The Ghost and the Darkness Volume 2 (The Fallocaust Series) (18 page)

BOOK: The Ghost and the Darkness Volume 2 (The Fallocaust Series)
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“Touch it, get it hard.”

My eyes shot up to him, I immediately felt tears well.

“Please, no,” I begged. “I… I’m not Silas, I’m Killian, Perish. Is the… O.L.S making you think I’m someone else?”

Perish’s eyes were full of desire, his mouth open as if he was unable to breath through the lust he was feeling. He held out a hand, his chest rising rapidly, and gently stroked my soft shaft.

He didn’t answer me, and I wondered if what was going on inside of his mind was preventing him from acknowledging my words.

Though when I let out another whimper he retracted it. “You don’t know how much I’m restraining myself right now. I could do worse to you, so –” He groaned and pulled on his dick. “– so much worse.”

My mind raced, going over a thousand different ways I could get out of this, but none of them were plausible. I blinked away the tears and tried to reason with him any way I could. “I’ll… kiss you, make out with you while you… do it to yourself.”

Perish shook his head. “You have ten seconds to start touching it… or else I’ll do it myself.”

The thought sent a wave of sickness through me. I remembered how my body responded to Silas and I didn’t want that to happen with Perish. Ignoring the screaming inside of my head I took my dick into my hands and closed my eyes. I tried to imagine I was with Reaver and started stroking it.

It had been a long time since Reaver and I had had sex. Our last time was in Mariano before he had been taken, since then I obviously hadn’t done anything.

I kept stroking it, my teeth clenching together, trying to get it to harden in my hands but nothing was happening. I was too scared.

Then I heard shifting. I kept my eyes closed more out of fear but when I felt his hand touch mine to stop me I opened them. I watched him staring hungrily down at my penis before it disappeared into his mouth.

“Perish,” I cried. I put my hand on his head in a desperate attempt to push his head off of me but he stayed between my legs. His mouth firmly suctioned around my dick, his tongue licking and rubbing against the head.

And it was working. I put my hands over my face and let out a sob, as with every slow lap and drawn-out movement of his mouth, my dick got hard.

Perish removed his mouth and stroked his hand down the shaft. He stared at my dick with insatiable hunger and groaned; his fully hard penis rigid, standing erect between his bent knees.

“You… have no idea how long I have wanted this,” he whispered. Hunger seemed to be taking over every part of his body. “Thinking of you… being intimate with you. I would die happy if I would have you just once.”

Me or Silas? I was confused because this was something Perish would say to me but… he had called me Silas.

Perish put his mouth back over my penis and continued to suck on it.

“This is what King Silas did to me,” I said quietly. “I hope you know that.”

“Then should I fuck you instead?” Perish suddenly snapped.

The shifting in tone sent warnings off in my head. I shook my head and separated my legs further, realizing that I was about to dig myself an even deeper grave. Perish approved of this and continued to work his mouth on me. I forced myself to relax and just get it over with.

“Put your mouth over mine,” Perish said, the cold air stinging my sensitive head as he removed his lips. “Don’t suck on it. Don’t distract yourself from what I’m doing, just put it somewhere warm.”

I think I knew that was going to happen, and I was thankful he wasn’t going to lose control and fuck me which I was afraid he would. So without complaint I took his penis into my hand and put my mouth over it.

I could taste the precum on the tip. I put my mouth over the head and left it there, ignoring his moans of pleasure and the motion of his hips as he automatically tried to push it in further.

Unable to contain his lust Perish started to enthusiastically suck me. My stiff dick slid deeper into his mouth as he took in every inch; his hand stroking it in rhythm as he eagerly tasted me. The pleasure was intense and soon my breathing was rapid, so rapid that I couldn’t hold back the small moans that came with every exhale. I was moaning into his dick, he could feel every vibration of my mouth and I could tell from the precum still forming on his head that it was driving him wild.

But there was no inner thrill of being able to control him like this, only shame and fear. I was walking a razor’s edge right now and I knew if I didn’t play my cards he would fuck me right here, tonight. Would he do it after I came? Could he hold himself back once he heard the sounds break from my lips, or the cum shoot into his mouth? I felt horror burn inside of me, and then the stark reality of what I had to do once I came.

And it wasn’t long after that that the tension in my groin started to build. I gripped my jacket, the crown of his dick still in my mouth, and pursed my lips. As the pleasure gathered inside of me I took in a sharp breath and broke my mouth away from his penis to let out a strangled moan.

His mouth rapidly licked up the cum shooting from my dick. I didn’t look but I could feel his tongue collect and gather the spurts as he devoured it hungrily. I could hear his rapid breathing through his nose as he kept up the tight seal.

When it was over I took a moment to catch my breath, then I did what needed to be done and started sucking him off myself.

Perish swore; his voice edging shock and surprise. He continued to lick and clean the bits of cum from my dick as he let me blow him.

I closed my eyes and in my head it was Reaver. Their dicks were similar anyways, thick and long, perfect in every way. I blocked out Perish’s moans and his light thrusts into my mouth and replaced them with the intimate moans my boyfriend made when I was giving him this kind of attention.

Perish got up from his laying position and kneeled in front of me. As I continued to suck on him he weaved his hands through my hair, moaning and taking in sharp breaths until I could feel his dick start to twitch in my mouth.

Then he came too. I let the cum fall onto the carpet below, feeling my pride drip down with it.

When the last spurt fell I laid back down without a word and put my pants on. Tears streamed down my face as I got back under the covers.

Perish didn’t protest. He laid down beside me and put his arm over my chest, pushing my back into his stomach.

“Couldn’t hold yourself back?” he purred into my ear. His fingers wiped the tears from my eyes.

I shook my head, exhausted and done I closed my eyes.

He laughed at this. “Lies… but it’s alright, I won’t tell Reaver.”

Perish knew I was Killian again, I guess that was a good thing. I would treat this incident as a hook, another hook to get him to trust me.

But as I sliced away pieces of my pride to gain his favour; I wondered just how much of me would remain.


It became a regular thing for us after that. Over the next several days as we walked down the two-lane road I became less of Perish’s slave and more of his personal object. I was what he used to release himself at night.

The next night when we had camped inside of an old video store he made me masturbate in front of him as he stroked himself. I considered myself lucky that that was all he made me do. Though at the end when I had forced myself into orgasm he couldn’t resist his mouth over my dick to catch my cum. The night after that he gave me head again and to once again fend him off I did the same back.

Last night was worse even though, for the most part, he kept our clothes on. While he was spooning me he started grinding himself into my backside like he had done in Donnely, but his dick was out and he pulled my pants down over my backside. He thrusted the hard piece of flesh into me until he brought himself to climax. No penetration, no innocent slip, just skin on skin.

I cried but he ignored it, I even choked and gagged when I felt the warm, stickiness spill from his penis onto my backside but he ignored that too.

Perish was going to fuck me soon, and I knew it. This thin razor I was walking on was getting slighter and more sharp. On one hand I was getting him to trust me but on the other hand it was always going to escalate and it would continue to escalate. Perish was going to try and get sex out of me, and all I could do was try and think of ways to satiate his sex drive.

I knew the sex drives of men, Reaver was no different. When he got horny he was bringing out the handcuffs, the leather. He was nipping, licking, and biting me with throated growls full of vulgar dirty talk. He was wild, and the more riled he was the more he wanted to fuck me hard, try different things, and kink it out. But once he had his session, once he orgasmed his last time and was done, he was done. The fantasies disappeared by morning, and bringing them up during the day would bring blush to his cheeks and have him disappearing into the tunnel to hide his embarrassment. Reaver was a man for the moment and Perish was too. Once I made him cum he remembered himself again and backed off. It was bringing him to his peak before he stepped over that line that was my job.

I had been with Perish for a long time now, though it seemed like longer. But to my credit, even though every night I was leaving more pieces of me behind, I was gaining his trust again. And I had to keep his trust to keep me and my friends alive.

“You can still pick up things though,” I said to Edward. He was wiggling his thumb and index finger, the only two digits he had left on his left hand. “And it’s not your dominant hand, right?”

Edward nodded and made show of making a pinching motion. He was slowly starting to get his strength up. I had been doing a good job finding food for everyone. Even yesterday I had spotted a small scorprion and Perish had managed to kill it. The meat was insect meat which tasted like dirt, but it was good meat with a lot of protein.

I took Edward’s hand to make sure the stumps were healing well and they were. He was lucky that they hadn’t gotten infected or he might have become food.

No, they won’t become food…

Danny appeared beside me, scratching the chafed area underneath his collar. “Do you think you could try and convince him to let us search a pharmacy? Teejay’s leg is starting to bother him; the bruise is getting bigger not smaller.”

My face burned with guilt. That had been my fault. I had told Teejay he could eat the last scorprion leg which I hadn’t realized Perish wanted. Perish had thrown rocks at him and had gotten him in the leg and the hip. The poor greywaster, a man in his thirties with such a kind disposition, had been limping and struggling to keep up with us.

“I will… just try and keep a lookout for a good walking stick for him,” I said under my breath to Danny. I glanced at the trees around us but the ones we had the strength to rip free wouldn’t support his weight.

Danny nodded and I sprinted up ahead to where Perish was walking.

Ahead of us was an abandoned town, one of the once ‘sleepy towns’ they had here before the Fallocaust. No huge buildings or skyscrapers, just houses, shops and the occasional bigger office building or apartment. Though there should be a hospital here, or a pharmacy, and we were so deep into the greywastes I held hope that they hadn’t been picked clean. I didn’t think so; we hadn’t seen a single soul since we had left the resort and any sign of them looked ages old.

“Are we staying in that town tonight?” I asked Perish.

Perish glanced over at me. He looked so different now with his short beard and I did too, though my facial hair grew in patchy and weird. It was starting to fill out though.

“Yes, I want food for the next week. We won’t be seeing much in the way of towns, so unless you want fresh meat you better find some good food,” Perish replied crisply. New Perish was an asshole but during the day he called me Killian and understood who I was. It was at night that I occasionally became Silas to him.

I still hadn’t figured out why – I just assumed it was the O.L.S giving him confusing memories.

“Could we check out a pharmacy or a hospital? I want to get some treatment for Teejay’s leg and for Edward’s fingers as well,” I asked nicely, bumping up my voice to a higher octave to try and curry his favour.

Perish glanced behind him. I did too and saw Teejay hobbling along with help from Danny. We had all formed a bond over the last several weeks and we did our best to help each other.

“Yes, I can allow that. I would like to check out a hospital, especially one this deep into the greywastes. Perhaps I can find some interesting tools.” He looked up. “We are into March now. The weather will soon start to warm.”

“How long are you expecting it to be until we get to the plaguelands?”

Where I’ll die.

“A long time. Weeks, maybe months.”

My heart plummeted. “I… I don’t think the slaves can make it for that long, Perry.”

Perish’s face hardened; his facial hair and the bangs framing his eyes, giving him even more of a menacing look. “I don’t expect them to. They are only here until we need food, Killian. Why do you think I have them?”

He turned around and glared down Teejay. “Hear that? You’re only here until Killian fails to find food, and then we eat you. Do you realize that?”

The three of them, sunken-faced and gaunt, just stared at Perish, knowing that arguing with him wouldn’t do any good. They continued to walk.

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