The Guardian Chronicles: Book 03 - The Dark Tide

BOOK: The Guardian Chronicles: Book 03 - The Dark Tide
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The Guardian Chronicles


The Dark Tide



Steven R. Burke


Copyright © 2012 by Steven R. Burke 
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Steven R. Burke
Visit my website at 
Printed in the United States of America
First Printing: December 2012
ISBN-13 978-0-9887865-2-3




This is for my brothers Scott, Gary, and Doug


Table of Contents


Yukio’s Madness

The Quest

The Forest of Renshaw

The Floods Recede

The Silver Anchor


Dagnolir Fortress

Visit to Nairi


The Duel

Obsidian Walls

The Council of Landen

Lake Lachlan

The Black Mist


Westward Bound


The Sacking of Belva

Laikra Island

Vida Cavern







Kana did not waste any time after her meeting with the white wolf Rolon.  She had to return her focus back to the war she had begun, so she called for a meeting with her military leaders.  She was currently flying toward the eastern part of the Black Forest to the small woodland village of Arlenael…the location of her secret council.  The elves had fled this quaint place after the wolves attacked some time ago.  The beasts did not tarry long because they were heading to Landen to join forces with the orcs of Tarin.  Only a handful of residents appeared to have died from the attack before the rest were able to vanish without a trace moments after the surprise attack.  Of all the Elven dwellings in the ancient forest of Renshaw, this one contained the most complex forms of wild magic.  The very ground pulsated with unimaginable power…something that should have concerned those who trespassed carelessly on its hallowed grounds.

As the massive obsidian dragon Ryo flew high in the storm clouds that still covered the land of Landen, an ill wind hit the beast and its rider hard in the face.  An unseen force tried to push them back or ward them off the path they were on.  Ryo thrust his powerfully built wings with all his might in order to push through the clouds and once he was through the resistance ebbed away.  Kana did not think anything of it, but her fell beast knew better than to dismiss such an encounter.  Powerfully wild magic was in the air about them and neither of them possessed such unpredictable power.

The village was directly below the pair now as they emerged from the clouds over the high plains.  Ryo immediately went into a circling descent while Kana sent out magical probes to see who was already present.  She immediately sensed the presence of several powerful creatures that possessed forms of the wildest magic she knew of.  They were blocking her scans and appeared to be protecting something of great significance.  However, she was not concerned with these unseen beings, so she merely ignored them and waited impatiently to land.  Her focus was on the meeting and not some creatures that did not pose any real threat.

The black dragon landed heavily on the ground and allowed for his master to gracefully slide off his scale clad back.  Once she was on the ground, he thrust himself back up into the sky and turned west. 
“I wonder where he thinks he is going.  Oh well, he will come when he is called for”
thought Kana dismissively.  She had noticed that Ryo had taken it upon himself to question her decisions of late.  He was also expending a lot of energy to block his mind from her all the time now.  She probably should have been concerned with this behavior, however she was too preoccupied with the war and the quest she had sent Rolon on to be concerned.

“You should be concerned about his behavior…he knows your plans and all of your darkest secrets.  If he parted company with you and decided to aid the guardian council, the damage would be irreversible” spoke a dark and meaningful voice from Kana’s left.  A black mist seemed to dissipate slowly as a dark figure disgorged itself to stand by the fallen guardian.

“Dükker…you must really stop doing that” replied Kana irritably.  Flames encompassed her briefly at the unexpected appearance of the dark high elf.  She shivered slightly and the flames slowly went out.  She closed her eyes before rolling them.  She cleared her mind and then slowly opened them once more to look out at nothing in particular.

“You should remember to guard your thoughts and feelings better Kana.  Or is it the fallen guardian that you prefer to be called now?  At least that is what everyone refers to you as now.”  His mirthless eyes did not waver from her as she struggle to remain in control of herself.

“And you should remember that I am your master and can dispose of you at will!”  Flames burst into life in her eyes this time as she looked Dükker in the face.  It did not have the effect she had hoped for.  He smiled slightly at her while his eyes continued to look at her coldly.

“My mistress must do what she feels is necessary, of course.  Where are the others?”  His lack of concern at her fiery outburst seemed to have the desired effect.  He rather this new game they played.

“I thought I would let the two of you insult one another for a little while longer before I announced my arrival” someone with a deep guttural voice said from Kana’s right.  A tall black figure detached from the shadow of a small cottage.  He was not equal in height to the fallen guardian or the dark high elf, but his physique was significantly more muscular than his counterparts.  His hide was a mixture of black and silver that mesmerized anyone foolish enough to look at him long enough due to the swirling patterns.

“General Nero Oggoamak…how nice of you to join us” replied Kana smoothly.  She turned her head resolutely away from Dükker and looked around the trees for the others who should be arriving for the council.

“Where are the others?” Lord Aellenas questioned pointedly.  He did not like being in close proximity to the brutish orcs and their lack of concern for personal hygiene.  The stench made his eyes begin to water.  His visage darkened as he did not hide his disgust for the beast by shielding his mouth with the sleeve of his robe.

“I did not realize that you were still in charge Dükker” retorted General Nero darkly.  “I thought your poor performance against the giants and elves in south Landen would have earned you a demotion by now.”  He sneered at the warlock menacingly making sure to show all of his yellowed teeth.  He relished the opportunity to insult an elf, even if they were on the same side now.  Wars did not last forever; he would get his chance to deal with the vile elf then.

“No one has been demoted” interjected Kana sharply.  “We need every leader at the moment…even if that leader had been unsuccessful in taking the southern cliffs with over three hundred and fifty thousand soldiers!”  She gave Dükker a quick side glance that made it clear that she was not pleased with him at all.  Anger, distrust, and loathing seemed palatable in the air.  The atmosphere was oppressive with it and was becoming more substantive the longer they tarried.

Sorry to interrupt, but I for one would like to get this meeting started so that I can get out of this cursed place
” said a gravelly voice in the minds of the bickering leaders.  There was a grating quality to the voice that made each of them cringe.  All three of them cast their eyes upward to see Lord Trahern towering over them.  They were all shocked that he was able to sneak up on them without making a noise.  He was, after all, twice their height and weighed several thousand pounds more than all of them put together.  The rock troll leader merely looked down at them with a blank look.

“Welcome Lord Trahern.  Where is General Yuki?” Kana asked her gargantuan leader.  She felt more confidence now that he was there.  She thought it was interesting how her opinion of the rock trolls had changed.

She is managing the attack on Mount Carrick and decided that she could not break away for this council.  I will represent the trolls and the goblins
” replied the massive rock troll impassively.  His quiet confidence was a welcome change to the oppressive feeling in the air.

“That will be just fine.  Now, what about Generals Akuji, Maurizio, Synan, and Tomo?  Where are they?” asked the increasingly impatient guardian. 
I need to get this meeting started now…time is working against us!
  Flames starting to outline her as her anger spiraled out of control once more.

“Sorry for my late arrival, oh patient one, the journey from the south is not as easy as it once was” replied General Akuji.  He was the largest orc in all of Tarin armies.  He was the same height at General Nero, but he was much thicker around the chest.

“Where is Maurizio?” pressed Kana even more irritably.  The flames around her started small fires around her.  The oppressive nature of the air thickened and now the gathered leaders were beginning to notice the change.  Many cast their eyes around in a sneering fashion as though someone or something was responsible for their discomfort.

“He is managing our armies that are surrounding Mount Adem.  We have had some complications arise there that he is dealing with” replied Tadok K’K.  His muscles tensed as he shifted uncomfortably.  He wanted out of there the moment he arrived.

“Very well…I assume that Generals Synan and Tomo are managing the assault on the southern cliffs…”  She was clearly agitated and was not hiding her feelings very well at the moment.  She did not realize that she was making herself so vulnerable to the others by allowing her emotions to get the better of her.  It was difficult to hide since flames were shooting out at random directions.

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