The Grave Switcheroo

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Authors: Cathy Deveraux

Tags: #Romance, #Suspense, #thriller

BOOK: The Grave Switcheroo
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The Grave Switcheroo




Cathy Deveraux




Copyright © 2013 - Tech-Smart Publications

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The Dinner Meeting

A Plan Created

The Grave Switcheroo

The Dinner Meeting


It was almost after six months that they had met, enjoying one of their dinner meetings, which were otherwise held more often. All four of them, wealthy and sophisticated, Sophia and Cynthia married to rich husbands, Marsha a realtor and Laura, a successful romance writer. They loved these lunches and dinners at their favorite posh restaurants, just being together...eating, drinking and talking.


Tonight they felt more happier and complete as a group, because Laura who had been absent from these dinners lately, had joined them again. It wasn’t so completely odd in her case, though. At times when she was in the middle of a good story, and trying to beat a deadline, she would be gone missing for a while.


“So, where have you been hiding darling ?” Cynthia smiled at Laura. “Does our writer friend have another mystery story to tell?” The other two also looked inquiringly at Laura


“In fact, I do have a story to tell ….. and it may not be what you think … not something I have been writing about, but rather something I was living through.  But this will take a little while to tell. Now, do you all have time to listen? ” Laura looked around at the group, slowly moving the wine glass in her hand.


“Well, if it is something about you, we wouldn't miss it for the world, right?”  Marsha said, looking around at others for agreement, who all nodded, smiling..


“Ok, good, let me get it out of my system then.”  Laura sighed. They could tell she was not too happy and suddenly they felt concerned and eager to listen to what she had to say.  Besides, Laura had a flair for story telling that they all liked


The waiter brought over next round of drinks. The three of them leaned back in their chairs, settling down, glancing at each other and then looking at Laura, waiting for her to speak up.


“So, it all began a few months back.  As you know, I go to John’s grave often, just to sit there and talk to him for a bit.  I find it quite soothing, you know ... I mean the quiet and being with John. And if I’m having problems with a story, it never fails to talk to him. I always somehow figure out the perfect endning or what to do if I am stuck.”  Laura looked around at her friends, starting to tell her story.


They glanced at each other. Laura had lost her husband John about three years ago and to them, she hadn’t moved past the mourning since then.  At least not to the point where she would start seeing other men. They often worried about her.


“I was there at John’s grave, almost getting ready to leave, when I hear this man in the distance. He is sobbing so uncontrollably.  I couldn’t help but notice. My curiosity got better of me and I just walked up to him. This man, he is all hunched over a grave.  His shoulders are shaking, and his sobs are like coming out of his heart.  I got closer and saw the tombstone. It was a woman’s grave and I could read that she died about three months ago.  I stand back, looking up at the sky, asking God to help him through his  tragedy.”  Laura paused a little ... then continued.


“As I’m standing there he turns around and notices me.  He apologizes for being so loud.  He told me it was his wife’s grave who had passed away. He told me I’m not the first one who’d approached him like that. 


“I told him it's no problem, and that I understand what he is going through. That that  I’ve also lost my husband not many years ago.  He tells me he is sorry for my loss and understands just how hard it is, and begins to weep again. 


“You know me, I’m a nice person ... so I walk up to him and put my hand on his shoulder, offering him a hug.  I’m just being niice you know,  not a come-on or anything like that. He responds like someone who needs it badly .  I asked him if he’d like to go and have a cup of coffee, maybe just talk a bit.  He agrees, telling me his name is Garry, shaking my hand. We went out of the graveyard to the coffee shop on the street.”


“Hmmm …so far, I like it … our elusive non-dater is now asking a man to coffee?!”  Sophia spoke up, a naughty smile coming to her lips .


Laura smiled back at her. Sophia had always supported her through the hard times, often talking to her over phone in those late-night calls.  


“Well you all remember how I was when John first passed away?”  Laura asked. They could hear the break in her voice.


“Yes.”  Cynthia said. Sophia and Marsha nodded quietly.


“I thought I could help Garry the way my friends had helped me.  Any ways, we got to the coffee shop and sat down for a while. He told me about himself a bit more.  Get this, he is an aspiring writer, working on plays, so you know, that gets the conversation going really well” Laura says.


“We even discussed some of the ideas he’s come up with, along with some of my books.  He tells me he’s seen my books on the shelves, but truthfully doesn’t feel they would be his cup of tea.  You know I have to chuckle at this, because any guy who said he read my stuff, I’d have to really wonder about.  They are romances after all.”


They all started laughing.  Suddenly the meeting started feeling more enjoyable …they were intrigued by what Laura had to offer in her story.


“I have to agree, I am still shocked that John used to read your stories for you.”  Cynthia said with a twinkle in her eyes. 


“That’s because he was all man, a very secure man”  Marsha spoke up, repeating a  phrase that Laura would tell them so many times in the past when they would pick on her about John reading her romances.


“Right, John was all man, and no one will ever measure up to him, that’s why I hadn’t dated anyone since he passed away.  But I did feel the gentleness and confidence like that of John in Garry, and I took a bit of pity on Garry also, and perhaps there was alaso a spark of interest … I’d have to admit. 


"Maybe that’s why I agreed to go to his place at that time, to take a look at his a play, a favor that he asked for" Laura said smiling a bit shyly .


“Oh ...this is getting interesting! …so tell us Laura, what went on after you got to his place?”  Sophia said, leaning forward a little in her chair  


“Ok, wait, I am getting there .... I won’t hold back anything … promise”  Laura said. She took a sip from her wine glass and then contniued


“We got to his place. It was a nice place, but you could tell who ever lived there wasn't wealthy or well off.  Not much in the furnishings, a couch, a television, and a computer desk.  He showed me one of his plays. It was ok …and made him seem genuine 


“Well, the first day nothing much happened ... we discussed the books and themes a bit and our personal lives. But you know what, right before the weekend he invited me out again and after dinner suggested we go to his place again where he wanted to discuss his new manuscript and seek my inputs


"We went to his place and had wine, while talking about his work. Now, I’m not going to make excuses, but it had been a long time since I’d been with a man, and he was good looking and a like spirit you know, plus the wine and all. Soon, we were making out on his couch, it felt really nice, but a little wrong, since his wife had passed away not too long ago.  I did understand the need for affection though, and he claimed he was okay with it, he just wanted to have something that was real” 


“Wait, you haven’t told us what he looked like, so far,  tell us that first and then the other details!”  Marsha interrupted her, now a lot of interst in her voice.


“Well, he stands about 6 foot tall. Slim but not in a thin way. Very muscular.  His hair is dark brown. Though he’s a writer, it looks like he keeps his body in shape.  Good smile. You know, an attractive man.”


“As I said before, we had found mutual interest in writing and he’s also good looking and the combination of the wine, blah blah blah just seemed natural and we got very cozy on the couch and soon we were making out.
"Look, maybe we just got carried away, or I let myself get carried away.  But once we were in the bedroom ... man! he was amazing!  He took his time, made sure I was happy, if you know what I mean.”


Cynthia smiled, a naughty smile “Nothing wrong with a man who knows how to make his partner happy … give us more juicy details baby.”


“Well, he does have just enough of you know what, to make it pleasurable without hurting.  His stamina is great .. he can easily last for what seems like an eternity. His knows how to touch, and how to take care of a woman. Well, there I was, getting all that attention that had been missing for years now”


They all looked at Laura as she seems to blush a little, something they hadn't seen in quite some time.  It was good to see her this way, but there was a bit of resignation in her face as well and they wanted to know where that came from, so they let her continue her story.


“Well, I started to go over to his place few times a week.  And many times I noticed that he barely had food in his refrigerator, and he told me that his wife had been the one who paid most bills.  But with her gone, he was working harder to finish and sell his manuscripts.  Now, you now me ... there was this part of me that wanted to help him out, so I did.”


“Over the next few weeks, I paid several of his bills, electricity, food ...even paid for a few other things.  I told him I would only do this until he found a job and could pay his bills. I hate to admit it, but I’m not sure if it was affection I was feeling for him, or just the fact he was good in bed.” 
Laura stopped for a while, letting this soak in, and taking another sip from her wine glass, before continuing


“He said he was also looking for a job and I thought sooner or later he would find one. So, I kept helping him a bit here and there. The understanding was that this was only go on until he finds a job or get some money for his manuscripts


“But this went on and on ... and soon it reached a point where I had to tell him he should not expect me to keep paying his bills all the time. I mean, after all, I wasn't  going to be his wife or the babysitter, or whatever you might call it.  He kept saying that was fine … but kept asking for more money, for this bill or that expense.”


“Another month rolled by and his mortgage was due, his wife’s insurance payoff hadn't come in yet, and he needed almost fifteen hundred dollars.  But I told him I can’t pay that one, figuring this was just a sign of something that shouldn't continue.  There was no plan for him to move in with me, or me with him. We were just two writers sharing stories and a bit of time in the bedroom.  Nothing more, so I really felt no obligation at this point to him. So I told him I can’t pay that
amount.  I tried to be as polite as I could be. I left that night and thought he’d call as usual in a couple of days and we will get together for coffee or food


“But the call never came for the next two weeks. I thought he must be upset about the bill thing, but I also did not want to call him ...I did not want him to make it a condition of our relationship that I'll keep paying his bills

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