The Green Tsunami: A Tidal Wave of Eco-Babble Drowning Us All (5 page)

BOOK: The Green Tsunami: A Tidal Wave of Eco-Babble Drowning Us All
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The United States has managed to land only a handful of U.N.
global operations. The largest monetary organization of the United
Nations located in Washington, D.C. is the International Monetary
Fund. This means if the U.N. has a money problem, the IMF is based
near the center of America’s monetary power. Then of course, there
is the World Bank. Few realize that the World Bank is, in fact, a U.N.
organization and under it three sub-operations; the International
Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Finance
Corporation and the International Center for the Settlement of
Disputes. All are located in the sprawling and highly political innerbeltway of Washington, D.C. where U.S. currency printing operations
are nearby.

The U.N. continues to maintain its standing army of “Peacekeepers”.
This global army currently has troops patrolling trouble spots in 117
countries. The U.N.’s peacekeepers are supported by more than 5,800
civilian staff members and the local civilian operations employ another
14,000. The annual budget for the U.N.’s standing army is more than
$2 billion a year, again with America paying the largest percentage of
the annual bill.
At any given year, the annual meeting of the General Assembly can
create “special funds” which the U.N. bills to its members.
Therein lies
a major problem that our government has complained about for
decades—oversight. Essentially, there is none.
The U.N. operates
with no public records and there is no U.N. Freedom of Information
Act. Requests for operating information and budget details are routinely denied. Litanies of corruption scandals over the years, involving
the U.N. and the Peacekeeper’s army, have never been detailed.
During the George W. Bush presidency, America’s dynamic U.N.
Ambassador John Bolton broke the U.N. code of silence and released
447 documents containing thousands of pages of secret insider information. The revelations were startling:
• Bribes paid to local officials after the devastating tsunami in
• Sex crimes reported against U.N. Peacekeepers serving in the
Gaza Strip.
• During the war in Kosovo, bribes were paid to a local U.N. offi-
cial at the Kosovo Airport to get supplies to needy families.
• Reports of U.N. Peacekeepers stealing gold while patrolling The
• In Liberia, a U.N. Ukrainian pilot stole relief food and resold it.
American U.N. officials were also part of the scandals. Jacques Paul
Klein, a U.S special representative to Liberia in Africa, quit his post
in April of 2005. During the Bosnia War, his heavy-handed approach
to his U.N. duties earned him the nickname “The Bully of Bosnia”.
President Bush had transferred Klein from Bosnia to Liberia where
he struck up a relationship with a local woman who turned out to be
a spy. An investigation into Klein showed he and his girlfriend used
United Nation’s aircraft as their private jets to attend U.N. parties and
conferences all over the world.
The U.N. Oil for Food Program turned out to be another gigantic
scandal. Designed to cripple the Saddam Hussein dictatorship in Iraq,
an oil export embargo was imposed. But an exception was made to the
crippling embargo, so Iraqi citizens were not harmed by the sanctions.
Saddam was permitted to sell a small amount of the nation’s crude
to buy food and medicine for his people. The man who headed the
U.N.’s Oil for Food program was the son of U.N. Secretary General
Kofi Anan. To make a long and complex story as simple to understand as possible, the young businessman and his cronies became very
wealthy men, Iraqi citizens suffered and Saddam laughed at both
the U.N. and the U.S. Millions and perhaps billions of dollars were
skimmed or diverted in complex financial schemes and no one was
ever prosecuted.
Other U.N. Aid programs have been rife with corruption since the
1990s. The revolution in Cambodia required yet another U.N. Aid
Program where administrators got rich and help did not trickle down
to the local people. When the truth was eventually revealed, all of the
U.N. officials mysteriously disappeared.
UNICEF, the United Nation’s program known for their “Trick or
Treat for UNICEF” Halloween fundraiser, was established in 1946 to
feed the starving children, many of them orphans, left behind following
WWII. The work of UNICEF evolved over the next five decades until
the mission was expanded in the 1990s to include “advanced sexual
and reproductive rights” taught to school children as young as 10
years of age. In 1987 in Belgium, a child porn ring operated out of the
UNICEF headquarters involving pedophiles located in Switzerland,
France and England. Fourteen were arrested in the sting. Shocking
revelations at the trial proved that UNICEF do-gooders would ask for
“sex relief” before they doled out aid to the needy kids. The UNICEF
scandals were so abhorrent; that the U.S. Congress halted all financial
support until UNICEF cleaned up their international act.
Compared to the long lists of scandals and corruption, the behavior
of the U.N. staff in New York City is a relatively minor annoyance.
Members are known throughout the city as “scofflaws”. They notoriously drive cars with special U.N. diplomatic license plates, ignore
parking and other minor traffic laws and when cited for violations
simply never pay their tickets and claim diplomatic immunity.
At the New York Headquarters annual opening session of the
General Assembly, news coverage reports a steady stream of global
dictators who set up shop in nearby luxury hotels, tie up traffic as their
motorcades drive them to the meeting and then parade to the marble
podium to roundly condemn Israel and America. From the rambling
and incoherent Iranian Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Cuba’s Fidel
Castro and Venezuela’s bellowing Hugo Chavez (both in healthier
days); their speeches routinely receive long, standing ovations.
In light of the U.N.’s long history of scandals and corruption, one
would think the world might have been more than a bit suspicious
when a U.N. organization began issuing a steady stream of escalating
global temperature readings claiming they were an imminent threat
to the survival of all mankind. For years, we have been hearing that
unless the world took drastic action to halt greenhouse gases, civilization would surely perish. And yet, somehow we are all still here.
The U.N. also engineered a global environmental program that
would punish the rich and benefit the poor. Their reports determined
the pollution caused by these developed nations created unimaginable
harm to impoverished Third World countries, so “reparations” were
in order. In other words, “Global Warming” was the reason for a giant
redistribution of wealth as the U.N.’s Agenda 21 was implemented.
A small clique of elite U.N. scientists operating at the obscure East
Anglia University in England became known as “The International
Panel on Climate Change” but few realized it was top to bottom a U.N.
organization. These “experts” became the world’s leading source of
global warming statistics for decades. Only a few “climate deniers” (or
as I prefer to call them “environmental truth tellers”) scrutinized the
IPCC’s alarming statistics. Most perplexing was how were these U.N.
scientists able to construct temperature readings before the invention
of the thermometer? The answer turned out to be uniquely revealing.
They hired one “tree-ring” expert who charted the earth’s temperatures from old logs he found dissected from around the world.
Then secret emails were revealed showing that from 2000 to
2006 one of the U.N.’s IPCC scientists at the East Anglia University
School of Environmental Sciences and the director of the nowexposed Climate Research Unit received more than $19 million in
U.N. research grants. That’s approximately $3 million a year to “cook
the climate books” and produce statistics that bolstered U.N. global
warming claims.
Returning to our overview of U.N. operations around the world,
the current available budget for all of the U.N.’s global operations
in 2012 was introduced, voted on and passed Christmas Eve 2011
when most of the world’s attention was otherwise occupied. Totaling
a staggering $12.15 billion, it was divided between $5.15-billion for
the General Budget and $7 billion for U.N. Peacekeeping Operations.
The U.S. was billed for 22% of the general budget and 27% of the
U.N.’s standing army budget. In addition, we were billed for two of
the U.N.’s special funds for the 2012 World Food Program and the
U.N. Development Program.
Here is good news for Americans.
After the revelation of the U.N.’s
IPPC Climategate email scandal, Congress pulled the plug on the
group’s $13-million annual budget. Congress also told President
Obama, his Environmental Protection Agency and EPA Secretary Lisa
Jackson not to use any of their operating budgets to regulate greenhouse gases in America.
Now the bad news for Americans.
The EPA and President Obama
simply ignored the Congressional directive.
One final, cautionary thought about U.N. operations. They have a
long history of proposing various “Global Tax” schemes, so they need
no longer depend on the United States generosity to pay for their
various U.N. global enterprises. The latest idea was a U.N. tax on
all international transportation tickets, airfare and cruises. Alternately,
they have suggested a tax on all overnight international monetary
transfers within the global banking systems. If each transaction netted
only a fraction of a penny, the globalists would receive an avalanche of
income each night and would almost immediately be self supporting.
Imagine the U.N., an international globalist operation with an
unlimited budget and no oversight. Imagine the mischief they could
create. Knowing the socialist connections of Dr. Brundtland and
the socialist/communist economic theories of Maurice Strong, how
quickly might the U.N. move to impose a New One World Economy
that would in turn support Global Governance and a New United
Nations World Order? Could the radical environmentalists who are
now suggesting a myriad of annoying behavior modifications, someday have a standing army to enforce their lifestyle changes and a world
court to punish repeat offenders?
Remember, “Agenda 21” includes the three E’s of sustainability—environment, economy and equity.
Translated that means strict
enforcement of environmental laws and regulations and a carefully
regulated economy that is based on socialist-communist principals of
equity redistribution as the U.N. takes from the rich and gives to the
Come to think of it, that concept has already taken root in America.


The desire to rule the world is as old as mankind.
From the Caesars of Rome to Alexander the Great, from Hitler’s
National Socialist Party to France’s Napoleon Bonaparte and from
Joseph Stalin’s Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the Islamic
nations that terrorize the planet today, man has longed to impose his
dominance on the other citizens of our planet. “Global Governance”
is a modern day version of that age old desire. A small group of supposedly “enlightened elitists” will decide what is best for the rest of us.
Many are naturally suspicious of the planet being dominated by a
one world government or a one world economic system. It simply
sounds evil to those of us who love and cherish our freedoms. But
globalism has made astounding gains in the past forty plus years.
Since that first 1970 Earth Day, much of the U.N.’s progress has been
under the benign banner of a supposedly well-intentioned, “green,
environmental agenda”.
After the first U.N. Earth Summit and follow-up “Agenda 21”
meeting in Kyoto, Japan, The Brundtland Commission, Maurice
Strong, his wife Hanna and other U.N. officials were preparing to
shift their global environmental agenda into overdrive. But they had
one fundamental problem; few in America trust the United Nations.
In the 1970s, virtually every bus bench at public transit stops in
California was used by the John Birch Society to advertise their plea,
“Get US out of the United Nations”. And yet for years and unexplained reasons, America has simply agreed to foot the bill for an
organization, with an international cadre of fellow international travelers, who take delight in giving standing ovations to two-bit dictators
and assorted despots from around the world while seeminly enjoying
their opposition to America’s vision of freedom and democracy.
The U.N. was also very aware of their tarnished reputation that
resulted from that ever growing list of international scandals. As they
unrolled “Agenda 21” with all of its socialist/communist philosophy,
they studiously avoided being an overt presence in the climate hysteria
of the 1980s and 90s. But the globalists were nonetheless working
furiously behind their “green curtain”, pulling the levers and making
lots of threatening noises to cause climate panic around the world.
The U.N.’s claims of Acid Rain or a Hole in the Ozone layer were
boosted by the scientific information spoon-fed to the world for two
decades by that shadowy group of scholars gathered under the relatively innocuous name, “The International Panel on Climate Change”
—the IPCC. They were clever enough not to call the panel a U.N.
study group, thereby avoiding the general mistrust of the U.N.’s
branding and instead referring to it as an “international” panel.
“Climate Change” eventually replaced and updated the more general threat of “Global Warming” as put forth in Agenda 21 because,
quite honestly, the planet was not cooperating. For 16 of the last 18
years, scientists tell us the earth simply has not warmed. In fact, they
tell us that more recently, global temperatures have started to fall.
Conversely, this meant the newest environmental threat was actually
as old as the first Earth Day. Was our planet heading for a “Global
Cooling” period that the Ice Agers predicted lo, those many years ago?
Yet not to be dissuaded from the necessity for the Global Warming
debate, global environmentalists recently released temperature readings claiming America’s temperatures in 2012 were the warmest in
history, certain proof that global warming was indeed happening. And
to add even more evidence to their argument, in late October of 2012,
two weather fronts combined to create an unprecedented storm called
“Hurricane Sandy”. There indeed was the obvious proof—dangerous
storms increasing, ocean levels rising, and no doubt, “the sky was falling”. Once again the environmental hand wringers roared on national
television, “Beware, we are destroying the planet and we must take
action now!”
However, to repudiate those claims, scientists—bona fide ones—
were quick to remind us, if the U.S. had an unusually warm spate of
weather for one or two years, it doesn’t mean the rest of the planet is
overheating. Our country actually makes up about 1.6% of the total
earth’s surface. In fact, climate records actually show the hottest days
ever recorded in American history was in the1930s at the start of the
Industrial Revolution, before there was smog and little air pollution.
Then, New York City temperatures were over one hundred degrees
for weeks at a time and in the southwestern United States, the Dust
Bowl occurred because of the record heat and drought. Nothing quite
as catastrophic has happened in America since.
I received an interesting chart and email from Dr. Roy Spencer,
who has for many years approached the environmental dooms-day
prophets with a mostly skeptical eye. In early 2013, while the television newscasters were touting the preceding year as the hottest year
on record…ever, he wrote, “Since 1979, NOAA satellites have been
carrying instruments which measure the natural microwave thermal emissions from oxygen in the atmosphere,” says his note. “John
Christy and I update global temperature datasets that represent the
piecing together of the temperature data from a total of eleven instruments flying on eleven different satellites over the years.” He updates
his charts the first week of every month and publishes them for everyone to see at his website listed in the back of this book.
Here is his graph. It traces the temperatures across the planet since
America launched the first of our NOAA satellites in the late 70s’.
As you read the graph, note: an El Nino event occurred in 1997-98
when the earth’s temperatures literally skyrocketed. But by 2008, the
graph returns to normal and stays closer to the center until 2011 when
it shows another drop, thus the concept that we may be entering a
period of global cooling.

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