The Gentile Witness Book II, Elijah (7 page)

BOOK: The Gentile Witness Book II, Elijah
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Chapter 13

10:30 PM Thursday
Kansas City, Missouri – Liberty Memorial, Anchor Desk

The producers once again seated us on the couch. John had returned. He leaned over and asked, “Is it okay to continue where we left off with Elijah?”

“That will be fine you ask the questions and I will tell you the answers.”

“Enoch is this ok with you also.”

“Yes John I am in concert with Elijah.”

I noticed as John sat back in his chair and the countdown clock continued to zero, he seemed more back in control. I think he was having difficulty at the end of the last session. He also had a new application of makeup on. 

“Hello America and the world” John said. “We are continuing our interview with the self proclaimed Witnesses from God. We were earlier discussing Elijah’s comment tonight about all the worlds Jews returning to Israel immediately.” 

Turning towards Elijah John said, “Now Elijah, the Israeli government has no idea of your plans. Is that correct?”

“Yes that is correct.”

“And you feel confident they will not interfere with either you or Enoch and allow the Jews in even if it means displacing other societies and rebuild the Temple. Is that also correct?”

“Yes and no. No, they are not going to like it, but yes they eventually will do as God has instructed.”

“What of Israel’s enemies whom may say this is not acceptable? How are you going to protect them? As you stated earlier America will not be able to help. Without America’s interference many will feel now is a good time maybe to destroy Israel.”

Elijah then put his hand in his robe and withdrew an object from his pocket. He took the object and handed it to John. John took the small object from him placed it in the palm of his hand and said, “What is this?”

“Show it to the camera and I will explain.”

John moved his hand palm flat towards the camera and the cameraperson panned to it. As the image came on the screen, Elijah began explaining, “This is a locust, or a grasshopper, as many of you call it. I caught this one a few days ago in the desert. You see this particular species is what we call a desert locust. On several occasions in history, these insects have been used by God to get his point across.”

Pointing at the grasshopper in John’s hand he continued, “These insects, as you know, eat grass and all green things. They eat their weight on a daily basis. These insects are usually undetected until it is too late. They then swarm and wipe out entire areas. They travel to their destinations by the winds of the earth. Therefore, if the winds blow north, they go north. If they blow south, the locusts go south.”

The monitor I could see was split in half one with the locust and the other side with Elijah. I noticed his body language was very animated as he talked about his insect and was in what appeared a good spirits. He must like the part he was playing I surmised. Elijah continued with his explanation. 

“In the event any attempts to stop Israel from doing what God has commanded by use of force will soon see these insects destroy their country. No one or any country will interfere with Gods commandment to the Jews returning to Israel and rebuilding their Temple. Simply put John is that within 24-48 hours of an attack or even a threat to Israel that country or countries will encounter these little pests. So let their enemies beware. Moreover, it does not mean a major offensive against Israel. This is the warning. These insects will destroy any country that sends even one rocket or bomb into Israeli airspace or land. After destroying their crops in three days, they will then infiltrate their homes, storage areas, stores, and granaries. There will be not one ounce of food left in that country.”

Elijah paused then cocked his head as he smiled said, “I forgot…there is one other thing John. Countries bordering Israel need to take the non-Jews into their countries and care for them or they also will be destroyed.”

“What you are describing sounds like a direct threat Elijah.” John said.

Elijah looked at John shrugged his shoulders then with a look of what did you expect answered. “No it as a promise. Let me explain something to you John. God does not have to detonate a nuclear bomb, destroy everything, and make in uninhabitable to get his point across. He uses the powers of the universe, or as many call ‘Mother Nature, to do his will. Just like the current catastrophes in California, the rains in Northern Africa and South East Asia, of course the hurricanes approaching America. God does not permanently harm the earth as man does to punish humanity as men do. The Earth itself is, protected. After the insects leave in time, the affected area will return to normal but the aggressors will be, punished. Therefore, I hope what I have told you make sense. To summarize what we have discussed so far let me say this. All who can hear my voice understand and definitely beware-- of the power-- Enoch and I have in God’s name. As the scriptures say, we can if necessary cause havoc, pain, and even death to those who wish to interfere with God’s plan.”

John leaned forward to say something but then Elijah interrupted; “Also I might add, in the event the leaders of Israel are not cooperative and do as God commands, the same could happen to them as well. The Jews over the ages are well aware of God’s wrath...definitely more than the gentiles.”

John then asked, “So Elijah if I understand what you just said is…if Israel is threatened by anyone, including the government of the United States, this calamity could occur to their country?”


“Then why may I ask has America been selected to be destroyed by earthquakes and hurricanes. We are Israel’s supporters and always have been.”

“John, you are trying to bargain with God like Abraham did. There is no bargaining here. Both Enoch and I have answered your question before. Look at America…listen again to Enoch’s sermon tonight and then maybe you will understand. Know also, it is not only God who is punishing America it is also the Antichrist and his agents that are destroying America and have been for some time. Once you lost, your way with God, America lost his blessing. Your money says In God, We Trust…but is that true. No, it is not. The almighty Dollar is what America trusts, not the almighty God.” 

“Ok, back to the locust Elijah. So, say Iran denounces or attacks Israel over the eventual replacement of the Dome for the Temple. If I understand what you said, their country will be attacked by these?” as John held up the locust. “And all that is green in their country will be consumed?”


“The other statement you made is that foreigners leave Israel. What about the other people in Israel specifically the Palestinians? What about them Elijah, they live in Israel.”

“First off the Palestinians live in Gaza or should be. Even though that is Israel, their occupation there is acceptable. Foreigners have always lived in Israel, in the Old Testament days as now. The difference is that the foreigners continue to war against Israel inside their borders and that has to cease. The militant groups, such as Hamas, continue to cause destruction with suicide bombers and rocket launches, not always within Gaza but within Israel itself. That behavior will stop. I will make them wish they were dead…but not allow them to die. They will suffer greatly if this continues. I have the power of God to protect Israel from any enemies, either inside or outside their borders. I just stated to you countries bordering Israel need to take these other people into their borders. So other than the Gaza Strip, all other foreigners residing in Israel must leave. Israel is to be free of non-believers or Gentiles now.” 

“Are you saying no Gentile can stay inside Israel?”


“How will you accomplish this? Are you just going to kill all the non-Jews?”

“No we are not going to kill them. They will leave on their own I assure you. I suppose you could relate it to something like this, if you don’t fit in why stay?” 

“What if they decide to stay anyway, what then?”

Elijah smiled and said, “I told you earlier John you can’t bargain with God as Abraham did. If I answer you then you would say if it is one foreigner, two, and so on. So once again they need to leave and they will.” 

“It appears then that world has a mandate from God regarding Israel.”

“Yes that is correct. Once again you, like many, need to read the scriptures. The time of man is ending and God is going to protect the Israelites no matter what. The Temple will—be--built as I mentioned a few moments ago. Any country or group that wants to stand in God’s way will pay a price similar to that of the ancient Egyptians and their Pharaoh. There are no negotiations no diplomacy. God if he chooses can strike down one man in a crowd of many and only harm the one. His powers are not restricted as man’s powers are.” 

“I still do not understand why God would destroy entire cities or countries. Look at the U.S. We have the California earthquake that is the worst disaster we have ever had and now the hurricanes starting on Monday. I just do not understand. Can you explain it to me?”

“John you are repeating yourself about America but I will try once more to explain to you. As I have said before, man’s time is over and God’s judgment is at hand. Unlike in the days of Noah when he only saved Noah’s family and wiped out all the rest of humanity, he is now, once more and for the last time, giving man a choice. This time God is not wiping all life from the face of the earth as in the flood. Instead, he is giving each—and--every person walking on earth a choice. That choice is simple. Trust and have faith in what God promised through his son Jesus or believe the promises from the Antichrist. This ungodly man is here among us and he will fight against Enoch and me. He will lead an army of millions of unbelievers against God and his son Jesus at Armageddon. Man has to make a choice.”

“So God is giving mankind one more chance to believe in Him and His son?”

“That is right. However, as I have said before, the Antichrist will have a different story to tell the people. He will tell you that the God of Israel is a tyrant and can be defeated. Enoch and I only have three and a half years to accomplish God’s goals here on earth. Then, as the scriptures say, the earth will belong to the Antichrist so he can assemble his army and prepare for the return of Christ. It is all in the scriptures. If you believe them, then do as they say, and if you join them, be prepared to pay the price for eternity.”

John then turned to me and said, “Enoch, how do you feel about all of this that Elijah has just said?” 

“What Elijah is telling you is that his purpose is to do as he has done in the past and that is to turn the Israelites to their God. This has been occurring since Abraham. Fortunately, for the rest of humanity, Jesus also gave salvation to the Gentiles. My purpose here is to turn the Gentiles towards God and Jesus not the almighty American dollar. Elijah is to deal with the descendants of Abraham. As I have said before, the things you have seen so far will pale in comparison to what is going to happen here on earth in the next few months and years. In a very short time, most people on earth will hate both Elijah and me. For men want their gratification at any cost, even if it means eternal damnation and separation from God. Many will believe what the Antichrist will promise through Lucifer. We know all this, and as Elijah just said, we all have a choice.”

“Elijah.” John asked“, once again to clarify your position, what of the Arabs and Muslims in the world? Tearing down the Dome of the Rock will not sit well with them and there will be repercussions from this worldwide.”

“The Temple was there long before the Dome, so as I said before, that is God’s holy place and it will be there for his son in Jerusalem when he returns. You will find in scripture the Israelites and the Arabs both were, founded from Abraham’s seed. The difference is that Sarah was married to Abraham and her son Isaac is the line of the twelve tribes of the Israelites and the line to Jesus Christ, not Ishmael from Hagar. Therefore, they, like the Gentiles and even non-believers, must understand that God wants his people and his throne returned. When God and Jesus return to earth for judgment, He will sit in the Temple and it will be ready for him.”

“One more question about death and destruction Elijah, how many will die before Christ’s return?” 

Elijah turned his head from John then placed his hands together in his lap and looked down at them. He then raised his head and for the first time ever I saw sadness in his face then said, “There are around seven billion people alive right now on earth. In the next three and a half years and that is in scripture. In Revelations, it says close to one quarter will die. After Enoch and I are gone, the Anti-Christ will then kill as many as another third for believing in Christ and for other reasons. So well over half of all humanity will be killed and or die in the time of sorrows or the time of tribulation. In addition, during the battle of Armageddon all participants there from the Anti-Christ will die…every one of them! That is in the Bible John. It is all there. There are no surprises here just God’s word.” 

“That is catastrophic Elijah I mean I am having a very hard time understanding why.”

“It’s simple John, once again men turned away from God. A recent survey during your last election said less than half of Americans even believe in God and even fewer attended churches or synagogues. They are registered and counted as followers and believers but they do not participate except at maybe Christmas or Easter. Outside of Western influences of the world very, few believe in God. However, in certain parts of the world especially in some Middle Eastern countries the Governments are persecuting Christians. They are even crucifying Christians in certain parts of the world and it will definitely get worse especially after Enoch and I are gone. So like I said before as in the days of Noah God became angry, and I
promise you right now
he is very angry with his creation.” 

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