Maurice said immediately “He is gone. And you will not find him.”
The South African sneered at the thin man. “I’ll find him. I’ll find him, and I’ll kill him. The Gray Man’s reputation is nothing but a load of hype.”
Maurice laughed and coughed. “Do you have any idea how many men who said that very thing are now rotting away eternity in a pine box?”
“That ain’t gonna be me, mate.”
Maurice nodded appreciatively. “I will have to concede that point to you. There’s not going to be enough of you left for a pine box. But not to worry, I hear mortuary services here in Geneva are exceedingly diligent. With a little luck they may salvage a blob of you big enough to half fill an urn on your mother’s mantel.”
The South African cocked his head. “What the hell are you talking about, you nutter?”
“I’m just saying, your future looks bleak, pal, but there is good news.”
The South African looked around to his men. He was clearly speaking to a crazy old buzzard. “I’ll play along, chief. What is the good news?”
“Your bleak future will be short-lived.” Then Maurice smiled. He softly began a prayer asking forgiveness for his sins.
Just then the Tech’s voice came over the radio. The six men put their hands to their earpieces to aid their hearing.
“Watcher Forty-three reports the subject just came out of the nail salon a block behind the house. He’s on foot, heading west.”
The leader of the South Africans nodded, turned his attention back to Maurice.
“Good news all around, Granddad. We won’t have to torture you to find out where he’s going.”
Maurice did not look up from his prayer. The South African team leader shrugged his shoulders, lowered his shotgun to the seated man’s chest, and fired one-handed.
As the slug left the barrel in a shower of fire, the South African lifted into the air and flew backwards into the kitchen. His neck snapped, and the skin burned from his face and hands. The other five suffered similar fates, though in the confines of the living room there was less open distance for the men to fly.
Maurice died instantly from the twelve-gauge blast to the chest at close range.
Firefighters on the scene minutes later would recognize the telltale devastation of a massive gas leak, probably from the connection between the wall and the big industrial oven. This was an unfortunate but all too common occurrence in old homes like this one, and was hardly a surprise. Only hours later, when the fire had been doused and the water and foam levels lowered to where the bodies could be examined, were the investigators scratching their heads. The seven bodies soaked and burned beyond recognition gave them little information. But the massive amount of firearms surrounding all the victims save one was highly irregular in peaceful Geneva, to say the least.
Five minutes after exiting the nail salon, the Gray Man walked west on Rue du Marché, searching for the address on the note card in his hand. A light rain began, blurring his view of the numbers on the buildings. He’d just turned north on Rue du Commerce when an explosion roared behind him.
He stopped in his tracks as did the pedestrians around him on the pavement. Unlike them, however, Gentry did not turn around. After a few seconds standing motionless in the rain, he took a step forward. The momentum returned to his body, and he continued on, his head and shoulders slumped a little lower.
He spotted a watcher, so he dodged into the Rue du Rhône, a small, covered passageway, where he lost his tail in the foot traffic near the McDonald’s.
Minutes later, he found the single-car garage in the back of an underground parking lot below the Rue de la Confédération. It was a Saturday afternoon, no one was around, and the key Maurice gave him unlocked the sliding door.
It opened with a creak, and the dust from inside the unit mixed in his nose with the scent of motor oil. He felt the walls for a light for a half minute before bumping into a large object in the middle of the floor. Above it was a cord attached to a lightbulb hanging over the middle of the room.
Gentry found himself dazzled by the brilliance of the bare bulb. Quickly he pulled down the garage door to seal himself into the room, turned back to find that the object in the center of the garage was some sort of automobile covered by a large tarp.
Maurice had said nothing about loaning him a car. For a second Court wondered if he’d somehow gained entry into the wrong unit.
He pulled back the tarp and let it fall to the pavement.
Before him sat a large black sedan, a Mercedes S-class four-door with a black, all-leather interior.
Court figured the vehicle must have cost over one hundred thousand dollars.
“Thanks, Maurice,” he mumbled.
Opening the unlocked driver’s door, the Gray Man saw the keys were in the ignition. Looking at the dash, he noticed the car had fewer than four thousand miles on it. She was a beauty, and it would certainly make his eight-hour drive to Normandy quicker and more comfortable, but there were other ways to travel. No, what he really needed were weapons. In Europe they were far more difficult to come by than efficient means of transportation.
With anticipation, he popped the trunk of the Mercedes and walked to the back.
Four large aluminum cases stood side by side. Court pulled the first one on top of the others and flipped it open.
The corners of his mouth twitched upwards.
Heavy metal.
“My hero, Maurice,” he said.
An HK MP5, well-oiled and stored in a foam encasement; four magazines with thirty preloaded nine-millimeter rounds in each lay side by side in the foam; and two fragmentation hand grenades, one resting on either side of the MP5.
He loaded the submachine gun, chambered a round, and tossed it in the front seat of the Mercedes with all the spare magazines.
The second case contained two fragmentation and two flash-bang stun grenades, two door-breaching charges, and a small cube of Semtex plastic explosive with a remote detonating device. Court left this equipment in the trunk for now.
Brushed aluminum case number three housed a handheld GPS unit, two matched walkie-talkies, and a laptop computer. All this gear went into the backseat of the car.
In the final case Court found two Glock-19 nine-millimeter pistols and four loaded magazines.
Also in this container Court found a utility belt and two thigh rigs. One was for carrying a Glock on his right hip, and the other would hang on his left leg and hold magazines for the submachine gun and the pistol.
On a hunch he lifted the carpet up in the trunk of the Mercedes. There he discovered one more weapon, an AR-15 carbine assault rifle. Alongside the spare tire was a plastic container with three loaded magazines full of .223 ammunition, ninety rounds in all.
Court spent a few minutes powering up the sat phone and familiarizing himself with the GPS. All the while the police, fire department, and ambulance sirens continued to wail a quarter mile away at Maurice’s house.
This massive weapons cache told Gentry two things about his former mentor. One, though he was out of the CIA and living in the open, he still had some reason to believe he might need to blast his way out of a sticky situation.
And two, from the look of the top-notch automobile and the insane quantity and quality of the gear, it was apparent to Gentry that the rumors about his mentor had been true.
likely embezzled from the accounts he maintained for the CIA.
Maurice had surely known Gentry would come to this conclusion, yet still he offered up his cache to his young protégé. It was the dying man’s last wish that Court use the hoard to get away and succeed in his mission, and not to judge him too harshly for it.
As Gentry pulled out of the garage, looked straight ahead through the tinted windows, and passed more first responders on their way to the crime scene on Rue de l’Evêché, his emotions were conflicted. Court had never misappropriated a dime in his life. He had never even run up per diem charges when working hits and black bag jobs for mobsters and drug dealers. No, he was a killer, but he was no thief. That Maurice had stolen from the company was disappointing, but in the end a great bit of those stolen funds Gentry planned to put to use. Court was at once both idealistic and pragmatic. Maurice’s thievery was wrong but, he told himself, he would not judge his old instructor too harshly. Instead, he’d redeem the old man’s honor, use every last goddamn bullet and gun to save the three innocents in Normandy and retrieve the personnel histories of all the assets in the Special Activities Division.

Riegel stood behind the Tech. Lloyd stood on his left. The young ponytailed man sat at his desk in front of computer monitors, headphones pressed to his ears.
From the expression on the young Brit’s face, the two men in charge of the operation could tell the news was not good.
The Tech said, “We have confirmation from our local sources that all of the South Africans are dead. There was a large explosion at the target location. Looks like it may have been a gas leak. No doubt brought on by gunfire or some other use of ordnance. The fire department is still working on the blaze; they don’t have a body count just yet, they only confirm there were no survivors. Multiple fatalities.”
Lloyd said, “Gentry?”
The Tech shook his head. “He was seen leaving the building minutes before the explosion.”
“Seen by?”
“A watcher who lost him in the crowd.”
“Come on!” screamed Lloyd. “Do I have to kill him myself?”
Riegel pulled his phone from his pocket and made a call. Waited a moment. “Yes, it’s me. I need a helicopter. Pick up the following items and get here before dark. Write all this down. Thermal imaging units, motion detectors, remote sensors, monitors, and cabling. You have all that?
“Also find Serge and Alain and get them on that helicopter. Tell them to grab anything else they need to put a three-hundred-sixty-degree electronic wall around Château Laurent.” Riegel hung up.
Lloyd stared at him. “What was all that about?”
“Electronic surveillance gear. Men to install and monitor it.”
“What’s it for?”
“It’s for Gentry. It’s for tonight.”
“There are still three hundred miles and thirty-five shooters between him and here. You don’t seriously think he’s going to make it through to the château, do you?”
“It’s my responsibility to ensure he dies. Whether he dies in Geneva, on a road in the French Alps, or out here on the lawn, it is my job to salvage your operation. I am going to use every instrument, every technical advantage, every warm body, and every gun I can put between his current location and his destination.”
The Tech looked up to the two men behind him. For the first time, the young Englishman showed emotion: fear. “Nobody said anything about him actually coming here. I’m not a field man, for Christ’s sake.”
Riegel looked down at him sternly. “Consider yourself promoted.”
The Tech turned back to his terminal.
Next Riegel called up to the tower and had the Belarusian sniper join him and Lloyd out in the back garden. The sniper met them by the fountain, his large Dragunov rifle cradled across his chest. Together they walked slowly past the bloodstained grass, towards the apple orchard that started at the end of the backyard and continued on for several hundred yards to the high stone wall that ringed the entire property. Riegel and the sniper sniffed the air, then knelt to the grass and put their hands in it. They looked at everything in their environment carefully. Lloyd just looked bored and annoyed.
Riegel spoke to the sniper in Russian. Lloyd stared off towards the orchard. “You understand the rules of engagement?”
“If it moves towards the château, shoot it.”
“That’s right.”
“Simple enough.”
Riegel’s hiking boots sank in the well-manicured lawn. He sniffed the air again. “Did you have fog this morning?”
“Yes. Visibility not more than two hundred yards. Couldn’t see as far as the apple trees until almost ten a.m.”