Read The Good Girl Online

Authors: Lily White,Dawn Robertson

The Good Girl (12 page)

BOOK: The Good Girl
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“Submit, Eleni. For fucking once in your life, do something to help yourself instead of hurt yourself … please. Just take the brush and do as I tell you. It’s that simple.”

Stepping back, I allowed her room to make her decision. After a few seconds, she breathed out a defeated breath, grabbing the wooden handled brush from the counter and using it to comb through her long brown hair, turning what resembled straw into something that glimmered like silk under the lights of the vanity. When she finished, she placed the brush back on the counter and I closed my eyes at the sound of the wood hitting against the marble surface. When I opened them again, I found her staring at me through the mirror.

“Do you have any other arguments for me, or do you understand how this relationship will work between us?”

Without hesitation, she nodded her head. “I understand.”

“Good Girl.”

The lush fullness of her lips split apart when she next spoke. I expected her to tell me to fuck off, for her rebellion to resurface as easily as she’d submitted to my control. But what she said – the words that rolled over those succulent lips surprised me more than anything she’d said or done since she’d arrived here.

“Okay Gabriel. I’ll play this your way.” A pregnant pause, a single moment that would define the rest of our time together. It was the beginning and the end to our journey…a moment where we walked from animosity into acceptance. And if the way she looked at me hadn’t set me off already, her words served to make my erection so powerful, I could no longer hold onto my control.

“I understand what you need from me now and I’m ready to give you what you want. I just have one question.”

Nodding my head, I permitted her to ask whatever question rolled around in that beautiful little head of hers.

“Where do you want me next?”


Chapter Nineteen

~ Eleni ~

My mind was spinning in circles trying to keep up with Gabriel and his ever-changing moods. He was hot, he was cold. He wanted me, but then I was nothing more than trash. It was some kind of sick game and deep down inside me, I wanted to play along just as much as he needed me to. Life and death hung in the balance and my actions were what would determine whether I survived or died in the nightmare he’d created for me.

However, a nagging thought played over my thoughts. My body’s response to him – the way I felt when the heat of his skin met mine. It wasn’t natural, and it wasn’t good – but it was something I noticed in the quiet moments when he was kind.

I must have been just as sick and twisted as he was because, deep down, I wanted him to continue touching me when I should’ve been disgusted by every last one of his actions. I continued to bite my tongue; keeping the smart ass comments to myself. I knew he was watching me like a hawk, waiting for me to slip up so he could beat on me some more. Little did he know in his deranged, fucked up mind, the pain only turned me on.

I would continue to play as his good girl, to save my life and because I could see that the monster within him was just the same as my own. It was like he could read my thoughts, because as soon as I decided to play along – to play smart instead of hiding behind my bitchy persona - the sound of his pained voice interrupted me from my thoughts.

“On the bed, Eleni.”

My body tingles all over from fear and elation, from not knowing what he would do, but wanting him to finally show me the other ways he could make me feel. I was a slut, he was right about that, but every orgasm brought me closer to happiness and father away from the jacked up reality of my life. Was I wrong to welcome the escape? Probably. But what other choice did I have? I could fight and hate every moment – or welcome the ecstasy his cock could provide.

The thought of whatever he wanted to do to me sent waves of excitement crashing through me. He wanted me; and behind all of his fucked up glory, I wanted him too.

Slowly, I walked across the room, never once allowing our vision to break. His beautiful green eyes burned through me, like I didn’t even exist. He was in a trance, and I knew it so well because I have been there so many times myself. As my knees pressed against the edge of the bed, I carefully spoke to him again.

“What do you want me to do on the bed, Gabriel?” I continued to hold our stare as he battled internally with his own voices. Oh how alike we truly were.

“Take off the nightgown, beautiful. Tell me that you’re mine to control.”

I shouldn’t have been turned on by his polite demand; but I just Couldn’t. Fucking. Help. It. When his eyes were heated, the green burned right through me. It was if they produced light all on their own – their warmth branding my skin with his lust – his flame.

He wants to love you, Eleni. You know these demons, Eleni. Guide him to the light, Eleni.

The voice was back and she made little sense to me. Guide him to the light? I can’t even fuckin’ get myself there.

Regardless of my confusion, I listened to his instructions and let the ugly pink nightie fall to the floor. His eyes flashed a newfound hunger I’d never seen from him before. This was not his deep hate for me or the constant disgust he’d showcased every chance he could get. It was different and I was no longer scared of what the near future held. He wanted me in a way I’d never felt wanted before. It was exciting and terrifying – the thought of this violent man consuming me in ways that would make me scream as I lost myself to his dominance. I’d always been the one to hold the reigns with the men I’d been with before; but I was quickly accepting to hand them over when it came to the one who stood before me.

My voice shook with nervousness. “This is all for you, Gabriel. What do you want me to do next?” It may have sounded elementary, but I didn’t want anything to ruin this brief moment we are sharing.

“Lay on the bed for me.”

I slowly climbed up onto the bed and positioned myself in the center. Lying back onto a pile of pillows, I continued to watch him with eager anticipation.

“Touch your breasts, Eleni.” His tongue peeked out just before he sucked his lip ring between his teeth.

My body shuddered as I was taken aback by his command, but without giving it any thought, I ran my fingertips along the creamy white skin of my swollen breasts. My breathing hitched as my cunt started to come to life. I could feel the wetness between my legs and I slightly spread them to give Gabriel a better view of what he has caused.

The growl that emanated from his chest told me that he noticed how ready I was.

His voice was gritty – raw – when he gave me the next instruction. “Pinch your nipples. I want them hard.”

I rolled them between my fingers, pinching them hard so they would come to life. I closed my eyes and got lost in the sensation.

“Eyes on me, Eleni. Always keep your eyes on me.”

I parted my lids and watched him from across the room. Sitting down in a chair, he leaned completely back with his legs spread as he watched me. His hand rested on a very noticeable bulge in his pants and I couldn’t help but think about his cock. What did it look like? How big was it? Would it hurt me? What would it taste like?

“Spread your pussy open for me, Beautiful.”

My hand slid down my body, eagerly complying with his demand. My fingers parted my bare pussy lips, still clean from my last waxing, and pleasure crashed through my body. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d touched myself. I’d always had someone doing it for me. A moan escaped from my parted lips, and I could hear Gabriel’s sharp intake of breath from across the room.

“Do you like what you see, Gabriel?” I bravely asked. I can’t hold back my bold actions when I saw so much pleasure in his eyes. He wanted me. He wanted my pussy that was wet for him.

“Yes, Eleni. It’s about fucking time you obey my commands. I love it when you’re my good girl. Rub your clit for me, beautiful, I want to hear you scream.” His hand ran along the top of his pants and over his length again. I wished he would unzip his pants and expose it for me. I knew he was turned on.

I couldn’t help myself, it felt too fucking good. Another moan slipped from between my lips. “Mmmmm, Gabriel.”

The chair crashed as it tipped over and he stalked across the room toward the bed. I should have been scared, but I knew he’d finally hit his breaking point. He wanted me. He wanted to be balls deep inside me, just like any other man in his position would want. His desire sparked a fire deep inside me I hadn’t felt in ages. This wasn’t just some random guy who wanted to get inside my pussy. No, this was a power struggle I was finally winning. My tight cunt just might be my key to my freedom if I played my cards right.

Kneeling on the bed, he leaned down to whisper in my ear.

His mouth sucked on my earlobe, before speaking.

“Whatever you do, Eleni, just remember that you are not allowed to touch me.”

I was confused by his words, but lost that train of thought when his tongue trailed down my body, momentarily stopping to suck on each of my nipples. My hands fisted the bed sheets with his words replayed in my mind. When his mouth reached my bare mound, I was panting like a bitch in heat. I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed his lips on my pussy.

“Please, Gabriel,” I whisper.

His tongue darted out of his mouth and licked my swollen clit. My body convulsed under his simple touch.

“Oh God, Gabriel,” I cried as he repeated it again, only stopping to explore the rest of my waiting cunt with his mouth. I was damn near in heaven when my hands let go of the bed sheets and fisted his hair.


Chapter Twenty

~ Gabriel ~

The sound of her scream bounced around in my head while my already hard cock grew even more. I shouldn’t be this turned on by pain – I shouldn’t enjoy the sound of a woman begging or pleading. But whatever existed inside me was fed by the chaos and pain, the endless and high-pitched howl of a woman who’d broken the only rule I’d given her.

My eyes turned in her direction as she knelt on the floor. I’d ripped her off the bed the moment she touched me, twisting her delicate wrist within the large crushing grip of my hand and forcing her arm behind her back, pulling up so that her knees instantly bent as I pushed her upper body to the floor. Her bare ass pressed up against my chest and the sound that escaped me resonated with the violence and cruelty that her touch had brought about.

“I fucking told you. There was one simple rule, one fucking command that you had to follow and what do you do? The same thing you’ve always done, Eleni. The same thing that has made you what you’ve become and that’s left you as the piece of shit waste of a life that you are.”

“Please…please let me go.” Her voice cracked with the shock of my sudden anger.

Begging wasn’t going to help her this time. I knew she was weak and I knew she was still ill, but my threshold for sympathy towards her condition had been passed hours before.

“You’re going to learn what happens to a woman who can’t learn her place. You’re going to listen to my fucking words – every fucking syllable – and you’re going to obey those words like the good pet that you are. You’ve lived far too long fucking everything up for yourself, Eleni – far too long free to roam about making an absolute spectacle of your useless fucking life. You have something I’ll never fucking have and as long as you keep trying to destroy it – giving it no value whatsoever – I’ll be sure to do the same.”

My knee came down into her back, but I didn’t press in with my full weight. To do so would have snapped her spine and a bitch that couldn’t feel anything below the belt was useless to me. Besides, it was never my intent to break her completely. I wanted her healthy and I wanted her undamaged. Her spirit was too remarkable to be broken. Her life was too important to be snuffed out by a man who would never be able to live as much as she could.

Was I trying to save myself by saving her? Maybe. But, on some level, and under layers of scarred skin and swirling ink, there lay the heart of a dead man – a man whose life could never truly be saved, no matter his actions – good or evil. I kept reminding myself that this was good. Maybe not the method, but the intent. I wanted to fix her and set her free – a soul saved by one that was too bitter and broken to enjoy the heat of the sun on his body or the cool, wet fall of rain over his face.

My obsession had started that day outside the tattoo parlor. A simple girl who blew me off – looked at me like I was nothing worthy of her attention or concern. But then she showed me who she was. Through her pictures and posts, she exposed her weaknesses and insulted me at the same time. How was I not worth her attention? A whore who took men in dirty shit stalls, who allowed her body to be ravaged by cock after cock, drink after drink – night after night.

After releasing my grip on her arm, she fell to the floor, groaning when she pulled her arm in front of her and held her wrist to her chest. I could hear the silent sobs that escaped her throat and guilt washed over me for only a split second. By the time, I stood over her to look down at her naked body - the art across her skin stretched taut – she was crying so loud I wanted to fucking scream alongside her. I hated having to tuck my dick back in my pants without finishing off what the little bitch had started; but I couldn’t reward her. Even when I thought we’d come far enough to at least fuck – she’d rebelled again. She’d forgotten her place, and I wasn’t surprised.

“We moved too fast, didn’t we, beautiful?” Kneeling down, I hovered over her, softly running the tips of my fingers along her spine. She didn’t move away or attempt to block me from touching her and I smiled. Maybe things had changed.

“Answer me, Eleni.”

The few quiet moments that hung between us were like a weight on my shoulders. She needed to respond without being forced and she needed to start making decisions for herself that would benefit her life instead of damaging it further.

“I don’t know – maybe? I don’t know what any of this is. I don’t know why you have me and I don’t know why you won’t let me go. I don’t know what the fuck is going on, or who the fuck you are, or anything about this FUCKED UP situation!”

BOOK: The Good Girl
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