Authors: Millenia Black

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One day, in between classes at school, Holly told Kathryn the truth about one of her sister Lauren’s salons. The back rooms were reserved for something
special. Holly worked there for her sister on the weekends, and on some weekdays as well, modeling.

In exchange, Lauren bought her most anything she wanted: makeup, clothes, CDs; she’d gotten her an iPod, a prepaid cell phone, and even brand-new laptop. She did not pay the girls in cash to avoid raising suspicions. Expensive gifts were easier to explain. Lauren Samson as the “generous employer” worked like a charm.

“Kate, if you’re game, you’d be great at it! You could ask for just about anything you wanted without having to go through your parents—they wouldn’t have to know a thing. Wanna try it? Give it a shot?”

At first Kate had just stood there, staring at Holly, stunned by what her friend was involved in. But then she thought it over.

Why not?

Kathryn had been extremely nervous her first time. Lauren had wound up giving her a small white pill.

It’ll help you relax,” she’d said reassuringly. Relax and release her inhibitions. Boy—did it ever!

Kathryn had hardly recognized the girl she saw on the Web site the next day: a sexy vixen. It gave her a thrill to know that hundreds, maybe even thousands, of men would be lusting after her in those sexy poses.

After that first session, she had talked Jodi into giving it a try, and before they knew it, they became the star attractions of

Initially it had begun with photographs only. Rudy would come in with his camera and take dozens of pictures of them, naked and striking provocative poses. Before the night was out, the pictures were up on one of Lauren’s hugely popular Web sites.

After a few such sessions, Lauren decided to add a live feed to one of the sites, and Rudy showed up with a video camera.

When Holly pointed out that they should be compensated for the change, to their surprise Lauren had agreed, giving all the girls full use of her salon. They could have their hair, nails, and makeup done whenever they wished, free of charge. They could even go in for complimentary tans and massages. Life was grand.

“That Lauren Samson’s awfully nice to you, isn’t she?” her mother had commented one day when Kate came home with a brand-new cashmere sweater. “Soon your closet’s going to look like mine.”




Come on, baby. Spread those lips.”

Kathryn lay naked, spread-eagled on the bed, following Paunch Belly’s every instruction, but her heart wasn’t in it tonight. And from the look on Jodi’s face, neither was hers.

This guy gave Kathryn the creeps. No, worse than that, the heebie-jeebies.

She could see his erection bulging against the crotch of his far-too-tight pants.

“I don’t like the new camera guy,” Kate told Lauren later. “He makes me uncomfortable.”

Me, too,” Jodi chimed in.

He looks kinda spooky. Did you see the way he gawked at us? That’s not very professional, is it? You said these guys were all professionals…”

Blowing it off, Lauren replied, “I don’t see the big deal, but Rudy should be back next week—so relax.”




What do you guys think about going on a cruise to Jamaica?”

Kathryn, Jodi, and Holly had just gotten dressed after an early-evening video session.

“Jamaica?” the girls asked in excitement.

“Yep, and I’ll even let you each bring a friend.”

All three started jumping up and down, hugging one another. “Oh, my God, you guys!” Kathryn said, beaming. “Jamaica’s great! My dad took us there for the summer a couple years ago.”

Suddenly Holly sobered. “Okay, Lauren—what’s the catch?”

Lauren Samson, dressed to impress in a cream-colored cotton Marc Jacobs dress with matching sandals, simply laughed, saying, “Should’ve known nothing would get past you, little sister. But you’re right. There
a catch.”

They all looked at her expectantly.

“We’re going to bring a guy into the mix—but just this once!” she added quickly when she saw the looks on their faces. “I’ve met him, and he’s
nice. A real McCutie.”

Wanting to back out, Kathryn asked, “What exactly will we have to do with this guy, Lauren?”

“Yeah,” said Holly, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. “And how old is he?”

“He’s paying for the opportunity…so you guys’ll do whatever he wants you to. I told him no intercourse…but everything else is fair game.”

“No way, Lauren—you’re nuts,” Holly said, shaking her head. “Where’d you find this guy? Does he know how old we are?”

“What does it matter? His money’s just as green as anyone else’s. You wanna keep up your brand-new wardrobes every week, don’t you? Well, it costs money.”

Reaching for her Fendi clutch bag, Kathryn walked toward the door. “I have to pass on this one, guys. It’s too heavy. My dad would

Lauren grabbed her arm. Her eyes hardened. “Your dad would kill you now if he knew where he could find you on the Internet.” She looked pointedly at Holly and Jodi. “All three of you.”

Her point came across. Clearly.

But then her eyes softened and she smiled reassuringly. “Look, girls…let’s not ruin the good thing we have going here, okay? I promise there won’t be any sex. He might want some oral action and he might want to touch you, but I’ll tell him that that’s as far as it can go. How does that sound?”

Kathryn folded her arms. “You
there won’t be any sex?”

Lauren Samson raised her right hand. “I promise.”




Here—take this,” Lauren said, handing her one of those little white pills. “It’ll help you feel more relaxed. In fact”—she handed her a second one—“take two.”

She gave Jodi and Holly two each as well. They would all be shooting separately with the man Lauren was bringing in. They hadn’t seen him yet, but she had said he was a hunk.

Within a few minutes, Kathryn’s head was spinning.

What in the world did she give me

Her legs became wobbly and she had to be led into the room where the brass bed and camera equipment were set up. Kate lay down slowly on the bed and snuggled into the cool sheets. Then suddenly her body began feeling alive and tingly all over.

She heard a faraway voice. It sounded familiar. “I think she’s ready now.”

Who was that? Kathryn had to concentrate to figure it out. A bright light suddenly came on, causing her to squint against its harsh glare. Was that Lauren?
was ready? And where exactly was she again? Lauren’s salon?

“Hi, sweetness.” This voice was deep. It came at her through a thick, tingly fog. “Don’t worry. We’re going to take
good care of you.”

Kate felt her legs floating apart. It felt

“Yes,” the voice moaned. “Very nice.”

Had she spoken?

Suddenly someone was touching her. Rubbing her, making her wet. Kathryn moaned.

Are you the guy?” she asked dreamily. Great sensations were flowing through her body now, and her hands were placed around something. It was hard. What was it? It seemed natural to begin running her fingers up and down the length of it, exploring. Kneading. She heard another moan, deeper and more intense this time.

Then at once the hard thing was gone, and she felt something roughly probing her down below.

No, Ajay!” another voice bellowed from beyond the fog. “Remember the agreement—no sex!”

Kate felt more rubbing between her legs. She began thrashing her head about the pillow in ecstasy. And it felt as if she were moving in slow motion.

Feels good…” she heard someone moan. Was that
her own
voice? “Mmm…yeah…”

Yeah, baby,” the deep voice growled. She felt a tongue on her nipple. A tongue in her mouth…and then between her legs. It was unbearably…delicious.

Then she felt herself being turned over.

Wait,” she mumbled. “Whatcha….doin’?”

Don’t worry, baby. Take it easy.”

Now she felt a mouth—and a tongue—devouring her from behind. It felt
. It was licking and sucking and…
. It felt great, unlike anything she’d ever experienced. Her ears rang. Her toes tingled.

The last thing Kate remembered was feeling the spray of a warm, wet gush…all over her naked bottom.




Much later, Lauren helped Kathryn and the others get cleaned up and dressed. They were all still pretty buzzed from the pills.

She left them passed out in one of the back rooms and went down the hallway that led into the shop, at the front of the building. Ajay and the two men he’d brought with him were waiting by the front desk.

Lauren held out her palm. Ajay handed over the money. Cash. Three thousand dollars, a thousand for each girl.

I want the blond again next week,” Ajay said, a hungry gleam in his eyes.

Pocketing the money, Lauren shook her head. “No can do. This was a one-time deal only. I can’t risk it.”

I’ll pay you double.”

gave her pause.
Two thousand dollars

Lauren smiled. “I’ll see what I can do.”




The following day Kathryn awoke with a headache that would’ve hurt a head made of sandstone.

She remembered next to nothing about the events of the previous night. It was frustrating…and a little scary. She had a vague recollection of being sexually aroused, and an even vaguer recollection of being dropped off at her house by Lauren.

After using the bathroom, she thanked God she had not run into her parents in the hallway. She signed onto her computer and checked to see if either Holly or Jodi was online.

Instant messenger had become their primary line of communication. They couldn’t risk having anyone pick up an extension and overhear phone conversations. That was too risky.

Jodi was on. Kate buzzed her.


Hey, u there?
yeah, i was just going to walk over 2 your house 2 see if u were up…what the hell happened last nite?
I wanted to ask u the same thing. Don’t remember much, but I don’t like it. I’m out. Not doing it anymore. I can always get my dad 2 buy me stuff I want, and my mom’s a shopoholic anyway. I’m going to text Lauren and tell her I’m done. No more.

me 2. i remember the guy playing with my butt hole—that was completely disgusting!! Sick!!

Anyway…going to find breakfast. Starving. TTYL.



Kathryn shuddered as she turned to leave her desk. She picked up her cell phone and sent Lauren Samson an urgent test message.


Last night was no good. No more, I’m done. Won’t be at shop next weekend. Tell parents if you want, but I’m out.


If Lauren told her parents anything about what they’d been doing for her, she would be placing her entire business in jeopardy. Kate was pretty sure she would not be willing to take that risk.

Gripped by a sudden spurt of curiosity, she opened up her Firefox browser and typed
in the Web search box. The site materialized in seconds, with the usual buzz phrases flashing on the home page…enticing prospective customers to succumb and cough up their precious credit card numbers.



Far from legal!




Schoolgirls gone bad!

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