The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch (11 page)

BOOK: The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch
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Chapter 30

10:40 AM EST Day one of 1260 New York - Bear News Interview Studio

During the break, I was, handed a list of six people from various religious beliefs, including the fundamental Baptists, Catholics, Jewish, Muslim, and Asian religions. There is also an atheist on the list. I was curious as to the purpose of the atheist. I suppose they literally had prepared for all sides of opinions.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and it was Donald, the producer. He said as I turned to him, “We are about ready to start. The panel will be, seated across from you on the couch they brought in a few minutes ago. It is sort of a face-to-face type meeting. Also, you will notice the cameras now surrounding both sides of the studio.” He waited while I looked around then started speaking, “What will be happening on the TV, in viewer’s homes, is the screen will be split with you on one screen and the questioner on the other. Therefore, look directly into the camera that is in front of you.”

“Would I be able to hear and see them okay?”

“Certainly, they are on the couch in front of you. It is just that it works better with the split screens for viewers. We can assure you that you will be able to hear them well.” He then directed me to a table where they put an earpiece in my ear for the audio feed. I noticed they did the same for everyone else as well. I looked down at the other couch they had brought in and saw Reverend Marks of New York. He was a fire and brimstone black preacher, known for his loudness and theatrics in his church sermons. I wondered how it was going to go with him. I walked over and introduced myself to Reverend Marks. We exchanged hellos and then I sat on the opposite couch waiting for John Roddenburg and the rest of the Panel.

It was getting close to 11:00 a.m. and I was getting both tired and hungry. Nevertheless, I felt alert. I wondered how Jesus felt when he faced this same situation thousands of years ago in front of Sanhedrin court. I really wish that Gabriel and Ariel were here. I was not sure how well I was going to do.

The other panelists all started to file in and I was, introduced to each of them as they arrived. None of them I had even heard of, other than Reverend Marks. No one seemed to show any signs of anger or coolness to me and they all seemed quite cordial. This was going to be one heck of a panel I thought to myself, probably hoping to crucify me in front of the whole world if they could. I just hoped, as Gabriel told me, that when asked a question; think about it, close my eyes and the answer will be there. I was to trust my instincts and that God will give me the right answer. I was to not get angry, but just sit back and give the exact answer as it comes to you, he had said. This meant that, in my mind, God was in my presence and would guide me as necessary. I had to really, turn up my faith at this point. That would be the only thing that might save me from these people.

“Mr. South?” a page, trying to get my attention said, “we are ready now. Mr. Roddenburg is coming back in.” He must have noticed I was daydreaming again.

Chapter 31

10:40 AM EST Day one of 1260 New York - Bear News, John Roddenburg’s Dressing Room

I was in my dressing room. I was still having difficulty dealing with the first part of the interview and was concerned that what had transpired with Jack and his predictions was so farfetched that it was almost unbelievable.

However, I kept telling myself this guy so far is one hundred percent accurate to date, down to how long the earthquake would shake, too the second. Now, with these new predictions, if he were right about them, it would make Jack the most newsworthy person on earth. I knew that if that were the case, then I would be spending a lot of time with Jack in the near future. I had wanted to avoid asking the direct question of whether this is the start of Tribulation. Has the clock started ticking on the last segment of life and man’s rule on earth, as we know it? I felt the panel would choose to ask the question so I did not.

In college, I had been part of a study group that took apart a best seller from a fundamentalist writer. It was about the end of the world as we knew it and the wars between Gog and Magog on the plain of Megiddo and other horrible things that were to happen in scripture, and I had a feeling that book was now about to come true. I had actually thought about having someone go to my home to get the copy I still owned. However, there was enough time to read it when I went home.

The problem I had with all of this was that Jack was not a bearded Jewish hothead, but a normal American older person who did not seem to fit the stereotypical witness one would expect. Then there is no physical description of the witnesses, other than they raise havoc with earth and its population and they are dressed in sackcloth. I had looked up sackcloth and it really meant ‘clothing of the people’.

My door opened and the page said, “John, the panel is seated and they are waiting for you.”

I got up and thought to myself, I really hope this does not go bad. This is uncharted news reporting and anything can go wrong. I crossed myself and walked out the door. I was also Catholic.

Chapter 32

10:50 AM EST Day one of 1260 New York - Bear Network Interview Studio

John Roddenburg walked back in and sat in the interview chair. It had been, moved to the center at the end of the two couches. He then simply asked the panel “Is everyone ready?” Then he turned to Jack and asked also, “Are you ready Jack?”

“Yes,” they all said as they were nodding their heads in affirmation.

John stretched his neck and leaned over to me, and whispered. “I will try and control the conversation so it does not get out of hand, but you have seen these before I’m sure, and sometimes the questions become difficult, so you may well end up in the hot seat.”

“I understand. It will be fine,” I responded.

John then straightened back up, stood, turned his focus to the panel, shook each person’s hand, and thanked them for coming. He then sat down again and addressed all of the participants.

“Gentlemen, we are in uncharted waters here and we want to be a civil as possible in this interview. It is important that we keep to some facts and only ask pertinent questions. I will be moderating the conversations as they occur and for all seated here. If I change the subject, then the question is closed. In addition, I have the ability to stop taping if the conversations become heated we will not tape again, until the situation, cools down. We are on a four-minute delay on the taping. That means everything we say does not get broadcast until four minutes later.”

“The other thing is we do not have enough time to have a complete dialogue on religion, so please keep your questions to a minimum and hopefully more yes and no questions that Jack can answer. Hopefully, we are all in agreement.”

The members of the panel all nodded their heads in affirmation and muttered yeses. I could see though, their individual expressions, they were calculating how far they could go with me before being, cut off. Nice thing about selling for thirty years, you learn how to read facial expressions. At this moment, considering the looks I was getting, I pretty well assumed I had six Pontius Pilots in front of me. I was nervous, but as I closed my eyes for a moment, I realized this was my destiny and this was my time, and I relaxed. I opened my eyes and looked at John, then the panel, and smiled. I was ready.

John Roddenburg looked up and saw the countdown. He then began speaking.

“Ladies and gentlemen of America and the world, we are in part two of our conversation with Jack South. In our earlier interview, Mr. South made clear to the entire world that God is taking a hand in our affairs and has outlined several serious calamities that will start occurring by tomorrow and even the next month, in addition to the carnage we have already experienced in California. We also would like to bring you up to date, if you did not see the earlier interview. Mr. South, so far, has accurately named every event with one-hindered percent accuracy down to the seconds of shaking, which was exactly 422 seconds, with his prediction of the earthquake in California. He also accurately predicted the exact number of dead, injuries, property damage, and details about the earthquake. And according to our sources, he is very, very close to being accurate based on current estimates of death and injury tolls.”

“He was able to win two lotteries with the exact same numbers with a payout of almost a half a billion dollars after taxes, which Mr. South says is to be used to get his message out for his ministry, as he calls it. So now we have three instances of his abilities and probability that the things that he has predicted. So far, the odds are zero. He has been right in each instance, the two lotteries, and an accurate prediction in California of the earthquake.”

“Mr. South has also stated he is a messenger from God. He says he is one of two witnesses as described in the Book of Revelations. God, he has stated, has sent him to us to warn us of things to come. So believers, if they choose, can prepare for these calamities. The other witness, we do not know where or who he is at this time.”

“In addition, in the earlier interview aired a few minutes ago, Mr. South has warned us in the U.S., of several hurricanes that are to hit the Southern and Eastern Coasts of America starting in eight days. Coupled with that, in one day, or Tuesday, tomorrow morning, torrential rains will fall upon the Sahara Desert and the Middle East and parts of Southeast Asia. This rain will be enough to turn most of the Sahara into an inland sea, which is what it was thousands of years ago. He also said that at both poles, the temperature starting today, would rise eight degrees, melting parts of the ice sheet. These predictions start today and end in a month. All of these things predicted are unprecedented and according to our meteorologist, Chester Nichols, are also close to zero probability. But as we said, Mr. South has not been wrong thus far and his predications may well need to be taken seriously.”

“Quickly, before we begin with the panel, we will turn to Chester who is monitoring the weather at the poles and in the Atlantic and see if Jack is getting it right.”

“Thanks John,” Chester said. He brought up a temperature reading from 6:00 this morning at the North Pole and now at almost 11:00 a.m. He then stated, “Indeed, the temperature of both poles had already risen six degrees above normal so far today and that was not forecast earlier by us. Cloud cover and precipitation in both areas of the Arctic Circle and the North Pole does not exist, it is all clear skies. This activity is unprecedented I can assure you. Now, since the temperature was rising in the poles, cooler air that normally comes off the poles from the jet stream, is warmer from the northern and southern hemispheres. So we are seeing higher than normal temperatures across the globe since only an hour ago.”

He then turned to the Atlantic where a disturbance was forming off the coast of Africa. “About a half an hour ago, the National Hurricane Center notified the public of a new tropical depression that was developing and currently had thirty-five mile per hour winds and had a seventy five percent chance of formation within the next 24-48 hours. There are also cloud formations starting to occur across most of northern Africa, but no rain now. In addition, today is, I might add, the first day of hurricane season, June 1
. As new information becomes available John,” Chester added, “and the experts analyze the detailed information Jack gave us earlier, we will be able to calculate the percentages of his chances of being right and time tables more accurately and then be able to notify the world as to the current status in their regions. So far John Jack is still one hundred percent right.”

“Thanks Chester,” John said as the camera then focused on him. “In our second part of our interview, as we have promised our viewers, we have a panel of religious leaders, representing several religions around the world that have questions for Jack.” John then proceeded to introduce the rest of the panel.

He turned back to the camera and continued speaking, “Also, I want to let our viewers know that all of this has come about quickly. It was only less than three hours ago, that Jack interviewed with The Network here in New York and that interview was, stopped. What that means is that today’s interview, was, not planned, or rehearsed, in advance. So bear with us and we will try and make the best of it and get the world some concrete answers.”

He turned toward the panel and said, “In advance, I want to thank all of you up front for your immediate response and participation. And also you Jack,” as he turned towards me.

I then looked at the Bishop from New York as I saw the one camera pan towards him and one towards me. “So we will start with Bishop Ronald O’Keefe, from the Diocese of New York.” John nodded at the Bishop and said, “Bishop?”

“Thank you John,” he then paused for a second and then looked up at me. “Hello Jack, I am Bishop O’Keefe from New York. I would like to thank you, and also John, for inviting me here to represent the millions of Catholics worldwide and help put some perspective on your claims.” He smiles and looks directly into my eyes.

“For now, I am the Pontiff’s eyes and ears regarding this new development about God and his plans as you describe them. Therefore, I have only a few questions. The first, are you God yourself?”

“No, I am not.”

“Then are you Satan?”

“No, I definitely am not Satan, Lucifer or any other names associated with him.”

“Have you spoken to the Archangel Gabriel?”

“What I have said Bishop, is that I spoke with a messenger from God who calls himself Gabriel. I do not know if he is the same angel in the Bible named Gabriel, or is another Gabriel. I have no way of knowing.”

“Did you ever leave earth like Ezekiel or Elijah and get your revelations in heaven?”

“No Bishop, no chariots of fire took me anywhere. I have already stated how I was chosen and the circumstances.”

“You are Catholic. Am I correct?”

“Yes I am.”

“Were you born Catholic?”

“No, I converted in 1985 through RICA, which is the Rite of Christian Invitation of Adults.”

“Yes, I know what it is Jack. I taught the class earlier in my youth. So, why did you convert?”

“The woman I wanted to marry was Catholic and it was required that I attend RICA prior to marriage.”

“So, did you like becoming Catholic?”

“Yes and no. There are some parts I like and others I do not.”

“So since you are Catholic, do you believe in all things about the Church?”

“No I do not.”

“So you believe in God?”

“Yes I do.”

“Do you believe in the Holy Catholic Church?”

“No I do not.” I could see the Bishop hesitate and seemed disappointed.

“So you believe in the Holy Spirit.”

“Yes I do.”

“Do you believe in the communion of saints?”

“No I do not.”

“Do you believe in the resurrection of the body?”

“Yes I do.”

“Do you believe in Jesus Christ?”

“Yes I do.”

The bishop hesitated then asked, “Mr. South, based on your answers, you seem to have definite opinions on the church and could possibly be excommunicated.”

“For what?” I responded. “Am I on trial, that you would threaten me that I may be excommunicated? That is a problem that I have with the church. Only God can deny me, not you, or any other person on this earth.”

“No, Mr. South. I am not excommunicating you or threatening you. I am just trying to understand what you believe in.”

“I have just told you what I believe in and I go to mass. I do my penance, I pray, and I talk to God on my own terms, not yours, or any other organized churche’s here on earth’s rules and regulations.”

“Okay, I understand.” He paused again, forming his next question.

“Are you one of the witnesses of the end times?”

“Yes I am, Bishop O’Keefe. That you can rest assured of.”

“So does this mean then that this is the start of Tribulation today, as described in the last week of Daniel and what John prophesied on the Island of Patmos?”

I saw each panel member lean towards me and I saw the sweat on the brow of John. I looked directly into the Bishop’s eyes for some reason. I thought he was evil and I said, “I am surprised you would even ask that question Bishop. It is my understanding that the church’s stance on end times, especially Revelations, is all of this took place a long time ago. Actually, several Catholic scribes have in the past, have detailed an outline of what happened in John’s Apocalypse and directly related them to the Roman Empire. Therefore, with all due respect, are you questioning your own churche’s stance on end time prophecy, and if so, does that mean you do not believe in your own teachings of which you are a high ranking officer?” I then sat back.

“Well you are right. Your assumptions are correct, but I still want your opinion to my question?”

“I have no opinion. Opinions are not facts, they are opinions, and in this scenario, I do not give opinions. I give facts and the facts I give are directly from God, not man.”

“So do you have an answer to my original question?”

“No. I will not answer that question. It is not I, that starts or ends tribulation, God sets the timetable. However, you can assume anything you want. But based on your belief prior to today, you and the Church have already said that this time will never exist.”

John, seeing that this was going nowhere and Jack was becoming irritated, interrupted and said to the Bishop, “Thank you Bishop, but we need to move onto other questions.”

He then turned to Reverend Marks and said, “Reverend?”

The camera then moved to Reverend Marks. He turned to me with no hi, how are you or anything, and started his questions.

“Do you have any formal religious training, theology school, classes, Sunday school or any other credentials in regards to organized religion of any sort?”

Hmm, wonder where he is going with those questions, I thought. “Sunday school, yes. Religious training, some, but mostly RICA with the Catholic Church, as previously said, and various religious or prophecy books I have read in the past. Otherwise, if you mean did I go to theology school, no I did not. Am I a pastor with credentials, no I am not? I assume with your high ranking in the Southern Baptist Church, you have, am I correct?”

“Yes Mr. South, you are correct. However, what I am trying to get at is how, with no training and no prior experience in religious laws and theology, would you expect anyone to believe God picked you to be one of the final witnesses? It seems to me, others would be better suited and that choosing you would be unlikely.”

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