arms hold me tight as her head rests on my shoulder. “I was afraid you’d be angry with me for wanting to keep it,” she says. “You were still under Muramasa’s influence, and considering that he killed your mother, I was afraid you’d lose it and send me away, or worse.”

Considering the way my mind had worked back then while the evil blade had whispered to me, ‘or worse’ could have meant killing her.

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