The Godling Chronicles 02 - Of Gods And Elves (19 page)

BOOK: The Godling Chronicles 02 - Of Gods And Elves
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I have to risk it,” said Gewey. “Every
day wasted brings the Dark Knight closer to our doors. I need to do
what I came here to do.”

Theopolou sighed. “If you must, I cannot stop you.
But I think you would do better to listen to my council.” He
turned to Linis. “The road ahead may hold danger. Prepare.”

Linis nodded. “I may not be able to bring my
seekers, but I can see to it that they are not far.” He shot a
stare at Theopolou before he could argue. “I

They must say out of sight,” said Theopolou

They are
said Linis. “The finest the tribe of Melanctha has ever
produced. That bumbling group of fools could not spot my elves if
they were standing on top of them.”

I know you are angered by them naming you
traitor,” scolded Theopolou. “But they are not fools. If
your seekers are not careful they will be discovered.”

They will not be discovered,” said Linis.
“But I must take my leave now to inform them.”

Theopolou nodded curtly as Linis left the room. “What
happens now?” asked Gewey.

Now you will speak briefly with the elders.”
Theopolou looked Gewey up and down. “You may keep your present

And Kaylia?” asked Gewey.

She awaits us.”

Theopolou led Gewey out the door and around to the front
of the main house. He was excited to see the interior of such a
magnificent building. The great metal doors swung open as they
approached. What Gewey saw made the exterior seem trite and common.
The immense receiving hall was lit bright by the same orbs that were
in his room, only much smaller and vast in number. The floors were of
deep emerald green marble, polished to a shine and veined with ivory.
The walls were made from the same gleaming silver metal as the door
and gate, and etched with elf letters and symbols of such artistry it
brought tears to Gewey’s eyes.

Above him, running along the entire length and breadth
of the hall, was a green marble balcony. Darkly stained wooden doors
lined the wall leading to various rooms and chambers.

In the center of the hall a crystal statue, similar to
the one outside, held a book. Gewey immediately thought of the Book
of Souls. Theopolou's family had guarded it for generations. It must
have pained the elf over the years to see the statue and know that it
no longer held the same meaning it once had.

At the rear of the room, a broad staircase led up to the
next level, with a set of double doors on either side of the base, as
well as another set at the top. Gewey stared, mouth agape as he
passed the statue. He could hardly wait to see the rest of the house.
As he crested the staircase, Gewey caught sight of Kaylia. She was
dressed in the same white robe as Theopolou, and her hair hung
loosely down her back. She smiled when she saw Gewey and he could
feel her relief through their bond.

Kaylia appraised his elven garb. “You look good
dressed this way.”

Gewey blushed. “It's very comfortable, but I feel
underdressed to meet elf elders.” He decided not to mention
that he had also slept in them.

Are you ready?” asked Theopolou. Gewey and
Kaylia both nodded.

Theopolou clapped his hands loudly and the doors swung
silently open. As they followed the elf in, Gewey took a deep breath,
hoping this trip hadn't been a huge mistake.

Chapter Thirteen

The High Lady of Valshara paced the halls of the temple,
immersed in thought. Ever since Linis had reported the presence of
possible agents from Angrääl watching them, she had hardly
slept. Then, two of her scouts had disappeared three nights ago, and
the temple watch had seen shadowy figures lurking just beyond the
walls. Their location was compromised and she felt an attack would
soon come.

The few knights she had available were not enough to
hold off an attack should the walls be breached. They had attempted
to convince her to escape, but she refused. The High Lady of Valshara
would not scurry away in the night, and she would not leave her
people behind. If evacuation became necessary, everyone would go. Of
course, if the hidden exit had been found by their enemies, they
would all die.

Her mind wandered to thoughts of her son. She wished she
could speak to him one more time. Their reunion had been all too
brief, though she was thankful that she was able to see him before
the end.

My Lady.” It was Ertik.

Selena forced a smile. “Brother Ertik, how are the
preparations coming?”

They go well, My Lady,” he replied, though
not convincingly. “If the walls are breached, the knights will
be able to slow any invaders long enough for everyone to get out.”

I want you to spread the word,” commanded
Selena. “Gather all packs and gear and place them in the
receiving hall at once. I want nothing to hinder our escape, if it
comes to that.”

Yes, High Lady,” Ertik bowed and left.

Selena busied herself by inspecting the provisions and
defenses. The knights tried once more to convince her to leave, but
she would not be moved. When it was time for the evening meal,
fatigue had begun to set in. Her feet swelled and her legs ached.
Still, even after a hearty meal and hot bath, she could not bring
herself to sleep.

After lying in bed for an hour, she decided to read. She
sent for some hot tea and settled in her favorite chair, curling up
with one her favorite comedies. She needed a laugh. Selena had only
read the first paragraph when there was a loud knock at the door. It
burst open before she could speak and Jericho, the captain of the
knights, stepped inside holding his sword tightly.

We are besieged, High Lady,” said the
captain. “We must evacuate.”

I heard no alarm raised.” Selena reached
for her coat. She was thankful that she had begun the habit of
dressing in clothes suitable for travel, rather than her cotton
nightgown. “Have they breached the defenses already?” She
slipped into a pair of short leather boots.

I don't know how it was done,” Jericho
admitted. “But they killed three knights before we even knew
they were there. Whatever they are, they're neither human nor elf.”

A cold knot twisted in her stomach. “How many are

I don't know,” said the captain. “But
they fight as if possessed. We cannot hold. You must leave now.”

Selena squared her shoulders, standing straight and
tall. “Begin the evacuation. Then, and only then, will I

Jericho lowered his eyes but made no move to obey. “My
Lady, if you do not come with me willingly, I regret that I must take
you by force.”

You wouldn't dare!” she hissed.

It is my duty to protect this Order.” He
took a small step forward, but did not lift his eyes or place his
hands on her. “You are not only our leader. You also symbolize
what we are. Should you die, we die with you. The knights are falling
back as we speak to aid in your escape. Every second you delay, more
of us meet our end.”

Selena boiled with anger, but she had no other choice.
She nodded sharply and allowed Jericho to lead her though the temple
to the receiving hall. Screams echoed everywhere as the enemy found
new victims, but Jericho wouldn't allow her to pause. Tears streamed
down her face. Her people were being slaughtered, and she was
helpless to do a thing about it.

She hoped desperately that the gathering in the
receiving hall would be large, but as they entered those hopes were
dashed. Three knights, Ertik, and two novices.

So few,” Selena whispered in horror. She
felt her legs begin to give way, but Jericho caught her.

Come High Lady,” said the captain softly.
He led her to the tunnel entrance. “Others may yet follow.”

Selena tried to fight back her tears.

I will stay behind and help others get out,”
said Ertik.

No!” Selena shouted. “You will escape

Ertik bowed and helped Selena to the ladder once Jericho
had descended. When they reached the door, Jericho motioned for them
to wait, and then crept outside into the cool night.

All clear,” whispered the captain. “My
Lady, stay close behind me.”

Jericho led the group down the trail, sword in hand.
Selena, Ertik, the novices, and the three knights followed as closely
as they could without tripping on each other.

They had walked for about half a mile when they could
hear footsteps coming from out of the darkness. Jericho crouched and
the rest followed suit. As the footsteps grew louder, the light from
three torches came into view.

Off the path,” whispered Jericho.

They scampered into the nearby brush, trying to stay
quiet. Soon the torches were right next to them. Selena's heart
raced, and her breath was short and swift. Then the torches halted.
From their vantage point behind a small bush, she couldn't see who it

Come out,” hissed a foul, unearthly voice.
“I can smell you, hiding like scared rabbits.” Selena was
the first to stand. “Who are you?” she shouted. “Why
have you attacked the sacred Temple of Valshara?” She stepped
onto the path. The others quickly jumped up and followed. The knights
stood at her side, while the others stayed close behind. Ertik had
drawn a small dagger.

What she saw shocked and revolted her senses. Two
soldiers stood in full chain mail, each bearing vicious, curved
scimitars in one hand, and a rope attached to a bound and blindfolded
elf in the other. Selena recognized them as part of Theopolou's
guard. They had been badly beaten, but there was no mistaking who
they were. Standing in the center was a creature she had never seen.
Even in the dim torch light she knew it wasn't human. Hunched over
and swaying from side to side, it was wrapped in a long, flowing,
black cloak, and wore heavy boots of leather and iron. Though its
face was hidden behind the drawn hood, she could feel its eyes on
her. It took a step forward and drew a long, jagged sword. The
creature’s movement was unimaginably quick and fluid. Jericho
and the knights leaped in front of the High Lady.

Stay back, demon,” commanded the captain.

The Vrykol bid you greetings, High Lady,”
said the creature. “You will come with us... or all of your
companions will die.”

You will
lay your foul hands on the High Lady of Valshara,” growled

The Vrykol hissed a laugh. “Brave words, human. I
think I'll kill you slowly.”

You will harm no one,” said Selena. In a
flash, she reached in her sleeve and threw a small glass phial
straight at the Vrykol's head. The sound of breaking glass was
followed by another foul laugh.

Holy water has no effect on me, foolish woman,”
said the Vrykol. “Your Gods have no power in this world.”

Selena smiled fiendishly as smoke began to rise from the
Vrykol's hood. A second later it burst into intense, blue flames. The
heat drove the two humans standing beside the Vrykol back. The
creature desperately tried to put himself out, but the fire grew
larger and hotter, until the light was blinding. It dropped to its
knees and let out an unearthly scream. The sound caused Selena to
wince and cover her ears. After a minute, it stopped and the Vrykol
fell, smoldering, to the ground.

The two human soldiers dropped the ropes and ran into
the night. Jericho started after them, but Selena ordered him back.

We can't waste time chasing them,” said
Selena. “We must move quickly.”

They untied the elves and examined their wounds.

You are Theopolou's guard, are you not?”
asked Selena.

The elves nodded. “I am Stintos, and this is
Haldrontis. We owe you our lives, High Lady.”

Selena smiled. “We are happy to aid you. How did
this happen?”

Stintos explained how the Vrykol had attacked them, and
how Gewey and Linis slew them. “We were to return to the temple
until I was able to travel, but we were ambushed and held captive.”
Anger raged in his voice. “They tried to get us to turn spy,
but I would not dishonor myself, or my kin, with treachery. They are
devils. And they have elf allies. Now that we are free, I must get
this information to Theopolou.”

He will be told,” assured Selena. “But
your wounds must be tended. We go to Althetas and the two of you are
coming with us. I will send word. The moment we get there.”
Stintos opened his mouth to protest, but Selena shot him a stern look
that told him there would be no argument.

Can you travel?” asked Jericho.

Yes.” Haldrontis spoke with fierce
determination. “And we will fight if need be.”

Jericho turned to one of the knights. “Give him a
dagger.” The knight obeyed and Jericho gave Stintos a dagger
from his own belt. “I wish I could arm you better...”

BOOK: The Godling Chronicles 02 - Of Gods And Elves
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