The Great Bridge (91 page)

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Authors: David McCullough

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Brooklyn Bridge and


award of cable wire contracts


bridge plans


bridge trains


bridge idea spearheaded by


cost estimates


fare cost


at inauguration ceremony


money furnished by




Brooklyn caisson and


Brooklyn Theater fire and


Brooklyn tower and


building of Central Park and


death of Murphy and


at launching of New York caisson


political ambitions of


1882 state Democratic convention


on quality of American manufacturing


J. Roebling’s funeral and


W. Roebling and


removal of Roebling


Roebling’s staff


sale of bridge stock


Steinmetz’s hostility to


Tweed denounced by


wire fraud

Kingsley, Mrs. William

Kingsley & Keeney (contractors)

Kimbel, Charles

Kinsella, Thomas


award of cable wire contracts and


breakup of Tweed Ring and


in Bridge Party


bridge plans and


bridge trains and


on Brooklyn caisson


1882 Democratic state convention and


footbridge work and


at launching of New York caisson


leaves New York Bridge Company


on politicians


removal of W. Roebling and


Rink Committee investigation and


on J. Roebling


at Roebling’s funeral

Kirkwood, James Pugh

Kloman, Andrew

Kohrner, William

Krupp works (Essen, Germany)

Land spans, defined

Lane, William

Latrobe, Benjamin Henry

Laveille, Gussie



against J. Kelly


against New York Bridge Company


against W. Roebling


involving Lincoln


started by Miller

Leavy (shipmaster)

Lee, Gen. Robert E.

Lesseps, Ferdinand de

Levy, Jules

Lewis, John W.

Lewiston suspension bridge (N.Y.)

Liberty, Statue of (N.Y.C.)

Lickey, Phebe (mother of Emily Roebling)



for Brooklyn caisson


at inauguration


for terminal buildings


turned on

Limelights (calcium lamps) in Brooklyn caisson



in anchorages


first block of




specifications for

Lincoln, Abraham


assassination of


on Beecher


lawsuit involving


H.C. Murphy and


Paine promoted by


W. Roebling on

Linville, J. H., 1

Literature, Brooklyn Bridge in

Littlejohn, A. N.

Long Island Historical Society (Brooklyn)

Lott, John A.

Low, A. A.

Low, Seth


auditing New York Bridge Company and


Brooklyn Bridge inauguration and


removal of W. Roebling and

Lyman, Col. Theodore

Lynch, Mike

McAlpine, William J.

McCann (worker)

McCarey, Francis

McCarthy, Timothy

McCue, Alexander


as attorney for New York Bridge Company


Brooklyn Bridge inauguration and


Committee of Investigation and

McDonald (worker)

McDonald, Charles

McDowell, Gen. Irvin

McGrath (worker)

McKay, Patrick

McLaughlin, Hugh (Boss)


breakup of Tweed Ring and


bridge plans and


Brooklyn Ring and


corruption of


Kingsley and


Low and


wire fraud and

McLean, Samuel

McNulty, George


Brooklyn anchorage accident and


Brooklyn caisson and


Brooklyn terminal building designed


cable positioning and


design of Brooklyn tower and


footbridge work and


Tay Bridge collapse and


testifies in Miller suit

Madison, James

Maginnis, Arthur Ambrose

Maginnis, Mary (Mary A. Tweed)

Maid of Mist

Maintenance of Brooklyn Bridge

“Man. Conscience” (J. Roebling)

New York

Manhattan Bridge (N.Y.C.)

Mansfield, Josie

Marin, John

Marshall, William


removal of W. Roebling and


wire fraud and



accidents at Brooklyn tower and


award of cable wire contracts and


Bridge plans and


cable installation and


Farrington’s quarrel with


fire in Brooklyn caisson and


footbridge work and


maintenance work and


promenade accident and


at J. Roebling’s funeral


W. Roebling and


removal of Roebling and


replaces Roebling


Roebling’s bends attacks and


suffers bends attack


testifies in Miller suit


trusswork and


wire fraud and

Martin, James

Martin, Kingsley

Mary Powell

Meade, Gen. George

Melville, Herman

Menai Strait bridge (Wales)

Mercantile Library (Brooklyn)


Methfessel, Laura (daughter of John Roebling)


children of


death of her father and

Methfessel, Mr. (husband of Laura)

Miller, Abraham

Miller, William

Mills Building (N.Y.C.)




Monroe, James

Mont Cenis Tunnel


Morgan, J. P.

Morgan, John

Morgan, Junius

Moreaux (French engineer)

Morris, George Pope

Morse, Samuel F. B.

Morse Building (N.Y.C.)

Motley (board member)

Mullen, Neil

Mumford, Lewis

Murphy, G. I.

Murphy, Henry C.


award of cable contracts and


breakup of Tweed Ring and


Brooklyn Bridge and bridge idea spearheaded by


bridge plans and


bridge trains and

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